Dawn of the Void

Chapter 146: What if they’re hot aliens?

Chapter 146: What if they’re hot aliens?

Serenity took hold of Jamess arm and pulled him aside, leaving Olaf and Star Boy to catch up Kimmie on all she had missed.

So, what are you doing up here? She elbowed him in the side. I thought I gave you a mission. Did you flub it?

Hmm? Oh. Jessica. Yeah. James sighed. Didnt yeah.

She said no? What was your approach? Good god, James, the apocalypse is like the ultimate reason to hook up.

She its complicated. James crossed his arms and looked away. I made my move, we stepped aside, she started getting into it, but it felt wrong. So I stopped her, we got to talking, and she kind of fell apart.

Oh no. Serenitys eyes widened. Why?

I dont want to share her story, but you know how shes always had her shit together, super efficient, on top of the situation? Thats been a I guess you could say shes been displacing a lot of pain into being clinically effective at her job. James stared at the ground. She tried to rush things, to be OK with being physical, but she wasnt. Not even the apocalypse could make what shes been through OK.

Oh the poor girl. Serenitys expression clouded over. Dont tell me, but I think I can guess. Men are just pigs. Most of them. So she fell apart?

She told me her past. Wasnt healthy. We ended up just sitting together for a spell, then I let her get back to work on the Bifrost.

Oh James. Im sorry. Serenity reached out and hugged him tight. Thats just this world, man. This fucking world.

Yeah. But its OK. I mean, its not, what she went through, but on some level, it keeps me this is a weird word for it, but focused? Keeps my eye on the prize, which is kicking some cosmic ass.

You can kick cosmic ass and get ass at the same time, you know. Theyre not mutually exclusive.

Maybe in another timeline. One where I met Jessica normally, where we got to know each other slowly, where she had time to herself, to lower her walls at her own speed, to I dont know. James sighed again. Have a relationship.

Yeah, well, this aint that timeline. Sorry, hon. Anything I can do?

Nah. James smiled at her. Im fine. Compared to what most people have lost, its a small thing.

We all deserve our moment in the sun, though. She elbowed him. Sorry you didnt get yours. Miriam and Jason are still going at it. Whod have thought quiet little Miriam was such a hellcat?

James snorted. What about you? Nobody caught your eye?

Me? Serenity pretended surprise. Nah. But if you see the perfect man, six foot three, maybe twenty-seven years old, shoulders and hands to die for, perfect mix of debauched and old school gentleman, let me know. Ill bang him so hard his pelvic cradle collapses.

James winced. Damn, Serenity. Easy on the imagery there.

Serenity laughed. Its funny. Before the apocalypse life revolved around relationships. Who I knew, what I could get out of them. I think I defined myself by who I was banging, or trying to bang. But now? I think I got that all out of my system. Im fine being my own woman.

Good. Though now Im all worried that this personal growth thanks to Arete is part of the Systems grooming us to become cosmic fighters for a war we know nothing about.

Right? Me too! What a world.

They grinned at each other.

Denzel and Kerim appeared in the ballrooms doorway. Denzel let out a yell of delight at the sight of Kimmie, and soon everybody was hugging all over again. Somebody found a bottle of champagne from somewhere, paper cups were handed out, and then Kimmie and Kerim set to comparing notes about their experience. Yadriel stalked in, looking grump, but even he couldnt resist Kimmies cheer, and soon the ASOCC people were joining in, and a small, impromptu party took place.

About an hour later Jessica joined them, and everybody quit chatting and laughing to regard her as she approached with the Bifrost in hand.

Hello, sorry to crash the festivities, she said, smile wry as she adjusted her glasses. But I have news?

Bifrost news? asked Olaf.

Bifrost news. Jessicas eyes widened at the sight of Kimmie. Youre awake!

Hi! Kimmie gave a little wave. But dont let me interrupt you. Everybodys dying to know what that thing does.

Jessica beamed at Kimmie, then raised the Bifrost. It gleamed an oily gold, its complex sphere of a head looking as enigmatic and portentous as always. So, yes, it is what we thought, a means of traveling through time and space. The technology Ive developed downstairs was, if not familiar with it, capable of encompassing its abilities within its operating paradigm. I realized early on that it was a means of effecting travel, but its taken me till now to figure out how it works, and how we can use it.

James felt constrained, awkward. But he forced himself to put their private conversation aside. So you can operate it?

Yes. Jessica spoke decisively, but frowned at the same time. But its a little like catching a cab in New York if youve never been anywhere before. The cabbie asks you where you want to go, and youve no idea.

Statue of Liberty, said Yadriel immediately. Everybody around the world knows of it.

Cabs dont go to the Statue of Liberty, laughed Kimmie. What, you catching boat cabs?

Children, said Serenity warningly.

