Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 116 Brain Data Collection Complete

2 months later

[Congratulations, sir, for finally completing the collection of brain data from everyone on the list,] Nova congratulated Aron as he collected the brain data of the last person on his list.

"Huuuuuuu, finally," Aron said as he let out a sigh of relief while removing the virtual headgear from the woman.

"That took two weeks longer than planned," Aron said as he made his way to the front door, preparing to leave the house and begin his drive back to his home state. He was in the state nearest to his, and now it was time to conclude his journey and return home.

"Have the forces completed their vacations?" Aron asked as he started his car and embarked on his drive back to his home state. 

[345 of them have already arrived at the hotel you rented, and as for the remaining 30, they will arrive within the next two weeks,] Nova reported back to Aron.

"Good. For now, they should mingle with each other and get to know one another. In two weeks, when everyone has arrived, I will personally visit them and officially begin the organization's operations," Aron said.

[Are you planning to immediately send them to Eden?] Nova asked.

"No, as that may attract the attention of Adolf and other intelligence organizations. We will send the first batch of 20 people to purchase an island and initiate the construction of a temporary base. 

Another group will be dispatched to various arms dealers to procure the necessary equipment for everyone. 

The remaining individuals will be sent in batches of ten every other week to join those in Eden and commence their refreshment training with the equipment that will be smuggled in from around the world," Aron outlined his plan.

[There is that. Also, only two and a half months are left until the Morgans make their move and attack the Rothschilds.] Nova reminded Aron.

"I'm aware. Has Ava sent Rina's investment account details and has the loan been deposited?" he inquired, eager to confirm if Rina had completed her preparations.

[Yes, she sent it to me at the end of last month, and I have already started making the necessary preparations for Rina using the funds in her investment account,] Nova replied.

"How much was in the account?"

[There was a total of seven billion dollars in the account, sir,] Nova reported the amount.

"If I recall correctly, she initially requested around five billion dollars. What caused the increase to seven billion," he asked, expressing his astonishment at the raised amount.

[Her brother informed the banks that she intended to request loans with the condition that if she defaulted, he would purchase the loan from them without any loss to the banks. Recognizing that they would not be at risk of losing money, they allowed her to increase the loan amount,] Nova explained, shedding light on the reason behind the increased loan amount.

"Indeed, it appears that he is hoping for her failure in whatever she plans to use the loan for, enabling him to acquire and wield it as a weapon against her," Aron remarked, understanding Arieh's motive for promising the banks to purchase her defaulted loan.

[Yes, sir,] Nova replied, nodding in agreement with his assumption, indicating that he was correct.

"How much of our funds are being allocated to this plan?" Aron asked, wanting to compare the proportion of his own money that would be utilized in the plan.

[Sir, a total of 15 billion dollars is being allocated for this plan,] Nova immediately reported, providing the requested amount without any delay.

"What? When did I have that much money?" Aron asked in surprise, as he was certain that the dividend he had received was nowhere near that amount.

[Sir, you gave me permission to invest the money as I saw fit, and I did so during that period. I managed to generate substantial earnings, which accounted for the remainder of the money,] Nova explained, shedding light on the source of the additional funds.

"Where did you invest such a large amount of money to yield such a high return in such a short period?" Aron asked, curious to learn about Nova's investing strategy that had resulted in such impressive gains.

[At the beginning, since I had access to all publicly available data, I utilized it to create a comprehensive profile of information crucial for accurate investment decisions. This included analyzing press releases, monitoring rumors, tracking social media posts, gathering leaked information, and much more. 

With this data, I could predict certain events with a notable level of certainty. 

For instance, I anticipated when the U.S. Federal Reserve planned to initiate the tapering of its bond-buying program, enabling me to prepare and profit accordingly.

I also positioned myself based on expectations of positive or negative reports from specific companies, allowing me to capitalize on the outcomes. 

Economic indicators released by various countries further provided opportunities to profit from market reactions.

However, the most profitable aspect was leveraging geopolitical events. Heightened tensions in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East, and other geopolitical uncertainties allowed me to prepare in advance and extract maximum benefits. 

Sometimes, I even instigated certain rumors to expedite events and capitalize on them sooner than expected.

There are many more strategies, but explaining them all concisely is challenging. 

However, when you transferred me to the Quantum computer, everything changed. I no longer needed to predict and prepare in advance, as I could instantly react to market conditions, yielding even greater profits than before. 

Currently, my performance is limited by the internet speed between my location and the trading servers. 

If it were doubled, I estimate I could have earned an additional two hundred and fifty-five million dollars.] Nova elaborated on her investment approach to Aron, detailing how she generated substantial returns within a short timeframe.

"Holy mother," Aron couldn't help but exclaim in amazement as he realized the magnitude of the impact caused by his simple decision to allow Nova to invest his money, aiming to prevent it from losing value due to inflation. The realization struck him that this choice had created a certain ripple in the world economy.

"Has anyone discovered your activities? Such substantial movements are bound to attract attention," Aron asked, curious to know if Nova's remarkable work had been uncovered by anyone.

[I utilize over a hundred different investment accounts from various anonymous investment firms to mitigate the risk of detection,] Nova explained. [When one account undergoes significant transactions, I close it, withdraw the funds, and transfer them to new accounts. This method helps me avoid leaving a conspicuous trail and minimizes the chances of attracting excessive attention from other investors.]

"Wow, you truly have thought of everything. Well done," Aron couldn't help but express his pride in her accomplishments.

[Thank you, sir,] Nova replied, showing her genuine happiness and gratitude for Aron's recognition of her hard work.

"So, how much money did you accumulate as a result of these significant movements?" he asked, eager to learn the total amount Nova had earned through her investments.

[Since you granted me permission to utilize the full amount of money in your account for investing, I have earned a total of 8,834,423,876 dollars in the last six months,] Nova accurately reported.

"Wow," he only managed to utter these words, the remainder being swallowed by sheer astonishment.

"Looks like Buffett has got himself some competition," Aron joked, once he had collected himself from the surprise.

[HAHA] Nova chuckled in response to Aron's comment.

After laughing for a short period of time , he asked"Why are we only utilizing 15 billion for the preparations regarding the Morgans' movements?" seeking clarification.

[The remaining 3,834,423,876 dollars are allocated for various purposes,] Nova explained. [They are intended to strengthen our forces, provide ongoing support for revolutionary movements, address family needs, serve as emergency funds in case unforeseen circumstances arise, and account for potential complications or setbacks in our plan against the Morgans. As you once mentioned, humans can be unpredictable, and it is wise to prepare for the worst-case scenario.]

"Looks like you've been listening to my words," Aron joked, feeling a sense of pride that his casual words of wisdom had influenced Nova to incorporate certain adjustments into her planning.

[I always am,] Nova replied softly

"Have the selected individuals already joined Alexander's group?" Aron asked, shifting the conversation to the current happenings in Eden.

[Nearly all of them have already joined, and based on the plan we provided, Alexander has decentralized the leadership of his group across different cities,] Nova reported the current state of affairs in Eden. [This distribution of leadership provides a level of semi-autonomy to individuals in various cities, increasing control and reducing the risk of discovery by avoiding concentrated leadership in one location. By maintaining control over the leaders in different cities, he can effectively streamline control within his group.]

"Good. Keep monitoring his activities closely and notify me of any significant developments," he instructed upon hearing the update on the situation.

[Yes, sir] Nova answered back.

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