Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

  1. Flee from the Heroes (8)

#4 Their circumstances: A certain hero’s circumstances

Tears welled up in both eyes.

“I knew she was crazy, but I didn’t know it was this bad!” 

I didn’t know I would cry from fear at this age.

But I couldn’t help it.

What was falling from the sky was once magic that devastated countless kingdoms on the continent, and is still seen as a symbol of terror in some countries.

To order that magic to be fired at my own head!

“Wait a moment!”


A huge ice chunk fell where he was just 2 seconds ago. 


This time he swung his sword to deflect a fist-sized ice chunk falling towards his shoulder.


Now that I’ve experienced it, I realized.

That the instructor I once thought was crazy was actually going easy on me.

The bombardment the instructor had dropped was only huge chunks of ice, but the imperial bombardment also included very small ice chunks mixed in.

“The small ones are more annoying.”

He could deflect or cut down the huge chunks with his sword. 

But the small chunks were hard to see clearly and difficult to deflect with a sword. 

And they could be created faster than the large ice, so there were many more of them.

Compared to the magic bombardment the instructor used, this was harder to evade and block.

Unless you were a Swordmaster, surviving this bombardment would be difficult.


“I’m gonna die!”

No, even I feel my life is threatened, so even a so-called Swordmaster would have a hard time surviving this.

“I must be crazy. To think I tried competing with a lunatic like her when I was younger.”

Far away, Mirea was inflicting wounds on the Demon King’s body with incredibly light footsteps while evading the bombardment aimed at her own head.

“If someone saw, they’d think the mages were controlling the magic.”

Skilled mages can manipulate the magic they’ve unleashed.

Because it’s their own magical energy that has left their body to form the magic, they can move the magic according to their will by using a bit more magical energy.

But that magic bombardment is not magic.

It’s ice created using magic.

So even the user cannot manipulate it.

“She really is insane.”

Over 10 years ago.

Under the night sky, Mirea was dancing with the Demon King, just as she danced back then.


I was staring blankly at Mirea for just a moment, but a shard of ice grazing my face brought me back to my senses.

“First, I need to get out of here.”


Biting my teeth, I desperately evaded the bombardment and got as far away from the center as possible before deploying a magic barrier.

Thanks to the barrier, which I spread while preserving just enough magic for a teleportation spell, I was able to evade five bombardments then teleport to a safe zone.

“Ha… Ha… Haah”

Having used magic to my limit, my whole body was drenched in sweat.

“Gonna die.”

The moment I felt I was alive, the fatigue from fighting the evil god army and the physical and mental fatigue from fighting the Demon King all hit me at once.

I wanted to sit down on the ground this instant.

I wanted to sprawl out and rest as much as I liked, not caring about the eyes on me.

But I couldn’t act like that in front of this person.

“Why are you here, Instructor?”

I couldn’t show such weakness in front of the Instructor who was still eating something.

“What plans do you have that you’re doing this?”

Looking at the Instructor sitting on the ground still eating something, I spoke.

“What is that?”



The Instructor pulled out a white envelope from his pouch without any change in expression.

As I looked at the envelope the Instructor gave me, I asked.

 “May I open it?”

Seeing the Instructor nod, I carefully took out the letter from the envelope and read it.

“I will let go of everything. If someone comes holding this letter to catch me, I will gladly be caught…”?

Truly wonderful contents.  

With this letter alone, world peace seemed within reach.

The one thing desired by the most powerful people in the world?


What a great letter. Yes, a truly great letter.

Just this could lead to the dissolution of the bizarre Ast kidnapping group, the freezing of movements of the massive organization ruling the Underworld, and the prevention of the sacred World Tree from being logged.


“Why are you giving this to me?”

I’m not the only one who wants this letter.

Yet there’s only one.

And it’s in my hands!

“Hey? Instructor? Please say something? Are you really trying to kill me?”

I trusted Geas Scroll too much. 

I was so careful in reviewing the contract based on the Instructor’s teachings before signing it, yet this happened!

Who could have predicted this!

That receiving a single letter would bring immense crisis to my life!

“Instructor? Could you take this back? I don’t think I’m fit to hold something like this.”

My hands holding the letter are trembling terribly. 

Why in the world do I have to take this dangerous letter?



At my soul’s scream, the Instructor lifted his head slightly, but lowered his gaze again to watch Mirea and the Demon King fight.


All kinds of words swirled in my mouth but I couldn’t get them out.

Damn it. Who do I give this to?

If I give it to Mirea, it’ll go to the Princess. Then I’m dead by my senior’s hand.

If I give it to my senior, I’ll get kidnapped and imprisoned by Mirea.

I could end my life in the imperial underground torture chamber without anyone knowing.

The best option is to pass this off to a third party.

Luckily, I heard that such a person is on their way here.

“Alright, I gotta give this to Sia and flee.”

Until then, I have to keep this letter safe.

As I told the Instructor, Mirea being here means imperial troops are nearby.

If this accidentally falls into their hands, my life will be in danger.

“Looks like Mirea will take care of the Demon King…”

It’s not set in stone that the hero will defeat the Demon King.

An executive of the imperial military force could show up and beat down the Demon King.

Seeing as the bombardment hasn’t ended, it looked like the Demon King was holding on, but it was only a matter of time before he fell.

The imperial magic bombardment and Mirea’s blade slipping through the gaps.

Perhaps this was the only way that only Mirea could use on this continent. 

A perfect linkage that is doubtful whether there is an existence that can withstand it.

