Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Cell disappeared, after the ki sense searched the surrounding area, there was no sign of his rebirth.

To be sure that Cell was truly eliminated, Ayaka took a long breath, took out a Senzu Bean, put it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed it. A warm stream flowed out, like spring rain moistening a dry field, and the discomfort left by fighting with Cell disappeared in a moment.

Ayaba was also lightly brushing her chest and nodded with a palpitating heart. This azure Cell was too scarred. If the two of them did not join forces in the nick of time to make a combined attack, sparring energy to destroy him, who won and who lost was uncertain.

Ayaka calmed down, even more afraid, in case Ayaba had not come to her world, she faced the azure Cell alone, the consequences might be a tragedy.

With the azure Cell destroyed, those Small Cell split by him also quickly lost their lives and turned into a pile of dust.

"Finally, it's over!"

Like a burdened sigh, Son Goku exited the Super Saiyan transformation. His body leaned back on the ground, already exhausted. Son Gohan and Ayame exit the transformation, a huge sense of fatigue hit, the two of them both pass out.

As they were about to fall to the ground, two shadows flashed by. Android 17 and 18 steadily caught their bodies and moved over to the open space.

"It's great that Miss Ayaba eliminated Cell, so that this world is saved!" Trunks said with a smile on his face.

Looking at the silent Vegeta, he smartly shut his mouth. He understood Vegeta's current mood, being exceeded by two small children, for Vegeta, who had such a pride, it was a massive blow. It was better not to stimulate him at this time.

Vegeta walked in the direction of the rendezvous with his head sullenly, passing by Trunks when he tapped his shoulder without a trace, stopped, and said, "You did well this time!"

After hearing this, Trunks froze, standing there in disbelief, and it took a while to react, with a delighted smile on his face.

Everyone converged together, Ayaka took out the Senzu Beans to distribute to them, and soon everyone regained their energy.

When Son Goku came to see Android 18, except for some tattered clothes on their bodies, they did not have a bit of fatigue, and said with a sigh of admiration, "The perpetual motion type energy can be really powerful, the energy is not a bit weakened after such a fierce battle."

They then looked toward the body of the androids, agreeing very much with Son Goku's words.

"Although this crisis has passed without danger, Krillin and others had been sacrificed. Mr. Popo should have collected the Dragon Balls. Go back and let them resurrect!" Ayaka opened his mouth and said.

The crowd nodded in silence. Fighting with the strong naturally came with a crisis. Before participating in the Cell Game, they had been prepared to sacrifice. Although the sacrifice of Krillin and others made them a little gloomy, the good news was that it was not meaningless. They defended the Earth. They were heroes! And they could use the Dragon Balls to revive them, the great fortune of misfortune.

Son Goku urged, "In that case, let's hurry back!"

"I'm afraid I can not go back for a moment!"

Followed the gaze skimming, sneaking out of the Ice King's palace, braving the sand, wind, and dust running towards them.

Not long after, the host ran to Son Goku, panting and looking around, holding up the microphone, and asked, "Mr. Goku, I see that the storm outside gradually subsided, and you all stopped moving, is it true that Cell has been destroyed!"

Son Goku said truthfully, "Yes, Cell has been eliminated by us. How to announce the news next is left to you."

With that, Son Goku teleported to the side of Krillin and others corpses, carrying them up into the air and fly.

Subsequently, Vegeta, Trunks, Android 16, 17, 18 also left one after another. They did not want too much contact with these ordinary people, only felt that there was little need for contact. Ayaka pulled Ayaba to the host, nodded gently, closed the Ice King Palace, followed the transient, and disappeared.

The host saw that it was too late to say thank you. At that moment of admiration, he gratefully bowed a few times in the direction of their departure. This was the true martial artist's style!

After giving a few instructions to the camera crew, the host then excitedly announced to the camera that Cell had been eliminated. At the same time, the general casualty situation was briefly communicated.

The host's speech was spread around the world via satellite, and everyone cheered with excitement after knowing that peace had been restored to the world. In the television, the camera swept across the wide gray and yellow wasteland one by one. Without the interference of external energy, the high-tech camera played its role.

In the super clear resolution, the huge impact craters and dauntingly horrific fissures created a powerful visual impact that shook the heart and soul.

"Look, these shocking views, who would have thought it was a small green and tree-lined country town before, and from this beautiful and brutal picture, you can see the intensity of this battle! The power of Cell is far beyond imagination. If not for these martial artists defending peace with their lives and blood, the earth would have entered the end of days!"

After seeing the images on the screen clearly, everyone sucked in cold air and was speechless for a long time.

The smallest of those huge impact craters was a hundred meters in diameter, while the largest was tens of thousands of meters wide and nearly a thousand meters deep. The wisps of hot magma that kept flowing outward were still emitting scalding heat. Not to mention the cracks that stretched for thousands of meters, like a giant blade cutting through the sky and cutting the earth in two from the air.

"Terrible, look at those explosion craters. Even nuclear bombing can't get that kind of effect."

"Ooo, no, it turns out that powerful martial artists are so powerful. I want to go and learn from a master!" Some people couldn't resist the impulse in their hearts.

"You? Come on, Mr.Son Goku is not going to take you as an apprentice!" One person splashed water.

"Mr. Son Goku is not a master I hope to be. As long as I can enter a slightly stronger martial arts school, I will be satisfied."

The previous dynamic battle gave people a feeling of shock, but it seemed too unreal. At the moment, through the static picture, people really experienced the chill emanating from the depths of the soul. Immediately, the world once again rolled up a frenzy to learn the art and was more intense than the martial arts boom a few years ago.

It was not known how many people were able to get what they wanted.

The pantheon, the corpses of Krillin, Yamaha, Tian Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo were lined up, and then Shenron was summoned.

Because the Shenron created by Dende could have fulfilled three wishes, but to resurrect more than one person at a time, the Dragon Ball was set to fulfill two wishes when it was manufactured. Relatively, each wish efficacy was more powerful.

The first wish, those who were killed by Cell, even if they lose their physical bodies, were revived. The second wish, Ayaka, as in the original, let Shenron dismantle the bombs inside Android 17 and 18.

After dismantling the bombs in the body, Android 18 had no place to go. They stayed and lived with Ayaba and Ayaka in the Lookout. Because of the reverence for nature, Android 16 refused everyone's invitation and traveled alone around the world, finally settling down in the small village where the northern Android 8 lived.

With so many people at home all of a sudden, Ayame began to look unhappy and finally accepted the reality under the enticement of Android 18.

A few days later, at Bulma's home in the West City, everyone gathered together, and Trunks was about to return to his world.

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