Game Transmigration: Saving the World Again 1000 Years Later

Chapter 264 - 264 Walking into a Trap

264 Walking into a Trap

What should she do now?

Should she contact Lord William immediately or leave before the Holy Tree Duke arrived? Should she pretend that none of this had happened?

Nizemar was in a state of utter panic. She stood still, her calm exterior masking the turmoil within after the two guards left.

Her gaze turned to the girl named Elise, who was also visibly nervous for other reasons.

“It’s okay, Sister Nizemar,” she said, trying to force a smile. “I’m the one the empire is after, not you. I’ll explain everything to the duke and I’m sure she won’t cause you any trouble.”

Perhaps sensing her uneasy expression, the girl forced a smile and comforted her.

That isn’t a sure thing, especially after I took down more than ten Wild Hunt warriors and two forest druids. Although I didn’t injure anyone, taking the initiative to attack law enforcement personnel is considered a felony anywhere… Nizemar thought.

She wasn’t worried that the other party would convict her. After all, she was a follower of the Holy Spirit and didn’t have any practical feelings for the laws of such a secular regime.

The problem was, would her impulsive actions spoil Lord William’s ingenious plans?

She had heard Vincent praise William’s tactics in resolving the Rotten Moon Undead Tide at Thorn City’s graveyard, and she knew he was a man of great cunning.

Whether it was because of the acumen unique to the Holy Spirits or for some other reason, William had a unique gift—every step he took was infused with a deeper purpose that was beyond the comprehension of the average person. He had a knack for solving problems at minimal cost.

But, Nizemar’s impulsive actions had threatened to ruin William’s well-laid plans.

Why don’t I get out of here first?

Nizemar mused as she traced her fingers over the Sealed Magic rune, the tool for teleportation.

Leaving now would prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, especially if she could escape unnoticed and avoid exposing the fact that the Presiding Judge had already arrived in Holy Tree City.

More importantly, she didn’t want to put William’s plans at risk for a stranger.

With determination, Nizemar tightened her grip on the flicker of lightning that pulsed within the Sealed Magic rune.

All she had to do was apply a little more force and she would be by the Presiding Judge’s side.

But, there was one problem. She couldn’t simply leave the girl behind, could she?

The girl was unrelated to the current mission and might even sabotage William’s plans.

Was she to act like how she did in the Eighth Order’s trials—ignoring those who didn’t fall under her responsibility?

The will of the Holy Spirit was a mystery, but what if William knew of her situation? Would he agree with her decision to abandon the girl?


Elise was caught off guard as she heard Nizemar let out a long, weary sigh.

She watched as Nizemar leaned back against the elegant leather sofa and gazed up at the dull, gray ceiling.

“What’s going on?” Elise asked, her head tilted in confusion.

“Nothing,” Nizemar replied, “I was just wondering, what would happen to you if you were to be accused of treason?” Nizemar asked.

Elise hung her head, her voice quiet and somber as she answered, “I’d be sentenced to death, just like my mother.”

“I can understand the punishment for treason being meted out to your mother, and for you, as her child, I can also understand that you’re suspected of participating in treasonous activities and will be arrested. But to be sentenced to death as a mere child is beyond my understanding.”

Determined to see things through to the end, Nizemar looked up and asked, “Because…”

Before Elise could even begin to answer, something seemed stuck in her throat.

A cold female voice cut through the air, coming from the door of the reception room, answering Nizemar’s question in her place.

“You’re mistaken. The treason she speaks of isn’t the result of any action they took, but because of their very existence. As descendants of the Blind Sisters, they are seen as betraying the empire simply by existing.”

Nizemar jumped to her feet, her gaze fixing on the figure that had just entered the room.

Holy Tree Duke…

The moment she saw the other party, Nizemar confirmed her identity.

She had no idea that the current Holy Tree Duke was a woman prior to this. But the moment she laid eyes on the black-dressed figure before her, she knew without a doubt that she was staring straight at the Holy Tree Duke.

It wasn’t just the luxurious black dress with golden trim that gave her away, nor the dignified air she exuded, nor even the elegance that seemed to radiate from her very being.

