Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

The canyon complex and sprawling tent city was full of dead-end trenches dug into the greater cliff faces beneath the swarms of flying monsters, giving the more prominent factions of the descent on floor 2 areas of relative security to hunker down in. The Deadman's Featherfall Trading Guild, a notorious mafia enterprise known for its exorbitant prices and unyielding dedication to quality, had claimed one of these particular trenches as its own and had a reputation on the second level as a place to find some of the best items available on the greater market. The proximity to the lower floors made it a go-between for descent divers and the other established companies on the first floor in the city too, meaning that although many of the things here on the second floor were unrefined before being passed back to the craftsmen above on floor 1 - the list of potential items was usually unscoured and plentiful.

It was thus a spot that the group had agreed to check out before proceeding to the next floor, and Riven’s group had quite a lot of money to spend.

Approaching the trench and trudging through the tent city where the palpable stench of decay became more prevalent with the faint hum of cryptic whispers, the roaming pack of mindless undead trailing behind them was quite the caravan to be seen.

And coming to a stop in front of the undead proprietors at the mouth of the large trench where The Deadman’s Featherfall Trading Guild had set up, it was both these mindless minions that Retesh and Allie had claimed - and the elder lich and angel of death herself - that most caught the attention of the sentries at the gate.

With their hollow eyes and pallid complexions, a small detachment of ghouls and skresh made their way to intercept Riven’s caravan while bypassing many of the other customers that were already waiting in line. Their skeletal forms, draped in tattered robes and adorned with an array of curious trinkets over runic armor, seem to blend seamlessly into the murky shadows that shrouded the canyons.

“Stop.” The lead soldier called out, holding up a shriveled, armor-clad hand with a stern expression as he and two dozen others came to stand in front of Riven’s parade. He'd obviously once been a demon himself, with horns adorning the ghoul's forehead and a skeletal tail trailing behind him - and half of his right cheek was missing to expose bare teeth. “Minions of any kind cannot be allowed inside. Even for someone of your standing.”

His eyes went in and out of focus while taking in the MYTHIC tags on both Riven and Lillith, before settling on Allie. The ghoul soldier bowed respectfully in her direction, and gave a nod to Fimrindle when the reaper appeared nearby in a crouched position on top of a nearby boulder. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but we have had too many attempt to cause problems using minions as a meat shield, and we simply don’t have the room to accommodate so many if every necromancer or summoner wanted to bring in their underlings.”

Narg the beholder demon, floating beside Azmoth, gave a sputtering his of protest. “I am needed to make sure the master is able to identify your wares properly!”

“I do not leave Allie’s side.” Fimrindle confirmed with another blur of motion to stand next to the angel he served. “You will let us in, or we will leave.”

“Agreed, we can’t just let the reincarnation of Gluttony walk into your store without guards.” Athela mused, casually leaning against Riven and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Can we?”

The ghoul gave Riven another glance, eyebrows furrowing slightly - but otherwise did not appear too surprised. “I have heard of your dealings above… we do not wish for violence. But those stories give us even more reason to stop your passage should you attempt to bring your minions with you. All of your minions. I am sorry, but-”

He was cut off when an aura of death descended upon their position, and a huge, shirtless man landed beside them. Four long, black wings protruded from his back, he was covered in tattoos, with two pale gray eyes and a halo similar to Allie’s own over his head. He stood, his rippling muscles etched into his body like Adonis himself, as the ghoul squad leader rapidly took three steps back and bowed in deferance.

Glancing once at the squad serving the trading company, and then turning with a polite smile directed in Riven’s direction, the handsome angel of death gestured towards the open gate beyond the line of other customers. “Forgive my fellows, they are just doing their job as instructed. It is an honor to have customers of your caliber visit our humble home, and it would please us eternally to have you enter our abode. Please, feel free to take your sentient minions with you. The mass of non-sentient undead will still have to stay outside due to restraints on room, but rest assured that your safety here is guaranteed by the company - and we will discreetly be on high alert while you browse our wares. Please, come inside. You of all people should not have to wait in any line.”

Fimrindle grunted in approval, then vanished into thin air between blinks as if he’d never been there to begin with.

