Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 126 Ariving At Eden & A Talk With Felix While Driving

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are now approaching our final destination, Eden. Please ensure that your seatbelts are securely fastened and your tray tables are stowed as we prepare for landing. 

The weather in Eden is a balmy 25 degrees Celsius with clear skies, providing a warm welcome for all our visitors. We kindly ask that you remain seated and refrain from using any electronic devices until we have reached the gate. 

Thank you for choosing American Airlines, and we hope you've enjoyed your flight." As the pilot's voice faded away, Aron, sitting on the window seat, turned his head to gaze outside to see the airport they would be landing.

And there it was, the country's one and only international airport. Its small size almost deceived him into believing it was a mere airstrip for smaller planes. However, what set it apart was its expansive runway, designed to accommodate the landing of large aircraft, and a handful of gates capable of welcoming and servicing these planes.

The remaining facilities at the airport were remarkably antiquated. In fact, airlines traveling to Eden were compelled to redirect their return flights to Esparia, a neighboring destination that had made some investments in its airport infrastructure compared to Eden. 

This diversion was necessary to refuel their aircraft and minimize the risk of the potential damage that could arise from utilizing the outdated equipment in Eden. 

Nevertheless, the airport in Eden maintains its certification from both IATA and ICAO, thereby attesting to its approval for international flights.

"GRFDGHHHH" With a screeching howl, the tires protested as the plane made contact with the deteriorating runway that was on the brink of disqualification in its upcoming inspection as the aircraft struggled to decelerate and begin the plane to a stop.

As the plane came to a rest and began taxiing towards the gate to facilitate passenger disembarkation, a sense of impatience overcame many individuals on board. wanting to leave first, they started opening the overhead compartments to retrieve their belongings and positioned themselves near the exit door. 

This prompted the flight attendants to intervene, instructing the passengers to remain seated. Though reluctantly, they begrudgingly complied with the attendants' orders.

Aron and the members of Ares simply observed the unfolding absurd situation without making any gestures or taking any action.

Following the plane's complete halt, they proceeded to disembark, undergoing the customary checks and passing through airport security that was so sloppy it would make terrorists orgasm just from thinking on how they could exploit it.

They were greeted by Felix, who had arranged a rental bus and another car to welcome and transport them to the hotel where they will be staying temporarily before their activities commenced. 

"Welcome," Felix said as he embraced Aron, having not seen his friend for a long time. 

"Thanks," Aron replied, returning the hug, as he had also missed his friend dearly. 

"How was your flight?" Felix asked.

"The journey started off smoothly, but things took a turn for the worse once we entered Eden's airspace," Aron said as he turned to the Ares members and glanced at the bus, signaling them to proceed. They quickly comprehended his gesture, swiftly shifting their belongings to the bus's luggage compartment and boarding the vehicle.

"Hahaha, I can totally relate! When I first arrived here, I thought we were going to overshoot the runway based on the unsettling noise the plane made during landing," Felix chuckled, finding humor in Aron's explanation. He shared a similar experience he had when he first came to Eden.

"I'm genuinely amazed that no major incidents have occurred given the subpar maintenance standards," Aron commented, as he made his way towards the Range Rover that Felix had brought along. 

"That's because there are only five weekly flights to and from Eden, connecting with America and several other countries, due to the imposed sanctions and the warnings issued by the U.S. Department of State's Consular Affairs," Felix explained, sharing his assumption. "As a result, the limited number of flights reduces the chances where accidents could potentially occur."

"They really need to address this issue before something catastrophic happens and the country becomes completely isolated from international airlines. This airport is the only one with a long enough runway to accommodate these international flights," Aron expressed as they boarded the car, his worry evident as he contemplated the potential risks that could arise within the next three months, jeopardizing his carefully planned endeavors by attracting the world's attention due to an accident.

"Do you think the dictator would be willing to invest money here, considering the airport is operating at a loss?" Felix asked, taking control of the car as the bus carrying Ares members closely trailed behind.

"No, I don't believe so. He is excessively driven by greed, unable to envision long-term plans and solely focused on short-term gains," Aron replied, recalling the details he possessed about the dictator, which he had even shared with Felix to aid in his efforts to persuade Adolf to agree to their proposed deal of acquiring the companies.

"So, who are the individuals accompanying you? I hope it's not a secret," Felix inquired, his face expressing curiosity.

"They're here for various missions unrelated to your job, so don't worry," Aron replied in a playful tone, deliberately withholding any further details about their identities or purposes.

"Does it relate to what you had in mind when you asked me to come and assist with acquiring the companies and providing free internet to the citizens?" Felix asked, attempting to convey to Aron that while he may not have full knowledge of his plans, he had developed a hypothesis supported by compelling assumptions based on his understanding of Aron as a friend. 

He wanted to avoid any potential issues that might arise if Aron were to discover that he knew something and hadn't disclosed it.

"Seems like you're still well-oiled and haven't rusted," Aron chuckled, finding his attempt to feign surprise at Felix's knowledge quite amusing.

After a brief bout of laughter, Aron regained his composure and said, "Yes, your assumption is correct. They are here for that task." Felix let out a sigh of relief, yet at the same time, his mind became further scrambled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty regarding what his friend was becoming.

"Seems like the FISA has played tricks on your mind," Felix remarked, acknowledging that Aron had been compelled to make such drastic moves as a result of being backed into a corner.

"That was merely the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if they hadn't taken such actions and forced me into these drastic measures, I would have still found a way to regain control over my affairs, albeit in a slightly different manner," Aron explained to his friend, clarifying his motivations.

"Is it because of what happened at school and with Rottem?" Felix inquired, seeking to understand the circumstances that led to Aron's shifting mindset.

"Yes, at that time all I had was my head and Rottem just swooped in and took down every plan that I had planned after graduation just because I irritated him and I had no background to support me and stop him from doing it & immediately after being before I even got used to the life I got shot had my program stolen by two different countries before the idea of lobbying left my mind and went into action. " Aron paused for a moment as he laughed at his nativity of that period and before he said "They hit while I was down TWICE"

"Yes, during that time, all I had was my dreams, but Rottem came in and dismantled every plan I had made for life after graduation simply because I irritated him. 

I had no influential background to protect me or prevent him from doing so. And just when I was starting to adapt to my new life, I was abruptly shot, and my program was stolen in two different ways by two different countries just as the mere idea of lobbying had crossed my mind, but was yet to be put into action," Aron explained, pausing for a moment as he chuckled at his own naivety during that period. He then added, "They struck while I was down, not once, but twice."

"If that's the case, it might seem like everyone is out to get what's yours," Felix remarked, nodding in agreement as he comprehended that Aron's situation was more complex than he had initially hypothesized, extending beyond just the involvement of the FISA.

"When the incident with Rottem occurred, and he attempted to force me to repay the scholarship loan with exorbitant interest rates, there was one person who stood his ground, even though he didn't know me.

Unfortunately, that individual ended up losing his job for some made-up reasons, which ultimately destroyed his livelihood," Aron explained, highlighting the fact that not everyone was against him.

"What happened to him?" Felix asked, surprised that there was someone courageous enough to oppose the arrogant Rottem at the university despite them not being a professor.

"Of course, I had to repay him, even though he didn't directly ask for it. I had Sarah hire him as the head of HR for the company, offering a generous salary and a substantial bonus last year," Aron responded, emphasizing that he was not one to forget expressing his gratitude towards others.

"If you're aware of someone attempting to assist you, then it means that you were the one who exposed the dirt on Rottem, right?" Felix asked, wearing a smile as he recalled how the news about Rottem had been made public.

"Yes, I thought you were already aware of that," Aron replied.

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