It was the overwhelming pressure that filled the air, an almost palpable force that told Nizemar this was someone to be reckoned with.

In Ravenwood, only the strong could rule. If that was the case, Nizemar couldn’t imagine anyone more deserving of the title than the woman in front of her.

A thin black veil covered the Holy Tree Duke’s face, but Nizemar could see the faint blue light of her magic-filled eyes shining through, like two ghostly lamps flickering in the darkness.

Her slender, fair hands, a surprising characteristic for a Forest Elf, held a stunning magical medium that made one question its practicality.

The more elaborate and beautiful a magical medium was, the more precious the materials used and the harder it was to control.

It was common knowledge among mages that those who used elaborate magical mediums were either posers who used flashy mortal items to make a show, or they were true powerhouses who could control multi-attribute magic.

The person in front of her was clearly the latter.

Before Nizemar could even react, the powerful figure was in front of her, as if she had materialized from thin air.

“I heard someone took down two of my Wild Hunt warrior teams. They’re not worth much, but it’s not easy to beat them all without spilling blood. I was intrigued,”

she said, tapping her magical medium. An ice crystal chair appeared, and she gracefully sat in front of Nizemar.

Wh… Isn’t she afraid of the cold…

Looking at the ice crystal chair that reflected a cold light under the magic crystal lamp, Nizemar subconsciously thought. However, she immediately realized that she didn’t feel a hint of coldness from the ice crystal chair.

In other words, she had a deep understanding of Solidifying Magic, the essence of frost spells, instead of the superficial control of the cold. It could temporarily create matter by condensing mana.

According to Lord William, ignoring the scale of mana, this was close to the Divine Realm in terms of strength.

“Imagine my disappointment when I found out it was you, the Silver Blood Daughter of the Eighth Order’s Holy Relic Hunter Department, Nizemar,” she said. “Are the old fellows unhappy with my progress or are you here to retrieve the Eighth Holy Spirit Holy Artifact?”

Nizemar was taken aback as the woman knew her name without hesitation.


However, before she could say anything, the other party continued, “Ah, I almost forgot. You betrayed the Eighth Order half a year ago and now work as the new Holy Spirit Church’s Retribution Templar for the fake government in Blackwater Province.”

“You know who I am?” Nizemar asked coldly.

“Of course. Don’t tell me you really think that what you did in the Blackwater Province is airtight?”

Nizemar felt a dangerous premonition, her hand moving to the dagger at her waist.

At this distance, even if the other party was a powerful magic chanter, she was confident that she could subdue her before she could finish chanting with her speed.

“Then what else do you know?”

As Nizemar moved slowly, she used words to divert the other party’s attention.

“Let me tell you something you don’t know. The Eighth Order is furious about your betrayal and has a generous reward for anyone who brings you back to Myriad Feet City alive. Although the money doesn’t interest me, I’d love to see the Holy Spirit Terra’s Holy Remains.”

“Is that so? Looks like I’ve walked into a trap,” Nizemar mocked herself.

“However, I’m still a little curious. You’re the first executor to ever betray the Eighth Order. What could have possibly driven you to make such a bold, insane move?”



As Nizemar spoke, her right hand gripped the hilt of the dagger.

“The truth of faith, of course!”

Nizemar moved with lightning speed, pulling out her dagger and activating the deadly Storm buff engraved upon it. Her actions were like a gust of wind that threatened the other party’s neck.

Of course, she didn’t plan on killing the other party. Instead, she planned on temporarily restraining her like she had threatened the forest druid.

Then, Nizemar was suddenly frozen in place, every joint encased in a thick layer of frost.

The Holy Tree Duke sat calmly, having not even raised a finger.

“You must learn not to hold back when facing a stronger opponent,” the woman spoke softly. “This difference in faith could make all the difference in the outcome of the battle. Remember that,” the woman said softly.

Then, she added, “And let me warn you, don’t even think about trying to shatter the Sealed Magic rune I’ve put on you. I’ve sealed this room, so unless the creator of this rune has greater mastery of lightning spells than I do, there’s no way you’re getting out.”

As she spoke, she took the Sealed Magic rune, flickering with lightning, from her other hand.

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