Jessica studied the Bifrost. These keys in the head are spatial and temporal coordinates that use a system that I dont understand but which my Omni can interface with. Its powered by a black hole in its center - though not really. The core inside the head is superdense, but is ported in? Borrowed? I dont understand the tech. The device uses that density to open controlled wormholes to our destinations.

You said time, said Star Boy. Can it take us into the past?

No. Not in the way youre thinking, sorry. Travel through space involves moving through time. Again, wed need a really smart physicist to understand all this, but it allows us to move around our galaxy? Though I dont know where youd want to go.

So its like having a cell phone but no one to call? asked Star Boy.

Kind of, yes. Its incredibly powerful, but without coordinates, I dont know how to activate it.

Can I see it? Kimmie reached out her hand. It looks familiar. In a way I cant express

Jessica handed the Bifrost over, and Kimmie turned it about in her hands.

Nobody spoke.

Dont press random buttons, yeah? asked Yadriel.

I this feels familiar. Not the buttons themselves, but the I can still sense like, potential pathways? Or I cant translate it into English. But if I close my eyes Kimmie did so and held the Bifrost before her in both hands. Its like Ive still got some of that cosmic sense I used to swim through the stars. And I can feel like channels? Like Im standing at an intersection and can feel the wind blowing from each of the cross streets?

How does that help us? asked Star Boy, voice low as if he didnt want to break her trance. Can you get a sense of where these channels go?

Places I saw. Kimmie frowned, focusing. To the alternate Pits? She moved the Bifrost through the air, turning in place. Theres one. She paused, her frown deepening. Then She resumed turning, moving the Bifrost up and down. Theres another. Other side of the galaxy. She opened her eyes and let out a breathless laugh. I feel kinda crazy, but its you know when you finally bring a telescope into focus, and the moon or something leaps into clear detail? Thats the feeling I get. Like I can hone in on one of the destinations, like this thing is a wooden branch used for water dowsing. But Im star dowsing instead.

I dont understand that at all, said Yadriel.

So you think you could aim it at an alternate Pit? asked James. Open a portal to it?

I think maybe? With Jessicas Omnis help? If it could translate what Im feeling into the interface?

And what? asked Denzel. We hop into someone elses apocalypse? How would that help us?

Theres no telling, said Kerim soothingly. But think on it: what if another species has made more progress than we have? What if they have information or knowledge we could share? What if we could join forces against this System?

Join forces with aliens? asked Denzel skeptically.

Sure. Kerim smiled. Why not?

What do you think, boss? asked Serenity.

James rubbed at his bearded jaw. I mean its a wild card move. Whoevers in charge hasnt shown much interest in connecting our different groups together.

Wild card is good, said Serenity.

I say we do it! Kimmie hopped up and down excitedly. Allies could make all the difference! And were all in the same situation!

Or enemies, said Yadriel darkly. And how do we know we can even talk to these alien dudes? Or I dont know, breathe their air? What if they think were Nemeses and attack us?

Valid arguments, said Jessica quietly. But it would be a wild card move. If were committed to breaking free of the Systems guidance, then reaching out with the Bifrost would be an effective way of flipping over the table.

I say we do it, said Olaf stoutly. I am tired of the Pit, of the demons and angels, of this game. I want new allies.

I also vote in favor, said Kerim. No small part being because I cant deny my curiosity over meeting a new intelligent species.

Im in, said Serenity. Running the gauntlet of Levels 19 through 27 dont sound like fun. Lets change it up.

Fine, said Denzel. But we need to get buy-in from Miriam and Jason. Somebodys gonna need to interrupt them. Theyre like the freaking Energizer Bunnies.

Star Boy sighed. What I wouldnt give to hook up with Stamina of 200. And imagine what you could do with Agility that high!

James smiled. Fine. Lets bring them in on this decision, but unless they can think of a good reason not to, Im down for trying to find new allies.

I dont know, said Yadriel. Everyone keeps assuming theyll be allies. Nobody likes strangers showing up on their turf.

What if theyre hot aliens, hmm? Star Boy waggled his eyebrows at Yadriel. Like Kerrigan after she got corrupted by the Zerg? Think of the opportunities.

Dude, scowled Yadriel. Just because I was asking for help earlier doesnt mean I need you to play intergalactic pimp.

Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, said Star Boy, waggling his eyebrows even more exaggeratedly.

Lets rope in Jason and Miriam, said James. And reach a decision soon. If were going to make this happen, Id rather we do it sooner than later. No telling when the demons are going to get pissed that were not playing ball and come swarming out of the Pit.

Ill do it! Kimmie raised her hand. Want me to bring them down here?

Well all head up, said James. He burned an Aeviternum and opened his teleportation gate. Fortuna Aeviternum saved the point for him. Lets head on up.

Can I come? asked Star Boy.

Serenity rolled her eyes. Yeah, because we need more nerd sex fantasies.

Course you can come, said James. Lets head on up.

One by one they entered the portal of white flames, and disappeared.

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