Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 108 The Great Escape

A week later.

In the hospital elevator, Terry stood accompanied by two vigilant bodyguards who were escorting him towards the basement parking lot. Their purpose was to transport Terry back to the secure confines of the Rothschild's compound, where he would inevitably confront the repercussions of his actions.

Despite his attempts to calm himself, Terry found it increasingly difficult to regain composure. Deep down, he was aware that his fate had been sealed the moment he set foot inside the compound. 

The impending consequences that awaited him would transform his experience into a cautionary tale, ensuring that it would be etched into the collective memory of all those who heard it, serving as a stark reminder to never engage in such foolish actions.

What was allowing him to hold on was the meeting he had with Gerald who had visited him in a doctor's outfit under the guise of doing final checkups before they approved his discharge.

As the elevator descended further, Terry's heart filled with an increasing sense of fear. With each passing floor, the grip of anxiety tightened, amplifying the weight of apprehension within him.

The elevator came to a sudden halt on the eighth floor, prompting the security team to instinctively tense up, bracing themselves for whatever awaited them. As the doors gracefully glided open, they were met with an unexpected and perplexing sight. 

Standing before them was a nurse, her presence overshadowed by the lifeless figure on the bed draped in sheets.

The occupants of the elevator instinctively covered their noses, overwhelmed by the unmistakable and repugnant stench that permeated the air. It became apparent that the source of the foul odor was the body on the bed, now revealed to be covered in excrement.

"Excuse me," the nurse's voice filtered through the mask as she politely interjected, pushing the bed into the confined space of the elevator.

Instinctively, the security guards swiftly repositioned themselves, forming two groups flanking either side of the bed.

Terry found himself positioned on the right side of the bed, accompanied by one guard, while the other guard took up position on the left.

The nurse, seemingly unaware of the prevailing tension within the elevator, calmly pressed the button for the floor designated as the mortuary.

The guards positioned alongside the nurse turned towards her, their expressions contorted with discomfort, and inquired, "Isn't there a designated elevator for transporting such items?" They struggled to endure the overwhelming stench that filled the air.

As the elevator doors closed"Yes, there is, but unfortunately, it's currently undergoing maintenance," she responded, her tone reflecting her own discomfort with the situation.

As the elevator began its descent, the guards, convinced that no threat could arise from the inert, soiled body before them, eased their vigilance.

Unbeknownst to anyone in the elevator, the nurse's hand stealthily maneuvered beneath the bed sheets, retrieving a concealed scalpel. With utmost precision and without raising any suspicion, she made her move. In a sudden, swift, and unexpected act, she lunged at the guard positioned on the left, catching him completely off guard. She swiftly stabbed the guard on his stomach.

Seizing the opportunity presented before him, Terry wasted no time and swiftly launched his assault on the momentarily stunned guard. With the guard struggling to regain composure and react in time, Terry managed to swiftly secure him in a chokehold. 

'I will give you my meat and take your bones' He thought to himself as he continued maintaining the choke hold.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side, the stabbed bodyguard persisted in his struggle against the nurse. He attempted to strike her using his leg, but the nurse skillfully redirected the blow, causing his leg to become lodged and trapped between the bed and the elevator wall. 

The impact reverberated through the elevator, causing the bed to shake, and was followed by the agonized screams of the guard, whose bone had been fractured in the process.

The nurse without a pause swiftly proceeded with her assault. She ruthlessly stabbed the guard multiple times in the abdomen, ensuring that he would be rendered incapable of taking any further action.

The wounded guard collapsed against the elevator wall, clutching his bleeding stomach in a desperate attempt to staunch the flow. Gasping for breath, he fought to maintain proper respiration amidst the pain and chaos surrounding him.

As the elevator reached its destination in the basement, the tumultuous events that had unfolded inside the confined space had reached its conclusion.

The nurse turned towards Terry, and seeing that he handled the guard she said, "Let's go," before swiftly delivering a powerful kneebutt to the injured guard's head, rendering him unconscious.

Terry nodded, acknowledging the nurse's order to exit the elevator. As he exited the elevator, he pressed the button for the first floor, ensuring that the unconscious guards would be transported to the emergency room. 

This decision was made with the intention of keeping the situation relatively contained, as the Rothschild hunt would likely exercise more restraint if their guards were alive rather than deceased.

Observing Terry's actions, the nurse remained silent, as she didn't care about it at all.

Without wasting a moment, they moved swiftly until they reached a parked car. The woman retrieved the keys, unlocking the vehicle. 

They quickly boarded the car, wasting no time, and sped away from the hospital premises, leaving behind the chaotic scene before anyone could raise an alert about the situation heading towards the first floor.

As they left the hospital and ventured towards the outskirts of the city, Terry's racing thoughts began to subside, allowing him to regain a semblance of calm. He turned towards the woman, still attired in the nurse outfit, and broke the silence by initiating a conversation. 

"I'm Terry. Who are you?" he inquired, attempting to divert the somber atmosphere and escape the weight of his recent actions, which only served to amplify the potential repercussions he might face if captured.

Terry found himself in a situation reminiscent of a child who, gripped by fear of impending punishment for a mistake, resorts to further wrongdoing in an attempt to conceal their initial misdeed. 

In his desperate attempt to evade the consequences, he had unwittingly escalated the severity of his actions. 'Fuck' he thought to himself.

"Call the number that last contacted the phone," the woman stated, dismissing Terry's question without offering any further explanation or response.

Terry retrieved the phone and accessed the call application, navigating to the section where previous call details were displayed. To his surprise, he discovered that only one phone call had been made from this device.

Terry tapped on the phone number and swiftly pressed the call button bringing the phone to his ear.

After ringing for approximately three seconds, the call was answered, and a voice on the other end, without any formal greeting, immediately asked, "Did you succeed?"

Terry quickly recognized the voice as Gerald's, the same person who had visited him in the hospital the previous week to discuss the escape plan.

"Yes, thank you," Terry replied, expressing his gratitude after a brief pause.

"Good. Sir instructed me to relay these orders to you: 'Follow that woman and remain in her company until further instructions,'" Gerald conveyed the instructions he had received from Arieh without explicitly mentioning his name. 

By omitting specific details, they aimed to ensure that even if the phone call were to be recorded, no substantial evidence linking them to Arieh would be found.

"Yes, sir. Please convey my gratitude to him," Terry responded, expressing his appreciation. However, he received no response, as the call abruptly ended.

"Phone," the woman uttered, gesturing with her outstretched hand, indicating that she wanted Terry to return the device to her.

As Terry handed the phone back to her, The nurse swiftly flung it out of the window, sending it plunging into the water below the bridge they were crossing. She then turned to Terry, introducing herself. 

"My name is Katrina," she stated. "As the call indicated, you will be staying with me until I receive further instructions. I hope you won't cause me any trouble during your time with me, as I would prefer not to be compelled to put a bullet through your head. I have the authorization to do so if you become problematic."

"You don't have to worry about that. I have no intentions of going anywhere," Terry reassured Katrina, recognizing the gravity of their situation. 

"Even without your warning, I am well aware that they will be tirelessly searching for us, leaving no stone unturned. I have committed acts that go against the principles expected of a Rothchild employee, not just once, but twice. Now, it has become a matter of protecting their reputation, and they won't rest until they find us."

"That's good" Katrina answered back.

"What is your usual task?" He asked wanting to know her better as he will be sending a long time with her.

"None of your business," Katrina said before she stopped answering any of the further questions Terry asked following that as he was trying to distract his mind from having to think about what would happen to him in case he is caught.

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