Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 72 — Kissing worries away

Chapter 72 — Kissing worries away


Silvia's small feet tapped a quick rhythm against the cold, damp stone of the tunnel leading toward the cave's exit. Her skinny arms wrapped tightly around her mother's waist, helping to steady her and keep her close for warmth. Nivalis' legs shook with each step, barely strong enough to support her weight. Both were covered in blankets from their bed, wearing only their boots underneath.

Aster walked ahead, wearing numerous layers of clothing, the saggy leather backpack strapped tightly to his small shoulders. Pretty much everything they had, the girls insisted on him wearing; the boy just had no say in it. While moving to this place, to the hot springs from their old cave, they'd lost all their winter wear, leaving no choice but to use what they had to keep him warm.

In his hands, Aster carried two spears. One had a sharp stone tip for defending himself in case of danger. The other was similar in size but had a forked end for catching fish, just four sharp wooden tips. He also had a small, sharp knife tucked into his boot, its handle pressing uncomfortably against his ankle with each step.

Aster's skin flushed with a barely noticeable shade of pink, sweat dripping from his young, bony face. The burning pain caused by the mana inside his chest made it hard to breathe, but he showed no signs of it in front of the girls.

When they approached the entrance, the bright morning sun and blinding snow from the tiny hole, just enough for Aster to squeeze through atop the pile of snow, made them squint their eyes and cover their faces. "It's so cold..." Silvia whispered, rubbing her mother's sides under the blankets in a futile attempt to warm her. "Are you alright, Mommy?" she asked quietly, looking up.

Nivalis nodded weakly, a faint smile playing on her chapped lips. "Yes, my dear," she breathed out, the warmth of her breath quickly dissipating into the frigid air. She turned to her son, who knelt on the rocky ground, his fingers tying two long, sturdy sticks to his boots. "Are you ready, my love?" Nivalis asked, her voice barely above a whisper, concern etched in the lines around her eyes.

— "Almost there," Aster mumbled, his skin glistening in the sunlight. A soft groan escaped him as he straightened his legs, testing the makeshift skis by wiggling his ankles and taking a few hesitant steps onto the hard-packed snow of the pile. With a proud glance at his sister, he whispered, "Told you it'd work. Look, I'm not sinking in," he demonstrated, lifting one foot, then the other. "You owe me."

Silvia rolled her golden eyes at him, shivering. "Alright... I'll give you a rub when you return," she murmured, trying to warm herself and their mother by tightening the blankets that covered them. "And you better be careful out there for it to happen. Don't be too stupid," she added, her golden eyes glancing at him.

"I'll try," Aster replied with a confident grin, stepping closer to his sister. His tiny hands gently cupped Silvia's face, feeling her cold skin against his palms. He leaned in, pressing a reassuring kiss on her forehead and another on her trembling, pink lips before pulling away. "Take care, okay?" he whispered, gently pinching her nose.

"You too," Silvia muttered, rubbing her tiny, now slightly pink nose.

Nivalis' voice trembled with worry as she whispered, "Be careful out there, darling. Please." The cold wind nipped at her delicate elven ears, turning the tips a faint shade of red and making them quiver. Her bony fingers gripped the blanket tightly, pulling it closer to her face. "If it becomes too difficult, don't hesitate to return home. Don't take any foolish risks," she added, her sunken blue eyes darting between his. She paused, then cupped his sweaty cheeks, "And don't forget you have your mana ignited at all times. Use it to cast the spell on your body to run away if necessary."

"I'll be careful. I promise," Aster reassured her with a sweet smile. As Nivalis leaned in for a kiss, he pressed his lips against hers, a soft, barely audible moan escaping him.

For the last two days, Aster fed his mother with nothing but honey, chewing each spoonful for her and kissing her each time to give it. All because of how much the honey crystallized, making it hard and painful for her to eat it without his help. And every time, Nivalis sucked and licked the sweet taste from his lips and tongue, swallowing every drop of saliva and honey he gave her.

Often, Aster felt her tongue push deeper into his mouth, sometimes even gagging him with how deep it went, searching for any remaining droplets of the sweet treat. The hunger his mother tried to hide all this time was almost frightening, but Aster felt it in each kiss, each lick.

