Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 104: The Light in the Darkness

Chapter 104: The Light in the Darkness

Land-of-Wind, on a huge rock in a desert.

At that moment, on the giant rock, Kabuto, Orochimaru, and Kimimaro were standing there. They looked down on the three corpses lying on the sand.

That's right!

The plot is exactly similar to the original work.

The three corpses lying on the sand are Kazekage Rasa and his two entourages.

After saying goodbye to Gaara, Rasa came to the appointed place and wanted to talk to Orochimaru about the various deployments of the Konoha Crush Plan. During the detailed discussion, the two parties had a very good talk, harmonious and smooth.

Almost as long as Rasa puts forward any suggestions, Orochimaru will readily agree and cooperate very well.

Rasa put down the boulder in his heart. As long as they follow the plan, the biggest beneficiary can be said to be Suna Village.

Rasa didn't expect that just when he was very satisfied and just about to leave, this Orochimaru, who seemed to want to take revenge on Konoha, actually launched a sneak attack on him.

He didn't understand why he died.

Why did Orochimaru kill him?

Are the goals and interests of both parties the same?

It's just this answer; he will never know. In the last scene in his vision, two of his followers were attacked by others, showed an unwilling look, and died in the end.

His strength is so strong that he can subdue the Kazekage of One-Tailed Shukaku with his own power. He didn't even show his full strength, so he died unjustly.

Yakushi-Kabuto, standing next to Orochimaru, asked at this time: "Don't you want to destroy Konoha? There is a strong Kazekage as an ally, isn't it better? Why did you kill him?"

The Yakushi-Kabuto of this period has not completely surrendered to Orochimaru. Although Shimura Danzo issued the order, it was Orochimaru who could kill dozens of orphans.

Yakushi-Kabuto wanted to kill Danzo.

Yakushi-Kabuto also wanted to kill Orochimaru.

But he didn't have this strength.

Orochimaru doesn't mind putting a "time bomb" on his side, giving him a chance of revenge, so Yakushi-Kabuto was willingly used by Orochimaru.

In the original work, Yakushi-Kabuto even once wanted to go to the ward to assassinate Sasuke for disgusting Orochimaru. But in the end, he gave up.

Today, when he is facing Orochimaru, he has always been questioning to confirm Orochimaru's ideas. ---Confirms whether Orochimaru really wants to destroy Konoha, giving him the opportunity to retaliate against Danzo and take revenge on Konoha.

Orochimaru certainly knows that thought. He just didn't care about Yakushi-Kabuto's evil intent.

Just like in the original work, in Orochimaru's eyes, Yakushi-Kabuto's strength is only comparable with Kakashi, which poses no threat to him at all.

He doesn't mind Yakushi-Kabuto's probing attitude.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and played with the taste: "Don't you think he talks too much? I still prefer to be the one who is in control."

Yakushi-Kabuto's eyes slightly narrowed.

No more questions. But at this moment, strange applause suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's mind!




The sudden sound made Orochimaru alert!

Even the stance is a little different. He placed one hand on his back, ready to do a hand seal to escape at any time. A hand is placed in front of him, ready to make a move at any time.

Looking alertly at all around, and carefully sensing whether there are Chakra fluctuations in all around!

It is a pity that no matter how he observes, there are only yellow sands around him, and there is no movement.

When the applause was over, a weird sarcasm appeared: "What a traitor who loves the village."

Realizing that something is wrong with Orochimaru, Kimimaro asked carefully, "Lord Orochimaru, what's wrong?"

Yakushi-Kabuto, on the side, also observed him.

However, Orochimaru ignored them but continued to wait for the appearance of strange sounds. Just as expected, the strange owner of sound did not disappoint him.

In Orochimaru's mind, the sound of the other side quickly sounded again.

"Stop looking around. You can't find me. Also, you only need to think in your mind to communicate with me directly." Li Yaoxiang said.

Orochimaru: "Who are you?"

"Me?" Li Yaoxiang played with the taste. "You just treat me as someone... who likes to watch the performance of the 'Rebel who loves the village'."

