Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 50 – Unveiling secrets

Chapter 50 – Unveiling secrets

Once Anko and I head inside our room her patience wears out.



“No more games Yami. Don’t you trust us?”

*Sigh* She had to hit me where it hurts… 
I’ve let out too much to justify everything with some random lie.

“First you were aware of Danzo, the hidden darkness of Konoha.
“Second you had me warn Kakashi about a new Mizukage. That information was only confirmed weeks later but it spared Kakashi from a bitter fight against a strong enemy.
“And lastly… You knew them. Hidan and Kakuzo, you knew everything about them. How?”

I think long and hard… I trust Anko with my life. I guess in some way, I wanted to be caught when I first let her know about Danzo and had her warn Kakashi.

If I want the girls to be true allies I will need to trust them with my secrets as well, I can’t just keep them in the dark forever.

“I had… you can say a vision.”

Anko listens and lets me continue.

“An extremely long and detailed vision, from close to the end of the Academy to a few years into the future, as much as I don’t want it to be true everything it has shown me has been true.”

“You could have told us, we would have believed you.”

“Yes… but I was never in that vision. And I’ve chosen to change it… for my own selfish desires and unacceptance of our role in it.”

“Was it that bad?”

“You have no idea… Akatsuki is a big part of it, there is even the greatest ninja war of all, the 4th, with over 50 thousand casualties.
In a part of it, even Hinata died, then got resurrected right after by the enemy. THE VISION MAKES NO SENSE.”

Anko gulps.

“I can’t trust such a future, and by now it’s all changing so much so fast, yet I feel I’m still powerless to fight it.”

“It’s okay Yami, you can tell us, we will trust and help you.”

“Do you want to know Anko?”


“What is in those memories he took from you…”


I could have told Anko what happened but I realised another way.

I hold onto Anko’s hand and focus on her mind.
‘Can you hear me Anko?’
‘Yes Yami, is this… that mind-talking power you got from Ino?’
‘Telepathy, yes, I had noticed it also allows me to much more clearly understand a person's mind, what each part does, and in yours… I see a small spot where Orochimaru's jutsu is holding onto those memories. I’m going to try to clear it.’

I focus my senses deep inside Anko’s brain.
In her hippocampus where memories are stored, I lightly prod the murky chakra afflicting it.
I take my time, doing it calmly and cleaning only a little at a time.
Once I’m done Anko hugs me

“I remember now Yami… I remember”

Anko now remembers her choice. How she had never been abandoned by Orochimaru, but instead chose Konoha over defecting with him.

Without those memories, she had constantly doubted her own worth and was full of resentment for Orochimaru. Now her hate has faded, knowing she had left him, choosing to follow her own morals instead.

“Thank you, Yami. That is one mystery solved. You wouldn’t happen to know about the mark as well?”

“Ahh that cursed thing… it’s bad, I know it's based in senjutsu and besides the power it can grant when unleashed, its use also corrodes the user’s mind. But both of those are not the main purpose behind the mark.

“Then what is it for exactly?”

“It’s Orochimaru’s attempt at immortality. Unable to prolong his own body’s lifespan any longer he’s developed forbidden methods to take over other people’s bodies by having his consciousness split between all the marks he can take over a user whose mind has been heavily corroded from the mark.”

“Bloody hell”

Just like horcruxes Ronald, yes…

“He’s a monster Yami.”

“Yes, just the implantation of the seal killed 9 people before you Anko, it’s unknown how many innocents have already died in his pursuit.”

Anko laughs…

“What’s funny??”

“He went to all that trouble, and you just fucked immortality into Tsunade in one night… So enough of my personal dramas… what’s going to happen now, according to the vision?”

“Nothing of interest until the Chunin exams. Then all hell breaks loose.”

“How bad?”

“Orochimaru attacks, hundreds of innocents perish as he unleashes a freaking bijou upon the village.
The third Hokage sacrifices his own life trying to stop Orochimaru and only after that do Juraiya and Naruto get sent to find Tsunade to take the mantle of 5th Hokage.”

“So we are already doing things out of order?”

“Yes, hence I wasn’t too insistent on getting Tsunade to come back… but I also lack a concrete plan to stop Orochimaru.
If Tsunade comes early I have no idea what the repercussions will be on those events and how future evens will spiral after.”

“Hmmm, I see. I have a few ideas then, But thats for after… we speak with the others.

“As for now… you deserve some punishment”

I look at Anko and she smiles back.

She wants to punish me but I'm not falling for her antics again.
I move my hand to her neck.

“What are you doing Yami?”

“I’m sorry it took me this long to realize Anko. The signs had been there all along but I had been too blind to see them.”

“Let go of me right now Yami!” Anko smiles wider.

“If you truly didn’t want this, you wouldn’t have let me touch you in the first place, or would have moved away.”


I slap Anko in the face hard.


All this time, I thought Anko was a hard sadist...
Constantly teasing us, she practically threw Hinata and Sakura into my lap and even now she threw Tsunade and Ino into my lap and she's already cooking Shizune for me.

At first, I though she was just wanting to mess with the girls to please her own sadism...
After my near-death experience the other day. I could finally see Anko for what she truly is…

“You masochistic cuckquean brat.”


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