Dawn of the Void

Chapter 75: Temptation

Chapter 75: Temptation

James brought the Wing around to face the approaching Monitor, because what else could it be? He was out of Aeviternum, perilously low on divine power, alone and a hundred and fifty yards up in the sky.

Maybe he should have bolted.

But he knew that was never in the cards.

The Monitor emerged from the demonic symbol in a cloud of roiling darkness that quickly bled away to reveal Jessica Miles once more, her blonde hair streaming about her face, her office-wear mutated and lengthened so that it had become layered robes of white and stark gray, as if an extravagant designer had taken Jessicas sober choice of outfit and run wild.

James dry swallowed and raised his chin. The Monitor drew closer, in no rush, and her expression was utterly unlike Jessicas own. A dangerous light gleamed in her eye, and her smile was wicked, knowing, cruelly amused.

Good afternoon, James.

James stared at where Jessica had come to a stop before him, hovering with ease, her robe and hair shifting as if she stood in a column of silent wind.

Are you the same Monitor I spoke with last time?

Meladrix? In some ways yes, in others no. We are Monitors. I can manifest Meladrix there. Jessica closed her eyes, then smiled and opened them once more. Hello James. My, but you have grown. I sense the acrid stench of Gloria upon you. Well done.

Dont patronize me, he snapped. If I had the Aeviternum now Id hit you with that Gloria and fry your eyes out.

Charming. Your Gloria would tickle, nothing more. Had you truly focused on leveling, perhaps you might challenge me now, but I see you have not. So much wasted time. What a pity.

James clenched his fists. Theres time enough yet.

Is there? Jessica canted her head to one side. For you, perhaps. For the billion or more that shall die over the next few days? Time has run out.

James felt impotence wash through him. He wanted nothing more than to wipe that smile off Jessicas lips. That is not my fault. You are the ones responsible for this apocalypse.

Are you so sure? Jessica seemed to consider. Interesting. Regardless. The odds of your species surviving grow ever more improbable. What would you be willing to do to improve your chances?

In a flash he recalled the Monitors offer last time: how it would answer his every question if he but slept with its Jessica form.

Are you so sure this is but a form that I am taking? Jessicas smile grew knowing. Why have we taken it again? You know a little of Jessicas background. But not nearly enough. How did the death of her boyfriend cause her to become this miraculously efficient force? What happened to her during that weekend after his death? Were we perhaps laying the groundwork for this apocalypse even then? Is she superhumanly effective because on some level she is superhuman?

Youre not going to poison me against her, growled James.

A look of amused innocence crossed Jessicas face. You cant answer my questions, can you? Think: if Jessica Miles was so very, very clever and talented and effective, why was she only an assistant to a Deputy Commissioner when you first met her? Should she not have risen to a position of power already?

James glared at the Monitor, at Jessicas own beautiful features.

No answers. It is odd, is it not? How you cant say with complete certainty that you know her? What drives her? Her secrets? What was it she said? Her intonation changed, became a perfect copy of Jessicas voice from that moment atop the One World Tower: Just - feel free to tell Serenity not to be so impressed. None of us really know each other, do we? The secrets we carry. The sides to us nobody else sees.

Fuck you, he rasped. This wont work.

Oh, but it already has.

Jamess thoughts were scrambled, furious, uncertain. With ruthless determination he reined them in. Enjoy your games. The day will come when I close my hand about your neck and burn your head off with sacred fire.

Mmm, I can hardly wait. Jessica ran her hand up her body suggestively and caressed her neck. The touch of a violent man. How ironic. How fitting. But you didnt answer me before. What would you be willing to do to improve your species chances?

Why should I believe youd help me?

Can you afford to pass up this opportunity?

Which was the heart of it. He was all too painfully aware of the tragedies to come. How unprepared they were. Could he pass up an opportunity for aid? Information?

Or power, whispered Jessica. Surely you could use more?

At what price?

Jessica smiled. Is your kind not already paying enough?

You didnt answer my question.

Oh James. You poor, broken man. You are trying so hard. A note of surprising compassion infused her voice. Despite knowing you arent qualified. A fraud. A failure. If you couldnt protect your wife and daughters, what makes you think you can protect anyone else? You know youll only fail. Yet here you are, ridiculous and red in the face, barking and making demands of me, negotiating as your world burns. And whats even more surprising, more delicious, is that you know all this. What a foolish figure you cut. And yet still you persist. I dont know whether to admire or pity you.

Her words hit him harder than he wanted to admit. Like you said, I know this. And you still havent answered my question.

The price? It depends on what you desire. I could double your Arete, right here, right now, if you agreed to change your Aeviternum to Infernum points.

James let out a bark of laughter. Fuck off.

Jessica smiled, clearly not having expected him to go for it. I will declare all of Brooklyn off limits to the remaining Nemesis 3 waves if you sacrifice the other members of Crimson Hydra to me.

Jamess gut clenched. Never.

Eight lives are worth more than the millions that shall die?

I cant trust you to keep your word.

