Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 71: Tes

71 Tes

Jun Hua returned back home late and sleep. Since tomorrow is going to be their test day, she will try to at least achieve a bit. The test only includes painting or music, so she doesn't really have much change since her ability in music is low. As for painting, she doesn't want them to know about her real ability so she might just make a few mistakes then.

The next day, Jun Hua arrived at the hall early. She chooses one corner to sit and wait patiently. It is then she saw a person coming, Lin San. After the incident with her mother, Lin San is still the brilliant girl of the academy, but she become quieter and rarely talk with each other. Today, that girl is coming with her heads up, looking confidence.

With Lin San talent, she indeed poses more chance than the other students to pass the test with high score. Given that she had been learning from young, there's no way she could lose against those who only have good enough skill. The number of talented people in the academy is low and Lin San will surely show her brilliant talent.

After looking around for some more, Jun Hua found familiar face, Fan Lanying. That girl seems didn't care about what other people think. Since she already has the skill to pass the test, Fan Lanying doesn't care about what other people think. She never strives to achieve the best because her real interest is becoming a general.

"You are early today, Jun Hua. What are you looking at?" Fan Lanying followed her gaze.

"I'm looking at the people who come here. There are a lot of them," Jun Hua answered honestly.

Fan Lanying nodded. "This is the test for all the girls and boys. Their criteria are different. I hope that I could get music since my playing has become better after that time in the palace."

Jun Hua nodded. She remembers that during that time, Fan Lanying is the only who didn't learn the etiquette and instead learning music with Ming Hui. Because of that time, Fan Lanying has been learning about music more in hope she could perform better. Last time, she doesn't have the chance to play for her due to some incident. Because of that, she has been learning even more diligent.

"The imperial family will come?"

"Yes, they will come here."

Jun Hua has never attended the test before so it's normal that she doesn't know about the things here. She remembers Ming Hui that she had just met. If Fan Lanying knows that she had been meeting with Ming Hui every week, what will her reaction be? Hopefully, she's not angry at her because it's not like she specifically wants to meet her.

While she chats with Fan Lanying, the number of the girls and the boys increase. They keep on coming one by one. The place for the test is the same, it's in this hall so they have to come here. The hall is big so it's enough for all the students and their parents.

"Does your parent come?"

"Yes, but they are busy talking with their friends. The test hadn't started yet, so I don't think they would want to sit idly and do nothing."

Jun Hua nodded. The nobles are all have connection here and there. During the party or maybe other occasion, they will gather together and talk about many things. There are many other nobles coming so they have a lot of friends they can talk with.

As they are talking, they hear the cheer of the girls. Jun Hua turns around and she feels that her body stiffens a bit. The person who comes is Nanglong Soujin. Normally, he wouldn't come to this kind of event and didn't bother with them. But now he had suddenly come. Many girls who are his fans are already whispering among each other and trying to look their best.

Jun Hua doesn't want to meet with him as herself. If Nanglong Soujin were to find out about her real identity, it will be something highly troublesome. She doesn't have the will to tell him the reason that is if he didn't get angry at her for concealing it. Or maybe, had he found out?

Nanglong Soujin eyes sweep the hall once. He found out that his friends hadn't arrived yet so he chooses to take a seat. When he looks at them all, he had noticed that Jun Hua is among them. Given her highly conspicuous feature, it will be a miracle if he didn't find her among the crowd. Even when she dressed low-key, she still looks very beautiful.

Not long after that, the imperial family member comes. Aside from Yan, the first prince, Ming Kui, and the second prince, Ming Gong, also arrived. Ming Hui also there which makes Fan Lanying excited.

"She's here, Jun Hua! I will be able to play a song for her."

"That is if you got music."

Fan Lanying pouted. "Come on, wish your best friend to get the music one."

Jun Hua laughed and nodded. She did indeed wished Fan Lanying to get music, so she can show them that she's no longer the second worst in music anymore.

The imperial family member all sits on different place. Their relation is not really harmonious as they are competing against each other to get the throne. The emperor hadn't picked the crown prince, meaning their chance is more or less the same.

Yan and Ming Hui arrived to Soujin side.

"I would never think that you're interested in this kind of event. What makes you come here?" Yan asked.

"Jun Min."

"That boy would only arrive later on during the test for the boys. Did you forget that he said he's busy so he can't watch his sister?" Yan asked.

"I know," Soujin answered.

Yan shrugged and pick a seat near the general. Ming Hui sit down beside her brother.

"How do you think Jun Hua will perform? I heard that she was the worst among the girls."

Ming Hui recall the time when she calls the noble girls to the palace. Jun Hua is indeed the worst when she first arrived, but she learned quickly. If Jun Hua wants to, she might not be too bad at the test.

"Yes, that's true," Soujin answered. Ming Hui stared in disbelief, does this man truly think she cannot learn much? "Besides, her skill is indeed bad."

"How do you know?" Yan asked.

"Jun Min told me."


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