East Meet West

Chapter 86: The Procedure

Chapter 86: The Procedure

86- The Procedure

After we were done, we moved back to the room and I was asked to take a seat with them.

After taking a seat we applied some medicine to dagger cuts, I can also drink the HP potion to recover soon but I decided not to do so, because it will raise some troublesome questions. After that, Sheela asked

So, before we begin, lets discuss something shall we?

I had no problem so, I simply shrugged and agreed

No problem.

Oh, by the way, please try our Lamia special Luboos.

Sheela poured me some kind of a drink.

I took the glass and, a sweet and tangy scent assaulted my nostrils.

Then I took a sip of the drink and as it touched my tongue, I felt an extreme sweet taste. And at the same time, system notification rang,


+2 MP

+3 HP

I was startled for a moment and but more than that, I felt that the drink was extremely good.

So, I took another sip and again the system notification rang.


But I ignored it because I felt enjoying the drink would be more relaxing than seeing my MP and HP increase by single digits.

Soon, my glass was empty and I had gained 12 Mp and 21 HP.

Seeing this, Sheela poured another glass and soon the glass was again empty.

But I thought it would be rude of me to just keep on drinking, so I said,

Thank you for the drink and I must say that (Luboos) is too good. Now, please tell me what you would like to discuss?

Bertha was the first to speak,

I see that you have been poisoned then surely you must have a story, why dont you tell us about it and if possible, tell us from the start. I love stories.

Although, I felt weird, I told them how I got poisoned and how I got into dark forest, but of course I did not reveal my previous name, or about Leon clan or Gurukul or any information that can lead to all my information.

Hearing this, they asked me few more questions. Some were leading to my personal information that I chose to answer very vaguely and some irrelevant questions. They even asked me - since my cultivation was crippled than how was I able to fight monster and humans who were in Evolver and Demi-Human stage. For this, I simply said

Everyone has their own secret; I hope you are not offended but I cannot reveal this.

And luckily, they did not pry further into this.

I cannot tell them, that I have a system that gives me Free stat points, whenever I level up. And that is the reason for my strength. But even if I did tell them, they might just get confused and I dont have that kind of patience to explain because I want get done with the poison as soon as possible.

After we were done talking, I asked

Umm... if you dont mind then could you please help me get rid of this poison. I want to get this issue solved. And also, I would like to know about your conditions, as I have other work that I have to take care of.

Hearing this, Sheela replied

Yes, of course. But before that tell us what is your age?

I am 16 years old.

I replied. But actually, last month was supposed to be my so called birthday. But I spent that in my sleep. So, now my age is 16.

Oh!!... Well, looks like we will only be able to help you partially.

Hearing this, I got startled and but nevertheless I asked,

What do you mean? I have already performed the Oath, right? Do you still doubt me?

Sheela shook her head and replied,

Its not like that. The reason we can only treat you partially is because of the treatment procedure and your age.

Your treatment procedure is divided into 3 stages.

First Stage Neutralizing. In this stage, Bertha will introduce her poison in your body because her body contains poison which is more lethal than the one present in your body.

But of course, she will limit the amount that has to be introduced in your body and keep both the poisons balanced. You might have heard this line before right Use Poison to fight against other poison. We will be using the same theory here. This will be a painful process but this is a necessary step and this will also increase your resistance towards poison.

Second stage Absorption. In this stage, again Bertha is the one who has to play the role of helper. Here she will drink your blood, because blood is a type of carrier and both the poison present in your body is mainly concentrated in your blood. And one of the poisons will be related to her, which gives her the ability to control both the poisons in your body.

But since she cannot suck your blood completely in one go, she will suck it little by little blood every day. Because the amount of blood generated in your body is slow because the poison has damaged your organs and so we have to replenish the blood with various types of herbs and medicines.

And also, during this process, your immunity towards poison will increase.

And lastly the third stage Yin_Yang Interchange.

While speaking about this, Sheela licked her lips and she continued speaking, but her voice was a little seductive.

In the previous two stages, Bertha will be handling most of the poison. But she is not able to remove the effects of (Devils breath) that has seeped into your internal energy. As you might have already known, (Devils Breath) is the reason for your cultivation to stagnate because your internal energy is corrupted.

And that will be removed in the third stage by me. In this stage, we will be dual cultivating and exchanging our energies.

We Lamias do not contain any Poison like other serpent families, but we are immune to almost all the poisons. And when we interchange our energies, my energy will dilute the (Devils breath) present in your internal energy and slowly it will be purified.

Hearing all this I was simply stunned. Especially the last part.

Does it mean that I will have intercourse / sex with Sheela? Well Sheela said Yin_Yang Interchange, Dual cultivation but in simpler terms it means sex, right?

Of course I have read in the novels, how some character cultivate by having sex or the so called professional / cultivation term - Dual Cultivation.

And the Posi-Nega-tive Sutra that I have obtained is also that type of cultivation. But just the thought of doing it with Sheela makes my mouth dry and I subconsciously gulped.


Author's Announcement:

Sorry, there was a small delay.

So, here is the mass release.

I am glad that we were almost able to reach the goal of 150 power stones. Which means that the number of readers are increasing and I am happy with that. Hence, I have decided to take the goals to next level.

Let's make a few goals.

Mass Release on Monday:

160 Power stones = 3 Chapters

200 Power stones = 4 Chapters

250 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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