Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 207: Plotting Against Yin En

Chapter 207: Plotting Against Yin En

What made things even worse for Liu Xing was that he had forgotten to bring his charger when he came out today. Now, it was well past midnight, and Liu Xing, leaning against the windowsill, surveyed the area but couldn't spot any convenience stores that were still open.

With no other options, Liu Xing could only shake his head in resignation and decided to head back early tomorrow morning. As for why he didn't drive back in the middle of the night, it was because he had some concerns. He was responsible for delivering the memory card he held, and if news got out that he was being pursued by other gang members on his way back to Mikageichi or the Dark Willow Gang's higher-ups, they would surely send people to retrieve the explosive content on the memory card.

Therefore, Liu Xing thought it best to stay put for now. After all, there was a significant risk of encountering Dark Willow Gang members if he attempted to leave at this hour.

With these thoughts in mind, Liu Xing removed the memory card from his phone, wrapped it in tissue paper, and carefully placed it under his pillow before turning in for the night.

While trying to sleep, Liu Xing didn't forget to contact KP Li Shunchan. "KP, can I set up an alarm to wake me up at six o'clock tomorrow morning?"

KP Li Shunchan remained silent for a moment and then replied, "Yes, you can, but remember that this is still a Cthulhu RPG Game, so there will be a check involved. Plus, it's already past two o'clock now, and you've been running around all day yesterday without the aid of an alarm clock. So, you'll need to pass a Difficult Willpower check. If you fail, you might oversleep, and the time will be 1d6 hours later."

KP Li Shunchan's request was as expected by Liu Xing, so he agreed promptly. After all, Liu Xing believed his Willpower was quite high at 80, so there was a chance he could pass the Difficult check. Even if he failed, waking up around nine o'clock was still acceptable to him.

Liu Xing: 72/40, Failure.

Liu Xing: 1d6 = 6.


Before Liu Xing could utter the words that expressed his strong emotions, he was sent into the realm of dreams by the smirking KP Li Shunchan.

When Liu Xing woke up again, he glanced at the already bright outside and quickly got dressed. He placed the memory card from under the pillow into the inner pocket of his clothes and prepared to leave.

Just then, Liu Xing suddenly heard cries for help coming from outside the window. Unable to resist his curiosity, he looked out the window and saw that the area where he had met Aoki yesterday, by the Unseen Pond, was now engulfed in flames.

Winter was dry, and with the government's lackluster management of the Unseen Pond area, the grass around it had become highly flammable, causing the fire to spread rapidly.

However, Liu Xing was even more curious about who had set this fire. After all, the location of the fire happened to be where he and Aoki had been. Could it be that Dark Willow Gang had tracked them here?

But Liu Xing soon noticed some familiar figures among the crowd near the fire - Watanabe Jiang, Chen Wenbin, and Yoh Asakura...

Liu Xing understood that these three were responsible for the fire.

This was a suffocating turn of events...

Liu Xing initially thought about going down to meet with Watanabe Jiang and the others but realized that the police had already arrived at the scene. Watanabe Jiang had swiftly left, and Yoh Asakura kept his distance. As for Chen Wenbin, he had approached the police and seemed to have chosen to surrender.

Rubbing his chin, Liu Xing concluded that Watanabe Jiang and the others had decided to abandon Chen Wenbin and let him take the fall.

Seeing this, Liu Xing decided to go to Chen Wenbin's house first. It wasn't the right time to meet up with Yoh Asakura and the others.

Leaving the guesthouse, Liu Xing headed to the parking lot.

Liu Xing immediately spotted Chen Wenbin's car parked next to his, and a piece of paper was pressed against his windshield wiper.

Taking the paper, Liu Xing opened it and found that Chen Wenbin and the others had arrived here at 10 o'clock. When they couldn't reach him by phone, they suspected something had happened to Liu Xing. Since Yin En believed that Liu Xing's phone had simply run out of battery, Chen Wenbin and the others had placed a phone under Liu Xing's car. If Liu Xing hadn't contacted Yin En using that phone before 1 o'clock, Yin En would have informed Sawada Yinyin and leveraged his connections to locate Liu Xing.

Upon reading this, Liu Xing immediately retrieved the phone from under his car and called Yin En.

