Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 103 Gears Continue Moving

As twilight descended, Aron arrived home after successfully recruiting another individual named Miles to join his forces. To his delight, he found his family engaged in the preparations for their evening meal.

"Come and join us," his mother beckoned, using a gentle wave of her hand, calling him to join them.

Without hesitation, Aron immediately proceeded to wash his hands before joining his family at the dinner table to assist them in the preparations before they sat down and started eating the meal with them.

As they indulged in the meal, they engaged in light-hearted conversation, savoring each bite. After they had finished eating and tidied up the table, Henry left at once heading to Aron's room to play PlayStation, leaving Aron and his parents in the living room.

"How's work going?" his father asked with genuine curiosity, clearly displaying his keen interest in his son's professional pursuits.

"It's going very well and we are expanding faster than before" Aron responded to his father's question before posing one of his own, "And how about you?"

His father paused for a moment, contemplating his response. Gratitude resonated in his voice as he spoke, "I can't ask for anything better, thanks to you. I no longer have to worry about whether my family will have heat or not. You've changed our lives for the better." A hint of embarrassment tinged his words, a reminder of the hardships they had faced in the past.

Observing the atmosphere taking a somber turn, his mother interjected, "It appears you've been quite occupied since your return from the business trip." She directed her question at Aron, acknowledging the increased amount of time he had been spending away and assuming it was solely due to his work demands.

"Yes, the company is currently undergoing a rapid growth phase, and I need to be actively involved in approving decisions and planning future actions," Aron responded, opting to stick with the explanation that justified his increased absence. He refrained from revealing the true nature of his activities, which involved healing individuals and enlisting them in his forces while gaining their unwavering loyalty.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Aron. Your health is of utmost importance, more valuable than anything else," his mother advised, expressing genuine concern for his well-being. His father nodded in agreement, silently supporting her words. Little did they know that the likelihood of humanity conquering the universe within the next three years was higher than Aron falling ill anytime soon.

"Yes, I will be cautious. By the way, have you made any decisions regarding going on vacation?" Aron asked his mother, smoothly transitioning to a different topic.

"Yes, I discussed it with your father, and he's also on board with the idea. We're waiting for May to arrive because Henry's summer break begins in a week." his mother replied, providing an update on their vacation plans.

"That's fantastic! It will give you the opportunity to explore multiple destinations during that time. So, where do you have in mind to visit?" Aron inquired, expressing curiosity about their intended travel destinations.

"We're currently considering visiting famous locations in Europe, but we're having difficulty deciding where to begin," his father responded, acknowledging their current dilemma. 

He couldn't help but feel a sense of incredulity at the stark contrast between their previous financial struggles and their current conundrum of choosing vacation destinations.

"Oh, if that's where you're facing a roadblock, I can assist you with that. I've been in Europe for the past two months, and I can help plan the itinerary in a way that minimizes travel time and maximizes your enjoyment," Aron offered, eager to make their vacation planning process smoother and more convenient.

"Thank you, but why aren't you coming with us? Will you be busy even during that time?" his mother inquired, a tinge of sadness evident in her voice as she expressed her disappointment at his apparent absence from the vacation plans.

"I genuinely want to come with you all, but I have work obligations that require my presence. However, I'll join you as soon as I can find some free time from the company," Aron replied.

"It's commendable that you're dedicated to your work, but don't exhaust yourself just to be with us. We can always adjust our plans and wait for you to finish your work, so we can embark on the vacation together. The summer break is quite long," his father expressed, conveying his concern for Aron's well-being when he heard his reply.

"No, there's no need to do that. Henry is eagerly looking forward to the vacation, and besides, I'm uncertain if I'll have any substantial free time. There's always a chance of unforeseen events occurring," Aron responded, dismissing the idea of postponing the vacation to accommodate his work schedule.

Aron was certain that he would not have sufficient time in the upcoming months to accompany them on vacation. He planned to utilize the period they were away to extensively travel across America, collecting brain data and further expanding his forces.

"If that's the case, then we'll be waiting for you in Europe," his father answered after hearing Aron's explanation.

"Yes," Aron replied,  and they continued engaging in conversation on various topics for approximately half an hour. Eventually, Aron bid his parents farewell and made his way to his room to enjoy some gaming and spend quality time with Henry who he won't be seeing for some time.

After spending a few hours playing games with Henry, Aron sent him to go to sleep. Once Henry had settled in, Aron made his way to the basement, where he resumed his work.