Smirking at Allie’s expression from underneath her bone helmet at seeing another angel of death for the very first time, Riven took Athela by the hand and started walking forward into the gloom of the trench where a sprawling setup of tents, stone, and wooden constructs awaited them beyond the gates. “Come on Narg, I’ll be counting on you to tell us all about the items they have to make sure they’re valid. Up to the task?”

The beholder demon abruptly took in a deep breath of air in his excitement before floating onwards to follow them. “Of course, great one! I only wish to serve!”


Numerous stalls with different groups of descenders were filled to the brim, haggling and trading was in full swing, and different high-borns of the darker side of the multiverse were giving Riven’s group a myriad of expressions while he stood at his own stall desk.

“A vampire prince from the Blood Moon Requiem as Gluttony’s reincarnation? I had thought it was just a rumor. It appears I was mistaken. To think that a greater undead would become one of demon-kind’s bastions… now that is something I would not have ever guessed at.”

The ghoul merchant, clad in a green gold-flecked robe, eyed the party with a skeptically raised eyebrow. The other robed undead behind him underneath the canopy of the company tent cast curious glances their way while dealing with other customers from time to time, but overall their demeanor was rather reserved and polite despite the gawking some of the random passersby gave them.

“A lich, a human, an angel of death… oh you’re a rare breed. It is an honor to be in your presence, hero of the Death pillar.” The ghoul gave Allie in particular an appraising and almost reverent look, before glancing over at Lillith next. It was obvious by the way he took them in that he held no reverence for Riven or Lillith as many of demonkind did, and if anything - he looked at Allie far more favorably. “And the Lady of Black Skies too, your legend precedes you. Things are certainly becoming interesting down here in the descent…”

The undead man picked up the list of things Riven and the others were looking for - before scribbling down some notes and handing the parchment to an assistant. With a nod the skeletal assistant took flight back into rows of boxes, barrels, and shelves lined with various odds and ends.

“Enchanted protective jewelry including five black stareater amulets, abyssal sigils for item upgrades, dao treasures for cultivation, unholy spiritual crystals for soul lattice cleansing, crafting ingredients of all sorts concerning totems, any artifact staves or melee weapons that we may have come by from floor-boss drops, information on this year’s optional floor boss, and information on any item sets able to be found in the abyssal descent that have growth potential.” The ghoul’s dead eyes slowly settled on Lillith, and then Riven. “It will be more than a few minutes but I believe our trading guild can get some options for what you need. We’ll be back after we find some selections of what you’re looking for, but know that it will be expensive.”

Retesh shifted uncomfortably, his skeletal head twisting and turning while he clenched and unclenched a bone hand over and over again. “Hopefully it does not take too long…”

The ghoul merchant ignored Retesh’s comment, and proceeded to walk back into the maze of cargo after his assistant.

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Glancing over his shoulder, Riven eyed the lich with a discerning gaze. “You alright?”

There was a pause, and Retesh gave him an almost disbelieving look. “I do not know you as well as I know Allie, Riven. So know that I do not mean offense when I say this, but how is it that you can be so calm while our brothers and sisters die in our absence?”

Riven and Allie shared a look.

“He’s talking about the people back on Panu.” Allie confirmed with a brief flare of her wings, leaning on her exquisite claymore to support her weight - a weapon she’d only just recently come to wield appropriately after months of training under Lillith’s tutelage.

“Indeed I am.” Retesh said with an underlying rage to his voice, and his bones rattled as the clenching and unclenching of his fists grew more rapid. “Everyday we stay here is another day that more of my people die. Another day that more of OUR people die, you are undead too - Riven, even if you are also now of demon blood. Back on our world, our people are undergoing genocide. That smug bitch Judith Marcina is growing an army of natives and off-worlders alike to cull us, and it has been long since I have stepped foot on the soil of my homeland. I have been given news by Lillith that my people have been accepted as refugees onto the continent of Umbra, which the Thane Necropolis controls, but the pilgrimages are long and the merfolk are just as willing to kill us for what we are as that damn nephilim wench. I wish to be rid of this place- and soon, so that I may rejoin the war effort where I am needed most. I have been here for my own cultivation efforts far too long…”

“Your efforts will be rewarded by the time the descent is done.” Lillith said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “In the end, you will save more of your people than what you could have done previously by-”

“That is easy for you to say when it is not your own kin that die by the thousands every day!” Retesh snapped back in anger, only to hastily humble himself with a bow of his head. “I… I am sorry, Lillith. I meant no offense, I am just on edge. Your people have been a great teacher to me, and that was both uncalled for - and disrespectful. I apologize for my rudeness.”

