Collide Gamer

Chapter 195 – Cleansing

Chapter 195 – Cleansing


Nathalia inspected the frozen Aclysia, only stopping for one moment to wipe some cum from her chin. Waving her hand in front of the guardian’s eyes, she chuckled. “Completely removed from reality, just adorable,” she said, “but the correct reaction to my presence for someone like you. However, I tire of being ignored by a mere servant and I will not degrade myself to preparing my own bath if someone like you is here.”

She grabbed Aclysia’s chin and kissed her on the lips, although it more strongly resembled the resuscitation effort a lifeguard gave somebody he saved from drowning. The combination of the fire Nathalia breathed into her, the sudden gesture itself, and the strong taste of her Master’s semen on the dragoness’ lips snapped Aclysia out of her comatose state.

“What?” she asked, after hurriedly pulling her lips back, and looking around. Her eyes went wide. Last time she had seen the room, for her just a second ago, everything had been orderly. Now the candles were burned down, the lounger destroyed, bent into a shape where lying on it was impossible, and toppled over. Floor and walls were covered in claw marks and everything reeked of semen and sweat.

“Be a good girl and prepare the bath,” Nathalia commanded Aclysia and pointed over her shoulder, at the door she had entered from. Even completely covered in white gooey cum the dragoness didn’t miss any of her natural superiority. “You will find the necessary things there. No bubbles.”

“Where is my Master?” Aclysia instead asked and looked around.

“Here,” John raised a hand from behind the lounger so that Aclysia could see him. “Congratulations on being able to move while Nathalia is around,” he said in a dry tone. Every last drop of liquid felt like it had been expunged from his body. “Please do what she says before she loses patience and kills us both, thank you…”

“…also try finding me some drinkable water, I am literally dying.”

“Yes, at once, Master,” Aclysia hurried, completely confused but feeling the earnestness in John’s words through their connection. She bowed in front of the pervert dragon before vanishing in the neighbouring room.

Nathalia walked back over to him and stared down. Aside from the scales at her hands and feet, which had regrown sometime during their debauchery, she had remained in her human form. “You might be in trouble with your employer for what we did to this room,” John tried his hand at a joke.

Unimpressed, Nathalia blew air out of her nose, it was accompanied by a bit of fire. “What are they going to do, threaten to fire me?” she asked and crossed her arms. John shrugged while laying and suppressed pointing out the obvious pun here.

“I have a lot of questions,” he pivoted.

Nathalia raised an eyebrow, “You always seem to. I am not going to answer in this state, however,” she gestured at herself. “As fun as this was in the heat of the moment, I now feel sticky, and dried sexual fluids are disgusting. You will have to wait until I feel satisfactorily cleansed. Speaking of which, I will see if your servant is worth my while. She has taken in almost as much of my power as you have and I am interested in the results.”

“What are you going to do?” John asked, mildly worried.

“Nothing that would harm her,” Nathalia waved off and, swinging her hips, changed rooms. He would have followed, but aside from sluggishly moving his arms, he couldn’t really do much. The closest thing he had ever felt like this was when he had been hit with a really bad flu. The whole world was a muffled haze.

He just kept his mind’s eye on Aclysia and hoped that nothing bad would happen. He would probably miss it even then, he was having a hard time keeping the connection stable. ‘Well, might as well check my pop-ups,’ John thought and went through the catalogue.

That was new. So, he now took less damage from fire attacks. Neat. The Stats were a nice bonus (although after the last few… hours? he wasn’t sure if he wanted more Libido in his life right now). Overall, it was a nice finisher to Nathalia’s help, from which he had profited more than enough now. ‘I should probably stop indebting myself to powerful women… although, so far, it has been ending pretty well for me,’ John thought and went on to the next window.

Okay, what the hell. That wasn’t just good, that was crazy good. To be honest he had hoped to get this effect sooner or later, he had seen it several times before after all. Sylph got 6 points per level for example, although for her it had calculated it retroactively.

