Finest Servant

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 The King of Couplet

Luo Ning's smile bloomed like a flower, a stark contrast from the melancholy air she had carried just moments ago.

Upon seeing her return to her lively self, Lin Wanrong chuckled inwardly. Why did all these girls like to share their worries with him? Miss Luo was no different. If he ever left the Xiao family, he mused, he should start a psychology clinic, specializing in women's hearts. He chuckled at the thought.

Suddenly, Luo Ning stretched out her small hand, placing it on his. "Brother Lin," she asked, "do you feel like I've changed?" Her hand was warm and soft, slightly trembling.

A ripple went through Lin Wanrong's heart. This little girl was no simple creature, learning so quickly to take advantage of him.

Luo Ning was pure-minded. Despite the slight trembling of her hand, there was not a trace of impurity. Lin Wanrong brushed her hand unintentionally, it felt smooth as jade. Her hand was really soft, he wondered who would benefit from it in the future. He sighed inwardly, gently pulled her hand, and pretended to be chaste. "Miss Luo, under my brilliant guidance, you have gained a new life. Bless you. Now, let us share a pure hug."

Luo Ning giggled, her feet moving like she was flying. After a few steps, she turned her head and smiled, "Brother Lin, even though you're a bit naughty, I really enjoy talking with you." With that, she ran off laughing, leaving Lin Wanrong standing alone.

This was frustrating for him. He had spent so much time advising a girl, and gained nothing in return. Today's business was a big loss.

In the garden, the flowers were already wilting. Lin Wanrong picked up a small petal, gently pinched it, thinking about Luo Ning's words, his mind in a foggy state. He didn't quite understand what this young girl was up to, and felt like he was being played.

Feeling irritated, Lin Wanrong wandered back to the main hall, only to find Luo Ning standing next to the old lady, smiling at him.

The Eldest Miss saw him return and whispered, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you and couldn't find you."

Caught off guard by Luo Ning's antics and feeling down, Lin Wanrong glanced at her and snickered, "I went to relieve myself. I guess you didn't look in the right direction for the restroom."

The Eldest Miss blushed, spat lightly, glared at him, and didn't say anything more.

By now, Luo Min had invited Zhao Kangning to sit in the main seat, smiling, "The arrival of Young Prince Zhao has indeed graced our humble abode. We, the Luo family, are truly grateful."

Zhao Kangning laughed, "Oh, not at all. Governor Luo is too modest. My father always speaks highly of you in front of me. He says that you govern Jiangsu province diligently and love your people, everyone sings your praises. He even instructed me to learn from you."

Governor Luo responded humbly, "Young Prince, you're too kind. I am unworthy of such praise."

Zhao Kangning glanced around and suddenly laughed, "By the way, Governor Luo, when I was outside your residence, I heard cheers from within. I am curious about what you were all doing."

Luo Min laughed, "Just now? My mother had prepared a few celebratory couplets. All the young talents were matching couplets and having quite a good time."

"Matching couplets?" Zhao Kangning seemed intrigued. He laughed, "I am quite fond of this too. I even have an expert in couplets with me. Why don't I take the opportunity to contribute today, allowing my teacher to exchange views with the talents present? What do you all think?"

Seeing that the Young Prince also enjoyed matching couplets, the crowd instantly burst into cheers. Luo Min hesitated, but seeing the high spirits all around, he found it difficult to object.

Zhao Kangning laughed, "If we are to match couplets, there must be a wager. How about this? If I lose, I will offer a painting 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow' by Master Xu Wenchang. If Governor Luo's side happens to lose, I would like a prize as well"

Zhao Kangning glanced at Luo Ning, who had just returned to the living room, and laughed, "I will ask Miss Luo to accept a 'Portrait of a Court Lady' that I painted three years ago. What does Governor Luo think?"

On the surface, it seemed as if the prince would lose either way and have to present a painting. However, the truth was far from this. Luo Ning had openly rejected the prince, and now Zhao Kangning was using this opportunity to try to present his painting again, essentially forcing her to accept it. Luo Ning huffed quietly and didn't speak.

The paintings of Xu Wei were extremely valuable. Seeing that Prince Ning was offering Xu Wei's 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow', the people in the hall were suddenly interested, and their cheers grew louder. Lin Wanrong remembered that he also had a painting by Master Xu, 'Misty Rain over West Lake'. It was a new work and bore Xu Wei's signature, which was rare. It was probably more valuable than 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow'.

Luo Min was somewhat torn. While Zhao Kangning proposed to match couplets in a playful spirit, it was in fact a contest. If they lost this match, they would lose face for his daughter.

Zhao Kangning waved his hand, and a middle-aged man dressed like a scholar in white robes emerged from his entourage. The man bowed and said, "I am Shen Banshan, the leader of the Seven Northern Provinces Literary Alliance."

