Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 73: Horsing Around

Chapter 73: Horsing Around

The heavy doors of the Knight mansion creak open, and I stumble inside, Erica’s hand firmly gripping my wrist. The familiar scent of roses and cigarettes hits me as we enter the cavernous foyer.

“Finally,” Erica purrs, her blue eyes gleaming with mischief. Before I can react, she’s pushing me up against the wall, her body pressed flush against mine. My heart races with excitement.

“E-Erica…” I stammer, but she silences me with a fierce kiss. Her lips taste like tobacco and rebellion.

I got two dogs in me. One dog wants to melt into her embrace, to let her consume me entirely. The other dog wants to do the same thing but on the bed instead because of how comfy it is.

‘Bro, my dogs would be telling riddles, too… Wait, no, what? Focus!’

As Erica’s hands start roaming, my mind refocuses on the pleasure.

Suddenly, the sound of laughter echoes from the nearby parlor. Erica freezes, her lips still millimeters from mine. “What the fuck?” she mutters, pulling back slightly.

We peer around the corner. There, lounging on the couch, are our mothers. They’re surrounded by half-empty wine bottles, giggling like schoolgirls.

‘I know my mom retired and is likely an alcoholic, but isn’t Vivian a CEO.’

“Uh, Mom?” I call out, my voice cracking embarrassingly. “What’s up?”

My mother looks up, her eyes slightly unfocused. “Oh, Jason! Erica! We were just... discussing business.” She hiccups, then dissolves into another fit of giggles.

Vivian lets out a hearty laugh, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, Emily, why lie? We were just making out like a couple of horny teenagers!” She winks exaggeratedly, causing my Mom to burst into another fit of giggles.

‘Awww, It’s such a 180 from how she was before I met Erica.’

I feel happy to see my Mom finally have love in her life. Erica, on the other hand, lets out an exasperated sigh.

“You two are way too old to be making out,” she grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s gross.”

Vivian’s face falls into an exaggerated pout, her lower lip quivering dramatically. “Oh Erica, darling,” she says, her voice dripping with faux sadness, “Are you saying you won’t make out with Jason when you’re our age? That’s so sad!”

Erica’s eyes narrow dangerously, a fire igniting in those icy blue depths. She turns to me, her gaze softening for just a moment before snapping back to Vivian with renewed intensity. In one fluid motion, she points at me, her finger mere inches from my chest.

“Listen here, Mom,” Erica declares, her voice low and fierce. “I love him more than you could ever love Emily. Our love is eternal, undying, beyond your comprehension!”

The room falls silent for a beat, the tension palpable. Then, without warning, Vivian pulls my Mom close, wrapping her arms possessively around Emily’s waist. The movement is so sudden that my Mom lets out a little squeak of surprise. But she doesn’t pull away. If anything, she seems to melt into Vivian’s embrace, her body relaxing against the other woman’s curves.

‘Wait, isn’t my Mom the top? This is an interesting development. Top in the sheets, bottom in the streets?’

“Oh, you sweet summer children,” Vivian purrs, her voice dripping with amusement. “You think you know love? Please. Emily and I have gone from bitter enemies to passionate lovers. Now that’s a love story for the ages!”

Mom blushes. “Vivian,” she drunkenly mumbles, but there’s no real protest in her voice. Her eyes are locked on Vivian’s face, a mix of embarrassment and unmistakable desire swirling in their depths.

I watch, fascinated and slightly horrified, as Mom’s hand comes to rest on Vivian’s thigh. Her fingers trace small circles on the fabric of Vivian’s skirt, the gesture unconscious but intimate.

Erica lets out an exasperated sigh beside me. “You’re both ridiculous,” she grumbles, but there’s a hint of amusement in her tone. She pulls me close, mirroring her mother’s possessive grip.

Suddenly, the TV in the corner of the room blares to life, startling us all. A commercial fills the screen, featuring a herd of majestic horses galloping across a sun-drenched field. The thundering of hooves fills the room.

Mom’s eyes light up at the sight. “Oh, Jason,” she says, her voice softening with nostalgia. “Do you remember when you were in middle school? You were such a horse boy.”

I feel lost as Erica turns to me, one eyebrow raised in amusement. “A horse boy?” she asks, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

“I wasn’t-” I start to protest, but Mom cuts me off.

“Oh, he absolutely was,” she insists, her words slightly slurred from the wine. “He had horse figurines everywhere. Used to gallop around the house, neighing at the top of his lungs. It was so funny.”

Vivian lets out a delighted cackle. “Oh, that’s precious! I can just picture little Jason with a mane and tail, prancing about.”

