Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 77: Secre

77 Secre

"The test will be over soon," Fan Lanying stretched her body. "I will be going now. See you some day in the future. It's sad that I won't be going to the academy anymore, but I'm sure that you're going to be alright. Learn in your residence well. I hope we can meet again in the future."

'Jun Hua' nodded before going towards the carriage and changes her appearance. Xia is standing outside and she's about to leave when Jun Min come over.

"Young Master."

"You should return first, tell grandfather that I will return late."


Jun Hua who is still dressed as Jun Min, walked away after telling Xia that. She used her movement technique and soon leaves the academy. Not long after that, she arrived at the Restaurant Han Yan. The servants there had been used with her and they soon guide her to the usual room. Inside, Soujin already arrived.

"You're really quick," Jun Hua said.

Soujin nodded. "You're not bad too."

"So, what do you want to discuss with me?"

"Have you ever thought what makes us trying to get close with you?" Soujin took his cup. The way he drinks is elegant, totally unlike a general, but instead a scholar.

Jun Hua stared at the handsome face before her. Has she ever thought about it? Yes, she does feel that it's weird. The first time they meet is in that hall and she didn't even doing anything to purposely catch his attention. But after a while, she comes to her own conclusion.

"Is it because we have the same enemy?"

Jun Hua answered caused Soujin to stop his movement for a moment. He stared back at the pair of clear eyes in front of him. That eye is truly similar with the lady he meets, especially in their calmness.

That calm eyes truly remind him of himself and the other two. Whenever they are experiencing dangerous things, their eyes will instead be calmer. The only time their eyes show other expression is when they're joking around and banter with each other. At that time, they had their eyes shined with warmth.

"You're really sharp."

The only time they have met before interacting is in the hall when they're meeting the emperor. Given that Jun Hua had stared at that man on the throne with cold eyes for a split second, there might be some relation. Nanglong family is neither close to the emperor nor that far too, at most only warm on the surface. Because of that, Jun Hua assumed so, but she only guessed and it still needs confirmation.

Now that Soujin had said that, she comes to know that her guess is true. She wants to know more about it, but it's not likely to be possible since she too doesn't want to divulge her secret. Her biggest secret is her gender which she always hides in order to have the power to suppress the emperor since her family is the military family.

Besides, she doesn't want to use her charm to bewitch that old man. She would prefer planted a knife in that old man heart rather than trying to charm him.

"So, it's true."

Soujin nodded. "I don't know why you hate the emperor, but from your cold eye, I guess it's something bad."

"You hate the emperor too?"

"Partially, he once tries to suppress us," Soujin answered. His calm face didn't change at all, but the tone on his voice turned colder.

Jun Hua looks at the man before her and a strange feeling arose. Somehow, she could feel from his tone that there are more than only suppressing, but she won't ask. If he doesn't want to tell her, then she won't probe any further.

"How come the two of you come even earlier than us who use horse?" Yan peer into the room with gloomy face.

Ming Hui pushed her brother inside. "They can use the shortcut. Don't block the way."

"So, what have you talk to him, Soujin?"

"The reason of approaching," Soujin answered.

Yan nodded. "Then, it must be true that you have some grudge with the emperor."

"Who among us did not?" Ming Hui smiled, but this smile is filled with coldness. Her usual charming and playful image has gone completely.

Soujin looks at Jun Min. "Now, what we want to ask is about your cooperation."

Jun Hua looks towards the three of them. Has the emperor knows that two of his child is actually plotting for his demise? She doesn't know what the emperor had done to incur the wrath of these three, with her as the additional. Whatever it is, she's sure that this emperor is truly awesome. Four talented people are offended by him.

"Tell me."

After the proposal from them and discuss for a bit, their conversation turned normal again. This time, the atmosphere is warmer than usual.

"Now that the academy has finished their test, you're going to get your bodyguard," Yan nudged Ming Hui.

Ming Hui drink her drinks. She stared daggers at Yan. "You're jealous?"

"Nope, I don't like straightforward woman like that," answered Yan. If he were to have a wife, he would never want to have a person whose speech is demonic too. Given that he has playful character, he wants the lady to be a smooth talker and most of all, pretty!

"I bet your criteria for a wife only has one word," Ming Hui jeered at her brother. "Pretty."

Yan rolled his eyes. Does she need to be so frankly blurted it out? He does want the girl to be pretty and if possible, as pretty as fairy. Speaking of a lady that pretty, he soon remembers Jun Hua, but then his eyes meet with Jun Min's.

Jun Hua smiled evilly, "Don't you dare thinking about my sister."

"I would never!" Yan hurriedly vowed. Compared with his life, it's better to not chase after Jun Hua. Besides, there's no one who have ever since her real face.

"You better keep your promise."

Ming Hui nodded. "And, you are not allowed to look at my new guard."

"I'm not interested in her. Why are you protecting her so much?" Yan snorted. "Don't tell me you want her as your bride?"

"I do."

Yan almost choked on his wine while Jun Hua and Soujin sighed. Jun Hua looks towards Ming Hui. "It's good to declare your interest, but you need to return to your original appearance as man before saying that or you will make Yan choked again."

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