East Meet West

Chapter 75: Mughur Hunting Group

Chapter 75: Mughur Hunting Group

75- Mughur Hunting Group

The old mand the burly guy rode the monster at a slow pace and as they were getting closer to me, I tried to think of getting out of this situation.

My instincts were telling me that these guys are 100% related to the dead bald guy.

But even after racking my brain, I only came to one conclusion. That is only a miracle can save me right now.

And if there is no miracle, then getting this system and earning so many Free stat points is like - wasting my whole life earning money but suddenly due to some disease I lose my life and all the wealth is either transferred to my inheritors or taken by the government.

Finally, the two monsters stopped. The old man and the burly guy got down from the monsters and they looked at the dead bald guy. One of the men under the dead bald guy, approached the two guys (The old man and the burly guy) and he quickly kneeled on the ground and spoke,

Leader, please kill this bastard, he is the one who killed our brothers and the vice leader. Please get revenge for the vice leader and our dead brothers. I beg of you.

Seeing him, all the others kneeled and shouted in unison,

Please avenge the Vice leader and the dead brothers.

Please avenge the Vice leader and the dead brothers.

Please avenge the Vice leader and the dead brothers.




Their shouts continued echoing in the forest. Seeing their performance, I was impressed and worried.

Impressed because they were showing how much they cared for their companions and hot angry they are. Or it could be also an act, to cover their cowardice and shift the blame on me.

Worried because their shouts might attract some monsters. Although we are in the outer area of the dark forest, that doesnt guarantee we safe.

Fu*k...I still have the mood to joke around considering the fact that, I am going to die soon?

The burly guy must be leader than. Well, it's not shocking because he has the highest cultivation among the group.

The burly raised his hand and everyone stopped shouting. Seeing that everyone stopped shouting, he then looked at me.

And just as he set his eyes on me, I felt the pressure acting on me was doubled.

It felt like some kind of weight is acting on me and I felt difficult to breathe.

Also, a chill ran along my spine, because I felt a deep killing intent from his gaze.

Just how many people has he killed and how much blood has been spilled by his hands?

Now, this is an authentic killer in front of me.

This is the first time I have felt the killing intent. In my previous life, all I have read is characters using the killing intent and some vague descriptions.

But when I experience this for the first time, all those descriptions feel cloudy.

And if I were to describe how it feels, then it would be something like When a kid watches horror movie and when it is time to sleep, all the light are switched off and in the dark he feels like someone is looking at him and at any time he will be attacked.

Or something like When your body instinctively tells you that the opponent is a very dangerous and your soul feels so cold, that it makes you shiver physically and mentally.

And right now, involuntarily my teeth are trembling and the body is shivering.

As much as I tried controlling my body, I did not manage to accomplish that. And the body still kept trembling.

The burly guy kept looking at me silently and my body was kept trembling.

I hate this feeling the most.

I never thought that I will experience this kind of situation. So, fu*king insulting.

Finally, the burly guy opened his mouth and spoke with a cold smile on his face,

Well...Well looks like someone grew a pair between the legs huh? A small kid without even a single hair on his face, dares to act like a hero and kill my men huh? HOW DARE YOU.

With this shout, I felt a sharp pain in my ears and felt like my ear drums might rupture.

The burly guy looked at Armelia who was also is in same condition as I am and continued speaking,

Heh. You wanted to act like a hero by saving this girl, right? Well seems like she is important to you or she is close to you, huh? Are you guys perhaps lovers? Hehehe

The burly guy looked at me with a creepy smile and I instantly understood what he wants to do.

Well, boy you made a mistake by messing with the Mughur Hunting group and killing my men. And you will have to pay the price for it.

With that he looked towards Armelia with a creepy smile, then looked at me and then looked at the old man who was standing behind him. And told him,

Hey, Rob break that boys every single bone and dont let him fall unconscious. And make sure that you dont kill him. After that make him sit properly and let him watch how I have fun with his little friend over in front of him.

After hearing this, goosebumps appeared on my skin and Armelia, who heard this trembled and her face lost color and it was as pale as a sheet of paper.

Honestly, I got terrified and scared just by imagining how my bones will be broken.

Hearing the burly mans command, Rob a.k.a spoke with a hoarse voice,

Yes, Leader.

With that he came to me and looked at me without any emotions on his face,

He took a hold of my left palm and gripped my thumb finger, seeing this action a terrifying guess appeared in my mind and



Hello people, How are you? I hope you people are doing good.

So, we have completed our first goal (100 Power stones) and I wanted to thank you people for showing me the support. As promised, I will be uploading 2 chapters on Monday. So, are you guys excited? Let me know in the comments.

And another small thing, I can see that we are extremely close to the second goal (120 Power stones), and it looks like that goal will most probably reached by tomorrow. So, 3 Chapters huh?

Or maybe we could also reach the third goal by tomorrow? Let's hope we are able to reach that goal, and once again thank you for the support.

Let's make a few goals.

Mass Release on Monday:

100 Power stones = 2 Chapters

120 Power stones = 3 Chapters

140 Power stones = 4 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works for my readers.)

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