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6 months ago
In 2180, the last survivor of the human race returns to Earth. In 2025, a 3rd generation... Read more In 2180, the last survivor of the human race returns to Earth.In 2025, a 3rd generation Chaebol regains consciousness after being rendered a vegetable in a car accident. Collapse Acting, Aliens, Androids, Antihero Protagonist, Artifacts, Artificial Intelligence, Body Swap, Calm Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Family Business, Fanaticism, Hiding True Identity, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Male Protagonist, Master-Servant Relationship, Modern Day, Nationalism, Outer Space, Politics, Possession, Saving the World, Time Travel, Trickster It feels like if a chinese writer decides to write a Korean novel Your bastard nationalism It's got an ok premise, there are some weird edits or translation that don't entirely match scene to scene IE a few dialogues that don't have smooth transition from 1 character speaking to the next, other than that it's a 3/5 in my opinion. this had hope from me because I like the genre but this story declined fast. Not worth the read Vegetables. Anyone mind sharing their thoughts on this novel? This novel seems to be pretty generic if you ask me… basing off desc and srsly I wish for no short synopsis pls 1 chapter a day Another vegetable character and a chaebol at that too.. oga boogaJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile New book ?! But it looks same cliche type ... Anyone who read it can you please leave a review ?!