Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 228: Conclusion (1)

Chapter 228: Conclusion (1)

It began!

As Liu Xing saw Mikageichi and Hisanobu Ito emerging from the cave, he knew that the final battle of this module had begun. As expected, Hisanobu Ito had indeed been injected with the blood of the Black Mountain Goat Hatchling by Honda Koichi. He had transformed into a towering figure, standing over eight meters tall, resembling a black tree with hoof-like legs. Numerous tentacles extended from Hisanobu Ito's torso, each adorned with a head, wrinkled claws, and copious amounts of green slime covering their sides.

Of course, Hisanobu Ito's head still remained intact atop the "crown," and according to Liu Xing's observation, Hisanobu Ito's eyes were still moving, gazing at their group. This indicated that Hisanobu Ito still possessed the ability to think.

However, this wasn't good news, as if Hisanobu Ito retained his ability to think and self-awareness, it would increase the pressure on their group during the battle. After all, the tentacles on Hisanobu Ito were not for show, and Liu Xing's team couldn't be sure if he had gained the abilities of the Black Mountain Goat Hatchling.

At this moment, KP Li Shunchan stepped forward and said, "Okay, now it's time for the SAN value check that everyone has been eagerly awaiting. Since all players have witnessed Hisanobu Ito's transformation into a Black Mountain Goat Hatchling, you will undergo an SAN value check. Originally, it should have been a successful check reducing SAN by 1d5+1 points, or a failed check reducing SAN by 1d6+3 points. However, due to the lingering effects of Kanna Ryoko's custom-made calming tea, you will only lose the minimum SAN value in this check, which is 2 points. Additionally, each player will gain 2 points of Cthulhu Mythos knowledge and some understanding of the Black Mountain Goat Hatchling."

Liu Xing couldn't help but feel relieved. He was grateful that Yin En had reminded Sawada Tsuo to provide them with Kanna Ryoko's calming tea. Without it, they might have gone mad by now.

Mikageichi, who was wielding a large sword, finally got a clear look at Liu Xing's group and said with a furrowed brow, "So, it's you guys. I didn't even have a chance to look for you, and here you are, delivering yourselves to me."

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect Mikageichi to be so arrogant, but he had the right to be, especially when facing such a ragtag group.

However, they couldn't back down now. Liu Xing decisively entered taunting mode and said, "Mikageichi, you're nothing more than a defeated general at this point. You should know that the Dark Willow Gang has been completely wiped out, and Honda Koichi has surrendered. So, you're all alone now, and you're wanted by various factions. I suggest you surrender and maybe save your life!"

Mikageichi chuckled and pointed at Liu Xing's group. "You few shrimp and crabs want me to surrender? That's the funniest thing I've heard all year. As for those cats and dogs trying to capture me, they're just dreaming. So, I suggest you step aside and maybe I'll spare your lives. You should know that the blade in my hand isn't for show!"

Liu Xing smiled as well and pointed at Hisanobu Ito. "Mikageichi, I know the origin of that blade in your hand, and I know you're skilled, but you shouldn't forget that it's not the age of cold weapons anymore. Even if you're powerful, you're just one person. How can you withstand the might of the military? So, unless you're planning to abandon your foster father, Hisanobu Ito, or live forever in the underground world without sunlight, you will definitely be pursued by the military. When that happens, you'll have to face Aircraft Tanks head-on!"

Mikageichi sighed in resignation. He knew that with Hisanobu Ito's current appearance, if he appeared in broad daylight, it would surely attract the military's attention. After all, colossal monsters like Hisanobu Ito had to be eliminated for the sake of social stability.

However, Mikageichi had a plan. Once he and Hisanobu Ito's injuries had healed, he would take him to the Aoki Forest, known as the suicide sacred ground at the foot of Mount Fuji. This was because there was a secret society that worshipped the Black Mountain Goat Hatchling, Shabu Nicholas, in the Island Nation, and their activities took place deep within the Aoki Forest. The forest was the ideal habitat for the Black Mountain Goat Hatchling, and the vast expanse of trees provided the perfect cover to hide its existence.

Therefore, Mikageichi believed that as long as he took Hisanobu Ito to the Aoki Forest, they would be safe, and Hisanobu Ito could even receive offerings from that secret society.

With this plan in mind, Mikageichi firmly declared, "There's no need for more talk. If you won't make way, then you'll all die here!"

As Mikageichi finished speaking, KP Li Shunchan excitedly said, "Alright, we're officially entering the combat round. Due to the influence of your Agility attribute values, the action order for this combat round is as follows: Mikageichi, Yoh Asakura, Yin En, Yasaka Mashiro, Liu Xing, Gu Jun, Chen Wenbin, and Hisanobu Ito. All of you are Vetran Drivers, so you should know how combat works. I won't go into details. However, I'll give you a bonus. Mikageichi's HP is 11, and Hisanobu Ito's HP is 23."

Upon learning that Mikageichi's HP was only 11, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was much lower than they had imagined.

Thanks to Kanna Ryoko's custom tea, all of their weapons had malfunctioned earlier. Fortunately, they had managed to persuade Honda Koichi to surrender, or they would have suffered heavy losses if they had fought him.