‘Fuck this. This is pissing me off.’

I feel my face burning with anger. “I was not a horse boy!” I hiss, glaring at my Mom. “That’s ridiculous!”

But Mom just giggles, waving her hand dismissively. “Remember that time you tried to eat an apple without using your hands?”

‘I will kill the other Jason if I ever find him. This is beyond forgiveness.’

Vivian’s cackling intensifies, and even Erica’s lips are twitching with barely suppressed laughter. I lean in close to her ear, my voice barely a whisper. “It wasn’t me, I swear. It must have been the Jason who originated here.”

Erica just pats my arm, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “Sure, babe. Whatever you say.”

‘This is what Jesus felt when he looked at his friends during the last supper.’

I pull back, scowling at her betrayal. My eyes narrow as I glare at my Mom, who’s now regaling Vivian with tales of my supposed equine obsession.

“And then there was the time he insisted on sleeping in the stable at his aunt’s farm,” Mom continues, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. “Said he wanted to be closer to his ‘horse brethren’!”

‘This fucking sucks. I cannot go down as a horse boy.’

“I did not!” I protest, but my words are drowned out by another round of drunken laughter.

Suddenly, Erica’s demeanor shifts. Her eyes, sharp despite the absurdity of the situation, focus on the array of empty wine bottles littering the coffee table. She turns to Vivian, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

“Mom,” she says, “why haven’t I seen you working lately? You’re usually glued to your laptop or on endless conference calls.”

The laughter dies down, replaced by a heavy silence. Vivian’s face sobers slightly, though her cheeks remain flushed from the wine. She straightens up, pulling away from my Mom ever so slightly.

“Well, darling,” Vivian begins, her voice carrying a hint of pride, “with Rachel graduating soon from Harvard, I’ve been letting her take on more responsibilities. She’s been making quite a few decisions lately.”

I feel my jaw drop, my mind struggling to process this new information. Rachel?

“Wait, what?” I stammer, looking between Erica and Vivian. “Rachel’s making business decisions? Are we talking about the same Rachel?”

Vivian’s eyes sparkle with pride. “Oh yes, darling. Rachel’s always had a remarkable head for business. She’s been absolutely thriving at Harvard.”

I turn to Erica, searching her face for any sign that this is an elaborate joke. But she just nods, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

“But... but I thought she was just going to school for acting,” I protest weakly. “All those stories about acting”

Vivian lets out a tinkling laugh. “Oh, that was just a hobby. A way to blow off steam between finance classes and market analysis seminars.”

My head is spinning. I feel like I’ve stepped into some bizarre alternate universe where everything I thought I knew has been turned on its head.

I shake my head, still reeling. “I had no idea,” I murmur.

Suddenly, a thought occurs to me. I turn to Erica, curiosity burning in my eyes. “Wait, why didn’t you want to compete for the company?”

Erica and Vivian exchange a look before bursting into laughter. Their giggles echo through the room, bouncing off the ornate walls and making me feel even more lost.

Vivian wipes a tear from her eye, still chuckling. “Oh, Jason,” she says, her voice warm with affection, “Erica has never shown the slightest interest in Knight Industries. Even when she was just a little tyke.”

She leans forward, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “I remember when Erica was about five years old. I brought her to the office one day, thinking maybe she’d be inspired by all the hustle and bustle. You know what she did?”

I shake my head, hanging on every word.

“She marched right up to my executive assistant, bold as brass, and declared that she was going to be a professional pillow fort builder when she grew up!” Vivian throws her head back, letting out a hearty laugh. “Said she had no time for ‘boring grown-up stuff’ because she was going to make the comfiest, coziest forts in the whole wide world.”

Erica rolls her eyes, but there’s a fond smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Well, can you blame me? Those stuffy board meetings looked about as fun as watching paint dry.”

She turns to me, her blue eyes softening as they meet mine. “Besides,” she purrs, her voice taking a sultry tone, “why bother with all that corporate nonsense when I can spend my days with you, making babies?”

‘It can’t be helped. I wonder if Erica will be sexy pregnant?’

Before I can respond, my Mom’s voice cuts through the air, high and excited.

“Babies!” she exclaims, her eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning. In her drunken state, she nearly topples off the couch in her enthusiasm, steadied only by Vivian’s quick reflexes. “Oh, Jason, darling! It’s your civic duty to have lots and lots of kids, you know!”

“Yes, Yes,” I speak lazily as I am very used to her opinions at this point.

“No, no, listen to me,” she insists, wagging a finger in my general direction. “This world needs more sweet, nurturing boys like you. It’s practically your responsibility to populate the earth with little Jasons and Ericas!”

