Dawn of the Void

Chapter 66: Situation Room

Chapter 66: Situation Room

A black sedan picked them up outside their DC hotel the next morning and drove them to the White House. James wore a dress uniform that Jessica had ensured fit him perfectly, and he felt stiff and uncomfortable and utterly unworthy of the navy-colored suit. The black tie felt like it was choking him, the white button-down shirt was starched to hell, and he had a conspicuous lack of decorations on his chest but for the bare essentials.

Still, he had Command Sergeant Major chevrons on the upper arms of both sleeves, and Hackworth told him that was all that mattered.

A Secret Service officer waved them through the White House gate after inspecting their identification and looking out the window James still couldnt believe he was there. Fighting demons was more likely than his being drive up to the most famous building in the world while wearing an army dress uniform.

They got out into the chill air and were led through a side door and along corridors and up and down staircases that led to the Situation Room. James tried not to gape. Even now, he half expected the ubiquitous guards to yell at him and draw their guns.

The Situation Room was surprisingly small and windowless. Comfortable office chairs were arranged around an oval table, while more chairs were lined before the paneled wood walls. A number of people were already present. While they milled around, Hackworth was introduced to a variety of them, from the presidents press secretary to the Chief of Staff. The Deputy Secretary of State pumped Hackworths hand as he squeezed his shoulder, and the Secretary of State himself was talking to a general in the corner. The Secretary of Defense arrived with his deputy, followed moments later by a man Hackworth whispered was the presidents National Security Advisor.

Almost everyone ignored James; his uniform indicated a right to be there in some capacity, but he was clearly a nobody, relatively speaking, so they gathered in groups, some talking garrulously, others quietly, until Vice President Cox entered, looking harried and with blood shot eyes; he smiled his famous smile, grabbed a chair right away, and sank into it as if he planned to never stand up again.

People took this as their cue to sit, and James found himself pulling out a chair between the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, cut off from Hackworth and suddenly feeling as if hed strayed into no-mans land.

Then the president walked in, and everyone leaped to their feet and chorused, Good morning Mr. President.

President Murphy had grown famous for his ability to campaign non-stop for four years during the entirety of the last election cycle, holding revivalist religious gatherings while reaching out to appeal to the center with his nuanced platform of choice of a surprisingly progressive VP. His prodigious stamina was obviously serving him in good stead. He was a handsome man, a Southern Baptist pastor, his presidency incredibly controversial for breaking down the walls between church and state, and well into his 70s and up until his presidency famous for looking fifty-five. The first two years of his presidency had aged him a decade, and the last two weeks had slammed him the rest of the way home, so that his hair was now pure white, and his face lined and carved by deep emotion.

But he smiled affably and waved everybody down, sat at the head of the table and after some introductory remarks - none of which James could remember later over his own internal monologue of oh shit thats the president oh shit - bid the presentation to begin.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff began, and after a quick round of introductions stated that they were going explain the nature of Blue Light, the necessity for its being institutionalized across the country, and why it now represented our nations best hope of marshalling the new powers being made available to mankind for the greater good.

A second general took over, whom the Chairman had introduced as the commander of the United States Army Special Operations Command. The commander outlined the need for a new special force modeled on the lines of the Green Berets who could harness the new and impossible powers being made available to half the worlds population, and how the Army was uniquely positioned to recruit and administer this group across the nation. He reviewed in quick order the seven operations launched by regular military forces such as Operation Urban Angel that had met with moderate if costly success, then outlined two enhanced operations, one of them being Jamess own assault on the first hive in NYC, and how the demons had succumbed to the auras and Smite-enhanced powers.

Everyone listened intently, and President Murphy in particular showed sharp focus, his hands clasped before his mouth, his eyes narrowed as he followed the arguments.

Finally the USASOC general introduced Hackworth, briefly outlined his career and experience leading a battalion in Afghanistan, and how hed recognized the opportunity presented by the DRC in New York and pushed hard to have to assimilated into the Special Operations Command as its own entity.

Everybody turned to Hackworth, who looked damned impeccable in his dress uniform and flawless Errol Flynn good looks. The colonel rose to his feet, and in calm, precise language walked the room through the origins of the DRC, its successes, Jamess own initiative in spreading critical information, and how theyd agreed to work together for the good of the nation. He outlined the organizations hierarchy, mission, and gave a brief overview of its powers.

President Murphy leaned forward, his interest avid. Now I give my blessings that I was not called to fight one of these Nemeses myself, for I am now an old man of seventy-two years and dare say Id scuff my boots if I had to stomp one into the ground. But Im mighty fascinated with these magical powers. Is this the gentleman in question, Command Sergeant Major Kelly?

James knew Hackworth had been about to pivot and describe how the Blue Light model could easily be turned into a template, a process which was already underway, but he paused and smiled. Yes Mr. President. This is the miraculous Sergeant Major himself.

Heart pounding, James rose to his feet, went to salute, and remembered just in time that there was no saluting indoors.

Well I never. Murphy smiled widely at him, and James felt the mans charisma wash over him like the rising sun. Sergeant Major, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have myself seen one of your TikTok videos, and though it pains me that we rely on a Chinese platform to spread such vital information, I cannot sufficiently express my admiration for what you have achieved. Tell me, son, is it true that you wield these miraculous powers?