However, Yasaka Mashiro, who was a shooting instructor, had easily repaired their handguns during the journey. Still, there was a debuff: the repaired handguns could only fire a maximum of three times per combat round, each shot dealing 1d6 damage. Since the repairs were simple, there was a 10% chance of malfunction after each combat round, and the magazine capacity was 9 rounds.

"Combat begins. First to act is Mikageichi, who starts by quickly approaching the players and carefully observing their movements. Therefore, Mikageichi's Dodge value temporarily increases by 10 points," KP Li Shunchan announced.

As the third to act, Yin En spoke up, "KP, we'd like to request a team combat mode. My teammates will attack first, and I will only shoot after they've acted."

During the journey, Liu Xing's group had discussed their battle tactics thoroughly. Since Yin En had the highest shooting skill among them, he was the primary firepower, while the others cleared the way and pressured Mikageichi's movements, allowing Yin En to land hits more easily.

"Oh, it seems you've already discussed your tactics. Let's activate the team combat mode. Now, send a representative forward to describe your planned tactics in the combat description phase, and then we'll proceed with the combat check," KP Li Shunchan said enthusiastically.

Team combat mode was something Liu Xing had never experienced before, as he had only been through one combat round prior to this. Essentially, team combat mode involved several players cooperating with each other in combat. Due to this cooperation, the combat check results of each player could be affected. For instance, Liu Xing had a handgun accuracy of 50 points, but because he was coordinating with Yin En, he adjusted his aim to Mikageichi's right side, reducing his accuracy to 40 points. Meanwhile, Yin En's accuracy increased by 5 points due to the coordination.

In team combat mode, the combat check and combat description phases were reversed, and it required the agreement of all players to proceed.

As the team's leader, Yin En confidently said, "Okay, now Liu Xing and Gu Jun will aim to shoot Mikageichi's right side, while Yoh Asakura and Chen Wenbin will target Mikageichi's left side. Yasaka Mashiro will attempt a headshot on Mikageichi, and I will aim for Mikageichi's heart after everyone else has fired. By the way, each of us will fire three shots."

The core of this tactic was to limit Mikageichi's evasion space, forcing him to take damage during evasive maneuvers. As long as they could hit Mikageichi, there was a chance to cause harm.

"Good tactic. I was originally planning to have Mikageichi dodge left and right, but this works as well. Because you've aimed in advance, Yin En and Yasaka Mashiro gain a 10-point increase in handgun accuracy, while the other players gain a 30-point increase. However, this increase only applies to the accuracy of the first shot. Due to your tactical arrangement, except for Yin En, all other players will have a 5-point reduction in handgun accuracy when shooting the second and third shots. If there are no objections, we will proceed with the combat check in order of action."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and KP Li Shunchan began the combat check.

Yoh Asakura, 88/50 (20), failed.

Yin En, 18/80 (70), succeeded.

Yasaka Mashiro, 11/75 (65), succeeded.

Liu Xing, 79/50 (20), failed.

Gu Jun, 53/50 (20), failed.

Chen Wenbin, 5/50 (20), critical success.

The first round of shooting had a good effect. Both Yin En and Yasaka Mashiro succeeded, and Chen Wenbin even achieved a critical success, preventing Mikageichi from evading.

"Good luck! Since you achieved a critical success, it's guaranteed to cause damage to Mikageichi. So, there's no need to check for the next two shots, as you've triggered Mikageichi's second stage," KP Li Shunchan said with a sly smile.

Liu Xing felt a chill down his spine. Mikageichi's second stage didn't sound simple at all.

Just then, Liu Xing felt his body move involuntarily and fired three shots.

Mikageichi, in response, leaped to the left and used his large sword to block most of his body, but he was still hit on the left hand by Chen Wenbin.

After being injured, drops of blood fell onto Mikageichi's sword, which was instantly absorbed, and a dark mist emerged from the handle of the sword, entering Mikageichi's wound.

Mikageichi's face contorted in pain, and his body began to tremble.

Liu Xing and his team exchanged glances, unsure whether they should attack or wait and see.

However, at that moment, Liu Xing's pocket suddenly vibrated. He was puzzled because his phone had been damaged. Could it be the stone tablet?

Liu Xing remembered the stone tablet that Otonashi Takuya had given him. Since it wasn't very large, he had kept it in his pocket.

Liu Xing retrieved the stone tablet from his pocket, and indeed, it was the source of the vibration. Beside him, Gu Jun looked at the stone tablet in astonishment and said, "Liu Xing, how do you have King Tindalos' communicator?"

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. He knew that King Tindalos was part of Yis People, so it made sense that King Tindalos knew his name. "It's an honor to meet you, King Tindalos. However, we are currently dealing with Mikageichi, who possesses the sword that can save your daughter, Mian Gu Lu."

King Tindalos chuckled and said, "Although I can't predict how to save Mian Gu Lu, I can predict that it will be you who can save her. In your time, the Rose Graveyard will encounter great trouble, so I have been prepared."

As King Tindalos finished speaking, a massive white pillar of light erupted from beneath Mikageichi and Hisanobu Ito's feet, shooting straight into the sky. However, after a moment, the light pillar, along with Mikageichi and Hisanobu Ito, disappeared, leaving only the sword planted in the ground.

[Thanks for reading at /maxnkoga , if you supporting this novel, a heartfelt thankyou, enjoy the content!]

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