Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 140 The Beginning Of The End

Two weeks later.

"Do we really have to go?" Lilungulu asked his father as he got into their car.

"Yes, we must. If His Excellency Adolf doesn't witness sufficient attendance at the event, our lives will become even more challenging," January, Lilungulu's father replied as he ignited the car's engine and departed from the garage, commencing their journey.

As their car traversed the streets of Edenia, the capital city of Eden, they observed the glistening roads that had been diligently cleaned throughout the preceding week in preparation for that day.

"They have completely eradicated any remnants of destruction and littering that resulted from the protests following the arrests," Lilungulu said.

"This time, I had hoped that the protests would continue until their release, or perhaps His Excellency would postpone the festivities for another week, but the serenity and cleanliness of the streets convey a different message, thanks to their presence," January said, pointing towards the soldiers patrolling the streets.

"I've heard that over twenty thousand soldiers have been mobilized, with eight thousand of them stationed in Edenia. They have been patrolling the city for the past three weeks, ensuring everyone behaves," Lilungulu commented, his use of the term "His Excellency" tinged with mockery. "Do you think he would cancel the parade? Not even a nuclear war would make that happen."

His father chose to ignore Lilungulu's mocking tone, recognizing that they shared similar sentiments. Instead, he simply stated, "However, there seems to be a distinctiveness to their mobilization this time."

"What is it? I don't see anything different. They're just soldiers doing the opposite of what they're supposed to do," Lilungulu asked, seeking clarification.

"Usually, when the military is mobilized to handle protests, there are reports of deaths resulting from the violence inflicted by the soldiers. 

However, for the past three weeks, there has been no news of deaths at all. Instead, there have been reports of mass arrests only. 

Surprisingly, those who were released stated that they did not face the usual torture during their detention, despite the poor conditions of the holding facilities," January explained.

"I believe it's due to today's celebration," Lilungulu interjected, pausing briefly before continuing. "Perhaps he wants to avoid being the sole high-ranking participant on his own celebration day."

"What do you mean by that?" His father asked.

"I mean, the protests themselves have already caused a significant decrease in the number of international guests attending the event. Now, imagine if deaths were reported amid these cancellations. The remaining guests might cancel their attendance as well to avoid further scrutiny and backlash on their own sides," Lilungulu elaborated, providing a detailed explanation.

The conversation between father and son persisted as they reached their destination.

After parking the car, they alighted and started walking towards the main street, where the celebration and parade were scheduled to take place three hours later.


Three hours later.

Luxury cars, heavily guarded and adorned with opulence, began to arrive one by one, carrying international guests to the venue. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Mr. Sergei Lavrov, arrived, followed by the Chinese Minister Wang Yi, Cuban Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Belarusian Minister Vladimir Makei, Venezuelan Minister Elías Jaua, North Korean Minister Ri Su-Yong, and numerous other dignitaries. Each guest was promptly guided to their assigned seats on the magnificent and extravagant stage.

Five minutes later, a convoy of luxurious and armored cars arrived, coming to a halt. Two individuals emerged from the most extravagant car, impeccably dressed in suits, opening the door for Adolf to step out. 

As he emerged, his fervent supporters erupted into ecstatic cheers, prompting him to wave to them as he made his way towards the stage. Despite having met all of the guests during the previous week, Adolf greeted them as if it were their first encounter.

After exchanging pleasantries, he returned to his seat. As he took his place, a synchronized firing of cannons resonated, marking the commencement of the ceremonies. 

The flag bearers started their march towards the flagpole, arriving precisely at the 43rd shot, symbolizing the dictator's age.

With the flag securely fastened to the pole, everyone in attendance stood as the military band initiated the national anthem. 

The soldiers stationed at the pole began to hoist the flag, synchronizing the pace so that it would reach the top precisely as the anthem drew to its conclusion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens, loyal followers, and esteemed guests," Adolf began his speech immediately after the national anthem concluded and the applause subsided.

"Today, as I stand before you, I am overwhelmed with profound pride and gratitude for the unwavering support you have bestowed upon me and our illustrious nation. Together, we have conquered adversities, fortified our determination, and paved the way towards a resplendent future."

His speech persisted for half an hour, weaving a tapestry of promises, achievements, and aspirations. His words gracefully floated in the air, casting a potent spell that stirred the hearts and minds of his devoted subjects.

As soon as the speech concluded, the conductor's baton descended, setting the musicians in motion. The band filled the air with a symphony of harmonious melodies, captivating the audience's senses.

Simultaneously, a distant rumble grew gradually louder, capturing everyone's attention. All eyes turned skyward to witness a breathtaking spectacle.