Erica nods solemnly, though I can see the mischievous glint in her eye. “Oh, absolutely,” she agrees, her voice dripping with faux seriousness. “We’ll have a whole army of little ones. Maybe even enough to start our own small country.”

I groan, burying my face in my hands. But Erica’s not done yet. She drapes an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

“Plus,” she adds, her voice casual but with an undercurrent of pride, “both of us have enough money to never need to work a day in our lives. We can dedicate all our time to it.”

I nod, a grin spreading across my face. “True. I’d get jealous if you had to work all day anyway. All that time away from me? I’d hate that.”

Everyone laughs at that, the sound warm and genuine.

“Alright, alright,” Erica says, tugging at my arm. “As fun as this little family bonding session has been, I think it’s time we head upstairs.”

I let her pull me towards the grand staircase, calling over my shoulder, “See you later!”


[Tessa’s POV]

I’m sprawled across my dorm room bed, a half-empty bag of Lays chips crinkling under my elbow as I scroll mindlessly through YouTube on my phone. The salty tang of chips lingers on my tongue, mixing with the stale taste of the energy drink I chugged earlier.

‘Why don’t the Vtubers ever show their dicks?’ I wonder as the soft glow of my phone illuminates my face in the dimly lit room. The air is thick with the scent of incense and the faint musk of unwashed laundry, a true college experience.

Suddenly, a burst of noise erupts from the small monitor I’ve set up on my cluttered desk. I jolt upright, chips scattering across my black bedspread like crunchy confetti. My heart races as I scramble over to the desk, nearly tripping over a discarded combat boot in my haste.

The monitor crackles to life, the grainy image flickering before stabilizing. I lean in close, my nose almost touching the screen, as I watch Erica and Jason stumble into her bedroom. The camera angle gives me a perfect view of the entire room.

Jason’s face is flushed, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance etched across his features. His voice comes through the speakers, tinny but clear: “I’m not a horse boy, Erica! That’s ridiculous!”

I blink, confused. ‘Horse boy? What the hell did I miss?’

Erica’s laughter fills the room, rich and melodious. “Oh, come on, babe. It’s cute! I can just picture little you, galloping around the house, neighing at the top of your lungs.”

Jason groans, flopping face-first onto Erica’s bed. His voice is muffled by the pillows as he protests, “It really wasn’t me! It must have been the Jason who originated here like I said earlier. I swear!”

My brow furrows as I try to make sense of their conversation. ‘Originated here? What does that even mean?’ I lean in closer, straining to catch every word.

Erica sits beside Jason, running her fingers through his hair. “Sure, sure,” she coos, her voice dripping with amusement. “Whatever you say, my little stallion.”

I watch as Erica leans down, planting a soft kiss on Jason’s cheek. “Hey,” she murmurs, her voice low and sultry, “why don’t we have some fun? Take your mind off all this horse boy business?”

Jason lifts his head, a mischievous glint in his eye. “What did you have in mind?”

Erica’s grin turns predatory. “Oh, I have a few ideas...”

I lean back in my chair, stretching my arms above my head. My joints pop satisfyingly as I stand up. “Alright,” I mutter to myself, “quick piss and then back to the show.”

I hurry to the tiny dorm bathroom, my mind racing with possibilities of what I might see when I return. The harsh fluorescent light flickers as I release the storm. I quicklly wash my hands before practically sprinting back to my desk.

As I plop back down in my chair, my jaw drops at the scene unfolding on the monitor.

Erica sits naked in an ornate chair, her long legs spread wide as if she’s some ancient queen. In one hand, she holds a thin leather leash that leads to a collar around Jason’s neck. He’s on all fours before her, completely naked, rock hard, and his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that makes my breath catch.

“What the actual fuck?” I breathe, unable to tear my eyes away.

Erica’s voice comes through the speakers, clear and commanding. “Jason, darling, you need to get your mind off of Riley. Come show Mommy what a good boy you are.”


To my shock, Jason doesn’t hesitate. He crawls forward eagerly, his tongue darting out to lap at Erica’s exposed pussy. She tightens her grip on the leash, pulling him closer as a low moan escapes her lips.

“That’s it,” Erica purrs, her free hand tangling in Jason’s hair. “Show me how much you love me. Show me I’m the only one who matters.”

As Jason buries his face between Erica’s thighs, I can’t tear my eyes away from the screen. My breath comes in short, ragged gasps as I watch Erica throw her head back, her long blonde hair cascading over the chair. She tugs sharply on the leash, pulling Jason even closer.