No matter how great the Demon King is, he cannot withstand it.

“…Damn it.”

As soon as I thought so, a huge amount of energy began to rush towards the bombing site. 

Something that should not exist in this world is trying to appear.

My instincts were screaming that it was dangerous.


No matter how great Mirea is, being there is dangerous.  

Realizing this, I called out to Mirea, but there was no one here to answer…



It should be normal if she’s not here, but she was right next to me in a perfectly fine state.

“Why are you here?”

“It looked dangerous so I ran away.”

As expected of that Instructor’s disciple.  

She sensed something in an instant and ran away like a ghost.

“Wait. Then what is the Demon King doing there?”

“Chasing me, I guess?”

“There… Do you know what kind of situation the Demon King is in?”


“What kind of situation is it?”

After thinking for a moment, Mirea answered casually as if it was nothing.

“Things can’t end like this… I’ll destroy the world even if I have to sacrifice my soul…! He was shouting things like that and shaking.”

“And then?”

“I thought he died from the bombing, but he revived and charged at me. His eyes were rolled back.”

“Is that a metaphor?”

“No? He had white eyes showing and was spewing some kind of black stuff?”


We’re screwed.

That word naturally swirled in my head.

“Just in case, there’s no one else there, right?”

“No, the Demon King is there.”

“Yeah, that’s right. The Demon King is there alone.”

From Mirea’s words, it seemed the Demon King had lost his mind.

The reason why this Demon King was the toughest in history was because he had sanity.

The Demon King is a being who has fallen to evil and tries to destroy the world.

He lived only for destruction, so he was a being who fought even if it meant his own destruction.

That’s why humans could prepare and be ready.

But this Demon King had sanity and showed a different side from previous Demon Kings.

A prime example is retreat. 

It’s a basic action in war, but the Demon King’s retreat alone shocked humanity tremendously.

But we can no longer see the Demon King retreat.

Since the Demon King that Mirea described had lost his sanity like previous Demon Kings!

He has become the evil incarnate, the Demon King who smashes all obstacles in his way with the power of the devil!

Even if he’s stronger than before, without his sanity, he is just a rampaging beast.

The moment his power runs out, death will find him.

The best possible ending for humanity.



With the extremely high probability that the strengthened Demon King’s first target after losing sanity would be me and Mirea, that’s besides the point.

“Hey, do something!”

The darkness that was quite far away seemed to be getting closer and closer, and I don’t think it’s just my imagination.

The Demon King’s goal is me, or Mirea, or if not, the instructor.

The best thing is to flee.

Leaving the Demon King to others and retreating, creating the best conditions and laying traps, even a Demon King who lost sanity could be defeated.

But unless the instructor flees, I cannot flee due to the Geas Scroll.

Then I have to intercept him before he gets to the instructor, and the only one I can rely on is Mirea.

But Miran just drooled while staring longingly at what the instructor was eating.

“Ins, instructor. Can I have a little bit of that?”

With a flick, the instructor handed her a bag. Receiving it gratefully, Mirea took the bag.

“Th, this taste is…!” 

Mirea’s eyes widened as she ate some of the little white stuff left.

“It tastes sweet, but there’s a salty taste, it’s not super delicious, but my hand keeps going for more…!”

“Read the mood, read the mood!”

If you look at the story, this is pretty much the climax!

What the, the atmosphere is totally unworried!


“Here it comes!”

The Demon King was now close enough to see with the naked eye.

The Demon King, shrouded in dark energy so dense his original form could not be seen, charging at us, was the very image of an emissary of evil!

A powerful enemy I would stake my life against.

Just as I was about to grip my golden sword releasing sacred light, using lethal skills.

“I finished it all…”

Hearing Mirea’s disappointed voice, I instantly felt my strength leave me.



“Get serious alreadaaaay!”

I waved my sword with all my magical power concentrated.

The golden light of my sword clashed with the Demon King’s black energy.


I felt my magic power start to drop rapidly.

I could feel the arrows and magic of the Beresserly kingdom army behind me raining down where the Demon King was, but it didn’t seem to be helping much.

“A little… help…”

Looking for the only one who could help, Mirea, but she just stared at the empty bag disappointedly.


“What I…want to…cry about…”

Is me. I couldn’t even finish my sentence before focusing all my consciousness on the sword.

And seeing me like that, Mirea let out a deep sigh.

“As the instructor said before, you have no savvy.”

What’s that supposed to mean?

“You thought I didn’t prepare anything to fight the Demon King?”


I had reached the limit of my magical power.

My final weakening strike.

Because of that, I lost my focus.

And I could see it.


A male with golden hair jumping towards the Demon King’s back.

He was someone I knew very well.


Howell Rain.

One of Instructor’s disciples, and my senior one year above me.

The successor of Woodpecker, and in a similar position to Instructor! 

A master swordsman, to the point where I wondered if he could still win in just swordsmanship. He was ambushing the Demon King from behind in a very familiar pose!


The same pose as when I ambushed the Demon King!

My senior who tried to ambush the Demon King like I did…



Was sent flying far away by one strike from the Demon King who noticed the ambush.



“There’s still something left, right?” 



Mirea, who clenched her mouth shut at my words, took out two daggers attached at her waist.

“Just hold out a little longer until they arrive. Let’s endure well.”

“Ha… I should’ve known, huh?”

Whether it was to fight the Demon King or to avoid my gaze,

I let out a big sigh as I watched Mirea run towards where the Demon King was.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

Taking out a magic recovery potion from my pocket and drinking it, I raised my sword again.

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