The fighter jets of the air force soared above, their graceful maneuvers leaving trails of vibrant colors behind, accentuating the azure backdrop. Helicopters whirled elegantly in the air, adding to the awe-inspiring display.

When the airshow concluded, and without a moment's pause, Air Force General Christopher Hartman bellowed, "MARCH!" Instantly, the soldiers standing at attention began their synchronized march, their disciplined steps resonating with precision and strength.

Arrayed in immaculate uniforms, each soldier brandished their weapons. Keen observers would notice a meticulous detail—the gleaming shine of these arms as if they were newly unboxed for this momentous parade.

In the wake of the marching soldiers, the air resonated with the growl of engines as a formidable convoy of tanks and armored vehicles rumbled through the streets. 

The parade continued its majestic procession, weaving its way through the heart of the city. Flags fluttered in the gentle breeze, while cheers erupted from some enthusiastic onlookers, adding to the atmosphere of grandeur.

As the final tank rumbled past, the dictator Adolf stood atop the platform, a glint of contentment in his eyes. 

He delivered his closing remarks, bidding farewell to the jubilant crowd before descending from the stage. 

With the ceremony coming to an end, he made his way towards his awaiting car, intending to depart for his presidential palace.

Amidst the commotion and amidst the supporters' cheers, an unexpected sound pierced the air. "Bang!" A shot was fired, its trajectory ricocheting and striking a guard who had been dutifully holding the car door for Adolf.

Reacting swiftly, the remaining guards sprang into action. Without hesitation, they grasped Adolf by the neck, forcefully guiding him into the car as they surrounded him before shutting the door behind him. wasting no time the car started moving the moment the door was closed.

The situation mirrored itself for the other foreign ministers as they, too, were hastily ushered into their cars. Without concern for those in their path, the vehicles accelerated forward, each diplomat racing in a vibe of to each their own. 

While the diplomats' cars raced and vied against one another on their way to the airport, their respective security teams that were stationed at the airport adopted a contrasting approach. Instead of engaging in a competition, they chose to collaborate. 

In a remarkably efficient display of coordination, the security teams swiftly assumed control of the airport, seamlessly surpassing the airport security personnel. They skillfully secured the perimeter, while maintaining a vigilant watch over the surroundings as they waited for their respective ministers..

After a 20-minute wait, the first minister's car arrived at the airport, swiftly followed by the other diplomats' vehicle. Without any delay, the security teams sprang into action, rushing towards their own diplomats' cars. 

Swiftly opening the doors and forming a protective shield around the diplomats, covering them with their jackets and ballistic shields.

Wasting no time they began moving towards their respective planes which were already powered on and ready for departure, only waiting for their passengers.

Once on board, the planes swiftly initiated their departure procedures and began moving towards the runway. The runway, devoid of any other aircraft, bore testament to the temporary control exerted by the short-term security team. 

Having taken charge of the airport, they had also assumed control of the air traffic operations. They postponed all scheduled takeoffs, ensuring that no aircraft was on the runway during this critical period.

Additionally, incoming planes were directed to enter a holding pattern, circling in the air until they received clearance for landing.

One after another, the planes began to take off. The only factor causing a delay between their takeoff was the required distance to avoid wake turbulence.


Inside one of the departed planes.

"Report!" Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, exclaimed once the airplane had taken off and he was certain of his safety.

"Coup d'état, sir. The city is in turmoil, so we don't know who is behind it yet," answered one of his guards.

"Why didn't we have any prior knowledge of this? Are our assets in the country just playing around?" Sergei asked, his anger evident as he found himself at ground zero when it all began.

"There was no indication whatsoever. But whoever he is, he is powerful.," the guard answered.

"What makes you say that? If he is powerful he would have chosen another day, not today where there are almost ten thousand guards in the city. Did you contact Moscow to inform them about the situation? " Sergei answered back.

"We attempted, but no communication can go out or come inside," the guard reported back.

"What do you mean by that? You were able to coordinate operations between the security team with me and those at the airport. How is it possible that you failed to establish contact with Moscow?" Sergei asked in surprise.

"It appears that those responsible for this coup deliberately left our frequencies open to facilitate our safe evacuation but intentionally blocked outside communication to prevent our countries from learning about the coup and potentially sending assistance to Adolf," the guard explained.

"SHIT, they are cunning and powerful," Sergei exclaimed as he came to the realization that those orchestrating the coup were aware of their encrypted frequencies yet deliberately left them open to facilitate their escape. Furthermore, they possessed highly advanced technology capable of blocking all forms of communication from leaving the country. "It's a complete communication isolation. Even we wouldn't be able to achieve such a feat on such short notice," he added.

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