"Oh, I don't understand what you mean." Orochimaru sneered.

"Ha, it doesn't matter if I don't understand. I'll give you a breakdown. Em... what do you say? As Konoha's traitor, the ridiculous thing is that everything you do is beneficial to Konoha. Why is it so strange? The Daimyo asked the Konoha Village to disband the guards. We all know they are the Twelve Guardians of Ninja, and you went to assassinate them. And you just happened to be the son of your former teacher. Uchiha Itachi poses a threat to Konoha. You happen to pass by, so you go and sneak attack him. You can't kill him, so you are eager to seize Uchiha Sasuke instead and plans to shift Uchiha Itachi's sight from the village to yourself. Now, this is even more strange! The mouth says Konoha Crush Plan, yet you killed your strong ally who wanted to destroy Konoha. Orochimaru, ah... Orochimaru, you said ridiculous?"

A series of mockery.

Orochimaru did not reveal a weak spot. He coldly said: "Your imagination is very rich. You're looking for me just to say these silly things?"

"Since you don't want to admit it, I won't force it." At this point, Li Yaoxiang's tone suddenly became overbearing, "I'll go straight to the subject. I'm here to inform you, give up Uchiha Sasuke, and he is my goal."

Hearing this, Orochimaru, in reality, finally had a touch of expression on his face.

It's just that this kind of moving color is just a flash.

Soon, he stretched out his disgusting tongue, licking the corner of his mouth, and said in a playful tone in his mind: "Oh, you said I plan to seize Sasuke, to help Konoha, to shift Uchiha Itachi's sight to me. Could it be... Are you? Are you from Konoha?"

Li Yaoxiang: "For whatever reason, you don't have to understand."

"..." For a moment of silence, Orochimaru continued, "What if I don't want to?"

After saying this to the probe, Orochimaru waited but did not see Li Yaoxiang's reply.

Just when he thought that Li Yaoxiang was just a "paper tiger" who had learned some special ninjutsu, Kimimaro, who had shown Orochimaru full respect, suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said strangely with a slight smile: "Then I can only feel sorry for Konoha, losing your rebellious forbearance."

[*TL note: Kimimaro (Kimimaro) was the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan. Upon dedicating his life to Orochimaru, he became the leader of the formerly-named Sound Five]

Not only Orochimaru, but even Yakushi-Kabuto also flashed away, far away from this weird Kimimaro!

Everyone was alert and stared at this with vigilance. Not only was imposing-manner different, but even his voice had changed.

Seeing 'Kimimaro' facing him with a slight smile: "What's wrong? Do you think that I only have one ability?"

At this time Orochimaru, complexion became an ugly pole. He clearly sensed that the person in front of him could bring him a great threat! But he still took a clear stand, clenched the teeth, and said: "I will not give up."

Orochimaru did not say what he would not give up on, but Li Yaoxiang certainly knew that what Orochimaru said would not give up on; he would not give up Sasuke.

In front of Yakushi-Kabuto, the two people are like exchanging dumb words.

Li Yaoxiang was not surprised by Orochimaru's answer. If he were intimidated so easily, he would not be Orochimaru.

'Kimimaro' shrugged: "Then it depends on the ability. If you have the ability to persuade him to leave with you, I will not stop you. But if you dare to use your little means... Then don't blame me for breaking the rules!"

Speaking the words' break the rules', Li Yaoxiang's imposing-manner burst out! Suddenly, there was a gust of wind around him!

Orochimaru and Yakushi-Kabuto squinted.

When this gust of wind receded, Orochimaru, who looked nothing on the surface, was actually cold and sweaty on his back. Li Yaoxiang gave him the feeling that imposing-manners alone are more powerful than Hanzo from the Ame Village!

But Orochimaru still pretended to be casual. "Then it's a deal."

After responding to this sentence, the 'Kimimaro', which was originally the murderous aura, became instantly confused. Looking at his own hands and the scene in front of him, he had no idea what was going on.