He would have liked being handed 80 points, one for every one of his levels he had, for basically nothing. However, Gaia didn’t tick that way. Well, he would have more level-ups in the future, no reason to sweat it. Other examples of this effect in action included Romulus, his goddesses, Nathalia and Thana. Basically, everyone who was or had been a truly OP entity. He was more than happy to become a part of that club.

An exhausted tap and the next window came up.

Oh great, well, better change into that class then, see what the deal was.

The deal was awful and he wanted nothing to do with it. Better go back to Elementalist quickly. While doing that John noticed that he could have levelled-up Lover Boy again. Apparently, he had cleared all Challenges that had spawned while not even looking at it. Not a real surprise, the things he had done to Nathalia’s body…

He did decide against using that level. He could only spend a total of eight class levels as of now and he was already at five. He did not want to waste more of that precious space on fun-time bonuses when he was about to fight in a tournament that would decide the fate of Europe.

To the next window.

Well, that sounded ominous. Checking with his inventory he saw the item in the list. However, fearing this to be another Dragonscale situation, he left it where it was for the moment. He would Observe it soon enough, no reason to hurry.

Ah, the reason why he had originally gone here. Well, that class level would go straight into Elementalist. Time to check on those perks.

Obviously, the first choice was going to be broken. It would also effectively kill all four of the girls he had contracted, and he loved them, therefore, that wasn’t an option. That went out without a second thought. Elemental Resistance 1, on the other hand, was the smart choice, giving him some more baseline defences. He really didn’t want another elemental right now. Maybe he would pick it up another time in the future, if it popped up again. He raised his hand and clicked the button for the second option.

A bottle of water was jammed into his mouth out of nowhere. John tensed as the cool wetness spilled into his throat. His body really needed that liquid, but the suddenness in combination with his parched throat, not that drinking while lying down was a pleasant thing to start with, caused his body to revolt. The obvious end result was that John coughingly struggled to take control of the situation. He got his hand on the bottle and ripped it from his face in a coughing fit, while also trying his best to drink the whole damn thing.

“God dammit, that almost killed me, what the hell?!” John complained to Aclysia, without even looking at her. “What were you thinking?” he said, knowing he would have to apologize for that comment later but he was a bit worked up right now. At least that litre of water had removed the dehydration debuff and with it the exhaustion had been pushed down to minor, the level of his hunger.

The growling at his side made John realize that he had just made a terrible mistake. Nathalia, squatting at his side, had cleaned herself from his spunk and now stared at him with burning fury.

“I will open your skull, John Newman,” she threatened and placed her clawed index finger between his eyes. “Let us see how much of your ‘superior’ intellect still matters when your brain is removed and squashed under my scaled heel.”

“I-I am very sorry, I thought you were Aclysia,” John stammered.

“You better be,” Nathalia gave him a last warning glance with her dragon eyes before blinking and returning them to their hazel colour. The claw was pulled back. “I don’t afford niceness to many people.”

On one hand, John could acknowledge that her bringing him water was her definition of nice. On the other, he wasn’t sure how much stock he wanted to put in that.

And he chose the wrong perk by accident. Fantastic. In his flailing he must have hit the wrong button. Well, he was smarter than to actually point the blame at Nathalia, even if it was her fault. ‘Guess my harem grows… or it will be a guy… No, I’d rather have too many girls than be permanently hooked up to a man… maybe a pet like Copernicus would be okay?’ John came to terms with what had just happened rather quickly. No use crying over spilled milk.

“I have taken a quick rinsing and your servant is currently changing the water,” Nathalia informed him and rose from her kneeling position. John nodded, he wouldn’t have wanted to take a bath in a tub that was 50% his cum.

