Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 199: Leaving unceremoniously

Chapter 199: Leaving unceremoniously

What Yunan did not know was that while he was evolving, his master brand was undone, and he had lost his power over his 3 slaves, only Kitty would make her pledge every time she could get closer to Yunan ultimately re-establishing the bond before Yunan woke up, that is why he did not feel any different than usual, if we add in the fact that the bond between him and Kitty was far stronger than the mere hint of a bond that he felt from Lina and Nina.

As for his choice to send the girls away, it was because he thought it was high time they started to depend on themselves and create a living for themselves independently.

Yunan also did not forget to thank Leol for his role in keeping the girls at a better standing with their organizations, than they otherwise would have been in without his intervention, he asked Leol what he can do for him and Leol just shrugged it off with "get me more jewellery, girls love jewellery" and that was the end of it, Yunan was glad that even though Leol was distancing himself from the family, in the end, Leol was still a member at heart and would without hesitation stand and help his fellows at any moment.

Yunan Also went to check on Balin in the forge where Balin has spent most of his time recently, there was an abundance of materials in the treasury, something that a smith of his calibre was too happy to make use of, forging anything that can be used by Debauchery and with the aid of the enchanted pearls he could basically make any type of enchantment by combining a few of the pearls into any item, therefore he made quite a number of useful gadgets for the family, simply because not everyone was like Yunan and had an armour that could do nearly anything.

Balin was proud to show off the fruits of his labours during the time where Yunan was asleep, he even boasted that his smithing has developed into a new height, he gave Yunan the tour of the items he made and both chatted at length about how to change or perfect the items, as a heavenly smith and someone with a very open mind, Yunan's insight in smithing was of great value to Balin who has been well past the point of being able to look back at his works with a different view.

Leaving the forge behind him Yunan headed for the kitchen to have a talk with Nina and Lina, he was hoping he didn't need to have to break the master brand without their consent and force the situation on them, yet the dull mood he felt upon entering the kitchen told him he did not have to do something that extreme. Yunan made his way inside and hugged the girls giving each a small kiss, he could feel like they were under some pressure and so he stood there with his hands around the waists of the girls, he patiently waited for them to speak first.

After some silence minutes the girls caved in first "we think we should leave, we can not sustain this type of life anymore, the reason we served you is almost gone and with the slave brand gone we are lost in this regard, hopefully you can allow us to go on our way, even though we pledged our lives to you we were not in the right mindset and we think we should have not been so anxious, maybe it was the training talking but we think all our urge to serve was satisfied and we can maybe move on with our lives sooner than later". The girls looked guilt-ridden, as if they had done a great mistake and Yunan could sense they wanted to pay for it somehow so he said to them with a relaxed voice "you are mine, if you want to be free, use your bodies and please me enough times to make me feel it's alright if I do not seeing you again for a few years.

Later Yunan told everyone that he needed the house for himself and sent everyone to villa number 5 in the 30th floor where he last anchored a door to his home, and for the rest of the week he was living in a sort of paradise where he did not even need to think, he only needed to enjoy what was offered to him on a plate of silver. Yunan had to admit it was a lifestyle that was very addictive if he didn't have any aspirations he might have indulged in this type of lustful lifestyle as much as he could.

Lina and Nina left the house unceremoniously, Yunan had to resist the urge to send them away, it was their choice to leave after all, and even though he was told off for it and even got a few insults and sone rather stinging words from the other girls he stayed adamant in letting the girls go without a proper goodbye, it was their wish after all, even though the members of debauchery and the Valyrians wanted to have some time with them before they left, Yunan did not allow it.

One might ask, why would they listen to Yunan if they wanted to spend time with their friends, one must remember first that the girls are not friends, they were slaves that basically forced themselves into the house unlike Kitty who had no ulterior motive in joining the team, the two girls confessed to Yunan that they had a desire to serve him and repay him, a reason that was limited in its scope, if compared to Kitty who just wanted to be with the group one could say the emotional attachment to Kitty is much stronger then to Lina and Nina.

After the girls left, Yunan took charge of the next matter at hand, Kitty's old master, an illegal slaver who has been making quite a ruckus lately asking for Kitty back, however before starting on such a mission Yunan made Kitty sit down and tell him her story in privacy.

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