Yes sir, said James, voice stiff, wondering: surely somebodys demonstrated Benedictions to the President by this point?

Well I must confess that Id like to see something. Murphy sat back. What rank did you say you were?

James opened his mouth to say Command Sergeant Major but caught himself just in time. Novitiate 1, Mr. President.

Novitiate 1. Will you look at that. Murphy beamed around the room as if drawing everyone else into his admiration. Now, what can you do with that?

Sir, my Benedictions are Smite, Sacred Strike, and Heavenly Assault.

Heavenly Assault. Sounds like something our Space Force should be working on. Is it safe for you to give us a demonstration?

Jamess pulse was pounding in his ears. If he called a Heavenly Assault in here, nobody would be hurt, but it would freak the shit out of everyone. One of the Secret Service guards would no doubt shoot him.

So instead he took up a pen that lay on a blank pad before him and activated Smite. Silvery fire ran up the length of the pen, immolating it, and burning thinly in the harsh overhead lighting.

Everybody leaned forward to study it.

Now what is that? asked Murphy, though from the gleam in the presidents eye James was sure he knew.

This is the Benediction Smite, Mr. President. Its fueled by my Arete and Power stat, and with it I can, ah, put demons down.

Mr. President, said Hackworth smoothly, Nemesis 2s have proven to be resistant to all but our most powerful guns. That pen, however, could be stabbed through their armor. Though, admittedly, it would take a lot of stabbing till one noticed.

There were chuckles all round, and James realized: damn, Hackworths good at this.

And do you wield a pen when you go into battle, son?

No Mr. President. I wield a fire-axe. My second-in-command wields a Ma Deuce, and shoots Smite-enhanced fifty caliber bullets from the hip.

Now were talking, said the Vice President with a grin.

And do you believe in your heart, Sergeant Major Kelly, that your organization holds the keys to our salvation?

James held the presidents gaze as a feeling of calm certainty swept through him. I do, sir. There is much I dont know. Who is orchestrating this Armageddon. Why the demons are appearing now. But there is a logic to the system at play. We are being honed, sir, by each successive wave. Taught by the powers and their synergies how to best fight together. Im confident that the Nemesis 3 will be our toughest enemy yet, and probably beyond the ability of regular folks to harm. If we dont level up as many soldiers and citizens as we can before the enemy arrives, we will be vastly unprepared for the slaughter to come.

People around the table frowned, clearly disliking his choice of word. Perhaps they liked to keep shit upbeat in here. But Murphy leaned back and tapped his lips. For all his good ol boy language, there was a cold and fierce intelligence to his gaze.

I like you, son, youre a straight shooter. I appreciate that in a man. As I said before, you have my thanks for all youve done. A mighty fine job, mighty fine. Colonel Hackworth, my apologies, I went and interrupted you.

Not at all, Mr. President, said the colonel. As I was saying, the group structure that weve implemented is roughly modeled on that of the Green Berets, and thus sufficiently familiar that it will require little modification for our units to adopt wholesale. However, the fact is that those who have taken the greatest advantage of these synergies are civilians; they represent the most advanced block of high-ranking fighters available to us, and thus must be recruited, armed, and indoctrinated as quickly as possible if we are to succeed. The army has begun this process, and weve seen some good successes on a variety of fronts, but there remains a suspicion and resistance on the part of the public to sign up for the military. That is why, if you choose to personally endorse Special Operations Force Blue Light, I believe well see a large increase in sign-ups and a dramatic growth in our operational strength across the country.

President Murphy nodded, and James took the opportunity to slowly sit down. Several of the men around the table studied him, and one gave him an approving nod: the National Security Advisor? James couldnt keep them straight anymore.

Now Ive been told that the system presented to each man and woman reflects their personal faith, but I know in my heart of hearts that it is the Lord himself who is vouchsafing us these powers so that we may combat Satans legions. President Murphy smiled around the Situation Room. As such, those who wield the lords powers are his angels, and I am fully prepared to endorse the creation of as many Blue Light forces as we can muster before 3-Day. I did not ask to serve during the end times, but it is said in the Book of Revelations that the kings shall gather to conduct war in the name of God Almighty, and if I may play any part in mustering those kings and helping the Lord pour his just and holy wrath upon these devils through these, his anointed, then I shall do just that.

Everyone nodded gravely, including Hackworth, whod only managed to give half his presentation.

Thus I say unto thee, continued the president, looking directly at his press secretary, gather the press, for I shall speak to our people, and I shall quote Ezekiel 25:17, for we are all truly our brothers keepers and the finder of lost children. And Blue Light shall strike down upon these devils with great vengeance and furious anger for their attempts to poison and destroy our brothers!

Amen, said the Vice President dryly, and most of the room went ahead and crossed themselves.

President Murphy grinned wolfishly at Colonel Hackworth. Well done, sir. I look forward to seeing what your people can accomplish. You have my administrations full support. And you, Master Sergeant Kelly. You I shall say my prayers for, because the Lord always sends us men suitable for the occasion, and you have the makings of a hero, if not a saint.

James didnt know what to say. How to respond. Dumbfounded, he simply inclined his head.

President Murphy slapped the table, grinned, and a wolfish, predatory gleam entered his porcelain blue eyes. Now get out there, son, and show those spawns of Satan the true meaning of hell!

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