“Great, can you help me up?” John asked, he was recovering now, but he was still a bit shaky. Nathalia looked at the hand he extended with a raised eyebrow. “Come on, I coated your whole body with semen, came inside you until your stomach was bloated, took in your essence and now you don’t want to take my hand?” John asked. He was pushing it, but by now he was relatively sure that Nathalia wouldn’t kill him, only hurt him very badly. In the past months he had gone through some excruciatingly painful experiences, the prospect of some minor punishment didn’t faze him anymore.

“One is a sign of me accepting that your skills as a lover are outstanding, John Newman. This would be a sign of friendship,” her mouth formed a thoughtful frown, “And if you are deserving of that I am less certain.”

“I am,” John urged. If he wanted to, he could have picked himself up, but he wanted to see how far he could pull her his way. Against his better instincts, he still desired this socially tyrannic woman.

Hesitatingly, Nathalia grabbed his hand and pulled him upwards. When he was halfway standing Nathalia let go and he fell back on his butt. It was a petty, if only minorly painful gesture. One John hadn’t expected from the goddess. A little prank like this seemed outside her typical range of punishments.

“That is for your arrogance and for calling me an idiot,” Nathalia said and now extended her hand towards him, this time she was smirking. He took it without concern and this time he was pulled all the way up, right against her lips. He felt the fire from deep inside her as he was once again hit with her blessing. His body felt stronger immediately, strength in his legs was restored, although he could feel all of his sores and aches, particularly his hunger, with greater intensity as well. “Be careful who you try to become more than friends with, John,” Nathalia purred into his ear after the kiss broke. “My interest in you might just overtake my interest in your potential. Then, I will make it so you will never leave me. Us dragons hoard things we like.”

It wasn’t an empty threat and yet he had an answer that wanted to break from his lips. “How about you join my hoard of girls instead?” he suggested.

“I see no reason why I should take that offer, I already own you,” the dragoness distanced herself from him and took the lead into the neighbouring room. John followed her with a close look at her ass. He may have been limp right now, even refilled balls couldn’t get his brain to tell him that he was ready again, but he still knew what was worth marvelling at.

The room with the whirlpool was a basic thing which originally had only that design purpose: to be a room with a whirlpool. The tub in question was big enough for about four people and square in shape. Aside from that the room would have been insignificant.

Nathalia however, had apparently declared this her temporary home. In a corner, barely hidden by a barrier of ripped drapes bolted to the ceiling with obsidian shards, was a sleeping area filled with pillows. Outside of that isolated area was a giant fridge plugged into a random socket and a telephone station simply resting on the ground. A trashcan lazily stood in between the concentrated mess. ‘I didn’t think her to be an orderly person, but neither did I imagine her to just stack everything on top like me when I am on the end of a three day rank-grinding marathon,’ John thought.

“I have taken a liking to your species' modern luxuries. They are much easier to acquire than the enchanted equivalent,” Nathalia, not in the slightest bothered by the chaos, opened the fridge. John took the time to glance over to Aclysia. Whatever Nathalia had done to her couldn’t have been that bad, as the Artificial Guardian looked fine, but concentrating deeply, as she checked on the water temperature until she nodded in satisfaction.

Also, unsurprisingly, Aclysia was naked. She smiled at John to signal her well-being, before shooting a bothered glance at the pile of chaos. Her servant soul seemed challenged to clean this mess. Unless Nathalia allowed her to, she was doomed to inaction.

The dragoness grabbed something from the fridge and tossed it at John. He caught it without a problem and looked at the chocolate bar now in his hands. “Another great thing of this century. I am surprised by the advances you mortals have made in the short time I was asleep,” the dragoness stated as she grabbed five more of the chocolate bars and kept them all to herself. “Especially after you spent the previous millennia rising from filth and then dropping back into it,” she added after finishing the first two bars in a matter of seconds. “Servant, how are you on the water?”