“God, I wish that was me,” I breathe, imagining myself in that ornate chair, but with Erica on her knees before me. In my mind, I can almost feel her silky hair between my fingers as I guide her movements. The thought of turning her into a sub for me sends a jolt of electricity through my body.

But then, as I look, I’m blown away with Jason. His sexy back flexes as he works, his enthusiasm evident in every movement. I find my gaze drawn to his firm ass and hard cock.

“Fuck,” I whimper, my hand slipping beneath the waistband of my pajama shorts. I’m already embarrassingly wet as I start to touch myself, matching my movements to Jason’s eager tongue.

Erica’s moans fill my small dorm room, mixing with the soft, wet sounds coming from between her legs. “That’s it, baby,” she purrs, her voice husky with desire. “Show Mommy how much you love her.”

I groan in frustration, torn between my conflicting desires. One moment I’m imagining myself corrupting Erica. Commanding the powerful. The next, I picture myself as getting licked by Jason, eagerly pleasuring my starved pussy.

My fingers move faster as I watch Jason’s cock, hard and leaking, bouncing slightly with each movement. God, what I wouldn’t give to feel that inside me.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I pant, my hips rocking against my hand as I chase my release. On-screen, Erica’s cries grow louder, her back arching as she nears her peak. Jason redoubles his efforts, his face glistening with her arousal.

I’m so close, balanced on the knife’s edge of pleasure. But I can’t seem to tip over; my mind and body are unable to decide which one of these two I want more of.

‘I wish I could have them both. But Brooke and I made a deal. Thank god she doesn’t know about this camera though.’

As I think to myself, Erica starts moaning louder, her voice taking on a husky quality. “Did you like it when Mommy killed Riley for you?” she purrs.

I freeze my hand still between my legs. “Wait, what?” I breathe, leaning closer to the screen.

Jason doesn’t seem fazed by her words. If anything, he redoubles his efforts, his tongue working faster as he devours Erica’s pussy. His hard cock leaks steadily onto the plush carpet beneath him.

Erica tangles her fingers in Jason’s hair, pushing his face harder against her. “That’s it, baby,” she coos. “You loved it, didn’t you? Seeing how much Mommy loves you.”

I’m lost, my mind reeling. Did she really mean it when she said that about Riley? Surely, it must be some twisted roleplay, right?

But before I can process it further, Erica pushes Jason onto his back. She straddles him in one fluid motion, sinking down onto his cock with a throaty moan. “Oh god, yes,” she hisses, her hips rolling as she starts to ride him.

“Say it,” Erica demands, her voice commanding even as pleasure colors her tone. She slams her hips down onto Jason, making him cry out in ecstasy.

Jason’s hands grip Erica’s thighs, his fingers digging into her pale flesh. “I... I loved it,” he gasps out between moans.

Erica picks up her pace. Her breasts bounce hypnotically with each thrust. Her nails raking down Jason’s chest. “That’s right, baby,” she purrs. “Tell me how much you loved it.”

Jason’s hands move to Erica’s hips, gripping tightly as he slams up into her. “It was incredible,” he gasps out. “Seeing how far you’d go for me. Knowing you’d do anything to keep me.”

Their bodies move together in perfect sync, sweat glistening on their skin in the dim light. Erica throws her head back, a primal cry tearing from her throat as she rides Jason with abandon.

“Oh god, Erica,” Jason moans, his body tensing. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-”

“Say it again,” Erica demands, her voice raw with need. “Tell me you loved it as you cum inside me.”

Jason’s back arches off the bed, his fingers digging into Erica’s flesh hard enough to bruise. “I loved it!” he cries out.

With a final, powerful thrust, Jason buries himself deep inside Erica. His whole body shudders as he cums, spilling himself into her with a hoarse cry of ecstasy.

Erica grinds down onto him, milking every last drop as her own orgasm washes over her. She collapses onto Jason’s chest, both of them panting heavily.

I sit back in my chair, my heart racing and my mind reeling. Did I really just hear what I think I heard? Surely, it must be some kind of roleplaying game, right?

With trembling fingers, I pull up my phone and type “Riley, Salem” into the search bar. My eyes widen as dozens of results pop up, all recent news articles about a local girl who’s gone missing.

“What the actual fuck?” I breathe, scrolling through the articles. There’s Riley’s face, smiling out at me from a missing person’s poster. The same Riley that Erica just casually mentioned killing.

A slow, wicked grin spreads across my face as I look back at the monitor. Erica and Jason are cuddling now, whispering softly to each other.

“Oh, this just got so much more interesting,” I murmur, leaning in closer to the screen. My mind races with possibilities, with the power this information gives me.

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