Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 728 - Shock wave

Chapter 728: Shock wave

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

“Just because a tiger hasn’t eaten anyone in a long time, you thought that he became a vegetarian? Youngster, this old dog still has some teeth!”

It was within my expectations that the Holy Church would try to assassinate me.

As long as the Holy Church was still a gigantic and powerful faction, and as long as their God-level combat strength was able to enter the mortal plane at this time, it was only natural that they would want to eliminate an unstable factor in their plans such as myself.

In that case, I would have to either go into hiding or cut off the dirty hand that tried to kill me as a warning to them.

“You want to kill me? Sure, but you’ll have to pay a sufficient price first.”

Showing off my Seven Sins of Creation sword would likely be enough to make the Order Gods who looked down on mortals quiet down for a period of time.

By now, apart from my Law sword which was still in its design blueprint phase, I had shown off each of my other magic swords’ design philosophies and abilities. My personal combat style was now quite certain.

I would start with my ice magic sword, Northlands, which would create a death arena with only myself and my enemies. In this area, I would be able to fight in a snow and ice environment, the most advantageous type of environment to myself.

Also, my Holy Light sword, Dawn, would activate its effects in the wide area of effect mode. Dawn would buff my combat strength while constantly weakening the strength of any being of Chaos. Activating Dawn would be a shameless fighting tactic equivalent to forcing a vampire to fight in the open under the direct sunlight.

Dawn would also have powerful anti-undead and anti-demon properties.

Yet, that still wouldn’t be enough.

My Holy Light sword would be meaningless against the Order Gods, angels, and ordinary mortals which were beings of Order. Yet, I still chose to create my Holy Light sword because I had also designed the biggest killing weapon of all—my Seven Sins sword, which could easily slay even a God or anything with a soul.

The Seven Sins were the seven major negative emotions that humanity also viewed as the Original Sins. This was evidence that beings from the upper planes viewed lower-level life forms as inferior.

Angels, who had already transformed into pure robot-like slaughter machines loyal to the God of Holy Light, had gone most overboard of all with this way of thinking.

“Since you treat mortals’ negative emotions as sin, then the name Seven Sins sword is definitely most befitting of this sword which contains only the purest negative emotions of mortals.”

There was no need for me to repeat the workings of this sword. It would be constructed out of a tremendous number of souls. According to my calculations and theoretical design, it would likely require several millions or several tens of millions of souls rather than any number in the thousands in order to be completed. Moreover, the more pitiful the death, and the more of a grudge that the soul held upon dying, the better it would be for me.

No matter what angle you looked at this, and even when looking at the entire history of all of undead and death magic, this magic sword of mine could likely be called the most evil creation in all of history.

Once this sword was successfully created, anyone struck by it that had an existing soul would instantly be overwhelmed by an enormous amount of negative emotions which would shatter their soul’s balance. Any physical body that had lost its soul would become a meaningless empty shell.

I had now proved that my design philosophy was indeed workable. The main problem that I had always been complaining about was lack of resources.

Ever since I had designed this sword, and even down in the Chaos Abyss, I had always been complaining about lacking resources. I had even wondered if I should go and rob souls from the Death Planes. Unfortunately, undead who had lived for too long would actually have few negative emotions remaining. It would be most effective to use the souls of the new dead.

Since this was such an urgent matter, I had even been tempted to go contact The Eldest One, who was the demon that had invented undead and death magic. I probably would have done so already if it weren’t for the elves’ incident.

I had been unable to gather even a tiny percent of the souls that I required. However, the battle at the Moonwheel Capital Elven Empire had given me an unexpectedly great harvest.

From a certain standpoint, I had benefited far more than anyone from that battle in which the Moonwheel Capital Elven Empire had been destroyed. I had cast a forbidden spell there to destroy the demon wave. Even I couldn’t count just how many millions of souls I had successfully harvested there.

Not only that, I also received the soul shards of the Elven Gods, especially the final soul essence of Anslo, a Main God. This was a treasure that I would never have been able to obtain under normal circumstances.

These divine soul shards greatly improved the overall quality of my soul resources. The curses and grudges left behind by the Elven Gods even accidentally helped my sword to obtain the property of “Curse of the Dead Gods”, which gave it even more additional attack power against the Gods. This made me even more determined to finish my Seven Sins sword’s construction.

