Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 80: Escalation

Chapter 80: Escalation

As Tessa rushes towards me, her towering form a blur of motion, I struggle to stand. The room spins wildly, the effects of the alcohol making my movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Before I can fully rise, her fist connects with my face in a vicious arc. Pain explodes across my cheek, stars bursting behind my eyes as I crash to the ground.

The plush carpet does little to cushion my fall, and I taste blood in my mouth, metallic and warm. Tessa’s hands are on me in an instant, her long fingers wrapping around the gun and wrenching it from my grasp. I watch helplessly as she tucks it into her waistband, my last line of defense disappearing from view.

Suddenly, Tessa’s hand is in my hair, her grip painfully tight as she yanks me upward. A cry of pain escapes my lips as she begins to drag me across the room, my feet scrambling uselessly against the carpet. The world blurs around me as we move through the house.

Tessa’s voice fills my ears, a constant stream of fury and disbelief. “You fucking psycho!” she screams, her words piercing through the fog in my brain. “What the hell is wrong with you? You tried to kill me! You’re insane, Jason! Absolutely fucking insane!”

Her tirade continues as she drags me down the hallway towards Erica and my room. As we near the bedroom, a wave of anger washes over me, hot and potent. Defeat settles heavy in my chest, mingling with the alcohol-induced nausea that threatens to overwhelm me.

I try to focus, to formulate a plan or even just a coherent thought, but my mind is a jumble of confused impulses and half-formed ideas. The room, Tessa’s grip on my hair, the throbbing pain in my face, everything feels distant and unreal, like I’m watching it happen to someone else.

‘It all escalated so fast.’

With a final burst of strength, Tessa whips me onto the bed. The mattress creaks under my sudden weight, the soft comforter a stark contrast to the violence of the moment.

In one fluid motion, Tessa snatches a bottle off the nightstand and smashes it against the wooden surface. The shattering glass is deafening in the tense silence.

Tessa looms over me, the jagged neck of the bottle clutched in her trembling hand. Her eyes are wild, unfocused, like a cornered animal. I’ve never seen her like this, her usual cool composure has evaporated, leaving behind something raw and primal.

“If you fucking move,” she hisses, her voice low and dangerous, “I will kill you.”

The broken bottle hovers inches from my face. I believe her. After what I just did, I have no doubt she means every word.

“Okay,” I whisper, my voice hoarse and barely audible. I try to stay as still as possible, even as the room continues to spin around me.

Tessa’s eyes dart around the room, frantic and searching. They land on Erica’s bag, carelessly tossed in the corner. With the bottle still trained on me, she rummages through it one-handed, her movements jerky and uncoordinated.

“Who the fuck brings ropes to a vacation, Jason? You fucking pervert?” she mutters, pulling out a coil of soft, black rope. Her tone is a mixture of disgust and grudging admiration.

Despite the gravity of the situation, I almost laugh. If only she knew the half of it.

Tessa approaches the bed again, her movements cautious but determined. “Don’t. Fucking. Move,” she growls, emphasizing each word with a shake of the broken bottle.

With practiced efficiency that surprises me, she begins to bind my wrists and ankles. The rope is smooth against my skin, but she pulls it tight enough to bite. I wince as she secures the knots, hog-tying me on the bed.

‘Well, this is certainly new.’

Tessa steps back, her chest heaving as she surveys her handiwork. The rope binds me tightly, restricting my movement completely. The bed creaks softly beneath me as I test my bonds, finding them frustratingly secure.

She begins to pace, her long legs carrying her back and forth across the plush carpet. Her fingers fidget with the hem of her black top, twisting the fabric nervously.

Tessa’s gaze darts between me and the door, her grey eyes wide and alert. She runs a hand through her dark hair, mussing the usually perfectly styled locks. Her breathing is ragged, each exhale punctuated by a soft, disbelieving laugh.

Finally, her pacing brings her to a stop at the foot of the bed. She reaches behind her, fingers wrapping around the grip of the gun tucked into her waistband. With a fluid motion, she pulls it out, holding it at arm’s length as if it might bite her.

The metal gleams dully in the low light as she turns it over in her hands, examining it with a mixture of fascination and revulsion. Her finger hovers near the trigger, never quite touching it.

Suddenly, she pulls back the slide, the mechanical click echoing in the quiet room. A look of confusion crosses her face, quickly replaced by understanding and then, surprisingly, amusement.

Tessa’s eyes meet mine, a sardonic smile playing at the corners of her lips. “You forgot to chamber the round, you fucking idiot,” she says, her voice a mix of relief and exasperation.

I nod, feeling a strange sense of embarrassment despite the gravity of the situation. “I wasn’t a big fan of the gun. Too scary.” I admit my words are still slightly slurred. “So I had minimal practice with it.”

Tessa’s eyes widen, and she lets out a bark of laughter that borders on hysteria. “Thank fucking god for me, then,” she says, shaking her head in disbelief.

Tessa begins pacing again, her footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. Her shadow dances on the wall, elongating and shrinking with each turn. “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” she mutters under her breath, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her fingers drum an erratic rhythm against her thigh as she walks, the soft tapping a counterpoint to her frantic whispers.

Suddenly, Tessa’s face lights up, her grey eyes widening with a flash of inspiration. She stops abruptly, her body going still as if frozen in place. Then, with deliberate slowness, she turns to face me, a smile spreading across her face that sends a chill down my spine.

She reaches into her pocket, pulling out her phone. The screen illuminates her face from below, casting strange shadows that make her look almost ghoulish. With quick, practiced movements, she taps and swipes at the screen, her eyes never leaving my face.

