Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 106 Phase Two Officially Begins

As phase two commenced, Nova wasted no time and swiftly employed her authorized privileges within the system utilized by CONNECT to facilitate internet connectivity. Consequently, she successfully gained entry into the internet infrastructure of Eden, securing access to its comprehensive array of offerings.

In order to achieve the desired outcomes of phase two, Nova recognized the necessity of obtaining comprehensive knowledge about every individual residing within Eden. Thus, she embarked on the formidable task of meticulously compiling profiles for each internet user within the county. 

This marked the initiation of a momentous endeavor, aimed at establishing an exhaustive database that encompassed their digital personas.

Typically, such a task would require a considerable amount of time and could potentially raise suspicions among tech-savvy individuals. However, Nova circumvented these challenges by issuing commands to the virtual assistants that came with the GAIA OS. 

While developing GAIA OS, Aron incorporated programming instructions for the virtual assistant to generate user profiles as a means to elevate the overall user experience. This implementation was intended to improve the personalized interactions and interactions with the virtual assistant.

By employing this approach, Nova managed to streamline the profile compilation process, saving significant amounts of time and helping her avoid detection by having this process appear as routine operating system background tasks.

Through this meticulously devised strategy, Nova ensured the utmost discretion and concealment of her actions, mitigating the risk of detection by prying eyes.

The profiles encompassed an extensive array of information, encompassing details such as the user's name, age, personal preferences, fears, passions, political views, and much more. 

These comprehensive profiles yielded a wealth of knowledge about each individual, enabling the customization of targeted strategies to influence and guide them towards specific desired outcomes.

Upon receiving the profiles from long-term users of GAIA OS, Nova initiated the analysis phase. Diligently, she scrutinized the gathered profiles, evaluating the potential value of each individual in the context of the revolution and their suitability to join Alexander's group as revolutionary fighters.

However, for those who had recently migrated to GAIA OS, Nova had to exhibit patience. She awaited the completion of user profiles generated by the virtual assistants, a process that typically required approximately a week. Once the profiles were finalized, Nova would receive them and proceed to repeat the same selection process she had executed for the others.

The selection process held paramount importance for Nova, as she aimed to specifically target individuals who would prove beneficial to her plan. 

Moreover, she had to exercise caution and discernment to filter out individuals who displayed tendencies of snitching, particularly for personal gain, or those notoriously known for their loose lips. 

The potential repercussions arising from such individuals leaking sensitive data to others, who might then report it to the authorities, mandated their exclusion from the group.

Once the individualized plans for each selected person, considered of potential value to the revolution, were finalized, Nova proceeded to transmit the plans back to their respective virtual assistants. 

Serving as intermediaries, these virtual assistants received the plans and commenced their implementation on behalf of Nova.

The plans encompassed various aspects of the selected individuals' digital lives. This included curating the types of videos that would appear on their Facebook and other social media feeds, as well as controlling the news they consumed. 

The objective was to gradually steer their digital experiences in a manner that fostered growing frustration and anger towards the prevailing state of the country. 

The ultimate goal was to ignite a fire within them, motivating them to join the group and take tangible action for meaningful change.

After fostering enough discontent to the point they start taking that step to look for a way they can join the revolutionary groups the virtual assistant will guide them to Alexander's group and not the other ones. 

Upon joining the group, the individuals will be instructed to download a specific application that will serve as an information source and provide them with protection against potential discovery.

If they ask why, they will be informed that through the utilization of the app, the virtual assistant will be able to openly keep them informed about the plans and provide them with necessary information.

As for how, it is by the app utilizing the extension released by GAIA TECHNOLOGY to allow app developers to create apps that can be used to increase the functions of the VA by having them develop apps with certain functionality and by them including the extension it would allow the virtual assistant in GAIA OS to use the functions of the app by itself in the background.

An illustrative example would be downloading a calendar app with this extension, where planning an event allows the virtual assistant to access and inform the user about it.

However, all of this was a deliberate facade orchestrated by Aron. In reality, the virtual assistant had complete access to all the data within the phone right from the beginning. However, openly admitting this would have led to never-ending lawsuits and legal complications. 

