Game of the World Tree

Chapter 35

The Collapsed High Priest

What for?

Guru wanted to ask these elves "What for?"

If he were them, he would have escaped long ago. Why did these elves come to die one after another…

Were they still the elves who claimed to be elegant, noble and appreciative of life?

Were they still the peaceful, conservative and prudent elves?

Guru swore these were the maddest and most incomprehensible elves he had ever seen in his life!

No, he was not right…

These elves were the maddest intellectual creatures he had seen in his life!

They did not fear death or pain. They were even willing to die together with the enemies in order to destroy them…

In an instance, Guru even suspected that these elves were high-level undead in elf skin!

They were too horrible…

They were really too horrible!

Although they were not that powerful, they feared neither pain nor death, which made the old goblin priest shudder!


Guru thought that he could exterminate these elves soon. But to his surprise, whenever he killed an elf, another elf would replace it as if they could never be exterminated.

Of course, because of racial differences, he could not distinguish the elves' appearances well. It could not see that many elves came back after their "death."

However, Guru noticed that after these elves died, their bodies would slowly disappear.

Guru's eyes widened when he saw the incomprehensible scene.

"Devils… They must be devils!"

His hand was quivering with the staff as he doubted whether he was under an illusion spell.

But the undeads that constantly went down showed him a harsh fact; all of these were no illusions!

This was what made Guru gradually feel worse.

The undead he had summoned should have turned into pure energy and gone back into the staff after they were destroyed. But this time, the connection between them as if they were really destroyed…

As the number of the undead decreased, Guru finally began to panic…

It looked up at the elf army, only to discover that there were still so many elves. Or rather, it seemed like there were more elves…

Just now, there were only more than a hundred elves. Now, there seemed to be almost three hundred!

Besides, their power just seemed to increase…

Just now, Guru perceived that only a few dozen elves were at level 10. But now, Guru roughly estimated the number of elves at level 10 and found it was more than one hundred!

"This… Are there more powerful elves coming here?!"

Guru froze.

God of Winter and Hunting on high! Did all the elves in this world come here?!

He wanted to retreat.

As the battle continued, although Guru had killed numerous elves, for some reason, his staff did not capture any new undead elves. On the contrary, the undead it had summoned were constantly permanently destroyed…

Feeling the energy decreasing in the undead staff, Guru finally made up his mind.

He gritted his teeth, glared at the elf army in hatred and turned to leave.

To protect his retreat, Guru summoned back the undeads to his side to get rid of the elves near him and quickly retreated.

Seeing that the goblin high priest wanted to retreat, the elves went into a frenzy state.

"He wants to escape!"

"He must be at the end of his wits!"

"Don't let it escape! Catch up with it!"

As the players' levels were lower than that of Guru's, they could not appraise Guru's magic power precisely. But they guessed off Guru's movement, and their guess was almost right--Guru was not injured but his magic power was almost exhausted.

Without magic power, a low level magician was basically a dish.

"Catch him! Don't give it a chance to recover!"

The elves let out a roar of anger as they chased after Guru with red eyes.

In an instant, they became more radical.

Guru found it incredible to see a bunch of elves pouncing on the undeads, choosing to die together.

With splendid magic, a dozen undead skeletons collapsed with the suicidal elves…

More elves wielded their weapons and rushed towards Guru as if they were chasing an enemy who had killed their fathers.

Finally, after facing a bunch of suicidal elves, he was alone.

Guru almost collapsed as he looked at the desperate elves.

"What for? What for?!"

Why didn't they run away? A trace of grievance could be detected in his trembling voice.

However, how could he run faster than the elves as an old goblin with short legs?

A gust of wind blew behind him, Guru smelt danger.

All at once, a vigorous figure rushed to him and instantly seized his thin body.

Guru turned in shock and immediately met a big face that was laughing fiercely.

Sharp ears, red explosive hair, and the awkward smile on the lips…

Even if a goblin could not distinguish elves' appearances, Guru instantly recognized this elf.

"You are the bastard who pretended to be a female human!"

He gnashed his teeth.

It was this guy!

It was this guy!!

Guru regretted. He regretted it very much!

Why did it follow this guy out of the ruins?

"I have captured it!"

Demacia seized Guru tightly and yelled in excitement,

"Comrades! Fire at me!"

Numberless elf magicians chanted and executed their magic skills. Countless knives and swords shining with the brilliance of skills followed closely. As Guru watched in shock and Demacia laughed triumphantly, the magic, knives and swords drowned the two…


[Guru the goblin undead priest is dead]

[The world boss task: Objective 1 completed]

[All participating players get the exclusive title--"Goblin Slayer"]

[The players who participated in destroying one undead get three Perfect Resurrection and one thousand experience points]

[The players who participated in destroying two undead get three Perfect Resurrection and two thousand experience points]

[The players who participated in destroying three undead get three Perfect Resurrection and three thousand experience points]

[The players who participated in destroying the goblin priest get one extra Perfect Resurrection and three thousand extra experience points]

With the wonderful sound of the system, all the players received the notifications of task completion… and a lot of rewards.

All the players were stunned at first, and then gave a cheer.

"Ha ha ha! We won!"

"Wow, I got four Perfect Resurrection and five thousand experience points!"

"I can level up to level 11!"

"Huh? Aren't we told there would be contribution points? Where are the contribution points?"

Looking at the excited chosen ones, Berserker the oak guard walked out of the forest in a daze.

"Mother God on high… This group of chosen ones are horrific indeed."

He murmured as though he had not recovered from the elves' suicidal attack just now.

The players' eyes shone as they saw Berserker.

"Uncle B! Uncle B is coming!"

"By the way! There is another objective in the task. We need to sacrifice the staff to the goddess now! I think we can gain our contribution points by sacrificing it!"

"What's the use of contribution points?"

"It is said that its benefit will show at level 11. We will know it after leveling up to level 11! It must be a good thing since it is related to the goddess!"

"Stop talking. Hurry up and give Uncle B the staff and let him sacrifice it to the goddess!"

The players chatted as they took out the staff from Guru's ashes.

Apart from the staff, Guru's other equipment was shattered by magic skills.

"Damn, what material is this staff made of? It alone is intact…"

"Let me try to appraise it… Uh, I cannot identify it."

"What the goddess wants should be a task item, right?"

The players touched the staff curiously, but found nothing, so they quickly put it into the bewildered Berserker's hand.

"Uncle B, sacrifice it quickly!"

They looked at the oak guard expectantly with their eyes widely open.

Berserker, "…"

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