Almost instinctively, Aster slid his little, slippery tongue past her chapped lips, trying to find her big one and give her food that just wasn't there. It felt natural to do so after mixing the sticky sweetness back and forth with their mouths so many times.

Nivalis' skinny arms wrapped around his neck, her lips eagerly accepting his tongue inside. She sucked and licked his tiny, wet flesh, suddenly surprised there was no honey flavor this time, only her son's familiar, sweet saliva. Their lips moved against each other, her big tongue curling and caressing his tiny one.

As they pulled apart, a thin, glistening strand of saliva stretched between their lips before snapping, leaving them both with damp, tingling mouths. Only then did they realize it wasn't how a mother and a son should kiss, but neither she nor Aster said anything, silently accepting it just happened and leaving the thoughts about it for later. Nivalis simply smiled at Aster's flushed face, gently wiping his lips clean with the pad of her thumb.

After all, this could very well be their last kiss. The thought made Nivalis' heart clench painfully in her chest, making her want to lean again and hug him with all her strength, just in case. But before she could do so, Aster whispered a gentle, high-pitched, "Alright, see you later. Love you both," before turning away, climbing the pile twice his height, and crawling through the narrow opening.

"Be safe," Nivalis and Silvia said simultaneously, their worried voices echoing inside the cave that suddenly felt empty without him.


The snow crunched beneath Aster's feet as he took his first steps on the other side of their blocked cave. The sky above was cloudy and gray, with occasional glimpses of the sun peeking through the clouds and making the snow sparkle. The wind howled around him, whipping his face and bringing more color to his cheeks.

The fresh air felt incredible in Aster's lungs, cooling his burning chest with each deep breath and slightly lessening its pain. His clothes were already soaked with sweat, clinging uncomfortably to his skinny frame, but he tried to ignore the discomfort as best he could. At least he wasn't freezing.

Aster wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, his golden eyes fixed on the endless sea of pine trees covered in snow ahead of him, and started walking. His improvised skis kept him from sinking into the otherwise chest-high snow. However, they didn't glide like actual skis would. Instead, he had to put all his effort into lifting his legs with every step, making his progress slow and tiring, especially when walking uphill.

After just five minutes of walking, Aster's thighs burned intensely, and his chest hurt like hell. His lungs couldn't draw enough air, making him pant heavily. 'Ugh... It's going to be hard,' he thought, looking down at his feet, watching them take another slow, heavy step. The lack of muscles didn't help either, his bony arms trembling just from holding the spears that kept him in balance.

But despite how challenging it was, Aster didn't stop. The image of his starving mother and sister kept appearing before his eyes, urging him forward with every step. 'Just a little more. Don't give up. Keep going. Just a little more,' he repeated constantly in his head, pushing himself to continue.

Aster's golden eyes darted around, listening to every strange sound, every snapping branch, and every bird taking flight. The forest seemed different, not as green and alive as before, making him uneasy. His soft hands gripped the spears tightly, ready to defend himself if anything appeared, but luckily, nothing did.

For now, at least.



The girls cuddled together on their bed, shivering violently from the cold that seeped into their naked bodies, the boots tossed aside. The flickering flames in the fireplace were the only light source, bathing the cave in an orange, soft glow, but the flame failed to provide any warmth for the mother and daughter. Silvia's teeth chattered loudly, her golden eyes fixed on the tunnel entrance leading outside, hoping her little brother would appear suddenly despite it being way too soon for it to happen.

They had been sitting like this for almost two hours in complete silence, the only sound being the occasional crackle of burning wood. The longer Aster was gone, the more worried the girls became, though they knew he likely still hadn't gotten to the river.

"He is okay," Nivalis whispered reassuringly, rubbing her daughter's tummy underneath the blankets. Her finger circled Silvia's little navel, feeling each little goosebump on her pale skin under her gentle touch.

— "Y-you think?" Silvia's trembling voice echoed around the cavern as she glanced back at her mother, seeking comfort in her blue eyes.

Nivalis' lips curled up into a soft smile. She gently patted her daughter's stomach before wrapping her arms around her petite, shivering body and pulling her closer. "Of course, my dear. We raised a smart and brave boy," she whispered, pressing her lips against the small, pointy ear.