The core of my death magic Seven Sins sword was Elf Main God Anslo’s soul shard. The process of constructing this sword was currently slowly progressing in the shadows.

I hadn’t brought out my still incomplete Seven Sins Sword against the angel squadron that tried to kill me. Instead, I had only opened up a small portal to where I was storing my magic sword, allowing the “soul resources” to come out by themselves.

If I had really brought out my incomplete magic sword... Well, just let me explain by analogy of telling you to look at the status of smaller countries which were still trying to research nuclear weapons on Earth in comparison to larger countries which already possessed nuclear weapons.

“It was more effective than I expected.”

In a way, this had been an experiment for me.

Angels were pure creatures of Order. They obeyed the heavens’ commands, and viewed being emotionless and stoic as glory and virtue. Their souls were also rather special, being especially exquisite and balanced.

Yet, the angels had been unable to withstand even the grudge-filled souls which bore negative emotions. The Seraphim counted as quite high-ranking in the upper planes, but even he hadn’t lasted very long.

The angels weren’t even my presumed ultimate enemy that I would have to take on with this magic sword...

Yes, it was probably easy to guess that my presumed ultimate enemy that I would need to use this sword for was actually the Order Gods!

The Order Gods had combined themselves with their own Divine Concepts. In a way, they were also existences without their own, individual will as they would have to carry out their own Divine Concept and expand it.

The better the God’s Divine Concept was doing, the more powerful the God would become, such as the God of War during a time of war, the God of Wisdom during a cultural renaissance, or the Rain God and Ocean God during a time of major storms.

Their Divine Kingdoms were their personal domains. Their physical bodies were the combination of their soul and Divine Concepts. They were basically Concepts which had their own will. If they were injected with too much sense of self... they would probably die even more pitifully than the Seraphim had!

Theoretically speaking, once a God’s body was touched by my Seven Sins sword, their originally Order-based body would naturally become filled with many impurities, causing their body to become imbalanced inside. The Gods didn’t have an independent soul. The collapse of their physical body would also represent irreversible destruction.

Godslayer Seven Sins Sword. This was the true name of my death magic sword, which I was unable to shout out loud as of yet.

As for when it would finally be completed? That would likely depend on when enough people had finally died... Perhaps I should go visit more battlefields in order to harvest more souls.

My gold Holy Light sword Dawn would transform Chaos into Order. It would be the slaughterer of demons and undead. The cleanser of Chaos.

My black death magic sword Seven Sins would inject Chaos into Order. It would be the slaughterer of angels and the Order Gods. The destroyer of Order.

Theoretically, as long as I completed these two magic swords, I wouldn’t be too disadvantaged against any opponent. Unfortunately, both of these magic swords were far too difficult to complete.

“Perhaps I really do need to go visit some battlefields when I have free time.”

The death of Winton Angla, the Glorious Hammer, sent a huge shock wave throughout the entire world.

The Holy Church had originally been in high spirits due to the arrival of their reinforcements. This news suddenly dealt them a great blow that really doused their spirits.

This was quite understandable. Winton had been a legendary individual as well as the angel considered to be the God of Holy Light’s right arm. Every day, Holy Light worshippers would hear about how amazing Winton was, how he would slay evil and powerful magical beasts, and so on. They would really want to personally achieve such mythic feats together with him.

However, an undefeated myth like Winton had just descended to the mortal plane, yet he mysteriously died in a backwater alleyway, killed while he and a full angel squadron were attacking a single person who wasn’t even a God...

This seemed to be quite inconceivable. In fact, many felt like they had been deceived, that their angelic reinforcements weren’t as powerful as they had believed, that the undefeated Winton had been quite weak, and that perhaps they should consider a path of retreat for themselves.

The Holy Church’s Cardinals were no idiots. They were doing their best to suppress this news. But unfortunately for them, others were also no idiots. Others would never let go of this excellent opportunity to strike a blow to the Holy Church’s reputation. This was all the more so for the fairies, who were becoming ever more dissatisfied with the Holy Church.

Special edition reports were already flying everywhere on the day right after Seraphim Winton died. In the fairies’ typical style, the headlines were really exaggerated and attention-grabbing, with examples such as “Seraphim Winton felt that he must have had a great advantage, yet he was actually killed by a mortal”, or “How horrid! A certain person declares that he loves to eat fried angel wings!”. Still, the fairies’ description of what had actually happened was as truthful and detailed as always.

