Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 426: Beating the Drums of War

Chapter 426: Beating the Drums of War


The silence after Charyn left was heavy. The Council didn't fault Reth, not exactly. But no one, including Reth, was comfortable about what had just occurred.

Conversation slowly returned, the men discussing what could be expected from the wolves. But Reth's mind kept spinning back to Suhle.

She had found her True Mate? But he was a wolf? And high enough in the rebel rankings to be careful to protect her, to deny the draw of the bond to save her from notice.

The fact that she had taken Charyn's word that Reth sent the message... she wanted to go. Likely would have gone, anyway. But this... this let her go without Reth having to punish her as a traitor if she returned. That was one thing, the only thing in this shitshow that he could be grateful for.

The problem was, now he had no one to give him inside information about the wolves. Now there was no way to know if their movements that day had turned the wolf attack away completely, or only delayed it.

Blinking, he reminded himself, no matter what happened to those he loved, he had a war to win. He blew out a breath and turned back to Behryn and the others who were still arguing over the map.

"We have to plan an all-out assault. No more waiting. No more defensive maneuvers. One day. Two at most. We need to meet the wolves in battle before they turn and find a new plan of attack. One way or another, this ends here. Now."

The males looked at each other uneasily, but they nodded. Even Behryn.

Reth felt sick.


Hours and hours… they chased their own tales until midnight, but in the end, there was no other choice. They had to send scouts to find where the wolves stood, where they gathered, count the numbers. The role was crucial—and the most dangerous they'd sent any citizen to since this began.

Reth and Behryn made the decision in private, so even the council didn't know who had been chosen for the role, so there was no chance of a spy catching wind of who was leaving, who would pave the way for the Anima to take victory from the wolves.

When they'd narrowed the field to two, Behryn suggested they send both.

"There is always the chance one will be caught, or injured. With two approaching from different directions we have a better chance of one returning quickly and with the answers we need."

Reth nodded, but he was struggling to concentrate. He was so tired already. How was he going to endure this? How would he stay alert, not let his people down?

Then Behryn put a hand to his shoulder and he startled. His friend stared at him, his face grim, but compassionate. "Reth… you need to rest. This is going to get worse before it gets better. You can't… you can't start already walking this edge."

They'd argued, of course. But now it was high moon, and Reth was under guard, but returning to the cave, leaving orders for him to be woken and notified if one of the scouts returned before daylight.

Behryn had nodded, but reminded him they wouldn't likely stage any attack until later the next day anyway. "Whatever we need you for, you'll be called in, Reth. Don't you worry."

Reth snorted, but it was a mark of how exhausted he was that he allowed his brother to talk him into this. And… a mark of how desperate he was to see Elia. Just the mere hope of that made his heart flutter in his chest as they entered the cave. He waited while the guards swept the cave—and the bathing pools cavern where the decoy guards had been replaced with real ones.

Another thing Reth was grateful for: None of the brave elderly who'd taken those positions had suffered as much as a bug-bite.

Reth reminded himself of that as he barred the door behind the guards, then trudged to the bedchamber and undressed to slump into the furs: They had saved lives that day. Many, many lives.

He was asleep before he'd had a second thought—and Elia was there, in his dreams, immediately. But something was wrong.

It wasn't the darkness of that first dream. And it wasn't the tangible furs of the connected dreams.

This was a dream, and he knew it. His mate wasn't there and he ached to have her. And yet…

Reth stood in the meadow outside the cave, naked, in the dark. And Elia lioness was there. Huge and golden, she stalked in a circle, her eyes never leaving his face as she paced. The deep, huffing call of the yearning female breaking from her chest over and over.

Reth yearned to have her in his arms, to pull her close. He called back, the mating call, and she responded, but shook her head.

She couldn't shift back. She was within her Beast and couldn't reach him.

"I love you, Elia, and I miss you… so much my chest aches with it," he said.

Her eyes never left his.

Reth kept speaking, hoping to draw her out. "We go to war today. Tonight. Sometime soon. We thwarted an attack today, but it wasn't enough. The enemy army still remains, and hovers in the WildWood. Our Scouts will find it tonight and then tomorrow… tomorrow we will fight.

Her skin twitched and she huffed again, but remained in her beast, pacing more quickly, shaking her head.

"Do not fear for me, love," he said gently. "If we are successful it may be that we can bring you back within days. I do not know. Only the Creator knows how this will go. But yearned to see you, so I'm grateful you are here."

She groaned, huffing, shaking her head, then abruptly turned toward him, walking to him and pushing her great head into his chest.

He embraced her, scratching behind her ears as she whimpered.

"I am here, love," he whispered. "I'm sorry you're afraid. I'm sorry this is hard. It has cut me in two to be without you. But I know this is for your best. I do not regret keeping you safe. Death is occurring here and I would not have you in the path of it."

She nudged his chest and he was forced back a step, chuckling softly. "I love you, too," he murmured.

Then, in a moment of inspiration, he took his beast form as well. She blinked at him staring. Then he forced the beast to sink to its haunches, finally laying flat, and groaning at her to join him.

And she did. Curling herself against his stomach and chest, huffing the mating call as he licked her ears—

Reth sat up, heart pounding, the mating huff dying in his throat, to find Behryn shaking his shoulders, and two guards standing alongside the sleeping platform.

He blinked and rubbed his face, cursing them for stealing him from Elia. Even Elia in her beast form. "What is it?" he asked gruffly.

Behryn gripped his shoulder. "Both of the scouts are already back."

Reth blinked. "How long has it been?"

"Only a couple hours."

His stomach clenched. "Where are they?"

"The scout on foot reports that the front line is less than a mile away. The bird says the bulk of their warriors remain a couple miles beyond that at the beginning of the plains." Behryn stopped, his jaw tight.

"What is it?"

"You're needed now. Both scouts agree: They're preparing to attack, Reth."

Reth growled and leaped out of the bed.


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