Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 407: The Only Way Out is Through

Chapter 407: The Only Way Out is Through


Reth had arrived at the security council building almost an hour earlier and spent the time preparing for the Captain's arrival. But in truth, he was wallowing in the silence, trying to settle his own heart. His pulse raced. He did not want what this day brought. But he would meet it, and meet it to the best of his ability.

He was already pouring over the maps when Behryn and Tobe finally arrived, Behryn moving more slowly than he had when he'd left the cave. Reth looked at him sharply—and then at Hollhye, who stood in the doorway behind him, her forehead lined with worry.

"I'll get him back to Aymora's after this," Reth told her without even greeting them first.

She snorted, but nodded, and closed the door.

Tobe was glancing worriedly at Behryn too, but his second walked normally across the room, his stride unbroken. What worried Reth was the paleness of his face, and the way he seemed to breathe too quickly.

"Are you okay? Truly?" Reth asked him quietly when they made it to the map table.

"I'm tired," Behryn said, "and that's making it harder to breathe. But I am not hot, or achy. You will all need to stop pecking me like mother hens."

Reth's lips twisted, but Tobe grinned.

"Whatever. Take a look here. I've marked the spots you gave for where we think the wolves are most likely hidden. And down here in the City, I've marked the water stations…"

They all became consumed with the planning—how to send trackers and warriors up the mountain without tipping their hand that they knew what and who they were looking for. How to move the sentries and guards around the City without looking like they were specifically blocking the coming attack.

"…scouts in four different directions, so no special attention will go on the mountain," Tobe said half an hour later. "I know the best ones, we'll keep them in the direction we know they're hidden, and send trainees the other ways. We'll also send the birds to circle the mountain as scouts—to stop the wolves bringing theirs back to retrieve them."

"In daylight?" Reth confirmed.

Tobe looked at Behryn and nodded. "They'll likely be sleeping, so if we can find them quietly, we can dart any that you want brought in, and kill the rest before they even know they've been discovered."

"I think its highly unlikely they aren't taking shifts watching," Reth muttered.

Tobe nodded again. "But we also know that a single guard in a silent forest in the heat of the day when there's no known threat… well, better warriors than these wolves have fallen to the devil of sleep. And we know they won't shoot the birds out of the air because they don't want their presence to be discovered."

"I can't see any way to finish this without some conflict, though, Reth. Battle is inevitable," Behryn added, tracing a line on the map and frowning. "Unless the Creator yanks a miracle out of his beard, at least some of them will be awake and watching and… fighting will be unavoidable."

Reth sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "And those that are caught will likely get the signal out to those waiting to hit the City. It may all happen very quickly."

"Don't we have the signals? Can't we give the signal for retreat?" Tobe asked.

Reth shrugged. "We will try. But I suspect it will not be heeded." He knew for certain now that the pack mind existed—which meant it was likely if the signal wasn't given and affirmed through whatever link they had, that it would be identified as a false signal. But he couldn't be sure. He wanted to curse Suhle and Charyn for not giving that up.

He could exert influence on Charyn he supposed…

"Is Lerrin our only live target?" Tobe asked carefully.

Reth sighed again. "What do you think, Behr? Part of me wants to bring the whole fist in if we can. But if this proves right, we already knew their battle plan. Is there any gain from keeping them alive, except the risk that they will get free, or harm one of ours?"

"I know I told you to be more ruthless, Reth, and I agree with Aymora, we need to let our enemies know that there are lines they cannot cross and expect mercy, but… but killing warriors in their beds when we're told they come—or, at least, their leader does—to find peace?"

"If they all came for peace, they would present themselves. If what Suhle was told is true, Lerrin is coming in the hopes of not losing his good people. But he fights the bad among them. And he has not told those of his shifting alliances. We can't know which those close to him will be until… Well, we can't know. I think we take Lerrin. If the others surrender, bring them as well. But do not risk our warrior's lives to give them the chance. And if Lerrin fights—if there is any hint betrayal is a ploy, you kill him as well."

"Are you certain, Reth?" Behryn asked quietly.

Reth took a moment, but nodded. "No more dragging this out. It is time for this to be over one way or another. We will take Lerrin, or he will be killed. We will defeat the wolves, or if they flee, we will rally and follow. I want this done! The time has come."

"I'd like a stab at the wolf myself," Tobe said darkly.

Reth shook his head. "Do not kill him unless it's unavoidable. Only he has information beyond what we know, and I wish to measure his honesty for myself. Even if this is a ploy, speaking with him will offer the chance to scent him for truth. If he fights and tries to kill us, he will be killed. But if he only defends, or flees, he must be taken. And if he surrenders… Creator willing, we may find peace after all."

"So, scouts and dummy guards to locations just after dawn when they're likely not moving anymore, then tracking after high sun?"

"Yes. But there likely will be little or no scent trails. Tell the trackers to be on high caution at all times. They will probably only know they're in the right place when they are steps from our targets."

Reth's gut clenched at the mental image of a tracker stepping into a fist of wolves he hadn't scented. He pushed the image of carnage and vengeance away.

"We believe we have two fists on the mountain, another in scouts and firestarters at the base, and how many to the east awaiting the signal to take the City?"

"Almost two hundred," Reth said with a snarl. "Almost as many as we have ourselves."

Tobe whistled. "It will be war in truth."

"You thought I jested about that?" Reth asked, surprised.

Tobe shook his head. "No. I only… I wish it hadn't come to this. But you're right, of course. We have to go balls to the wall now. No flinching. No waiting. No more hope. We have to take them out and finish them, or we will be finished ourselves."

Reth nodded, but his stomach churned.



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