— "Mhm... we did," Silvia mumbled, feeling her tummy trembling heavily against her mother's hand. The girl turned around in her embrace, their chests pressing against each other, feeling her mother's heart beating against her skin. "He'll be fine," Silvia repeated, burying her head into Nivalis' neck, her voice slightly shaky. "He'll come back... With a lot of food," she muttered.

"That's right, I'm sure he will," Nivalis whispered, rolling onto her back and pulling her daughter along, feeling the young girl's small weight on top of her. She closed her eyes and let out a quiet hum, her soft hand gently caressing Silvia's naked back, tracing the bumpy bones of her spine.

"Mom..." Silvia's whisper echoed through the cavern as her fingers gently played with the silver locks of her mother's hair.

"Yes, dear?" Nivalis replied softly, slowly sliding her hand on her daughter's back, reaching her armpits and then down to her petite, squishy butt.

— "What was that strange kiss?" the girl asked, lifting her head and looking at her mother with a curious expression.

"Hm?" Nivalis breathed out in surprise, her long eyelashes fluttering as she opened her eyes.

— "When you and Asty kissed... but with tongues? I never saw something like that before," Silvia whispered, putting one of Nivalis' now curled strands between her upper lip and nose, giving herself an adorable mustache.

Nivalis chuckled softly, looking into her daughter's "mustache" with a warm smile. "I don't know what it was, really," she admitted, her fingers sliding up and down Silvia's icy-cold thighs, feeling the tremble. "He fed me so many times with honey for the last two days... I guess it just... happened on its own."

— "Was it nice?" Silvia asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "He seemed to enjoy it."

Nivalis' cheeks flushed pink slightly at the question. She swallowed hard, whispering an uncertain, "I... guess?" Her hand stopped moving as the feeling of her son's tongue in her mouth replayed in her mind.

— "Can you teach me how to do it?" Silvia asked with an excited expression, her toes curling from the anticipation. "Please?"

"Ugh... I... I don't think so, darling," Nivalis hesitated, her voice quieter than usual. "It's a bit complicated and not something a mother should teach her daughter..." she whispered, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of teaching her child something like that.

— "Pleeeaaase, Mom? Pretty please?" Silvia pleaded, making the most adorable puppy face she could muster, complete with big, innocent eyes and a quivering bottom lip.

Nivalis' puffy lips pressed into a straight line as she sighed heavily. "I-" she started to say but was interrupted by her daughter.

— "But if Asty can kiss you like that, why can't I? How is this wrong?" Silvia asked, puckering her lips and pouting. "I mean, it's just kissing, isn't it? We kiss all the time," she mumbled, looking down at her mother's collarbone and adding, "Are you loving him more than me?"

Nivalis rolled her eyes at her daughter and mumbled under her breath, knowing full well that Silvia wouldn't let go until she got what she wanted. "Ugh, okay, fine... Just a small lesson, alright?" she eventually gave in, a weak smile on her lips. "And I love you both the same," she added, gently pinching her daughter's cheek.

— "Yes!" Silvia squealed with delight, her sad puppy face instantly replaced by an excited grin. She patiently waited for her mother to explain how it worked.

"It's like... a massage? But for tongues," Nivalis tried to explain, looking up at the ceiling and searching for the right words to make it less weird. "Yeah, just imagine you're massaging my tongue with yours. You have to move your tongue around and swirl it against mine," she whispered, her hands gently caressing her daughter's shoulders. "Does it make sense?"

— "So, just a massage? Sounds easy!" Silvia chirped happily, licking her lips in anticipation. Without hesitation, she bent down and pressed her soft lips against her mother's. Her small, pink tongue, coated with drool, shyly darted out and licked her mother's big lips, gently asking for permission to enter.

Nivalis reluctantly parted her lips, allowing her daughter's little tongue inside. She felt the little, wiggling tongue shyly slide between her lips and enter her mouth. When their tongues touched, Silvia pulled back quickly, giggling. "That's weird," she breathed out, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"See? I told you..." Nivalis nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips. She cupped her daughter's cheek and caressed it softly with her thumb. "This is not something a mother should do with her daughter. And I shouldn't have done it with Aster either," she whispered, feeling guilty about the entire situation.

Not giving the girl a moment to respond, Nivalis added, "Let's just sleep instead," pressing Silvia's head against her shoulder and covering it with a blanket. She wrapped her arms around the girl protectively and closed her eyes, hoping she would listen for once without arguing further.