"Lord Orochimaru, this..."

Orochimaru flashed and came to Kimimaro: "Did you feel anything special?"

Kimimaro: "Special... feel? I... I am not sure. Just a moment ago, my consciousness was blurred. When I was awake again, I found that everyone's position was different."

Orochimaru, hearing this, eyes narrowed. Behind him, Yakushi-Kabuto didn't ask, but he was also looking thoughtful.


Li Yaoxiang's soul has already left the scene.

He appeared here this time to give Orochimaru a dismounting power so he wouldn't fight Sasuke. Although the effect is not obvious, it is enough.

As long as Orochimaru didn't curse-seal Sasuke, he naturally had a way to keep Sasuke.

At the same time, there is no need to waste too much attention on Sasuke.

As for the probe, it's to probe Orochimaru's love for Konoha.

It is to confirm the position of the real Orochimaru. After all, Orochimaru's actions in the original work are really not in line with common sense. He said that he wanted to destroy Konoha. But in fact, it did not do anything harmful to Konoha.

On the surface, it is to seize Sasuke and his Sharingan. But the behavior is exactly the opposite. There were so many opportunities to attack Sasuke, but he didn't. There are so many ways to control Sasuke, and nothing has been done.

He only taught Sasuke to be powerful and let Sasuke deal with Itachi.

And that Sharingan's statement is also somewhat unreasonable.

All the Sharingan on Shimura Danzo's body were transplanted through his hands.

If he really wanted Sharingan so much, he could have gotten so many of it.

He later dealt with Sasuke, perhaps also because he sensed Sasuke's hatred of Konoha.

The so-called Konoha Crush Plan is even more funny.

Konoha didn't lose much in the end. Only Sarutobi Hiruzen died.

And even after the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen, it happened to be one of the most beneficial factors for Konoha. At this point, Konoha was no longer weak. Tsunade and Jiraiya returned, and the village's attitude gradually became tougher, no need to sacrifice anyone.

Based on the above doubts, Li Yaoxiang had to doubt the real position of Orochimaru.

Only by confirming Orochimaru's position in the future layout of Li Yaoxiang can he know where to put Orochimaru.


Orochimaru is worthy of being Orochimaru.

He never showed his feet, and he even wanted to take the opportunity to probe Li Yaoxiang's origins.

If you want to know the real position of Orochimaru, it seems that you can only know the real answer when the 'Konoha Crush Plan' is in progress.


Time flies.

Years are like a shuttle.

All of a sudden, a period of time has passed.

The appearance of Li Yaoxiang, not upset Orochimaru's plan. After killing Kazekage Rasa, he pretended to be Kazekage and returned to Suna Village to make all plans.

Unlike the usual Transformation Jutsu, because Orochimaru and the others sewed real human faces on their faces, the ninja of Suna Village did not find any abnormality when facing their fake Kazekage.

As for Naruto, Orochimaru didn't want to show his horse's feet. He didn't talk too much with the people in the village, and he just let Kyuubi Jinchuuriki roam around.

However, this does not prevent Suna Village from implementing the plan already scheduled before Kazekage's death.

Because of this, with the Chunin Exams, the date is approaching.

The day of the Sand Ninjas' departure in front of Konoha is coming.

Even if ninja in Suna Village are concealed, Naruto, becoming more and more sensitive, is aware of the anomaly. In this recent period of time, Naruto appeared in the same place from time to time. And the place where he wanders, there just happened an 8-hexagram pattern, surrounding him wherever he is.

In the beginning, Naruto didn't care. But for a long time, seeing that there was no sign of retreat in this "encirclement", Naruto knew that there was a problem.

At this time, he looked disappointed towards where Sand Ninja wandered in the distance, silently curse in his heart: 'It seems that my identity is really revealed by them... Is that true... Is the big brother right... in this world... it's true... there's no really bright place?'

"Big brother... I'm sorry... It seems that I let you down again... I shouldn't put my safety in the thoughts of others..."

Darkening degree...




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