Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 69

C69 – Protection

“I haven’t tasted fresh human flesh in ages. I’m famished!”

A man with a wolf-like head chuckled manically, running his scarlet tongue over his lips.

Prior to this, they had been confined in a dark underground space, surviving on occasional mice and other small creatures that happened to wander in.

There were times when they went without meat for several days, resorting to cannibalism to stay alive.

This explained why their numbers had dwindled to just a few hundred. Survival favored the fittest, and the weaker Orcs fell prey to the stronger ones.

“Old Wolf, don’t waste any time. I can’t endure it any longer!”

A Tauren could bear the hunger no more and charged towards the group of civilians.

The wolf-headed man rushed over in a hurry, fearing that his companions might snatch the food.


The people in the room let out terrified screams. The two Orcs were closing in on the food with anticipation gleaming in their eyes.

Yet, just as they were about a meter away from the food, two gleaming, cold lights suddenly materialized.

In the next instant, they lost consciousness.

Loong Chen’s presence filled the room as he stashed the Tyrannical Saber into his Dimensional Pocket. He glanced at the refugees huddled in the corner.

At that moment, Loong Chen experienced an indescribable sensation within his heart.

Surveying the surroundings, he recognized this place as a blacksmith shop, where the one thing in abundant supply was weapons.

Among the weaponry available were Battle Sabers, valuable swords, and spears. The elderly, women, and children, however, lacked the physical strength to wield any of them.

Yet, in this group, there were still five or six robust young men who refrained from picking up their weapons to resist. They huddled in a corner, adopting a posture akin to that of elderly and young women, awaiting their fate.

These two Orcs were at the lowest rank among their kind. If these five or six men dared to take up arms and confront them, even though it might lead to their eventual demise, they would undoubtedly buy some time for the elderly, children, and women behind them.

This proactive approach was far more effective than simply awaiting their demise.

“We are immensely grateful for your rescue!”

The terrified civilians expressed their joy and gratitude after being rescued, kneeling down to thank Loong Chen.

Loong Chen responded with a stern reminder, “I can save you once, but that doesn’t mean I can save you repeatedly. If all of you give up on resisting, then no one can ensure your safety.”

He stated this in a cold tone before preparing to depart.

“Master, aren’t you taking us with you?”

A middle-aged man, who appeared strong and had tattoos on his arms, noticed Loong Chen’s departure and hurriedly inquired.

Loong Chen studied him closely. This middle-aged man displayed physical prowess and hinted at a criminal past, likely specializing in bullying ordinary people. Now, when confronted by the Orcs, he lacked the courage to wield his weapon.

Before this, he had terrorized ordinary folks, but now, he lacked the guts to stand up to the Orcs.

Loong Chen maintained his cold demeanor as he asserted, “I’ve said it before—I’m not your guardian. I can’t constantly protect you.”

He emphasized this point, his expression unyielding.

Nevertheless, the middle-aged man persisted, declaring, “No, from this day forward, you are my father. I am your son. Please take me away with you.”

The tattooed man clung to Loong Chen’s legs, desperately embracing them.

He recognized that the sole savior in this situation was the young man before him. He had to find a way to please him.

Loong Chen cast a disgusted look at the tattooed man.

“I don’t have any weaklings like you for a son!”

Without hesitation, Loong Chen applied a gentle force, causing the tattooed man to be sent flying. He then promptly left the blacksmith’s shop.

His mission extended beyond protecting just a few individuals. His goal was to rescue the entire city of Jinling.

“Picking up done! Obtained Speed attribute*50.”

“Picking up done! Obtained Experience points*1000.”

Loong Chen dispatched yet another Orc. This marked the 20th Orc he had defeated since departing from the blacksmith’s shop.

It had been only ten minutes since he arrived in Jinling City, yet he had already slain over 50 Orcs. His experience points had soared past 50,000, and his attributes had seen significant improvements.

At this moment, he stood outside the Registration Hall, which was teeming with survivors from the vicinity.

Outside the hall, there were nearly a hundred members of the Evolver Alliance, among them Zhang Qibing.

Across from Zhang Qibing stood almost a hundred Orcs, seemingly intent on breaking into the Registration Hall but held back by Zhang Qibing and his group.

Zhang Qibing’s complexion was ashen, suggesting he had sustained considerable injuries.

“How about we negotiate a condition? I’ll permit all 100 of you Evolvers to leave with these 100 Evolvers, and you simply need to release the ordinary humans within.”

At the forefront of the Orcs’ assembly stood a tigerman, evidently the leader of this Orc group.

“The Evolvers’ mission is to safeguard the civilians. As long as we’re breathing, we won’t let you pass!” declared Zhang Qibing with a steely resolve, flanked by numerous determined Evolvers.

Zhang Qibing emitted a disdainful snort, while his fellow Evolvers maintained unwavering expressions.

In the hall behind them resided their families, friends, and loved ones—how could they simply step aside?

“Isn’t living a precious thing? Must you seek death?”

The tigerman sighed.

“We’re humans with emotions. Can’t you see we’re different from your cold-hearted kind?”

Zhang Qibing sneered.

“The feeble talk about sentiments. In the realm of the strong, power is everything. Since you’re all so eager for death, I’ll gladly oblige.”

“Valiant Orc warriors, savor your meal to your heart’s content!”

With a wave of its hand, the tigerman directed nearly a hundred Orcs behind it to unleash eerie cries as they charged toward the Registration Hall.

“We pledge to defend this place with our lives!”

Zhang Qibing bellowed loudly. His nearly hundred Evolver comrades displayed no hesitation as they confronted the advancing Orcs.

While their strength might not measure up to this formidable group of Orcs, their determination to shield their families and friends was unyielding.

When a person dedicates their heart to safeguarding something, they often summon greater strength than they knew they possessed.

Despite his injuries, Zhang Qibing emitted a furious roar in this critical moment. He seized his Battle Saber and charged headlong toward the group of Orcs.

Having consumed the Dragon Blood Pill given to him by Loong Chen, his strength had now surged to Level 3 Mid Rank. He advanced without fear, exuding a power even greater than an ordinary Level 3 Mid Rank.

Within moments, Zhang Qibing had beheaded several Level 2 Orcs.

“Bat King, I’ll entrust that human Evolver to you.”

The tigerman addressed a Batman with two ebony wings by his side.

The Batman revealed a sinister grin, its eyes brimming with malice.

“The flavor of a human Evolver is far superior to that of an ordinary human. Tiger King, I appreciate your generous offering.”

The Batman nodded at the Tiger King and unfurled its wings. Transforming into a dark silhouette, it darted toward Zhang Qibing, who was valiantly battling the Orcs.

In an instant, it hovered above Zhang Qibing, its two razor-sharp claws aiming for his head.

Should it make contact, an explosive outcome would follow.

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