Tessa approaches the bed, her steps measured and purposeful. She leans over me, her long hair falling in a curtain around us, blocking out the rest of the room.

“I almost forgot about my whole plan,” she says, her voice low and tinged with excitement. “Silly me, getting so caught up in the moment.” She laughs, the sound sharp and slightly manic in the quiet room.

She brings the phone close to my face, so close that I have to cross my eyes to focus on the screen. “I have leverage,” she whispers, her breath hot against my ear.

With a tap of her finger, a video begins to play. The image is grainy at first but quickly comes into focus. My breath catches in my throat as I recognize the figures on the screen, it’s Erica and me, in our bedroom.

The Erica in the video is a force of nature. Her movements are powerful and deliberate, and she dominates me. Her blonde hair whips around her face as she moves, her blue eyes blazing with an intensity that’s both terrifying and arousing. My own face is a mask of ecstasy, lost in the throes of pleasure.

‘Wow, she really is so hot.’ I can’t help but drunkenly think to myself.

But it’s what comes next that makes my blood run cold.

Erica’s voice, slightly distorted through the phone’s speakers but unmistakably hers, cuts through the sounds of our lovemaking. “Did you like it when Mommy killed Riley for you?” she purrs, her tone a mixture of affection and something darker, more dangerous.

My blood runs cold, a chill seeping into my very bones as the words from the video echo in my ears. My heart pounds in my chest, each beat a thunderous reminder of the danger I’m in.

Tessa pauses the video, her finger hovering over the screen. The frozen image of Erica and me in our most intimate moment stares back at us, a damning piece of evidence that could destroy everything.

“Okay, this is a bit different than what I was planning to do,” Tessa says, her voice dripping with arrogance. She stands tall, looming over me with a smug expression. “But no matter what, I have you by the balls now.”

The weight of her words settles over me like a heavy blanket. I can feel the rope biting into my wrists and ankles, a constant reminder of my helplessness.

But as the initial shock begins to wear off, I feel a strange sense of calm washing over me. My racing heart begins to slow, my breathing evening out. It’s a familiar feeling, one that I’ve experienced far too many times in recent months.

‘I’m getting way too used to being kidnapped or dealing with traumatic situations,’ I think to myself, a humorless chuckle threatening to escape my lips.

I take a deep breath, feeling the air fill my lungs and then slowly release it. The room comes back into focus, the dizziness receding. I look up at Tessa, meeting her gaze steadily despite my compromised position.

“What do you want?” I ask calmly, my voice surprisingly steady given the circumstances.

Tessa’s eyes dart between Erica’s sleeping form and me, her gaze flickering back and forth like a pendulum. Tessa’s brow furrows, her lips pursing in contemplation. She looks like a child in a candy store, unable to decide which sweet treat to indulge in first.

Her gaze rakes over my bound form, taking in every detail from my disheveled hair to my bare feet. I can almost feel the weight of her stare as it travels along my body, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Then, just as quickly, her attention snaps back to Erica. She studies the rise and fall of Erica’s chest, the soft parting of her lips as she breathes deeply in her drugged sleep.

Finally, Tessa breaks the silence, her voice laced with frustration. “I don’t know,” she groans, running a hand through her dark hair. “I just don’t know.”

As if on cue, my alcohol-addled brain decides it’s had enough of being upright. The room tilts sideways, or maybe I’m the one tilting. Either way, I find myself toppling over onto my side, still firmly hog-tied. The mattress gives a soft ‘whump’ as I land, my cheek pressed against the cool fabric of the comforter.

Tessa’s eyes widen in surprise, her train of thought derailed by my sudden movement. She takes a step closer, peering down at me with a mixture of confusion and concern etched across her features.

“Are you okay?” she asks, her voice softer than before, a hint of worry creeping in despite the circumstances.

I blink slowly, trying to focus on her face as the room spins lazily around me. “Yeah,” I slur.

Tessa’s eyes suddenly light up, a wild smile spreading across her face. It’s as if a switch has been flipped, transforming her from a confused captor to something more sinister. She moves with deliberate slowness, each step measured and purposeful as she approaches the bed.

The moonlight streaming through the window catches on the gun’s metal surface as Tessa raises it. With exaggerated care, she presses the muzzle against my temple. The metal is shockingly cold, sending a violent shiver through my body.

“How do you like it?” Tessa purrs, her voice low and dangerous. Her grey eyes, usually so calm and collected, now dance with a manic energy that makes my blood run cold.

The room seems to shrink around me, the walls closing in as panic claws its way up my throat. My heart pounds so hard I can feel it in my ears, drowning out everything else. Each breath comes faster and shallower than the last until I’m hyperventilating.

Black spots dance at the edges of my vision as I struggle against the ropes, my muscles straining uselessly against their bonds. The fibers dig into my skin, but I barely notice the pain through the haze of terror that’s engulfed me.

Tessa watches my breakdown. Her eyes roam over my trembling form, taking in every detail of my panic attack. As her gaze travels lower, it suddenly stops, fixating on a point below my waist.

Her eyes widen in disbelief, then narrow in exasperation. The wild energy that had possessed her moments ago seems to drain away, replaced by a weary sort of resignation.

“Jason,” Tessa says, her voice heavy with pity. “Seriously?”

I follow her gaze downward. Despite the terror, my body has betrayed me in the most annoying way possible. The fabric of my pants does little to hide the obvious evidence of my arousal.

“God damn it,” I say, annoyed with my body’s response.

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