Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 226: Debilitating luck

Chapter 226: Debilitating luck

In the 43rd floor, Yunan had enough time to recuperate his battle sense, and trade a good amount of antidotes with the guild, meanwhile the rest of the Valyrians reached the 40th floor and joined Yunan in his new hanging palace.

In the heart of the 43rd floor lies an oasis surrounding a rather large lake, strangely there was not a single creature in the 10 km vicinity of the oasis, Yunan chose this place to rest because it was probably where the boss would have the highest chance of spawning, simply due to the emptiness around it.

However Yunan found out this was a safe spot and all adventurers who had the ability to fight the boss would arrive here to rest before fighting the boss in a nearby cave, however Yunan did not believe this information, he could not scan beneath the water of the lake and that was a very big red flag for him. After some deliberation and thought Yunan dove into the lake to find what secrets it hid under the interference with his scanning.

Under the lake Yunan found a red gem as big as his head, it was perfectly spherical in shape and had a bloody luminescence to it and was heavier than 50 kilogrammes when Yunan pulled away the gemstone from its pedestal he heard the pop one would hear from plucking a fruit. Strangely the calm lake started to spin around the stone in Yunan's hand and all the mana in the water swarmed and rushed inside the sphere, making it bloody lustre shine brighter.

When everything calmed down Yunan tried to send the stone to his aquarium but was surprised that he could not detach the sphere from his hands, and soon it started to compress into a single drop of blood that wormed its way into Yunan's bloodstream and dissipated in his blood.

For the first time in a very long time a message rang from the status "Blood of the Phoenix absorbed, incompatibility detected, dragon blood and phoenix blood mutual rejection confirmed, all stats and healing reduced by 20%, rejection reduced due to racial traits, possibility of compatibility detected, Racial trait of Dragonborn activated, seeking perfect bloodline completion, bloodline quest activated, user will be drawn to locations with Phoenix blood, body or heritage, please be advised that the drop of phoenix blood will be completely absorbed or rejected within 100 years, the possibility of completing a new bloodline 10%."

Yunan felt his body almost collapse as he heard the notification from his status, the pain itself was bearable for a few days but he didn't think that he could bear this pain for 100 years. That aside 20% of his power was sealed because of cross-contamination, the only ray of light in this cloud was that even though there were rejection and incompatibility, his body had a 10% chance to integrate the third bloodline.

The racial trait of the Dragonborn must be similar to the human race but on a higher level, if humans could integrate successfully with all kinds of bloodlines then since the Dragonborn was both man and dragon he could integrate the third bloodline, however Yunan had to draw the shortest straw and hit the reverse jackpot, he found a bloodline that was incompatible with his dragon bloodline.

"Black Fate, why does the dragon and phoenix reject each others bloodline even though there is no animosity between the two that is written in history, all we know is that the two clans were friendly and never at odds, one chose human masters the other chose to take care of nature, can you explain why?"

"It is simple, the dragon clan and the Phoenix clan are mutually exclusive, one is magic itself the other is life itself, the two clans were born from different origins, and they had the purest form of their respective elements thus the mutual exclusiveness, to put it as simple as possible, life and magic do not mix together, they influence each other but never occupy the same location, life is growth and magic is diversity, and no mana and magic are not the same. Magic is the manifestation of mana, it can never exist without mana to support it, while life can survive just fine without mana, some even consider mana the leftover energy from living beings, by that logic, mana is a byproduct of life and magic is the result of burning mana as energy, both are able to exist without the need for the other, they can interact and strengthen each other but never coexist"

"This matter is more complicated than any being in this universe, only the creator, the truest God can explain it perfectly, otherwise, it is nothing but speculation with educated guesses. Dragon and Phoenix are not compatible due to the life and magic paradigm, think of them as two different concepts, independent in existence but co-dependent to create a living being."

Yunan had his head even more messed up thanks to the explanation by the ring, all he cared about at the moment was the 20% loss in ability, as for the phoenix blood, well, let the mysterious stuff deal with itself.

Yunan returned to the hanging palace and made a stop by the guild branch to buy any possible information about phoenixes that he did not have in his own library or read about somewhere else. After buying some books and selling the day's quota of antidote, Yunan took a moment to go to the hanging palace and meet up with Leol, who was now free from his organization and was taking leisure time and enjoying the service provided by the guild in the hanging palace as per their agreement with Yunan.

The two went out for some tea and sweets and rambled about this and that for a few hours, it has been long since the two roommates were alone and had their own time together as old friends and colleagues.

"So what happened to Muscles I thought you two were a thing?", "As of the moment we still are, but ultimately, it is your fault our talent grew so much, we both were aiming to stay on the 30th floor and enjoy the scenery there, do some fishing now and then and just relax for life". "What did I do? It's not like I trained her or something, besides I told you before that making such small goals was the wrong thing to do". "Dreams are dreams! you don't need them to be right or wrong, well, thanks to you, Muscles met Debauchery, got inspired, played around with your harem and learned a lot from them in combat, worst of all you keep feeding us that accursed meat and we just grew stronger whether we wanted to or not".

"That is my fault, I admit, but why

is she not by your side?". "Because she grew stronger steadily and have broken past the levels that were supposedly her maximum capacity, she has been called by her king to explain her daily life and how did she break through what they thought unbreakable chains". "Let me see, genie can you contact Muscles tell her if she does not answer the call she wouldn't hear Leol's last words this minute". "What are you doing? She is with her king, it has been days with him and his advisors and investigators, so far she only said she met some strong people who were able to help her grow stronger by watching them, they ask her such invasive questions about the rest of us it drives me crazy".

"Well then, more of a reason to give her a hand and get her back, oh hi Muscles, I wanted to talk to your king, here say something before the minute is over I do not want to be a liar". "I miss yo". "That was the minute and you heard his last words, now let me see that king of yours". "Still as eccentric as ever, sir Yunan, why do you want to talk to my king?".

"Oh please, my mate here misses his lovely wife, how am I supposed to stay silent about it? Anyway tell that stupid king not to dig too deep or I am going to buy his kingdom" Yunan was still talking when he heard a violent "INSOLENCE" come through the call, so he just shifted his attention and addressed Muscles in his still cheerful tone "do you need time to pack your items? No? Okay, I am bringing you back we are going shopping".

"What are you doing threatening a king?" Was the first thing Muscles said after being teleported then she flushed a bit saying tenderly under her breath " my king is sitting here". "Woman please, this idiot has the guts to threaten and prostitute a goddess, would he even flinch at kings?". "Well said my dear roommate as expected from my first friend, now let's go make the happy couple a king and queen, also go ask your grandpa if he wants to be king, if not we need to find another to care for your new kingdom".

"Can you even buy kingdoms? How rich are you? Talking about buying kingdoms like it is buying bread at the local bakery". Muscles was still in denial of the idea of going shopping for a kingdom and did not even notice Yunan use spatial shift to send Leol home. When she noticed that her man was not around it was too late " you are serious about this thing aren't you?".

Yunan's answer was something a bit too good to hear for her at the moment "you called him king, I expect my friend's wife to be a queen so, yeah, therefore buying even an empire is not a big deal".

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