"Wow, I thought you had been captured by Ghouls or Dark Willow Gang. I was about to call the police," Yin En said with a hint of exaggeration.

Liu Xing chuckled awkwardly and explained, "Well, my phone suddenly ran out of battery last night, and I didn't have a charger with me. There were no open convenience stores nearby, so I decided to take a nap and planned to return early this morning. Turns out I overslept."

Yin En laughed and continued, "By the way, you're calling me from Watanabe Jiang's phone, so I assume you've met him and the others, right? Did they find anything at Godless Shrine and Unseen Pond?"

Liu Xing sighed in frustration and said, "Yes, I did meet them, but it seems like they've gotten into big trouble. Chen Wenbin has already been arrested by the police."

Yin En paused for a moment and then asked, "What's going on? Did they set fire to Godless Shrine?"

Liu Xing shook his head and replied, "They didn't burn Godless Shrine, but they set Unseen Pond on fire."

Then, Liu Xing recounted what he had seen.

"What on earth are they doing? If Chen Wenbin surrenders, he might be charged with accidental arson at most. I'll talk to Sawada Yinyin's father about this later. We should be able to get Chen Wenbin released on bail. But where did Watanabe Jiang run off to?" Yin En said in a helpless tone.

Liu Xing said uncertainly, "If I remember correctly, Watanabe Jiang is a fugitive, and he's carrying a gun with him right now. He doesn't have much choice but to run."

"Seems like it. Liu Xing, come to the Flowing Waters Garden for now. After lunch with Sawada Yinyin, we'll plan our next move in the afternoon. I'll hang up now; Sawada Yinyin has arrived," Yin En said before ending the call.

Liu Xing pocketed his phone and headed to the Flowing Waters Garden.

The Flowing Waters Garden wasn't far from Unseen Pond, so Liu Xing arrived quickly.

Liu Xing's impression of the Flowing Waters Garden was that it was full of water... Just like the book "Cthulhu RPG Game" by "Liu Xing" described, it was all water. No wonder "Liu Xing" was an author who struggled to make ends meet.

At this point, Liu Xing considered that if he successfully completed this module, he should focus on enhancing his secondary profession during the Interlude Growth phase.

Returning to the main topic, the Flowing Waters Garden somewhat resembled the city of Venice with various buildings separated by artificial waterways, some even forming small waterfalls.

It was undeniably an interesting place, which explained why Kuroba Naoki had brought his younger brother and friends here to play.

As mentioned before, the Flowing Waters Garden was also a gourmet paradise in Ziwu City. Each building housed a restaurant, and Liu Xing wasn't sure where to find Yin En.

Although Liu Xing thought about calling Yin En directly, he didn't want to disturb Yin En and Sawada Yinyin's private time. So, Liu Xing decided to ask a passerby which restaurant in the Flowing Waters Garden was the most upscale.

After all, Sawada Yinyin, as Ziwu City's top figure, would surely choose the best.

Just then, Yin En sent a text message with the restaurant where they were dining. Unsurprisingly, the restaurant mentioned in the message was of a higher class than the others, and most importantly, it was owned by the Sawada Family.

Upon entering the restaurant, a waiter seated Liu Xing at a solo table and informed him that Sawada Yinyin had already instructed that his meal would be entirely complimentary. Sawada Yinyin and Yin En were enjoying their time in a private room.

With the mindset of taking advantage of the situation, Liu Xing ordered several delicious dishes. After all, in the world of the Cthulhu RPG Game, he hadn't had the opportunity to savor good food.

Upon entering the restaurant, a waiter seated Liu Xing at a solo table and informed him that Sawada Yinyin had already instructed that his meal would be entirely complimentary. Sawada Yinyin and Yin En wgere enjoying their time in a private room.had eaten some dry rations before getting attacked by an Earth-boring Demon Worm. On the Sky Floating Island, he had only had some home-cooked dishes. In the internet addiction treatment center, he had a cafeteria meal. Finally, in the poisonous soup dream, Liu Xing had been poisoned...

So, faced with the delicious food in front of him, Liu Xing couldn't help but feel deeply moved. It was the first time he had experienced something good in the Cthulhu RPG Game.