But Silvia wasn't ready to give up so easily. "Nooo..." her muffled voice echoed as she squirmed in Nivalis' embrace until her head popped back up, cheeks puffed in annoyance. "Please, Mom... We almost did it," she pleaded, lowering her head just enough for her lips to brush against her mother's. Her tiny, pink tongue began softly licking the woman's puffy, chapped lips, asking her to open up.

Nivalis waited a few long minutes for her daughter to stop begging before giving in, mumbling an exhausted "Fine." She almost immediately felt Silvia's small, moist lips press and move against hers.

Nivalis hesitantly responded, moving her lips against her daughter's, returning the awkward kiss. After a few seconds, she felt the girl's slippery flesh poke past her lips and slowly slide inside her mouth, meeting no resistance. The unique taste of her child filled Nivalis' senses, causing her tongue to react and gently push against the intruder.

A tiny, cute whimper left Silvia's throat as their wet tongues touched for the first time. They both froze in the touch, unsure how to continue, just breathing each other's air. Awkwardly, incredibly so, they started moving their tongues, their slippery flesh sliding and caressing each other. The sensation made the girl's petite body squirm atop her mother's, her hips shifting unconsciously.

Every time Nivalis tried to pull away, Silvia would moan into her mouth and follow her lips, refusing to stop. With each passing moment, their lips moved against each other more confidently, the faint sounds of wet, sloppy kissing filling the cavern. The girl's small tongue was no match for her mother's, but she tried her best to massage it as best as she could.

Their saliva began drooling out from the corners of their mouths, their warm breaths brushing against their pale faces. Silvia's nose rubbed against her mother's, their eyes closed in concentration.

After a few silent minutes, their lips eventually separated with a soft smacking sound. Both girls struggled to catch their breaths, chests rapidly rising and falling as they looked at each other, their hearts beating in perfect sync. Blush colored their pale faces as they occasionally glanced at each other's lips.

"That was-" Silvia breathed out, her glistening lips curling into a shy, adorable smile, her golden eyes darting between her mother's. "It was kind of nice, wasn't it?"

"I don't know..." Nivalis whispered, swallowing the saliva that pooled inside her mouth and feeling her daughter's taste sliding inside her belly.

"You liked it, Mom," Silvia whispered, letting out a sweet, quiet giggle. Her legs began moving and rubbing against each other underneath the blanket, her thighs still trembling slightly. "Come on, just admit it," she said, playfully poking her mother's nose with her tiny finger.

"Alright, alright. Maybe a bit, yeah," Nivalis nodded, feeling a wave of guilt the moment she admitted it. It shouldn't have felt good, and it certainly wasn't something she should've enjoyed doing with her daughter, but it was undeniably pleasant. "But we really shouldn't, sweetie..." she whispered, gently wiping the shared saliva from her daughter's chin with her thumb. "It's incredibly inappropriate..."

— "Why not? It was fun!" Silvia replied with a chuckle, her little pink tongue sticking out of her mouth and wiggling around. "My tongue feels numw!" She giggled at how strange it felt in her mouth. "You nevew did it with your pawents?"

"Umm... No, darling. Never," Nivalis whispered, gently tugging on her daughter's tongue, making the girl squeak in surprise. "This is only something people in love do... I think. And I mean, real love-love."

— "Oh..." Silvia frowned slightly, not fully understanding why it was so bad or wrong if it felt nice to them both. "So, if someone finds out we kiss this way...?"

"They'll be disgusted and hate us for sure. Me especially," Nivalis replied, pressing her moist lips together. "Sleeping naked like this is also frowned upon pretty much by everyone. There are many things we do differently... For example, in most big human cities, all women are expected to cover their hair, and in some, even their faces."

— "Really? W-why?" Silvia frowned, not understanding. "And what's wrong with sleeping like this? It's much more comfortable," she mumbled, looking down at their chests pressed against each other under the blanket, feeling how warm it felt.

Nivalis let out a tired sigh and weakly smiled at her daughter. "I know. It's just how things are," she whispered, gently tucking Silvia's silver hair behind her small, pointy ears. "The northern kingdoms are slightly more open in that regard, especially in small villages like the one we lived in before... but many places have much stricter rules."