“It is all prepared, mistress,” Aclysia bowed deeply and respectfully before Nathalia. John blinked in confusion as he chewed on the cold-hardened caramel within the chocolate bar. Aclysia bowed deeper before Nathalia than him. In a way he felt wronged, mostly however he understood. Unlike him, Nathalia actually felt that it was her right to be addressed this way, he, on the other hand, simply found it pleasing.

“Good,” Nathalia was already finished with all of her treats and threw the plastic remains into the trash. “Strip.”

Aclysia tilted her head in confusion, “Excuse me, mistress, but I am already naked.”

“No, you are not, you have taken the shape of a naked body,” Nathalia pointed out, “show me what you really look like.”

Aclysia hesitated and looked to John for guidance. He signalled her to obey and the colouration of her skin changed from pale to pitch black in several areas. The original figurine had the illusion of lingerie, coming from removed plastic plates from the exterior of an android. Now Aclysia reverted to that state, for the most part. She kept her hair as it was, not like the block it started as.

Nathalia didn’t notice that subtle change. “Now, let us clean up, especially you, John,” Nathalia wrinkled her nose, “the smell of lovemaking, as exciting as it is in the moments of heat, is an annoying reminder that we stopped fucking. Also, I prefer clean lovers.” John’s eyes darted over to the chaos of her living situation. Well, he could say what he wanted about the state of tidiness in the room, but it was clean, so at least she was consistent in that regard.

They got into the whirlpool together. Aclysia activated the bubbling function. John wasn’t particularly a fan of it. The stirring waters denied him a clear view of the dragoness’ naked form beneath the water. However, her tits were still in plain view, so he had a nice enough scenery. He felt his dick twitch.

“Now, before I answer those questions of yours,” Nathalia began and gestured in Aclysia’s direction. In an act probably planned while he had been going through his windows, Aclysia grabbed a sponge, and started rubbing the areas of John’s body that were not submerged clean with the warm water. “Tell me what you have been doing while I was gone. I am interested in how this affair of yours concluded.”

“Well, once I returned to the barrier, I found I had lost a week,” he started. He felt a bit silly, retelling everything while Aclysia kept giving him a sponge bath. Nonetheless, he went through the whole story, sometimes taking a break to chew on the chocolate bar. “…and now earlier today I confirmed that I would be taking part in the tournament in front of a live audience,” he ended his tale, now largely clean. “Oh, and I got an item called Purgatory right now.”

“Interesting,” Nathalia commented. “May I see that Purgatory item? After the weapon you got by taking me up the ass I am wondering what else you will get by interacting with me.”

“Sure, I am rather curious myself,” John said and carefully pulled the item from his inventory.

His worry about it being like the Dragonscale and crashing into the tub was lessened by the dragoness around, she could react and catch it before it did any damage. It turned out to be unfounded anyway. The item that ended in his hand was an armguard of ebon metal. It looked surprisingly plain, just two simple plates to protect his arm, a big one at the top, a smaller one at the bottom, connected through dark leather bands.

John put the armguard on with a raised eyebrow to test its claim. While he was right handed, he would have had problems closing the leather bands with his left hand, so it went on his off arm. He also didn’t want super sharp claws on the hand he used to grab things. The metal was of a naturally pleasant warmth on his skin. He wanted it to activate and, surprisingly, it did just like that.

In a flashy display of fire, the guard doused everything from his elbow downwards in cold flames. A moment later they vanished and left his arm covered with black obsidian scales, exactly like the ones Nathalia had. Even his hand looked like hers. Well, only in design, his fingers weren’t nearly as slender and elegant even if they ended in extremely sharp claws. His right hand was completely normal though.

Wordlessly, Nathalia grabbed his arm and inspected it. “I approve of this,” was what she had to say, “not quite as hard as my own scales, but a satisfactory replica.”

“You can try it,” John dared her with a wide grin, “It is Indestructible.”