Inside the Universal Sİmulation.

[Sir, the app is complete,] Nova informed Aron as soon as he logged in and entered through the gate.

"What App?" Aron asked momentarily perplexed, as he couldn't recall having requested Nova to create any specific application.

[The tour app for your parents to use during their vacation throughout Europe,] Nova replied, clarifying the purpose of the app she had developed.

"Oh, so you decided to create an app instead of simply preparing a travel plan?" Aron responded, expressing his surprise at the choice Nova made.

[This way, they can have the freedom to choose the places they want to visit, rather than being limited to the ones you prefer. It offers them the opportunity to make their own decisions and have a personalized experience,] Nova explained, providing her rationale for developing an app rather than simply providing a predetermined travel plan.

"Show it to me," Aron requested, and instantly, a phone materialized in his hand, displaying the app with all its functionalities already loaded and open for exploration.

He began navigating through the app, thoroughly exploring its contents to understand its features and offerings.

The app encompassed everything one could ever require when visiting a particular destination. It provided detailed information on various modes of transportation, including driving directions and public transportation routes within the county. 

Additionally, it featured captivating imagery of the attractions visitors could expect to encounter upon arrival. Furthermore, the app incorporated authentic reviews from individuals who had previously visited the location, offering valuable insights.

It even included essential warnings and reminders for places with specific rules or important considerations that visitors should keep in mind. The app's comprehensive nature ensured that users would have all the necessary information and guidance at their fingertips.

Nova meticulously curated the app, incorporating an extensive range of vital information she deemed essential for travelers. She harnessed a multitude of sources, including Google Maps, review data, and numerous other datasets she had collected throughout her existence for training and other various applications.

By harnessing this vast reservoir of data, the app provided unparalleled accuracy, fully maximizing its potential with the wealth of information currently available worldwide.

"Great job," Aron complimented Nova on her creation, acknowledging the app's exceptional quality and usefulness.

[Thank you] Nova replied graciously to Aron's praise.

"I'll hand it over to them tomorrow. Now, let's get back to work. How is the consolidation process going?" Aron inquired, shifting his focus back to the task at hand.

After examining the program she had developed and was given to Felix, Nova provided her report.[A week at the earliest, three weeks at the latest] 

Aron had entrusted the program to Felix, allowing him to utilize it and help alleviate the workload associated with their consolidation efforts.

"In that case, they should have begun planning the rollout of the promotion," Aron stated upon hearing Nova's report. 

[Yes, but won't this give the impression to the dictator that we are needlessly losing money, potentially resulting in him receiving a smaller share when the designated time for dividend payment arrives?] Nova expressed her concern.

"The sponsorship was conceived with this in mind. Requiring them to switch to GAIA OS serves a dual purpose. 

It not only allows us to establish contact and exert influence over the population towards a revolution, but it also serves as a legitimate reason in the eyes of the dictator for providing the free data plan exclusively to those who have adopted the new operating system. 

This approach helps us avoid arousing suspicion as to why we are only offering the free data plan to those adopting the new OS," Aron clarified.

[When do you intend to eliminate the presence of the other revolutionary leaders from the public eye?] Nova asked after she received the answer to her previous question.

"I intend to execute that step during the final phase of the plan, aiming to generate additional discontent and push the situation to its tipping point. You can think of them as the metaphorical powder keg."

"However, their freedom until that time relies on their ability to refrain from causing any trouble as Alexander's group grows in strength. If they prove incapable of exercising self-control, I will have to address the situation and deal with them before reaching that phase of the plan." Aron elaborated, outlining his strategy for handling the other revolutionary leaders.

"But shouldn't you already be aware of these plans, considering they are contained within the brain data you downloaded?" Aron inquired, expressing his curiosity as to why Nova was seeking information that she could easily access by reviewing his memories from the brain data.

[From your memories, there was no specific date or plan assigned, and it was labeled as 'undecided.' This indicates that at that point in time, you had not yet determined how you would approach this particular topic,] Nova clarified, highlighting the information she gathered from reviewing Aron's memories.

"Oooh... Okay," Aron nodded in approval, now understanding the purpose behind Nova's specific questions.

Following the answer, they continued their discussion, spending a few hours where Nova briefed Aron on important information that he had missed. This encompassed various topics, ranging from world politics and economics to other crucial aspects that would enable them to adapt and refine their plans according to the current global landscape.

As a wise man once said, "There are no ideal conditions, only ideal responses." Sun Tzu

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