Leader of the Seven Northern Provinces Literary Alliance? Lin thought, What sort of organization is this? Are they some sort of bandit group?

Seeing Lin Wanrong's confusion, the Eldest Miss quietly explained, "The Seven Northern Provinces Literary Alliance is a spontaneous organization formed by scholars from the North before they pass the imperial examination. It's very large-scale. Every time there's an examination, if the champion is from the North, he must be from this alliance. That's why it's also known as the 'Champion Alliance'. This Shen Banshan is a leading figure in the alliance. Although he is just a scholar and hasn't passed the examination for many years, he is known as the 'King of Couplets', famous throughout the North and the South. His skills in couplets are unmatched."

A 'Champion Alliance', 'Leader of the Seven Northern Provinces Literary Alliance', aren't they just a student council? More like a high school student council. The names sound like they're from a bandit group, Lin thought to himself.

Shen Banshan bowed to the crowd and proudly declared, "I, Shen Banshan, represent the talents of the Seven Northern Provinces, extend my greetings to my southern colleagues. Today, during our match, there's no limit to the number of people. As long as you can match the couplets, anyone from the south can respond."

Shen Banshan was an arrogant man, and his words quickly provoked the scholars from the South. The previously humiliated Hou Yuebai was instantly infuriated. He clenched his fists and announced, "I am Hou Yuebai from Jinling. I am pleased to meet Mr. Shen. I am ready to learn from you."

Shen Banshan gave a slight nod, "Nice to meet you, Young Master Hou. I wonder if you've passed the Imperial Examination?"

"I am waiting to make my mark on the gold list this coming autumn," Hou Yuebai replied.

"And what position do you aspire to hold if you enter the court?" Shen Banshan asked with a smirk.

After a moment of contemplation, Hou Yuebai responded, "Cabinet Elder."

Shen Banshan chuckled and delivered a couplet, "Before you're old, you're dreaming of being an elder." It was a spur-of-the-moment satirical couplet. Shen Banshan truly was the king of couplets with his quick wit and clever mind, unmatched by ordinary people. The couplet was extremely difficult to respond to; the matching structure was secondary, the real challenge was to come up with a response that would also satirize Shen Banshan. The Southern scholars were instantly at a loss, and Hou Yuebai's face turned as red as a pig's liver. He didn't know whether to stand or sit.

Luo Ning pondered for a while, but couldn't find an answer. She couldn't help but feel anxious. Were they about to lose the first round? She involuntarily stole a glance at Lin Wanrong, only to find him with his eyes closed, apparently deep in thought. Her heart sank in disappointment.

Seeing that no one was able to respond, Luo Min was about to admit defeat. Suddenly, a voice rang out, "May I ask if Mr. Shen is a scholar (TL: Scholar here refers to Xiucai, those who have passed the county-level imperial examination)?"

Shen Banshan turned to see a servant in a green robe with a jolly smile. His dark skin indicated good health. Shen Banshan had been known as the best in couplets, but he had failed to pass the imperial examinations for many years, which was his biggest humiliation. Lin Wanrong's question had hit him right where it hurt. Through gritted teeth, he replied, "Indeed."

Lin Wanrong walked over to Hou Yuebai, gently pressed him down into his seat, and smiled at Shen Banshan, "Excellent. Since Mr. Shen is the leader of the Seven Northern Provinces Literary Alliance, I will represent the Eight Southern Provinces Literary Society Xiao Family Gardener Division, and respond to your couplet, 'A novice acting as a scholar.'"

"Bravo!" Guo Wuchang was the first to stand up and applaud. The rest of the hall soon erupted in applause. "Before you're old, you're dreaming of being an elder. A novice acting as a scholar." It was truly a marvelous retort. Even Hou Yuebai's face showed excitement. This time, Lin Wanrong had clearly redeemed his honor.

Eldest Miss was surprised and delighted at the mention of the Eight Southern Provinces Literary Society and Xiao Family Gardener Division, even if it was a fabrication. She joined the others in applause.

Shen Banshan had suffered a great loss in his carelessness. Seeing Lin Wanrong's playful smile, he snorted and said, "Even a mere servant wants to engage in couplets. I have a word of advice for you, 'The idle is free to enter; the wise should refrain.'"

Lin Wanrong, the scoundrel, chuckled twice at Shen Banshan's insult and said, "Mr. Shen, your distinguished presence here at the old lady's birthday celebration is indeed noteworthy. It's just as the saying goes, 'The righteous have yet to come; the thief is already here.'"

"Hold on, you misunderstood my couplet," Shen Banshan protested. He took up his brush and wrote on the paper, "The wise should refrain; the idle is free to enter." Although he had reversed the order of the wise and the idle, he was still subtly insulting Lin Wanrong.

