Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 149 Starting The Production

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Three weeks before the press conference.

Aron could be seen in his usual position, laying on the bed with the headgear securely on his head. However, something was different today. He was sound asleep, both in the real world and the universal simulation he was currently logged in which was a rare occurrence.

Inside the universal simulation, Nova calmly observed Aron peacefully sleeping. It was a forced sleep, designed to prevent any mishaps from happening while Aron underwent the process of knowledge assimilation. 

Unlike previous instances, this time Aron was receiving knowledge directly from his headset which was the first time, rather than it being done by his system

Even though Nova had conducted numerous tests that indicated there was no necessity to put Aron to sleep, she decided to err on the side of caution due to her not possessing complete and fully accurate data about the condition of the VR headgear and wanted to eliminate any chances of potential problems. 

As an additional precautionary measure, the door leading to the room he was in was heavily secured, prepared to ward off any potential interruptions that could arise and disrupt Aron's assimilation process. 

4 real-time hours later.

"Ahhh, my head!" Aron groaned as Nova gently woke him up, instinctively reaching for his forehead, groaning in discomfort caused by the throbbing headache he was experiencing.

"It will pass shortly," Nova assured him, her voice comforting, as she gently massaged his forehead. Utilizing her control and authority within the universal simulation, she gradually diminished the pain, allowing Aron to slowly relax.

"Huh, what is this?" Aron curiously asked, finally realizing that the system's blue screen was displayed right in front of him.

"Aah," Aron exclaimed, as the realization dawned upon him. It was the customary reward he received for utilizing the system's knowledge, and this time he had been granted one for successfully assimilating the knowledge of atomic printers into his mind using the assimilation technique.

After taking a few moments to calm himself down, he spoke up, saying, "Materialize the materials I require for trials since I need to make it completely assimilate into my brain." talking about the well-known weakness of knowledge assimilation when it is conducted in a device that was not specifically designed for such purposes.

As usual, Nova materialized all the necessary materials, ensuring that this time all the machines Aron would be using for trials were of the same generation accessible for him in the real world wanting to provide a seamless experience and replicate the conditions he would encounter outside the simulation.

Over the next three weeks, Aron diligently conducted his trials, aiming to ensure a flawless production when he eventually started the production of the machine in the real world.

He faced many failures in the beginning, but with perseverance, he achieved a few successes. Allowing him to gain the confidence to carry out the process in the real world. Coincidentally, this newfound assurance coincided with Alexander's press conference to the world.


Back to today.

After logging out, Aron swiftly departed from the room and headed straight towards one of the renovated warehouses located in the temporary base of ARES. This facility had been utilized by his private forces as they made preparations for the coup but soon they will be moving out and only use it as an emergency weapons warehouse.

A considerable amount of time had passed since Aron left the presidential palace, as it was no longer suitable for him to reside there. Instead, he relocated to the current location, where they had ample space for the delivery and storage of the large machines he required for his endeavors.

As Aron swung open the gate to the warehouse, he couldn't contain his amazement and exclaimed, "Wow!" when he laid eyes on the array of machines nestled within.

Although Aron had witnessed their arrival, the machines had remained concealed beneath their covers. Due to his intense focus on practicing the assimilated knowledge, he hadn't found the time to inspect them closely. Thus, as he stood there, it marked the first occasion he beheld the machines after they had been unveiled, assembled, and patiently awaited his utilization of them.

"Having a president on your side certainly makes things easier," Aron remarked, recalling how effortlessly he acquired ownership of the manufacturing machines. The government had seized these machines, which were controlled by companies under Adolf's influence, enabling Aron to obtain them for his own purposes.

[You could have used Rina to get your hands on the latest generation of the same machines,] Nova jokingly complained, playfully talking about the alternative approach.

"It would take too long for the new generation of these machines to arrive," Aron explained. "Additionally, despite the government being taken over and many countries lifting their sanctions against Eden, America still maintains its sanctions.

They claim that they are waiting for the constitution of Eden to be revealed before making their decision. 

So, Instead of wasting time waiting for new machines that would have to be smuggled out of America, these existing machines can fulfill our immediate requirements." Aron said as he powered on the machines, preparing to commence his work.

[Indeed, with Alexander's announcement that Eden will remain neutral and not take sides, and Rina's promise for America's acknowledgment of the new government, the sanctions have no choice but to be dropped,] Nova replied, reminding Aron of Rina's promise.

"Yeah, I know. Time to get to work," Aron said, wasting no time as he began preparing the CNC machines for manufacturing.

He started by carefully selecting the appropriate cutting tools, fixtures, and work-holding devices necessary for machining the aluminum blocks that are going to be turned into the parts of the printer. 

Simultaneously, Nova began calibrating the machines and programming them with the specific instructions required to accomplish the tasks at hand.

Once the machines were properly calibrated, Aron proceeded to load the aluminum blocks onto the work table of each CNC machine. Immediately after he completed loading them, guided by the programmed instructions, the CNC machines commenced their precise work of cutting, milling, and drilling the aluminum blocks, embarking on a journey to create intricate features and achieve the desired precise dimensions according to Nova's design.

Observing the machines diligently carrying out their tasks, Aron stood and watched for a minute, observing how the four CNC machines were seamlessly executing their respective works.

Aware that the machining of the aluminum blocks would require several hours, Aron decided to utilize this time to fabricate the medium necessary for the computer to manipulate the runes.

"Let's begin with the production of the integration module," Aron stated as he carried the crate that was covered in a clean sheet from the corner of the room and placed it on the table. before carefully opening it, revealing its contents.

Upon seeing what was inside, Aron said, "Although I anticipated her exceeding my expectations in terms of quantity, she truly went above and beyond and exceeded my expectations of her exceeding my expectations." He was taken aback by the significant amount of Tanzanite that Rina had collected within just two weeks and sent to him.

Nova, observing the amount through the cameras in the room, added, [It is enough for you to create at least three mediums as a redundancy in case one of them fails during production.]

"As they say, you can't be too careful," Aron remarked as started working on the integration medium.

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