Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 410: The Time Has Come

Chapter 410: The Time Has Come


Reth faced the lines of young, strong Anima who might die and forced himself to strength.

"Thank you for being willing to take this responsibility in the defense of your people—and in the defense of me. You humble me! You leave here this morning with my gratitude, my admiration, and my approval.

"In the hours and days to come, you will face combat. You will face hatred and ugliness. You will face death. You will make decisions and live or die by them. You will form memories—some of which you will wish you had never seen. But you will also walk into the gap and, when you returned, bloodied and weary, you will see the faces and hearts of those you fought to save.

"Never forget that, my Anima. Never forget that every step you take puts you between someone else and their death. Never forget the young that will remember this day and, whether they know your face or not, they will see the sun because you stepped in to kill the enemy that would have taken them.

"Never forget that the lives of every other Anima ride with you—and you honor them simply by being willing to fight. You fight for yourselves and your families, but you also fight for mine."

Reth's voice broke on the last word and he swallowed hard, ignoring the sound behind him of Behryn doing the same thing.

"Never forget that your King… Your King loves you and appreciates you. Never forget that no matter what you are forced to do or see in these days, you have only my honor and my gratitude. Never forget that you offer your own life for the good of another, and there is no single action one can take that shows more love than that.

"Thank you for your love, Anima. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your strength. And when we return here at the end of this, thank you for forgiving me for asking it of you. You go with my heart. You go at my word. And you go strong, Anima. You go with love. And you go knowing with certainty that you stand on the right side of our history today!"

He roared again, and they called again. There were tears among them, but also beaming smiles, and anticipation. While he faced them, he smiled and he raised his hands to applaud them. But when he turned back to Behryn, the smile fell from him as if it had been dropped.

How many of them would not see the sunset today?

How many would he grieve just hours from now?

Please, not many, Creator, he prayed. Please not many.

You can't fight them alone…

The words echoed in his head, pounding at his heart. But before he could examine them more closely, remind himself of their truth, there was another pounding—a clap on his back as his Second passed him, walking quickly to give a brief word to each of the Fist Leaders as they began to move their teams.

Reth did the same, walking between the lines and groups, nodding his acknowledgement of the salutes and calls he was given. Clasping hands with those he knew personally, and smiling at those he did not.

He tried to burn as many names and faces into his brain as he could, Anima to check for, to pursue when they returned… to make sure they did return.

As the first groups began to roll out, jogging double-time back to the City, and fist after fist called, then followed, Reth itched to go with them. To put his teeth and claws to work against the flesh of the enemy. To have a task, a purpose that put him before them so they did not have to do it. But he couldn't. He knew he couldn't.

If he was taken—not even because of himself personally, but just because of what he represented—the fighters would be demoralized and frightened. And the responsibility for the hardest and most deadly decisions would pass to someone else.

First Behryn.

Reth snorted. He would stay there itching just to avoid the wrath of Hollhye if Behryn was pressed into that on this day.

But as more and more of the fighters, scouts, and guards trotted past him, possibly to their deaths, Reth needed to move. He found Behryn and Tobe standing just inside the forest where the trails branched, where each fist moved in the direction of the task they'd been assigned. The two equines were greeting and cajoling, calling and applauding as each of the groups passed, and Reth joined them, adding his own encouragement until the last of the groups had disappeared down the trail.

Then the three of them went silent—and serious.

Reth's chest was swelled with pride in the strength and courage of his people. And in the cleverness of his leaders to help them win this.

He wished Lerrin could stand here in this moment, see what their people were offering, see how true leadership should look.

See the heartache that Reth couldn't hide now that the fighters were gone.

You can't fight them alone.

"How is the King now?" Behryn asked quietly. Tobe turned to look at him as well, one eyebrow raised.

Reth snorted. "Heartbroken, honestly. But less so than I will be tonight when we learn how many we have lost."

"Do not declare them dead yet," Behryn warned him. "Let's get the wolf first, then see where that takes us."

Reth shrugged. Yes, they would go after the wolf first. And if he was caught, perhaps he would see what he was dealing with. Perhaps they could negotiate peace. But the truth was, Reth would not grieve if the wolf was killed. There had been too much death and destruction already, and they hadn't even started.

You can't fight them alone…

He made himself focus on the two men who were watching him, concerned. And he forced himself to smile.

"It's time," he said to Behryn, who nodded. Then he clapped Tobe on the back. "Let's do this."


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