Brushing away a strand of hair from Silvia's face, Nivalis continued. "Most dwarves don't let their wives and sisters leave home... at all. And because of this, many think dwarven women have beards and are hairy, but that's untrue. I once saw one... She was really small, thin, and even paler than me. Yet incredibly beautiful. Shy too," she added with a sad smile.

— "How awful... Poor girls," Silvia mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief. "I didn't know... Are you sure moving away from the forest is a good idea? Maybe we should just look for another cave somewhere else to live in instead?" She suggested, not wanting to deal with any of that.

"I would love nothing more than living alone with my babies, just the three of us," Nivalis whispered, gently pulling her daughter closer and pecking her lips. Her little butt wiggled a bit when her mother's palms cupped her little asscheeks. "I was thinking about getting to the first village we came across and settling there... And simply... live quietly, I guess. It will be much safer for us than any cave," she said with a sad but loving smile on her tired face.

— "What about da... I mean, Haldor?" Silvia asked hesitantly. "What if he still looks for us?"

"It's been so long, but... Perhaps he does..." Nivalis trailed off, her eyes turning distant, a pained expression on her face. "We might need always to cover our hair and ears to be safe," she whispered, gently caressing her daughter's pale cheek. "And we might need to tell everyone that Aster is a girl to be able to cover his hair and ears. It shouldn't be too hard to make him look like one."

— "Wait, hahaha! Really?!" Silvia giggled, imagining him as an adorable little sister.

"Mhm. Asty looks a lot like you," Nivalis said with a smirk, giving her daughter's bottom another light squeeze. "Though, I doubt he'll like it," she added, amused by the idea.

— "Pfft," Silvia snorted, hiding her face in the crook of her mother's neck. "He won't like it one bit," she mumbled, her toes happily wiggling around.

Nivalis smiled, gently stroking her daughter's back as she lay atop her. "I'm afraid we won't have any choice. It's... it's not only your father I'm worried about," she whispered, her smile disappearing. "If someone finds out Aster is a boy and has the fire affinity, the soldiers will surely draft him and force him to fight in another hopeless war," she whispered, her voice laced with concern.

— "Really?" Silvia asked, lifting her head to look at her mother with wide, worried eyes. "They might take him?"

"I'm afraid so, my dear," Nivalis sighed heavily. "There's a human saying... 'If orphans and halvlings are no longer on the streets and the ruler keeps drafting soldiers, it means the war is not going well' ...or something like that," she explained, her heart aching that it was her children it was referring to. "Orphans and half-blooded kids are the first ones to go and the last ones to return, if at all."

— "That's... that's horrible," the girl whispered, her eyebrows raised in shock.

"Don't worry, sweetie," Nivalis reassured her daughter with a smile. "In the worst-case scenario, we'll make him wear a pretty dress," she chuckled at the thought, hoping it would lighten the mood."We'll have to keep all those suitors away, though."

Silvia snorted, laughing at the absurd idea of her brother in a dress; tears of laughter formed in the corners of her eyes. "Oh gods... He will hate us if we make him wear one," she breathed out between giggles, her little body shaking on top of her mother's.

"Mhm," Nivalis agreed with a grin. "But he would look so adorable! I can already picture it in my mind," she added, her imagination running wild at the idea of her baby boy dressed as a girl.

— "Yeah, no doubt!" Silvia chirped excitedly, her golden eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, and we can give him all kinds of braids! Every day, a new one!"

Nivalis giggled along. "That would be lovely," she hummed, hugging the girl tightly against her chest, enjoying her daughter's happy laughter.

A few minutes later, the cave fell silent again as they finished their silly plans, and laughter faded away. Nivalis gently ran a finger down Silvia's small nose, a loving smile on her lips. "We're going to be alright, my dear," she whispered, trying to reassure her child. "We have each other, and that's all that matters. No matter where we are."

— "Yeah," Silvia whispered, her lips brushing against Nivalis' in a soft, gentle, and incredibly shy peck. The girl pulled back slightly, golden eyes darting between her mother's as if about to say something naughty, "Mommy...?" the girl breathed against her lips.

"Yes, my love?" Nivalis answered softly, tucking her hair behind her pointy ears.

— "Can we just... kiss again that way and keep it a secret?" Silvia whispered, her lips moving sensually against her mother's with each word. Her little tongue darted out to lick at the seam of her mother's closed mouth, trying to part them, but plump lips stayed firmly shut. "No one will ever know..." she mumbled, her cute nose brushing against hers.