Lillith, whose features had initially hardened as his original retort, softened herself and shook her head. “Ah, Retesh. I know all too well that particular sting of loss… you are forgiven. But do know that, in the end, only the pursuit of true individual power can promise the changes you seek. Relying on oneself and your own abilities is the only thing you can truly control, so cultivating to the pinnacle here and now will pay dividends far down the road beyond what you can see in front of you. Take solace in the fact that you are doing what needs to be done for a long payoff, rather than mindlessly killing without insight into a path beyond basic violence.”

The lich opened and closed his mouth three times with the clicking of bone on bone, but eventually he stilled - and slumped his shoulders as his hands unclenched one final time. “I hope you are right, Lillith. I just feel an enormous amount of guilt, and feel like I have abandoned the ones I have raised up only to be slaughtered like children and sheep at a butcher’s hand.”

From behind where Riven stood leaning against the counter, a deep baritone voice called out his name. “Prince Riven Wraithtide and Princess Allie Wraithtide of the Blood Moon Requiem… I have heard stories of you two even in my sector of the multiverse. Your existence has caused quite a stir across the cosmos for someone in F-grade. I must say that I’m jealous.”

Turning around, Riven caught sight of a well dressed human with slicked back black hair wearing a black suit. He had overly pale skin, with brown eyes and a firm jawline. He carried a cane, though he was just as young as Riven was by the looks of him, and his frame was rather muscular. Behind him, four other handsome young men dressed similarly and all with canes of their own watched passively with stoic expressions.

Azmoth, however, was standing in his way with crossed arms and shengari shields attached to his back - and the human man had to look around the towering armored demon in order to make eye contact.

The newcomer held out a hand of greeting to Azmoth’s side, completely ignoring everyone else and only having eyes for Riven after a brief glance at Allie. “Jarntus Bemule. Earl of the Idorac Federation, an ally and neighbor to the Blood Moon Requiem in Universe 10, and I believe a direct neighbor to your own house located on planet Vartesh in the Luteski sector. I would call a meeting such as this - Fate. For what would the chances of this meeting otherwise be?”

His words immediately grabbed Riven’s attention, and Riven stepped through the tangle of his minions and fellows to come to the front. Looking the man over up and down, he eventually took the man’s hand with a firm grip and slowly nodded.

“Connected the dots, huh?” Riven mused out loud, sending a mental signal to Azmoth to back off. “I can’t say I’ve heard of the Idorac Federation, but I’m only just now being introduced to the politics of the Blood Moon Requiem. You must forgive my ignorance.”

The immediate reaction was one of amusement and relief when Azmoth stepped aside, and the man named Jarntus chuckled at the statement before releasing Riven’s hand. “Oh it wasn’t that hard to connect the dots on who you were after my identifier listed your information. Your system title says it all, there is only one Reincarnation of Gluttony walking around and his name is Riven Thane. It is a pleasure to see that you’d actually give me the time of day.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I wasn’t sure you’d even be willing to shake my hand, considering I am not anywhere near your social standing. It is akin to a homeless peasant requesting the attention of a world’s emperor, but I’d heard you’d grown up outside the realm of politics or royal upbringing and took a risk.” Jartnus Bemule gave Riven a warm smile. “I’m glad the rumors from the Blood Moon Requiem are true. I wish to speak with you, if you have time.”

“He obviously speaks the truth about your discrepancy in standing.” Lillith cut in from the side, an irritated glare and a frown casting over the lot of five humans. “You really should try to reduce your time conversing with… lesser creatures, such as this. Humans are not worthy of your time.”

“Well that’s openly hostile.” Riven said with a laugh, shaking his head in Lillith’s direction as Jarntus frowned. “And you like Nora, don’t you? She’s human. I started as a human too.”

