Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 128 Meeting The Generals

The next day.

Aron removed his virtual reality headset after Nova informed him that it was time for him to start preparing for his visit to the generals for his little unannounced meeting.

After placing the headset back in the bag, Aron activated the protection rune on it and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up. He washed himself before changing into a fresh set of clothes.

He took the elevator to the lobby where he found John and Walter waiting for him. They had been there for over half an hour, patiently waiting for his arrival.

"Let's go," he said as he reached them, before heading towards the car that Felix had left for his use.

John and Walter followed him without complaining or mentioning the wait of more than half an hour.

"Allow me to take the wheel, sir," Walter offered when he noticed Aron approaching the driver's door. Being the lowest-ranked among them, he felt it was his duty to take on the driving responsibilities.

Aron nodded and made his way to the back door to board the car, where he found John had already opened it for him. Aron entered the car, followed by John and Walter. as each settled into their respective seats

When Walter boarded the car, he noticed that the destination was already set in the car's navigation system. Without uttering a word, he quietly started the engine, and with a nod from Aron, they began their journey. 

The journey was filled with silence, with the only sound that permeated the car being the soft hum of the engine and the occasional traffic noise from outside.

The lack of conversation persisted because of the hierarchical dynamics at play. Since Aron had not initiated any discussion, the others followed suit, adhering to the unspoken understanding that it was not their place to start a conversation with their

"Stop here," Aron instructed when they were approximately one kilometer away from their destination.

Walter silently maneuvered the car to a suitable spot and parked it. He then stepped out of the car, following Aron's lead as Aron and John exited the vehicle.

"From here on, we'll be walking as we don't have any reservations," Aron announced, facing Walter and John with a smile as he was enjoying the moment.

"Yes, sir," they replied obediently, without questioning the correlation between not having a reservation and the need to walk.

Aron then cast a concealment rune on all of them, although to John and his companion, it appeared as if Aron was simply raising his hands and uttering some words without any visible effect. However, given their complete trust in Aron, they made no attempt to interfere with his actions.

"Now no one will be able to see us until I cancel the rune, so keep that in mind," Aron informed them, ensuring they were aware of the temporary invisibility.  While it would have been amusing to observe their reactions to their invisibility as they passed by people if he had not told them about it, he understood the need to prioritize the mission over personal enjoyment.

After delivering the information without giving them much time to process it, Aron took the lead and began walking towards the building. John and Walter, though caught off guard by the sudden revelation, followed closely behind him, their minds racing to digest the new information. They walked in silence, hoping to make sense of everything before they reached their destination.

Ten minutes later, they finally arrived at the gate of their destination: the central command building of the Eden's military in the capital city.

As they stood before the entrance of the central command building, they couldn't help but notice the grandeur of the structure. Like many dictators, Adolf had chosen to construct a massive military edifice to make a statement. The imposing building exuded an aura of authority, its facade meticulously designed to project power and dominance. 

Aron understood that the grandeur was more than just a display; it served as a façade, concealing the underlying cracks and corruption within the system and the people who operated within its walls.

On the other hand, John and Walter's attention was focused on something entirely different. They were astonished and amazed as they locked eyes with the heavily armed security forces guarding the gate. These guards seemed completely oblivious to their presence, behaving as if everything was normal and failing to acknowledge their existence right in front of them.

Aron allowed John and Walter to relish the experience for a few moments, savoring the surreal feeling of being completely unnoticed by the guards.

He patiently awaited the opportune moment to make their move. Shortly thereafter, the opportunity presented itself, and without hesitation, Aron declared, "Let's go in." With the sight of someone else being thoroughly searched and granted entry, the gate opened, providing Aron and his companions a seamless passage into the compound.

Taking the lead, Aron confidently passed through the gate, with John and Walter quietly following in his footsteps while trying to make a concerted effort to remain as discreet as possible, ensuring not to draw any attention from the guards who were completely unaware of their presence despite Aron having talked to them just moments ago.


"This year was supposed to be my turn, but why the heck do I have to come here and see you two trying to change this?" The Eden Air Force general exclaimed, his voice tinged with anger.

"As I mentioned last year, the leading position should be held by the one with the most powerful branch, as this is an event watched by the whole world. Therefore, I should be leading to ensure that we don't embarrass ourselves," the Army general stated, his tone and expression filled with pride.

"Just because you have the most members in the military doesn't automatically make you more important. I should be the one leading this year, just like I did last year because I am responsible for guarding the largest territory of our nation," retorted the Navy general, his words laced with a hint of irritation at the Army general's prideful boasting.

"We were discussing who would be leading the next parade. How does guarding the largest territory have anything to do with it? In 2012, we agreed to take turns leading the parade in chronological order, and both of you have already had your turns. Why do you want to break the agreement now that it's my turn? Don't you think that's hypocritical?" The Air Force general interjected, redirecting the conversation back to the topic of him leading the parade and emphasizing the agreed-upon arrangement rather than engaging in a size-based boast. He was aware of his weakness in that aspect and sought to regain control of the discussion.

"Although the agreement may seem reasonable, upon further consideration, I disagree with you leading the parade. Your Air Force is nothing more than a name, lacking any substantial capabilities. Look, you only have five third-generation airplanes, and the rest of your arsenal consists of outdated equipment. Do you really think it's fitting for you to lead the parade with such a subpar Air Force backing you?" The army general said in a mocking tone.

"And let's not forget that those five aircraft have little to no airtime, constantly undergoing repairs. Due to that, they can also be considered outdated too" the Navy general added, aiming to undermine the Air Force general even further.

"Let's not kid ourselves here," the Air Force general retorted as the two other generals laughed after mocking him. 

When their laughter subsided and their attention returned to him, he raised his finger and pointed it at the Navy general. "Your navy is nothing but a joke, equipped with World War II fleets that were either gifts or purchased for a bargain. The only difference between your ships and our fishermen's boats is that yours are made of metal and wood," he said, causing the Army general to start laughing once again. 

However, the Army general's laughter was short-lived as the Air Force general's finger turned towards him, and he continued, "As for you, your army is armed with nothing but rusted equipment. They would have a better chance of winning a war if they fought with arrows and stones," he declared, striking a nerve with the Army general who slammed his hand on the table in anger.

The Air Force general paid no mind to their reactions as he pressed on, "We all know that the funding meant for our forces is being diverted to maintain Adolf's luxurious lifestyle and further arm his private forces. Based on their armament and investments alone, they could take on our combined forces and emerge victorious. 

So there is nothing to feel proud about, whether you have the largest number of personnel or are tasked with guarding the largest territory. When your forces are incapable of fulfilling their duties, there is no reason to boast. 

Therefore, as per our agreement, I will be the one leading the upcoming parade. Anyone who disagrees will witness whether these outdated airplanes are still capable of bombing the houses of certain generals," he concluded, his words laced with a threat. The more he spoke, the angrier he became, fueled by their previous mocking words.

"Wow, that was impressive," Aron exclaimed, materializing out of thin air and applauding. The sudden appearance of Aron caught the attention of the generals, leaving them frozen in their seats, a mixture of surprise and fear etched on their faces as they tried to comprehend how someone could appear out of nowhere.

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