"I don't know..." Nivalis breathed, slightly shaking her head as she felt her daughter's tongue teasing her lips. It felt wrong to kiss her daughter like this, no matter how good it had been.

— "Pwease?" the girl begged, pouting cutely and fluttering her long lashes at her mother. "It's just massage. You said so yourself," she reminded with a cheeky grin.

"Ugh... honey..." Nivalis sighed, looking into her daughter's golden eyes as if looking at some poor kitten with the way she begged. Then, feeling defeated, she began moving her lips against hers again, kissing her gently and very slowly, feeling how the girl started smiling against her mouth. "You're impossible, sweetheart. You know that, right?" Nivalis said between soft kisses, chuckling lowly.

— "Hehehe... Yep," Silvia giggled, closing her golden eyes as she felt her mother's lips moving sensually against hers once more. Her tiny hands reached up to cup Nivalis' cheeks, thumbs resting against her plump, chapped lips.

The girls sighed and moaned softly as their lips moved against, the soft, gentle, sloppy noises filling the cave once more. When Nivalis pushed her tongue against her daughter's delicate, underdeveloped lips, Silvia parted them willingly and did so with a naughty smile.

Not knowing what to do with it, Silvia just began sucking the slippery tip, feeling every little detail of it, every bump and fold. Nivalis chuckled softly, pulling her tongue back into her mouth, and whispered, "Swirl your tongue around, don't suck it, darling. It makes me all numb," her voice barely audible.

— "But it's the best part!" Silvia whispered, her little pink tongue licking her mother's lips. "Let me show you. Just don't pull it away," she breathed out, puckering her lips cutely.

Nivalis looked at her daughter's golden eyes and sighed. "Okay, show me, my sweet little kisser," she whispered, sticking out her tongue for the girl to suck on, letting the girl play with it however she liked. Her hands slid up and down her petite, trembling body, caressing her protruding ribs and patiently waiting for her to get bored.

Silvia eagerly moved her head up and down the sensitive, slimy flesh, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Little by little, she moved her head lower, taking more of her mother's tongue into her warm mouth with each new attempt.

She never realized how small her mouth was compared to her mother's until she began occasionally gagging on the saliva-coated muscle whenever it brushed against the back of her throat, hitting her tonsils over and over again. It would be a challenge—a fun challenge, but stillto take all of it in without choking, but that didn't stop her from trying.

The young girl did her best to ignore the unpleasant gagging reflex, forcing herself to relax and take more of the invading flesh into her tight throat with each movement of her head. Her golden eyes started tearing up from the uncomfortable stretching as she tried to fit all of her mother's tongue inside a mouth too small for it.

The sensations Nivalis felt from Silvia's warm, tiny mouth were overwhelming. The intense suction and licks made her moan and hum with every devoted movement of her daughter's lips around her sensitive flesh. She could feel every detail of her insides - the wet, slick walls of her throat and even the grazing of her sharp little teeth that she so desperately tried to keep away from the tongue. The numbness, like countless needles poking her pink flesh, was building up with each passing second and was nothing like she ever experienced before.

A few minutes later, Silvia released her mother's slippery tongue from between her lips with a loud pop, a thick string of drool connecting them for a moment before snapping and dripping down her chin. The girl inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath and feeling the incredible soreness of her throat. "Ugh... I-it was too big," she mumbled, her voice hoarse.

"It felt... wonderful. You felt the needles, too?" Nivalis whispered, opening her eyes and looking up at her messy daughter. Spit covered her daughter's mouth and cheeks, the sticky liquid dripping heavily down her chin; her wet eyelashes fluttered, hiding the glistening of her eyes as she breathed heavily.

"Y-yeah. A lot. It's cool, right?" the girl replied with a happy smile. "Now, your turn," she added, sticking her tiny, pink tongue out, waiting for her mother to suck on it.

With a sigh, Nivalis gently wrapped her lips around her daughter's wiggling tongue, sucking and licking at the delicate, wet flesh. Rivers of spit dripped from their mouths onto their chins, but the naked girls paid no attention to the mess, simply enjoying this new way of kissing they had discovered. Just a little secret between mother and daughter that no one else should ever know about.

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