“You were never human, you and your sister were always purebloods. Even if not of demonic origin, your base race is far above that of insects like these.” Lillith retorted, still giving Jartnus the stink-eye. “And Nora is an exception. She’s my drinking partner.”

“Shucks, thanks…” Nora muttered with a sarcastic eye roll from underneath her Chalgathi hood. “Feelings not hurt at all, definitely not! And for the record, it was more like I was FORCED to drink whenever I messed up in training!”

Allie snickered.

"Which happened a lot." Lillith let her glare slip with a grin shot in Nora’s direction, but then returned to scowling while eyeing the newcomers. “I’ve never even heard of the Idorac Federation. They’re likely just brown-nosers Riven, and you’ll get lots of them as the eons pass you bye. For dogs like these, it is better to just ignore them or force them to leave.”

The gluttonous maw on Riven’s armored chest rumbled in approval, but Riven still shook his head. “I live life on the edge, you old hag. I do what I want, when I want.”

“Old hag!?” Lillith retorted in astonishment. “I look just as young as your two bimbo girlfriends!”

“BIMBO!?” Athela gasped in horror. She then pointed an accusatory finger at Fay. “Don’t lump me in with HER!”

“HEY!” Fay protested and threw up her arms while the group laughed. “What’s THAT supposed to mean!?”

Athela pooched her lips in Fay’s direction and crossed her arms, thrusting her hips out to bump Riven teasingly. “It means that I am a sophisticated PRINCESS, while you’re just a hoe.”

Cackling, Riven shoved Athela off of him before the two women he was dating started their regular cat-fighting and shook his head. Turning his attention back to Jarntus with a wide smile that showed his fangs, Riven rubbed his forehead with a sigh as the sound of a small scuffle breaking out with feminine yelps caused him to groan with amusement. “Some things will never change. Anyways, despite what Lillith says I’d be more than happy to talk to you. It isn’t often that I get to meet people from my great grandmother’s part of the multiverse.”

His smile returning rather gratefully, Jarntus gave him a bow and then bowed in Allie’s direction next as she took off her full plate helm made from bone. “Princess Allie Wraithtide, your beauty is a thing of legends. I had heard you’d turned your back on the Blood God in favor of The Scythe, but to see your angelic figure standing in front of me with the brilliance of-”

“I have a boyfriend.” Allie retorted, unphased by his obvious flattery. “His name is Lahn, and he’s waiting for me back on my homeworld. I don’t wish to engage in flirting, thank you very much.”

“Well of course you have a man courting you, and of course not!” Jarntus hastily said with a sheepish laugh and a head scratch. He quickly straightened and became even paler. “I was not attempting to- I mean I was not trying to engage in- eh, forgive me, princess. I mean nothing by it. I would never dream of suspecting that I was worthy of a princess of the Requiem, or a hero of death!”

“You’re forgiven as long as you know your place.” Allie replied with a blank stare. “Now what is it you want with us?”

Swallowing and showing nervousness for the first time, Jarntus returned his attention back to the more friendly of the two siblings - being Riven. “Well as I was stating before, I am an Earl of the Idorac Federation and a direct neighbor to House Wraithtide. In particular, my family is located in your own Luteski sector and three solar systems away from your trading hub on Vartesh. I was hoping that, perhaps if I helped you here in the Abyssal Descent, that we may discuss business propositions concerning trade relations that may be beneficial to both our houses. Would you be interested?”

Riven clicked his tongue thoughtfully. He honestly doubted that this man could help him here in the descent at all, considering he had the resources of the entire Church of Gluttony at his disposal here. In fact, the Church of Gluttony would foot the bill for anything that he couldn’t personally afford to buy. But there was no harm in seeing what the man had to say, and Riven was rather curious about news from Universe 10 where the Blood Moon Requiem held most of its territory.

“Alright, take your shot.” Riven said with a shrug. “You’ve got until the merchant comes back with our requested items to make your pitch. If I’m interested, we can talk. Otherwise I’ll have to forgo negotiations, because we’re kind of on a time crunch. And I believe we have an optional challenge boss for this floor to fight before the day’s end before proceeding into the third floor of the descent.”

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