Game of the World Tree

Chapter 97: Kingdom of God

After using the avatar to pretend to be the Goddess of Death to destroy the fleeing orcs, Eve's consciousness returned to the godhead space.

This time, performing a miracle in front of the Flame Clan, she once again raised the faith of these indigenous elves.

A small half of the original more than a hundred shallow disciples had directly crossed to the level of devout disciples!

They provided Eve with 7 divine power points in one go!

Not only that... The feedback from the elven revenants brought by the more than three hundred half-orcs killed directly and indirectly this time is also considerable.

Although the feedback of this elven revenant has been much less than in the earliest days, it also adds up to 40 divine power points.

But Eve estimates that after a while, this method of relying on the wishes of the elven revenant to obtain divine feedback will be completely ineffective...

Think about it, after all, thousands of years have passed, and although the resentment generated by the elf revenant is great, there are always times when it is worn out and used up.

In addition to the 47 divine power points credited, a juvenile black dragon with Upper Silver strength (Level 66) was an unexpected gain.

However, Eve wasn’t very happy.

Because of this mission, a full 38 elves of the Flame Clan died in battle.

The entire Flame Clan originally had 219 elves left.

The 38 people who died in this battle were all old elves, and their beliefs were all at the level of piety.

This made Eve feel remorseful.

Because this time there was no harmless rescue, a large part of the reason was because of her.

She didn't expect that the half-orc tribe was actually near the entrance of the Dark Mountain Range and the Elven Forest, and they had prepared an ambush in advance!

"Even with the power to get the battle out of a near-losing state, I wasn’t paying attention, and I didn't communicate with Samir and them in advance!"

Eve reflected to herself.

If she had been a little more cautious and gave the players the task of introducing him earlier, perhaps the tragedy would not have happened.

Sighing, Eve's thoughts moved, and 38 transparent souls flew from the outside world and entered his divine space.

This is the soul of those dead elves.

Low-level creatures, when they die, lose most of their memories, with only vague fragments of memory...

And if they ascend to the Kingdom of God, their soul will completely lose his memory when they cross the crystal wall system.

Of course, except for priests and priests who were blessed by a True God, whose souls' memory was protected by the True God while they were alive.

Like those souls who ascended to the kingdom of God, these 38 elves were not priests, and they also lost all their memories the moment they entered the Godhead space.

And the moment the souls of these elves entered the godhead space, Eve's godhead space suddenly changed!

The original godhead space was chaos, filled with countless flying green photons, but the moment the believer's soul entered, the entire space suddenly began to change!

As if opening the heavens and the earth, the chaotic part began to sink continuously, turning into a continent.

Above is a canopy, and the photons, symbolising believers and players. These twinkling stars were extremely bright!

The souls of the 38 elves returned to their youthful appearance and turned into a devout elf invoker.

And at the same time that they turned into invokers, the silent continent also changed again, countless plants emerged from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a forest world suitable for elves!

At the same time, a giant tree emerged from the centre of the world and quickly grew into the appearance of the world tree...

Looking at the changes in the space of the godhead, a glimmer of realisation rose in Eve's heart:

"The Godhead Space is being transformed into a Kingdom of God!”

In the world of Sagas, a Kingdom of God has two origins.

One is that the gods seek a half-plane and open up the kingdom of God on it;

The other is to take your own godhead space as the centre and incarnate the Kingdom of God!

The former is more convenient, it is the path taken by the most gods, but it has the weakness of being easily discovered and besieged.

The latter, on the other hand, is relatively hidden, but it is more difficult to open up, because it means preaching faith in advance, and it requires complete control of a priesthood...

Only some ancient gods who were interested in faith would use the second method.

For if you want to have complete control over the priesthood, you must have the Kingdom of God.

But without opening up the kingdom of God, ordinary life will not have a priesthood, so for secular creatures who want to become true gods, they can only take the half-plane approach.

Only ancient gods who are already true gods themselves can take the second path!

But...... The previous World Tree did not choose to incarnate the kingdom of God, but chose the half-plane method.

Her Kingdom of God has long since fallen and shattered with the fall, and it is not in the world of Sagas.

Eve inherited the World Tree, but did not inherit her kingdom.

And now, when the soul of the believer entered Eve’s Godhead space, it actually caused the divine kingdom to incarnate in the Godhead space!

Eve didn't stop the change.

Because this means that as an ancient god, the authority of his faith will also be completely mastered by Eve!

In the future, her use of faith will be more efficient than before!

A similar effect will also be reflected in the game system.

The game system built by Eve is also similar to the belief channel, and it will also be affected to a certain extent.

After the divine kingdom was built, Eve also completely dismissed the plan to resurrect the elves.

For she found that these spirits who became invokers seemed to offer him more faith.

In the beginning, she also intended to have these elves born from the world tree as primordial elves.

However, at the moment of the incarnation of the Kingdom of God, Eve discovered that her ability to give birth to elves had also changed.

Previously, although she was able to create bodies, it took a lot of consumption to give birth to souls.

Taking the initiative to respawn a primordial elf requires even more consumption than lighting an oak tree guard!

But now, Eve has once again mastered the ability to automatically respawn primordial elves!

In other words, even if she does not consume divine power, she can naturally give birth to true primordial elves on the world tree!

It's just that this speed is very slow...

Eve perceived that without using divine power, she would naturally give birth to at most one Primordial Elf in a year.

However, if Eve uses divine power, the speed will increase.

Roughly for every 1 point of divine power spent, this speed will be accelerated by a month, and up to 30 days.

When an elf is born, the acceleration effect is reset.

In other words, for every 11 divine power points spent, Eve can use a month to give birth to an original elf!

A newborn primordial elf is close to an adult, has the strength of the peak of iron (Level 40) from the beginning, and is naturally loyal to Eve.

However, unlike the Oak Guardian, the life and soul of the original elves are not bound to Eve and cannot enjoy the inheritance of the system.

As a result, when they are fresh, they are completely blank slate, and everything needs to be learned again.

Considering the fragility of the newborn soul, Eve also gave them at most some basic knowledge, and the formation of self-awareness, beliefs, and worldviews must be completed by themselves.

In addition, they have a lot of potential to move up to higher levels.

Because the original elves are the same as the player's body, they are also gifted.

It's just that...... Trading 11 divine power points for an original elf is still too luxurious for Eve now.

But after a little thought, Eve decided to give birth to one first to try the effect.

She painfully spent 11 divine power points to activate the ability to give birth to the primordial elf.

At the same time, Ullr, the god of winter and hunting, also sensed the death of a large number of believers.

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