D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1133 1133 Borgick, The Jokemaster

"Well I'm going to get myself some sleep, Gareth, wake me up when we need to eat lunch," said Green, before she skipped off away from the crowd. Gareth just shrugged and followed behind her, while Nixilei let out a long sigh. 

"Welp," said Kress with a grin, "I'm going to explore this place a bit. I doubt Thyme would leave anything around that I can use to guess the challenges, but it's a pretty small island, so I might as well take it in. I'll be back for lunch… and then I'll probably go work on a sandcastle. It was surprisingly fun last time," 

With that Kress gone Nixilei threw up her hands and said, "Right well, apparently we're all just going to split up then. I suppose I'll go investigate my own rooms and then find something to do with my time," Nixilei turned to Kat and gave a slight nod, which was returned, before heading of herself. 

Lily transformed and started to lean against Kat, "So, what are we doing?" asked Lily. 

"I think we should check the cafeteria so we know what's being cooked, then we can… do whatever? I mean, what would you like to do?" asked Kat.

Lily looked around and saw that most of the other contestants were wandering off themselves. Some into the inn, while others were heading off towards other parts of the island. "I'll think about it, maybe we can hang out with Blue? Let's just check out the menu first, see if it'll be interesting," 

With that decided, Kat and Lily headed off together. As soon as they entered Kat could see the main staircase, they were directly opposite the entrance, with a reception desk just off to the side, taking up space underneath the stairs after they doubled back. There was a number of little nooks for room keys, but they were all opened. However, there was a Thyme at the desk despite that.

The cafeteria wasn't hard to find. On the right was a lounging area with beanbags, that probably had something other than plastic beans in them, a few couches, big puffy chairs, and even a few hammocks. On the left, was a clean looking area, with smooth stone floors and hard chairs surrounding tables. There were longer tables that looked like they could fit ten people, and smaller circular ones that could fit five. On the wall furthest from the entrance was a big window that gave a glimpse into the kitchen, and to the side was a menu marked out on a chalkboard. 

Kat and Lily walked up the menu, looking it over for a few moments before… "I… I have no idea what any of this is," said Kat. 

"Nope, neither do I," said Lily. 

"Like… I guess nothing translates properly because these are nouns, the names of the dishes so… yeah… even the ingredient list isn't useful because most of the ingredients aren't recognisable," continued Kat. 

"I guess we just… go with it? I mean, as long as there's some meat I should be fine…" added Lily. 

"Yeah, and I'm not picky… but worst comes to worst I can go a bit of time without food, and I can probably go diving in the ocean for some fish. Of course, Thyme is an excellent cook so I'm not terribly worried but…" Kat didn't know how to finish the thought.

But Lily did, "It is still awkward, isn't it?" 

"I imagine so lass," Kat and Lily jumped, not realising they'd been followed. Borgick was beside them, staring up at the menu. His trusty cannon was resting on the ground next to him, though there was a strap that he kept wrapped around his gloved hand. 

"Oh… um hello. Sorry we didn't notice you there, I'm Kat and this is Lily," said Kat. 

Borgick looked them up and down then said, "Is that a short joke?" 

"No?" said Kat confused, before the joke clicked in her mind. "Oh… oh no sorry about that, I mean… I wasn't even trying for-" Kat's panicked explanation was cut off when Borgick started laughing. 

"Oh, oh you two are just precious," said Borgick in between guffaws, "I didn'a mean to be make you feel like you were being rude… but oh, your faces. It was definitely worth coming over here just for that," Borgick kept laughing for a bit longer before pulling himself together. "See, nah, some dwarves do take offense to the short jokes…

"But when you're by far the shortest species, and all the others are about the same height it's just something you get used to, or ya stay angry all the time. Honestly, that sounds like a whole heap o' work if you ask me. It simply is what it is. Best leave that sort of wondering to the scholars," 

"Are… are there really scholars that are attempting to figure out why dwarves are short?" asked Lily. 

Borgick nodded, "Oh, aye, there are. Not just dwarven scholars, either, or so I've heard. Then again, some o' their ideas were pretty ridiculous. Ah think my favourite was the one that stated the reason everyone else is so tall is because they spent too long looking up at the clouds!" Borgick burst into laughter again. Kat and Lily couldn't help but join in. It wasn't all that funny, but Borgick's laughter had a way of pulling people in. 

[You know, it's possible that's partially true. If dwarves are actually built for living underground, then smaller dwarves that are sturdy enough to survive minor cave ins might be the optimal build for them. Less energy digging smaller tunnels. Sturdiness helps protect from falling rocks. Assuming that they didn't just spontaneously start existing, I imagine they evolved from moderate sized burrowing animals.]

*Hmm… probably? It's hard to guess without knowing what animals are even in this world, but what about everyone else, or heck beastkin?*

[Beastkin are probably all descended from one powerful shapeshifter that had way too much sex.]

*I hate that you could very well be right with that guess.*

[It makes more sense then any other idea I can think of for them. Otherwise, how would they all be so genetically compatible? My assumption is that they lost the more elaborate transformation abilities over time, or perhaps all at once if they were only half whatever. Imagine if it was a dimension hopping shapeshifter that just goes from place to place having sex with everything. Might explain it.]

*You know what? It very well might, but I don't think I want to know.*


"Thanks for the laugh… actually I don't think we got your name? Lily and I are going to head off to do… something? Perhaps explore? Though yeah… I don't think you mentioned your name," said Kat awkwardly. 

"I s'pose I didn't, my names Borgick, Borgick Stoneheart lass and it was nice to meet you. I'm going ta check out what additional facilities are here, I somehow doubt there's just rooms, food, and a relaxation area," said Borgick. 

Kat nodded, "Probably, we might check that out later as well. See you around Borgick," 

With that Kat and Lily headed off, potentially to explore, but as soon as they looked to be heading for the door, the maid Thyme at the reception desk waved them over. With a shrug, the girls moved towards the Thyme who spoke, "Sorry to call you over. I've keyed the mana signature of everyone here into their respective rooms… except you and Lily. If you remember the first tournament, where there was a similar issue, I can provide a similar solution!" 

The Thyme pulled out a metal card with mana flowing through it. "This is a key-card, and it's what the doors will be setup to work with in the future once the tournament is over. It's pretty sturdy, but not perfectly so. You can either leave it here with me, or carry it around. If it breaks… it's a bit annoying to replace, but not all that hard. So don't stress too much if it does break, but if you're doing anything risky I'd rather you leave it with me. 

"Still, if that makes you uncomfortable for some reason, I can let you have it. I don't want you to feel like you need to see me every time you want to get into your rooms," said the Thyme before bowing. 

Which, seemed a little odd. There was something not quite right about this Thyme. They lacked a certain… something. "I'm sorry if this is a weird question… but what's wrong with you?"

"Pardon?" asked Thyme, with a tilt of their head. 

"No offence… but you just don't seem like Thyme, or well, the rest of Thyme," said Kat bluntly. 

"Oh," said 'Thyme', as they awkwardly scratched their cheek. "That's because I'm not," 

"Wait what?" asked Kat as her brain short circuit. 

"Um… yeah, I'm using Thyme as a base model… because they built the body for me. My name is actually Mint, and I'm Thyme's much younger sibling. I'm not really supposed to be out of the groves yet, my mana control is awful, and I'm not very strong… but I was just so board and well… here I am!" said Mint.

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