The dragoness raised an eyebrow, “and here I thought you a good listener.” Her hand around his hand closed with the genuine intention to shatter the exterior. When she didn’t immediately succeed, the muscles in her arm tensed up. John kept his grin until her fingers broke the scales. Much weaker than the armour, his wrist was crushed and broken like a bundle of twigs under the wheel of a tractor. “FUCK!” he exclaimed as he pulled his hand back. The pain wasn’t as bad as having his chest ripped open, but he had not been prepared in the slightest, so it was more the shock than the actual pain that made him cry out.

His wrist, pinched together to less than half of its natural width, fixed itself thanks to Gamer’s Body, but the scales that guarded his arm were shattered for good and crumbled into the whirlpool. Aclysia fished them out before they could cut anyone or get into the drainage and destroy some pipes.

“Not quite as indestructible as you make it out to be,” Nathalia drily commented. “A statement, may I remind you, that you made AFTER I told you that it wasn’t as hard as my own scales. Do not test my knowledge on this, mortal,” she added.

Furrowing his eyebrows, John checked on the Attribute description.

“Ah, the shit kind of indestructible,” he groaned, chiding himself for not checking first. ‘That’s what I get for wanting to boast.’

The item must still have been incredibly hard, to have taken Nathalia physical effort to crush. Seeing what that kind of force did to his wrist, John decided that it was very good armour. Once he got it fixed up. Craft revealed the rather absurd cost of 20000 Mana, however. ‘Well, here goes fixing it slowly,’ John thought and dumped his current mana on the item. Then he put it back in his inventory, he would check on the new and complete form of the necklace, and the remaining details of Purgatory’s attributes, another time.

“Now, one last thing before you get to satisfy your curiosity,” Nathalia said, “Where did you leave Salamander?”

A good question actually. The blaze elemental had been surprisingly quiet for the entirety of the past hours. “Well, I still have her contracted. Let me check what she is up to right now,” John told the dragoness and turned his attention into his mind.

‘LET ME GO OUT!’ he heard Salamander cry out.

‘I am sorry, Salamander, but this is for your best,’ Gnome told her.

‘Yeah, Sally, we looked in John’s memory, all you will do is make her very angry, like super angry, she probably is still angry. Oh hey, John is listening, HEY JOHN!’ he could practically hear Sylph waving at the camera, even though he couldn’t see her, ‘can you ask the scary dragon if she is still angry? Also, can you ask if she actually has googly eyes?’

‘John,’ Gnome turned to him, ‘can you ask Nathalia what she plans to do to Salamander?’

‘Sure thing?’ he gave a confused confirmation. “Why are you interested in her by the way?” John carefully asked, keeping a concentrated face as if he was still searching.

“I want to give her a piece of my mind for the work she put me through. Refilling my water storage is an annoying task,” Nathalia said and made the unsubtle gesture of cracking her knuckles.

‘See? I told you!’ Gnome’s voice echoed through his thoughts. ‘You are not going out there until we are 200 metres away from any source of water!’

‘Stop being such a bossy bitch Gnome!’

‘I-I’ll do what I have to protect my family, even if you hate me for it!...but please don’t hate me for it…’

“She is currently away and preoccupied,” John lied, distancing his thoughts from the continued discussion. Nathalia stood up in the whirlpool and sat back down next to John. She leaned against him, pressing her huge tits against his shoulder. “Are you certain you can’t get her here?” an unscaled hand brushed over his cock as the words gently caressed his left ear. Apparently, he was ready for a new round now, his cock quickly hardening at the touch.

However, he had his Wisdom back, so he gulped down his lust-induced stupidity and answered, “Nope, sorry.”

“A shame,” Nathalia climbed over him and straddled her legs over his.

“Wouldn’t this have been the reward for fulfilling your request?” John wondered as Nathalia aligned his cock with her pussy.

“No, the reward would have been to give you the lead again,” the dragoness said and bit her full lower lip. “As if I would waste any erection as satisfying as yours, John,” she said after his head pressed into her, against all laws of common sense, tightly clenching pussy lips.