But if you could. Jessica floated closer. If you could trust me. Would that be a fair trade? Serenity, Bjrn, Becca, Denzel, Olaf, Joanna, Yadriel, and Jason? Could you sacrifice them to me in order to safeguard the 2,132,782 humans that are currently within the boundaries of the borough known as Brooklyn?

James felt his throat cramp shut.

What if I promised to close the symbols that float over Brooklyn? Jessica drifted even closer. You have no idea what a boon that would be to your over the long run. And think: would they not willingly lay down their lives in combat to protect those millions? Is this not but another means for them to do so?

I cant, he croaked. I cant trust you.

But say we found a means for you to do so. Her voice grew soft. Could you lay Serenity down upon mine altar, and press a blade to her throat, parting her flesh and opening her arteries so that others might live? Millions of others? Could you gaze deep into her eyes as she died, trusting you, loving you, knowing that her death was the noblest, the greatest death possible?

James stared in horrified fascination at Jessica as she drew alongside the Wing.

Or is it that you fear what you would become if you could kill those dear to you? A monster in your own right? Oh yes, such an act would kill you, as well. But are you worth more than those millions, James? Have you grown so proud of your little accomplishments, has your self-worth grown so inflated?

I dont trust you.

That protest grows old. Jessica reached out and placed her palm upon his chest, her gaze never wavering from his own. What if we raised the ante, and I promised to close all thirty-four symbols in the area? To declare New York City off-limits to all demons until the Pits opened? Could you sacrifice all of Blue Light to me to achieve that goal? All thousand members of the First Group? Could you kill them yourself, knowing you gave over eight million innocent men, women, and children the chance to live, to prepare, to fend for themselves? Picture it, James: all thousand men and women of Blue Light, lined up before you, stepping forth one by one to lie upon my altar so that you could slit their throats, your arms red to the elbows, your face spattered with warm, rich, delicious blood -

James smacked her hand away and willed the Wing to retreat. Youre sick. Id never do that.

Her smile grew knowing. You would. I see it within you. Thats why youre so upset. You dont like to realize the truth.

No. Youre fucking with me. This is all just a game to you.

I swear this to you, James Kelly: if ever you approach one of our seeds - what you call a demonic symbol - and agree to my offer, then I shall make it so, and provide you with the evidence you need to believe I shall hold up my end of the bargain. This offer shall stand till the Pits themselves open.

James stared at Jessicas face in horror.

Do you wish to strike me, James? Jessicas face turned innocent once more, eyes wide, expression contrite. Do you wish to make me cry out in pain and remorse? To apologize, and weep? We can go somewhere private, somewhere nobody would ever learn of what you did to me -

You really are the fucking devil, whispered James. Everything you say. Everything you offer. Its just meant to break me down.

Hmm. Jessica dropped the innocent look. Perhaps. But thats happening well enough on its own. You are changed from when last we spoke. More proud, more entitled, angrier, bitter. Need I do much more when you are already well on your way to breaking?

Ill never break. He said it with hollow certainty. Ill fight till my last breath.

Oh, that you will. But what makes you you will surely die. The force, the presence that drew others into your orbit, which made you such a positive influence. That is ending. You will become a machine of destruction, solitary and furious, waging your wrath upon endless legions of demons as you lose your connection to all that led you to fight in the first place. One day you shall awaken from your murderous stupor and realize that all is gone but vengeance, and that in truth nothing separates you from the demons after all, that you, like them, delight in slaughter, and with your world reduced to ashes, you might as well join them -

James let out a cry of rage and hurled a Sacred Strike at Jessica, digging deep from the last of his reserves. White fire exploded forth to wash over the Monitor, who never flinched nor raised an arm to defend herself.

The white flames dissipated, and Jessica remained as before, untouched, unburned, her smile slight, pleased.

Yes. Thats it, James. Hurt me. Or, at the very least, do your paltry best to do so.

James sat there, heaving for breath, bewildered, horrified, impotent, unsure of himself. He wanted to flee but couldnt tear himself away.

Jessica drifted closer again. This meeting draws to an end. By our calculations, 93% of your citys population will be dead by the dawn of the void. You have not yet seen calamity, nor drunk deep of despair, no matter what you may think. What lies in store for you and yours would break you here and now if you could but encompass it. Death, James. Death on a scale you cannot imagine. Pain. Heartbreak. Bitterness. The end times.

She paused before him, and he felt - sensed - that which was the Monitor loom large within Jessicas skin.

But you, only you, can avert that. Come back go me when you are ready, when you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices, and we shall stay our hand. New York could be a bastion of hope and prosperity for all the world to see. You can save it, James. You alone. If you are willing to pay the price.

And then Jessica was gone, vanished as if shed never been there, and James blinked, startled, and gazed about himself.

He was alone.

Alone with her poisonous words, her threats of horror and promises of hope.

Shaken to his core, his whole-body trembling, he willed the Wing to turn around. Gazed at the river of black fire pouring up into the symbol one last time, then willed the Wing to take him home.

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