The fairies vividly described how the angel squadron had surrounded me, how the angel squadron had felt that they had a great advantage and attacked me all at once, followed by how I had instantly defeated all of them.

In fact, it was even recorded just how long the battle had lasted. The grand Seraphim Winton would probably be so angry that he would revive himself if only he knew that he was now being referred to as the “Three seconds angel”.

Of course, the fairies added various pictures of what had happened in the battle. Next to several masses of shredded meat, the tall and magnificent Winton, who appeared just like a hero out of legends, stood there like a statue. Yet, his eyes were completely blank as his powerful physical body was now nothing more than an empty shell.

Just how had I accomplished this? How did I succeed with such a mysterious attack method? Would anyone really be able to escape if I tried to assassinate some important political target? What type of attack method would destroy my enemy without even harming the physical body, especially when my enemies were warrior angels, one of the species with the strongest magic resistance in this world?

Of course, I would never give any explanations about my own special abilities. Only an absolute idiot would do that as it would allow others to find the special ability’s weaknesses.

Only when the world’s important figures and kings received this report did everyone recall that I wasn’t simply a military arms merchant and diplomat who was skilled at international diplomacy and secret deals. They finally recalled that I had also been someone mega dangerous who had challenged the entire world by myself—and that I had almost won.

Thus, the Calamity Rankings updated and put me directly at #3.

#2 on the Calamity Rankings was also a familiar figure: Chaos War God Donatis. It was likely that countless had just died because of him during the recent demon wave, either directly or indirectly.

Meanwhile, #1 on the Calamity Rankings was still a certain Dracon who must not be named...

Anyhow, since Beifeng was considered to be an existence even more dangerous than the Chaos War God, didn’t this mean that he truly was undefeatable in his own way?

It was quite likely that Beifeng would solidly remain as #1 on the Calamity Rankings unless news spread that he had already left this entire universe.

As for myself, my new improved Calamity Ranking indeed helped to make things easier for me.

Certain factions and organizations which might have been thinking about making a move against me would now reconsider if they truly could take me on or not, and if they could handle my revenge.

Moreover, if I wanted to express my friendship towards another faction, that faction would have to take me far more seriously. The world was a practical place. No matter how famous the reputation or incredible someone’s past was, that would never compare to actual combat achievements performed recently.

Perhaps many people were under the impression that I was far weaker now after revival compared to when I had been a lich. But now, their previous analyses of my current power level could all be considered useless.

Another benefit of my newfound Calamity Ranking was that I no longer needed to hide my tracks. I openly entered cities, stayed in hotels, and ate in restaurants out in the open as myself. Not a single person dared to stop me.

Even the Holy Church that had just attacked me fell into a strange period of silence. Perhaps they hadn’t expected that their ace card would’ve been vanquished completely just like that without seemingly giving me even a tiny bit of trouble.

Unless the Holy Church sent a Middle God or High God in their true body to deal with me, it was likely that I wouldn’t be afraid of anything else. I would just feel some pain at losing some souls necessary for constructing my death magic sword.

Since I had already exposed my power as “Emperor of the Dead”, I no longer tried to hide anything. All along the way, I intentionally visited every San Antonio civil war battlefield that I could, traveling in my soul carriage through the battlefield and taking away all of the pitiful souls I could which had died in this useless civil war.

Of course, there were plenty of Level 4 individuals who noticed what I was doing. Still, when they saw that I had no intention of getting involved in the actual battles, they simply pretended that they didn’t see me.

Maybe the action of harvesting souls would damage my reputation even further, but I wouldn’t mind such a small thing.

When I noticed that I didn’t have to disguise myself or hide from others anymore, I even started openly crossing through battlefields, which further increased my traveling speed.

I arrived at the Amu Mountains in less than a week. However, things were different here from the civil war battlefields. Here, humans were fighting against the demons and ogres. It would be too difficult to expect that both sides would pretend not to see me anymore.

“This is probably the correct location now...”

With the process of elimination, it was only natural that the final potential ruin location in the Amu Mountains was the correct one... Although my bad luck made me feel helpless as always, at the very least I would finally be able to truly power up to Level 4 and beyond once I obtained the Sun God’s mirror necessary as a top-level resource for my Holy Light sword.

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