Game of the World Tree

Chapter 111

▪️ The Reaper’s Chosen One

This time, Night Wanderer’s psychological attack seems to had finally work!

The target’s eyes widened, and his gaze gradually became blurred and empty.

That was a sign that the psychological manipulation was about to succeed!

Night Wanderer felt satisfied:

“Immune to mental magic, but susceptible to psychological suggestion is it? This indicates that their souls have problems. It’s possible that their souls are being protected by something!”

However, just when he thought his psychological suggestion was about to succeed, Hulu’s eyes for some reason suddenly rolled back as his head flopped to one side inanimatedly.

Night Wanderer: …

“What’s going on?”

The vampire was baffled for this reaction had never happened ever before.

Listening to the even rhythmic breathing of his prey, Night Wanderer’s expression became flabbergasted.


How could this elf fall asleep in this situation when he wasn’t even using a sleep spell at all!?

Night Wanderer’s expression darkened and snorted coldly before punching this captive’s chin.

However, there’s still no reaction from the guy…

He checked onced again just to be sure but this captured elf really wasn’t pretending but is actually in deep slumber.

Night Wanderer’s brow furrowed.

He looked at the other players again, and when they met his gaze, began laughing in an awkward manner.

Seeing that the others Elves weren’t afraid and didn’t show any surprise at the “sleeping” elf, Night Wanderer had a sudden thought.

“Tell me, what’s wrong with him?”

He looked at the other elves after pointing a finger to the asleep guy in his grip.

“What else could it be? He disconnected.”

One of them curtly said as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

Dropped… disconnected?

What does that mean?

Night Wanderer was even more confused.

However, he was quite sure that the other elves seemed to know something.

So The Vampire decisively used his psychological attack on them as well.

“Tell me, who is the power behind you? What conspiracy is there?”

However, what made him irked but not entirely surprised at all was that after being exposed to his psychological attacks, the remaining Elves have also rolled their eyes and fell asleep just like the one earlier.

Night Wanderer’s expression showed full curiosity.

“Unable to resist psychological suggestion… but they seem to have some sort of innate self-preservation ability. Will the rest also fall into a strange sleep before being suggested? Hmm….”

“This is troublesome…Goddammit, being able to use this ridiculous countermeasures on every damn elf, it seems that the mastermind’s understanding of the inner workings of the soul may be quite profound! It is very likely that this is the work of Hela the death goddess!”

A hint of dread rose in Night Wanderer’s heart at that thought.

He quickly looked around his surroundings in high alert ready to escape for any signs of danger.


Moments passed and when the vampire was certain that his presence in this forest is still wasn’t discovered, Night Wanderer then let out a breath of relief before waving his hand, ready to eliminate the sleeping elves, but suddenly stopped at the last second for a very tempting fragrance caressed his nose…

Night Wanderer raised his eyebrows and followed the scent trails, only to find that such delicious fragrance came from the wound on the wounded guy’s arm.

“Elf Blood? Is there anything special added to it?”

Night Wanderer’s gaze suddenly became very deep.

The Blood Clan cannot live without blood. They need to constantly drink the blood of other beings in order to maintain their own rational mind lest they fall into depravity and become mad beings not capable of thinking anything else but sating their carnal desire for blood.

A high-quality blood is the highest form of delicacies every member of the Blood Clan desperately sought after.

Night Wanderer licked his lips and came to the side of the sleeping elf, reaching out his slender fingers to touch a drop of blood and tentatively dip it into his mouth.

As the elven blood spread to his tongue, Night Wanderer’s eyes instantly showed intoxicated bliss.

His expression curved in sheer delight as if he stumbled upon a priceless treasure:

“Oh my! What a rich and fragrant blood!”

At this moment, his gaze towards the elves changed yet again.

“Although it is said that the blood of the Silver ranked kins in the clan is extremely delicious, I did not expect that the blood of these elves would be so excellent as well. I bet even the Duke’s precious wine is no match for it.”

“What is the identity of these elves with such high-quality blood? Moreover… I seem to smell the breath of life within it.”

Night Wanderer’s gaze gradually became impassioned hot.

At this moment, the elves in his eyes were not just elves, but also top-grade ingredients!

No, they were top-grade blood slaves!