Thus, Aron devised a clever strategy: he made the virtual assistant appear as if it had limitations and required a specific extension within apps to access certain data. This illusion gave users a false sense of control, even though they had never truly possessed it from the very start.

Quoting from the wisdom of Sun Tzu, "The illusion of control lulls us into believing that we hold the reins of our destiny, when in reality, life's unpredictable currents often steer us in unexpected directions."


[Sir, phase two has begun,] Nova notified Aron as he completed fitting the headgear onto the sleeping skunkworks engineer.

"Good. Inform Alexander about this and ask about the progress of his group in preparing for the arrival of new members," Aron instructed after receiving the report from Nova.

[Done] Nova reported back shortly.

"How many of them have you chosen from the first batch?" Aron asked Nova wanting to know the number of the people she had selected based on the profiles she currently possessed.

[3478 of them.]

"That's enough based on the needs of our first batch" Aron responded upon hearing Nova's answer.

[It is anticipated that approximately half of them will join the group within a month and a half, provided that the virtual assistants execute my instructions flawlessly,] Nova explained, outlining the expected timeline for the integration of new members into the group.

"They will, don't worry," Aron assured Nova with confidence. He proceeded to remove the virtual headgear from the man and left the house, closing the door behind him.

"Thank goodness most of them live in the same community. Otherwise, I might be tempted to wait until they're at work, put the entire building into slumber, and extract the data from them all at once," Aron quipped, lightening the mood as he began walking towards the next target's residence.

[You could certainly do that, but convincing them that they all experienced collective amnesia would be quite challenging,] Nova replied, amused by Aron's comment.

"I am aware," Aron responded simply, acknowledging Nova's remark.

"How are they doing?" Aron inquired, seeking an update from Nova regarding the status of the individuals who were already part of his private forces and currently enjoying a one-month vacation.

[Many of them have been indulging in their long-awaited sexual desires during the initial days, while others are engaging in various activities. Some are exploring the city and visiting different places,]

"That's good to hear," Aron responded, expressing a sense of relief upon receiving Nova's answer.

[Were you concerned that some of them might disregard your instructions and attempt to seek out those who have caused them harm, seeking revenge and venting their anger?] Nova asked, noting the tone of relief in Aron's response.

"Yes, it serves as their final test. If they have pledged their loyalty to me and yet go against my initial command, it would necessitate their exclusion from my future plans from the very beginning, and they would also come to regret their decision," Aron answered back in a cold tone.

[How did you intend to accomplish that? By injuring them once again?] Nova asked, seeking further clarification from Aron in order to start devising a contingency plan based on his chosen course of action.

"While I could resort to such means, I'm not desensitized enough to personally do that. However, there are alternative methods I can employ.  I can strip them of everything they currently possess and will have in the future. 

Moreover, since I provided them with new identities, they have no belongings or connections to their past. Without any relatives to vouch for their previous identities, the non-existence of past injuries, and considering their apparent physical rejuvenation of approximately five years, claiming their old identities would likely result in them being deemed mentally unstable or potentially convicted for identity theft," Aron explained, indicating that he had considered these factors thoroughly before selecting those individuals as the initial group to work with.

[Isn't it better to simply inflict physical injuries on them?] Nova asked after hearing Aron's detailed and potentially brutal plan.

"I could certainly do that but the graphic nature of such actions is something I am not prepared to handle at this moment," Aron explained

[From their brain data I confirmed that their trauma is now nothing more than a distant and bad memory. Therefore, we don't expect any such events to occur] Nova reminded Aron as she had reported this in the past.

"There's no harm in being prepared at all times. Humans are complex creatures, and they can sometimes behave unexpectedly depending on what triggers their minds," Aron remarked, as he knocked on the door of the house where the next person on their list resided.

"It's always better to be prepared for the worst, no matter how certain you may be about something," Aron added, while patiently waiting for the door to be opened.

Just as Nova was about to respond, the door was opened "Sleep" Aron said activating the rune, causing the man to instantly fall asleep before he could even catch a glimpse of Aron's face. With the man unconscious, Aron entered the house and caught the man as he fell to the ground.

[I'll keep that in mind,] Nova replied as Aron gently placed the man on the ground and proceeded to put the virtual helmet on him.

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