With a lustful sigh, she descended. John grabbed her ass and his mouth caught one of the nipples in front of his face. In the corner of his eye he saw Aclysia morph back into naked form and masturbate to the sight of her Master being ridden. With her job of cleaning him done, that was a very valid thing to do.

“Didn’t you have questions for me?” Nathalia, slowly bouncing up and down in his lap, asked. The tall woman looked down on him.

“Ye-Ah, I guess,” John answered, having reluctantly stopped sucking her tit, “but is now the best time?”

“I have given you permission, what is stopping you?” Nathalia’s hips gyrated, her lips curving into a knowing smile. Aclysia let out an envious whimper.

“Well…” John started.

“Unable to think while being fucked by the most gorgeous being in the world?” Nathalia bent her back and guided his mouth to hers for a short kiss. “We both know that I am merely toying with you right now, mortal, get those questions over with so that we can continue where we left off earlier.”

“No more drugs, please,” John pleaded, he wasn’t sure if his nerves would survive another experience of that intensity.

“Don’t disappoint and we won’t have to resort to such tactics,” Nathalia promised him. It was the best deal he was going to get, so he moved on.

“Why are you here, in Cologne, and why in this spa?”

“For you, of course,” Nathalia answered and moaned while she impaled herself on his full length in a swift descent. For a moment she concentrated on fucking him, giving him a moment to satisfy a question she wouldn’t answer herself.

‘Well, neither do I, Gaia, and I gave her enough dick for a lifetime, so that won’t make her love me,’ John thought and felt something twinge inside him. ‘Wait, why does that make me sad? OH GOD, now I am starting to fall for her? Help! I am falling in love with a dragon!’

“And this spa is an outpost of the Illuminati, so this is where I could hide the easiest.” At least he was now properly distracted.

“Wait, so you are a part of the Illuminati?” he asked.

“No, Horn is.”


“The Horned Rat, he doesn’t have a real name, so we all come up with our own.”

“How about Richard?” John suggested, “You know, because he is a dick.”

Nathalia produced a throaty laugh and John smirked at the small success. “He is indeed an irritating fellow at times. Anyhow, I am staying here because he told me to. If it is about hiding from Romulus, I leave the planning to him.” She clenched her teeth for a moment and then let out a drawn out moan, stopping as a minor orgasm rocked her body.

John waited for her to start moving again for his next question. “What did you do to Pompeii?”

“I buried it under enough lava to eradicate the city,” Nathalia spelled out.

He nodded, that was the answer he had expected, before he condemned her for it he had to know more, however. “Why?”

Nathalia stopped moving and looked him in the eye. “It is a rather long tale…” she began and laid down the events of that day, and what led to it. How Romulus wanted to kill Gaia, how the Babylonians had tried the same, and failed, how she had lost her horn and with it a large portion of her power, how she had come to know everyone involved. At the end John didn’t know whose idea to support, but he was certain that Romulus’ gamble should not have threatened so many people.

“You did the right thing,” John spoke of his conviction.

Nathalia paused for one meaningful second, then snorted, “Like I care about your morals, I wanted to save my own skin.”

“You could have run if that was the case,” John argued.

“The risk of running would have been as great as the risk I took. With fighting I at least had my fate in my own hands,” Nathalia reprimanded him. He was about to add more when Nathalia put a finger on his lips. “Don’t try to paint me as a benevolent being, John Newman,” she growled. “I am a goddess of destruction, I eradicate whatever I wish, just because I can. If Gaia ever vanishes, don’t think that I will stop at your helpless cities. You mortals either entertain me or you die.” She pulled back her finger.

“I think you are way more than you give yourself credit for,” John immediately said and silenced her incoming warnings with a fervent kiss. “Aren’t you the goddess of volcanoes?” he asked. “The greatest, most fertile ground is the one that was burned before. Don’t characterize yourself as only a negative force when there are benign parts of you. You are a force of nature, not some Saturday morning cartoon villain.”