Of course, Liu Xing didn't forget to ask the waiter for a charger. After all, having a dead phone was quite inconvenient.

After finishing the meal, Liu Xing noticed that Yin En hadn't finished his private time with Sawada Yinyin yet. So, he took out Watanabe Jiang's phone and started playing with it.

As a fugitive, Watanabe Jiang, like Yin En, had prepared many spare phones. So, the phone Liu Xing held had only basic applications.

However, this didn't prevent Liu Xing from searching the internet, and he quickly found information about the recent Unseen Pond arson case.

According to the information provided by the police, the Unseen Pond arson case was considered an accident. Chen Wenbin had accidentally ignited a patch of grass at Unseen Pond while smoking. Due to various factors, the fire had spread, but it was quickly extinguished by the efforts of the firefighters. There were no casualties, but some public facilities like streetlights were damaged. Chen Wenbin would only need to pay a fine and serve seven days of administrative detention.

However, Liu Xing was not willing to let Chen Wenbin be detained for seven days, especially since there were only four days left until the module's end. If Chen Wenbin were detained for seven days, he would effectively be out of the game.

At this moment, Yin En and Sawada Yinyin finally emerged from their private room. Liu Xing didn't want to intrude, so he waited until he saw Yin En escort Sawada Yinyin out before approaching him and informing him about Chen Wenbin's situation.

"I've already told Sawada Yinyin about Chen Wenbin's situation. She will arrange for his release as soon as possible. But I think Chen Wenbin getting caught might be a good thing. After all, he now has the opportunity to interact with the police chief, Ryochuan Taro. Although that might not necessarily be a good thing," Yin En said with a smile.

Liu Xing chuckled. With Sawada Yinyin involved, Chen Wenbin should be released soon.

Because the topic they were about to discuss was quite important and walls have ears, Liu Xing and Yin En silently agreed to return to their car.

"You haven't finished your story from yesterday. What's on that memory card, exactly?" Yin En lit a cigarette and asked.

Liu Xing proceeded to describe the contents of the two videos and his speculations to Yin En.

After listening to Liu Xing's account, Yin En's expression turned serious. He spoke, "I see, Tennoji Sohide has a pedophilic tendency. No wonder Dark Willow Gang can easily control him. But for us, this doesn't help much. Even if we use this evidence to expose Tennoji Sohide, it will still take two or three days for him to resign, which won't make a difference in the current situation."

"However, this Honda Koichi is a big problem. He's a Ghoul with magical abilities, and dealing with him won't be easy. Moreover, the Monsters he creates don't seem easy to handle either."

Liu Xing nodded and added, "Actually, the focus shouldn't be on Honda Koichi. The real focus should be Hisanobu Ito, Mikageichi's adoptive father. It looks like he doesn't have much time left. So, I was thinking, what if we take action through Hisanobu Ito? If we eliminate Hisanobu Ito, I believe Mikageichi wouldn't have a reason to target Mian Gu Lu so aggressively."

That was Liu Xing's simple idea: to remove Hisanobu Ito. Mikageichi would likely lose interest in pursuing Mian Gu Lu without Hisanobu Ito's influence.

"Well, that sounds reasonable, but Hisanobu Ito won't be easy to deal with. After all, he's Mikageichi's adoptive father, and his security is not something we can easily bypass. Even if we manage to eliminate Hisanobu Ito, won't Mikageichi come after us relentlessly?" Yin En asked with a hint of doubt.

Liu Xing smiled and shook his head, saying, "As long as we make sure Mikageichi doesn't know it was us who took action, it should be fine. Other gangs in Ziwu City must also want to target Hisanobu Ito, right? We just need to find a way to disguise ourselves as one of those gangs."

Yin En fell into thought.

After a moment, he chuckled and scolded Liu Xing, pointing at him, "You, Liu Xing, you're actually scheming against me!"

Indeed, Liu Xing was scheming against Yin En.

Tasks like assassinating Hisanobu Ito couldn't be entrusted to NPCs, as they were subject to the Game Master's control, which introduced too much uncertainty. Among all the players in this module, only Yin En, with his background as a mercenary, had the ability to carry out such an assassination.

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