Full Attribute Fragments Start

Chapter 20

C20 – Distribute the Energy Stone!

The usable fragments included the Hard Fruit Seed, Pet Medicinal Water, Super Electric Drill, and antiviral liquid medicine. The Hard Fruit Seed resembled a melon seed but was the size of a palm and yellow in color. Once planted, it would swiftly grow into a Hard Fruit approximately two meters tall and a meter wide. This Hard Fruit was as unbreakable as rock, impervious to damage from ordinary weapons.

Tan Chong considered that with an abundance of Hard Fruit Seeds, he could construct a small shelter. However, with only one seed, its usefulness would be limited. Pet Medicinal Water came in a small glass vial filled with a green liquid. If a Mutated Beast consumed it, the creature would become completely loyal to its master. This prospect greatly appealed to Tan Chong, especially since Mutated Beasts were numerous and formidable in the apocalypse, rivaling even the Evolvers in strength.

He envisioned using the Pet Medicinal Water to tame Mutated Beasts continuously, potentially forming an army of them. Such a loyal force could enable him to dominate the post-apocalyptic world. The Super Electric Drill, about a meter in length, resembled a standard drill but was powered by an Energy Stone rather than electricity. Once the Energy Stone was fitted and the switch activated, the drill’s potent force could easily penetrate even the toughest rocks.

​Tan Chong had previously acquired a bottle of the lifesaving antiviral liquid medicine. In addition to this, he had fragments from the Doomsday Merchant Shop, a No-level Gatlin Machine Gun, a Celestial Astral Star Breaking Stone, a Level 1 Mechanical Battle Soldier, and an Intelligent Chariot. Although he couldn’t utilize these fragments immediately, he wasn’t overly disheartened, knowing that as he continued to eliminate zombies, he would eventually gather them all.

Having collected the ten fragments, Tan Chong proceeded to excavate the Energy Stones. Within minutes, all the stones were extracted. The group then boarded the Base Car and swiftly departed.

Under Tan Chong’s leadership, the group began allocating Energy Stones inside the Base Car. With a total of 130 zombies killed, there were an equal number of Energy Stones available. Tan Chong, having slain the most zombies, received the lion’s share of 60 Energy Stones. Ming Dong also had a significant kill count, earning himself 40 Energy Stones. The remaining 30 Energy Stones were divided equally among Jiang Qiu and two others, with each receiving ten.

Cao Rann clutched his ten Energy Stones, his face alight with happiness. Never in his past as a mercenary had he acquired so many at once. For him, ten Energy Stones represented a substantial income. Both Jiang Qiu and Ming Dong shared in the joy.

Among the five, only Mao Zhe seemed downcast. While ten Energy Stones was not an insignificant number, his envy surfaced whenever he considered Tan Chong’s haul of sixty. Yet, respecting Tan Chong’s formidable abilities, he kept his feelings to himself.

​”Tan Chong, when did you become a Magic Psychokinesis Master and an Evolver?” Ming Dong inquired, having secured his Energy Stones. The rest of the group, equally curious, fell silent and listened intently.

​”A year ago,” Tan Chong replied nonchalantly. “But I prefer to keep a low profile, so I’ve kept it under wraps.” He chose not to mention his method of enhancing his strength through collecting fragments; it was a tale too outlandish to share, and one that would likely be met with disbelief.

“You really know how to stay under the radar,” Ming Dong commented with a smile. He was skeptical of Tan Chong’s story, but he understood that everyone has their secrets and didn’t press further.

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