Counterattack System appeared when I'm already At The Mahayana Realm

Chapter 134 - 133: The Largest Hunt in Human History

Chapter 134: Chapter 133: The Largest Hunt in Human History

Translator: 549690339

“Buying all the brain cores, that might be…”

In the office, Commissioner Wang offered an apologetic smile: “Of course, I don’t doubt Mr. Luo Ying’s financial capacity. However, as you all know, brain cores are strategic resources. If we sell them all to you, the enhancers in the Fortune Coming District might object.”

Commissioner Wang heard about the deeds of these three plucky individuals from Brother Mouse. They already surpassed what science could explain, so he had to tread carefully. If he angered them with the wrong remark, it would spell disaster.

“Half. ”

“Even half is too much unless you can tell me what these brain cores are for,” Commissioner Wang probed. “Are you planning to establish a safe zone? If that’s the case, the Fortune Coming District can provide other assistance.” Luo Ying shook his head.

“You know what happened in Qi Yu City. We just helped your district solve the zombie tide,” Jiang Li said, observing Brother Mouse’s actions through his Divine Sense.

Commissioner Wang was surprised, not knowing how Jiang Li knew what he knew.

Jiang Li continued, “Moreover, if we want to defeat the zombies, we need a large number of brain cores.”

Commissioner Wang fell silent for a while, then finally spoke: “When I say you three are heroes of humanity, I mean it. I trust you. The Fortune Coming

District has six thousand Tier-I brain cores, we will sell two-thirds to you.” As Commissioner Wang finished speaking, it felt like a huge weight lifted from his heart, a sense of relief washing over him.

“In a month, you’ll see the result of today’s decision.” Jiang Li said, grinning.

Four thousand brain cores would save them a lot of trouble.

It was long after Luo Ying and Luo Zhu left that Commissioner Wang suddenly slapped his forehead with regret, “I forgot to ask about Jiang Li’s background. I wonder if our ancestor, old man Wang, could have left some revelation.”

Over this month, Luo Ying and Luo Zhu went around setting traps for the zombies. Anytime a Tier-3 zombie appeared that could trigger a zombie tide and breach a safe zone, they would encounter a killing formation before reaching the safe zone. The Tier-I and Tier-2 zombies were all killed leaving only the bare Tier-3 zombie to be battered.

Luo Ying once warned the sate zone to be cautious ot the zombie tide. However, when it reached the time he predicted, not a single zombie shadow was seen. They thought Luo Ying was spreading baseless fears.

But after witnessing the shocking scene of the million headless zombies, no one in the safe zone dared to question Luo Ying anymore.

The siblings also went to various safe zones to buy brain cores, but not all the commissioners of the safe zones were as trusting of the siblings as Commissioner Wang. Some safe zones were only willing to sell a thousand brain cores, and there were even safe zones asking if they could sell their brain cores to them.

In the end, they still accumulated more brain cores from the zombie tides than they bought.

The surface of the sea was calm with no ripples, like a dead pool. But everyone knew that the sea was hiding the most terrifying zombies.

The small squad stationed by the sea watched the water and chatted idly,

“What rank do you think Whale Zombies are?”

Unlike the later stages of the apocalypse, currently, the safe zones openly took the threat of the ocean seriously, sending squads to report any activity by the sea at all times.

Some people thought it was a boring question: “Didn’t Luo Ying already say that? Fourth tier, what is there to talk about?”

“I think you all are glorifying Luo Ying too much. He was just lucky and reckless, daring to be the first to absorb brain cores. If I’d been more courageous then, absorbed the cores, I would have been the big boss.”

“Makes sense. You can’t fully trust Luo Ying’s words. He was only a Tier-I enhancer at the time, without a detector. How could he determine the Whale Zombies were Tier-4, he’s got better vision than machines?”

“We’re all Tier-I enhancers now. Can anyone here determine the Whale Zombie’s rank by mere sight?”

“What can we do if he’s luckier than us? Besides, he’s got a cute and pretty little sister to please the eyes.”

“Guys, watch out! There’s movement on the sea surface!”

Upon hearing this, the team members’ hearts leapt into their throats. They no longer cared about their discussion and focused on the ocean.

The sea appeared to be influenced by something, suddenly causing huge waves and gusts of wind, forming whirlpools.

The zombie feared by humanity the most, emerged from the whirlpool, letting out a harrowing hum, like a death knell marking the doom of mankind.

“Yong Gu Area, this is the Ocean Observation Team. We’ve spotted Whale Zombies. I repeat, we’ve spotted Whale Zombies!” The team leader grabbed the communicator, shouting urgently.

“Yong Gu Area confirmed. The number?”

“The detector indicates they are fourth-tier zombies! Four-tier… They’ve seen us… Distance one thousand meters… five hundred…

“Ocean Observation Team, respond if you hear this! Ocean Observation Team, respond if you hear this!”

On the other end of the communicator, only a half-severed arm remained firmly gripping the microphone, unable to respond ever again.

Dozens of whale zombies flapped their wings, dancing in the sky, as if celebrating the imminent extinction of mankind.

Their relentless cries could be heard hundreds of miles away, making the people in the safe zone shudder.

“They’re… coming…”

Compared to the early days of the apocalypse, the whale zombies had become stronger, but they had always remained Tier-4. That was, in a way, good news.

However, none of the safe zones reacted positively to this. Tier-4 or Tier- 5, could they stop a Tier-4 attack?

The closest to the sea was Yong Gu Area, and that’s where the whale zombies headed.

The Yong Gu Area was on standby, their stares fixed on the approaching whale zombies.

As the whale zombies danced wildly, they passed over an empty area, where a massive ice spear suddenly appeared out of nowhere and descended from the sky, piercing their fleshy wings.

Like divine punishment, it nailed the guilty ones to the earth, leaving them to suffer dehydrating torture; dying from exhaustion.

However, the power of the ice spears wasn’t strong enough, not capable of pinning the whale zombies permanently to the ground. They exerted their strength, trying to break free from the ice spears.

The Yong Gu Area military swore that the scene they saw would never blur in their memories.

An ancient and magnificent Formation appeared both above in the sky and below on the ground. Anyone who saw it would be fascinated by the structural aesthetics embedded within, the accumulation of history and wisdom.

Although they didn’t understand the principle, nor the meaning of Formation patterns, everyone could sense the overwhelming power it concealed, a force far more domineering than the brute strength of the whale zombies!

The appearance of the Formation caused a dramatic change in the environment; dark clouds gathered, becoming dark and gloomy.

The Formation, composed of 150,000 points of light, was even more noticeable, like a beacon in the dark, shining brighter than stars and more inspirational.

The amount of materials used in this Formation exceeded Jiang Li’s expectations. In just one short month, they collected 150,000 Tier-I brain cores, 800 Tier-2 brain cores, and six Tier-3 brain cores.

If these brain cores were used for other purposes, they definitely couldn’t defeat the Tier-4 zombies. But under the organization of the Formation, each brain core exerted a force beyond its original spiritual energy!

“Activate the Formation.” Jiang Li said indifferently, as under his all-encompassing Divine Sense covering the entire planet, none of the whale zombie actions were hidden.

Right from the moment planning began a month ago, the fate of the whale zombies was predetermined.

Two Formations above and below firmly trapped the whale zombies between them, as if lying in wait, holding their strength, biding their time until the whale zombies stepped into the trap.

The whale zombies thought humans were the prey, but in the eyes of the determined, they were the most significant prey.

This was to be the greatest hunt in human history!

Now that the prey had taken their place, the two Formations began to turn gradually.

The Samsara Grinding Formation!

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