The growl now leaving her throat had nothing feminine to it, reminding him more of vibrations before an earthquake. The water turned so hot that John was afraid it would start boiling at any moment as Nathalia’s eyes turned amber and her horns grew from her skull, pushing out as molten rock before hardening into their segmented form. The inferno inside her raged at an unknown heat, threatening to turn John, especially the parts of him still inside her, into a piece of coal.

“So, you choose to die?” she spat out, her eyes burning into his. Yet, he didn’t flinch, instead his hands found their ways upwards and framed her face.

“I choose to tell you that you are beautiful in more than the one way you seem to be convinced of.” He shrugged, he wasn’t without fear, but his wish to be honest with her was stronger. “If I am wrong, prove it, kill me and prove to yourself and the world that you are just a two-dimensional monster.”

Nathalia’s lips pulled back and revealed her sharp, carnivorous teeth, perfect to rip flesh from bone. Her maw opened. Aclysia fell forwards in a panic, closing her hands around the goddess’ throat, in an attempt to stop her somehow, but Nathalia’s teeth came closer to John’s face as if the guardian wasn’t even there. John could count them, each and every single one sharp enough to be used as a scalpel during an operation. Their whiteness reflected in his eyes and they snapped shut.

He flinched only slightly, an unnecessary gesture, the bite would have missed him either way. The inferno continued and John could see it brimming in her golden eyes, felt it on the palms of his hands, resting on her cheeks. She tried to find something in his eyes, some reason to doubt his words, anything that gave her an excuse not to kill him aside from proving him right. She only found honesty.

“You are lucky you are endearing,” Nathalia finally rumbled, defeated, and pushed Aclysia off her like she was a fly that had landed on her arm. The guardian was just relieved that they would live to see another day, even if she took an unpleasant fall to the floor for it.

John, in an ecstatically good mood, smirked, and said, “You keep telling yourself that,” and kissed her again. The heat vanished, but her horns stayed, as did her eyes remain in their godly gold.

Now her blood was ignited, however, and she took the frustration of having lost this contest out on riding him with reckless abandon. “Continu-ah-e yourrr questions, John,” she moaned. Concentrating was kind of hard, but he would have to manage if he wanted answers today.

“What did you do these past 3 months?” he wanted to know, pushing his words out one by one.

“Mhm-missed me?” Nathalia countered the question with one of her own. “In earnest: I caught up with the world and what was happening in this age. I also needed to repay some favourssss,” she hissed the last syllable; John had taken to sucking on her nipples again.

For a moment he forgot all about asking questions and thrusted into Nathalia instead. Her wild ride had brought him close to orgasm and only a few more impaling movements, combined with Nathalia’s pussy wringing around him, as the dragoness came herself, brought him over the edge. The load he shot into her was pitiful compared to what he had produced earlier, but still more than the average man could hope to produce even when backed up.

Consequently, Nathalia kept him inside of her, even as his dick became half-limp inside her. She knew that he would recover if she only waited for a bit. “One last question: Can you ask Richard to decode his prophecy for me?” John requested.

Nathalia shook her head, “I do not involve myself in his schemes if I have the choice. I do not have the patience to keep up with gods of knowledge. Besides, if he wanted you to know anything, he would have given it to me before I came here.”

John sighed, “I guess,” he admitted. “Well, that’s all I wanted to know. What now?”

“Now,” Nathalia slowly rotated her hips as she felt John’s vigor growing again, “you will use that young and able cock of yours to justify the rewards I want to give you in the future.” She looked to the side where Aclysia had taken to masturbating again. “You can have that servant of yours help you. I warn you, if she tries to choke me one more time I don’t guarantee that she will have a neck herself afterwards."

“Deal,” John agreed, as if there had ever been a choice.

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