Lin Wanrong laughed, "And you, Mr. Shen, misunderstood my couplet." He took a pencil from his pocket and swiftly wrote, "The thief is already here; the righteous have yet to come"

The two couplets, with their words reversed, became authentic insult stickers. They were seamlessly fitting, and laughter broke out in the hall, accompanied by thunderous applause. Luo Yuan and Guo Wuchang cried out together, "Brother Lin, well done!"

Seeing the so-called king of couplets turn livid, Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Brother Shen, it's just a game of couplets. It's just for fun. Why so serious? How about tonight, I'll treat you to some fun at Qinhuai River. We can visit some courtesans, sing some risqu songs. That's way more fun than this."

Under the public gaze, he spoke lewdly, clearly insulting the scholar. Shen Banshan angrily retorted, "Ignorant boy, unfamiliar with the three dynasties of Xia, Shang, and Zhou."

Lin Wanrong, laughing, replied, "Handsome scholar, only reads the four categories of classical poetry."

Shen Banshan saw that Lin Wanrong did have some skills. Gradually calming down, he pointed at a withered tree in the courtyard and said, "Inside the Governor's mansion, this ancient tree is quite beautiful. Here's my couplet: A thousand-year-old tree used as a coat rack." By alluding to using the Governor's ancient tree as a coat rack, he was subtly belittling Luo Min.

Damn it, Old Luo may be a bit crafty, a bit cunning, but he has done a lot for the people. He is a good official, much better than your dog-fart young prince, Lin Wanrong snorted and replied, "A thousand-year-old tree used as a coat rack, Mr. Shen, you truly are talented. The south is filled with rivers and lakes, all along the Yangtze River. Here is my reply to your couplet: The vast Yangtze River used as a bathtub."

This couplet helped regain face for Luo Min. The old fox laughed without commenting.

Shen Banshan looked around, seeing red walls and green tiles of the Luo mansion, and the scholars of the south seated in the courtyard. He said, "A pomegranate split open, many sour seeds inside the red gate."

"Biting into a ginkgo, a big heart inside the white robe," Lin Wanrong chuckled, which subtly agreed with Shen Banshan's white robe and trousers.

The crowd burst into wild applause again. This time, even Luo Min couldn't help but turn his back to hide his laughter. Luo Ning was smiling as she watched Lin Wanrong, a faint blush on her face.

Shen Banshan realized Lin Wanrong was indeed shrewd and intelligent. He couldn't afford to underestimate him anymore. As he paced back and forth, a pond outside the door caught his eye, with little ducks swimming. He said, "Seven ducks on a pond, count three pairs and one."

Lin Wanrong pondered a moment, noticing one duck holding a small fish in its beak. Suddenly inspired, he replied, "A foot-long fish jumps out of the water, measure nine inches and ten points."

Shen Banshan sighed, saluting, "Little brother, your literary talent is admirable. I, Shen Banshan, admit defeat. In today's couplet contest, I have lost." This Shen Banshan had talent and some scholarly dignity. He lost, but he lost graciously.

The scholars of the south erupted in cheers. This Lin San was truly miraculous. With his own wit and talent, he had single-handedly defeated Shen Banshan, the king of couplets from the Seven Northern Provinces Literary Society.

The Eldest Miss bit her lower lip, her face full of smiles, as radiant as the blooming flowers in May. Luo Ning, covering her mouth, whispered to Luo Yuan, "Little brother, go and ask Brother Lin where he learned all these couplets. I can't believe he was able to match them all." She couldn't finish her sentence before she burst into sweet laughter.

Shen Banshan's brows darkened, and he nodded, "Little brother, your talent is heaven-sent. I, Shen Banshan, am wholly convinced by my defeat. I ask for your name, so that I may remember it in my heart."

Lin Wanrong was soaked in cold sweat. Damn it, this is too miraculous, he thought, Did the spirits of Li Bai and Du Fu possess me at this moment? Or did I take some sort of performance enhancer? How did I defeat this 'King of Couplets'? Damn, I'm too talented.

With a casual toss of his head, he straightened his servant's cap, and chuckled, "I dare not. I'm just a humble servant of the Xiao family in Jinling, known as Lin San. Brother Shen, my earlier words still stand. Tonight, we will enjoy ourselves by the Qinhuai River; eating, drinking, and entertaining ourselves to our hearts' content, and it's all on me."

Shen Banshan shook his head with a wry smile and returned to Zhao Kangning's side. The Young Prince stood up, clapping and laughing, "Splendid! Truly splendid! An outstanding entrance, and even more outstanding couplets. I didn't expect such a talent from the Xiao family of Jinling. Lin San, I must re-evaluate my impression of you."

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