After a little hesitation, he took out a small red ring from his pocket and recited a spell in his mind.

As he cast the spell, a faint light radiated around the wounded sleeping elf, and then his body slowly disappeared as it get sunked into his spatial ring.

“It’s a pity that the spatial ring is too small and can only hold one person.”

The Night Wanderer felt some regret in his heart.

This ring was his storage ring, and it had a magical spell that could support the survival of human sized living creatures, allowing the creature inside to maintain its life for 24 hours.

The vampire then decided to capture an elf as their long-term blood slave!

As for the rest…

He looked at the elves lying on the ground and shook his head regretfully.

There’s no way to take any more people.

However, it can’t go to waste either!

Night wanderer approached another one, helped them sit up, and then opened his mouth to bite the player’s neck!

As the bright red blood seeped into his mouth, Night wanderer’s expression became incredibly satisfied and intoxicated once again.

He felt that he had never tasted such delicious blood in his life!

And as the blood slids down his throat, he could even feel a slight loosening of his magical bottleneck!

Truly miraculous blood!

The Vampire’s eyes grew brighter and brighter.

“Is it delicious?”

He involuntarily nodded.

Indeed Very Delicious!


His suddenly became horrified.

Who was it?!

Night wanderer quickly released his mouth and leaped away from the spot.

As he looked up, he saw a strange hooded figure leisurely walk in front of him.

It was a woman dressed in an intricate black robe with an ashen colored hair and red eyes, just like him.

However, unlike Night wanderer’s vertical pupils, the woman’s eyes were human-like instead.

Seeing her poised and dignified countenance paired with her regal-like silent demeanor, Night wanderer recognized the woman’s identity right away.

“The Godwarden of the Reaper!”

His expression became extremely serious.

As a follower of the god of winter and hunting, Night Wanderer has an incredibly clear perception of divine power.

The other party did not hide the aura of the god of death at all. It was undoubtedly a God’s Envoy!

And looks to be… very strong!

Night Wanderer’s perception has always been keen as he specializes in espionage, but even he did not sense the other’s sudden approach!

An advanced ranked!

She, like him, is possibility also an advanced Gold ranked!

Not only that, but if he were to fight her, the vampire get the feeling that he would probably lose! Various thoughts raced through Night Wanderer’s mind in an instant as if time dilated, and after some calculations he inevitably decided to quickly gave up the idea of fighting.

His vigilant expression suddenly changed into a spring-like facade of carelessness.

He elegantly bowed to Hela’s Godwarden:

“Good afternoon, respected beautiful lady.”

The Death God’s envoy seemed surprised by his greeting, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Her gaze then swept the ground, before asking in a tone as cold as ice;

“Is the Hunter god’s Envoy attacking other God’s followers on purpose to provoke a war between our respective forces?”

After hearing her words, the Night Wanderer’s eyelids twitched.

As expected!

There really are Gods lurking behind these elves! And… it really is the god of death! It seems that the Hunter’s god speculation was right, and the goddess of death truly did make a move!

No…wait, something’s not right! Suddenly, Night Wanderer’s mind shifted, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

No! What she said was false and is actually trying to lure me away from the true fact.

These elves don’t have the aura of the god of death, but instead have the breath of life divinity instead!

It’s clearly a contradiction.

The Death God… may not be the same god controlling these Elves! Like opening a sealed door, Night Wanderer suddenly felt that he had finally discovered the real truth behind these mysterious elves.

His eyes brightened, and a sense of realization rose in his heart: From a new god! This power must be from an another god!

Migrating elves… strange temples… new true gods… It must be so!

The goddess of death has trained a demigod related to life and supported it to become her puppet to control the elves!

And only this way can it be explained why the elves have such a drastic change in temperament!

And the Hela’s Godwarden is actually covering up for the other party!

This newly ascended God is probably still not proficient in using their divine power, or even not in full control of the Life Divinity at all.

The other party… must still be in a quite weak state! Otherwise, it would not be possible for me to hide from it and infiltrated this forest. And the purpose of the goddess of death here … is also clear now.

According to the words of some of the higher members of his divine faction, the divinity of the goddess of the underworld is incomplete, and she is probably trying to complete her own divinity through studying the Divinity of Life.

At that moment, Night Wanderer felt that he had now solved this complex puzzle.

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