Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 152 The First Print

After connecting the machine to the power supply, he wasted no time in powering it up. However, the initial moments ticked by without any signs of activity. Nevertheless, Aron maintained his composure, fully aware of the underlying cause.

The mana container that was inserted into the machine gradually started to emit a gentle glow. 

Simultaneously, the stored mana within the container began to trickle and flow into the mana circuits of the integration medium and with each passing moment, a radiant glow illuminated every part it encountered along its path.

This process continued until every circuit within the machine was saturated with mana, ensuring that all the connected runes had immediate access to the mana they required whenever the need arose.

As soon as the mana circuits reached their full capacity, the central conversion rune sprang to life, immediately initiating the connection to the machine's computer network.

The conventional computer component, which had now been connected with the medium, comprised the last of the five quantum computing chips that Aron had made for upgrading Nova's server. 

Once it began receiving the converted signals from the medium, it instantly came to life, notifying Nova of the completion of its warm-up process and without delay, it initiated the power-up sequence.

The machine emitted a resounding "BRRRMMM" sound, akin to that of an ancient slumbering dragon gradually awakening after millennia of slumber. 

Accompanied by this deep hum, the machine sprung to life, and the quantum computer wasted no time in conducting system diagnostics. 

Followed by initiating a series of tests on the moving parts of the machine to ensure their functionality.

[Sir, the diagnostics are complete,] Nova reported to Aron. However, Aron seemed entirely distracted and paid no attention to her.

Aron remained oblivious to Nova's report because, in that precise moment, a sudden "Ding!" reverberated, capturing Aron's focus, as a blue screen materialized right before him.

Initially, Aron mistook the appearance of the blue screen as a reward for successfully creating the medium. However, he soon recollected that he had already received his rewards upon completing the making of them. 

As he read the contents of the screen, he grasped the purpose of the system prompt.



The system commends you for achieving a feat that surpasses the technological capabilities of your world with minimal assistance from the system. 

In recognition of this accomplishment, the system offers you a reward that it deems beneficial to you. 

Would you like to accept the reward? 

[YES] [NO]


"OOOOH," Aron exclaimed, filled with gratitude that the system had decided to reward him for his diligent efforts.

[What are you talking about?] Nova inquired, her confusion evident as she couldn't see what Aron was talking about.

"Oh, the system just sent a prompt saying that it is going to reward me for successfully building the Printer from research to completion with minimal assistance," Aron informed Nova, sharing the content of the message displayed before him.

[What is the reward?] Nova asked, her excitement palpable. She shared in Aron's joy, knowing that his success was also a victory for her.

"The system didn't specify the exact reward," Aron explained, "but it mentioned that it would provide something it considers helpful for my current situation."

[If the system stated that it will be useful to you, then it surely will be,] Nova responded, her excitement undiminished in her voice. She understood that the system possessed comprehensive knowledge about Aron, even more than herself and if the system deemed it important for Aron, then it must truly hold significance for him.

[I suggest you accept the reward after you load the materials into the printer. The printing process will likely take a significant amount of time as I need to calibrate the machine to collect data about its performance,] Nova suggested, offering her advice while leaving the final decision to Aron.I think you should take a look at

"Let's go with that plan," Aron agreed. 

He picked up a large aluminum block that had been brought by the ARES members, as per his instructions when they brought the machined parts as he began walking towards the machine, ready to proceed with the next step.

Aron swung open the two large aluminum doors, revealing that a significant portion of the printer's interior was hollow. 

Carefully, he placed the aluminum block on the floor within the hollow space, ensuring it was positioned correctly. 

Closing the doors behind him, he said, "You can start the test."

Nova promptly transmitted the command to the quantum chip within the machine, causing the chip to begin executing the instructions uploaded onto it by Nova, initiating the test as directed.

Without delay, the hollow section of the machine, containing the aluminum block, became enveloped in a protective shield. This shield securely locked the block inside, ensuring that the external world remained unaffected by the imminent events occurring within its confines.

Once the shield had fully activated, the white-colored disintegration rune positioned atop the machine sprang to life. Instantly, it started disintegrating the aluminum cube, meticulously breaking it down atom by atom. With each passing minute, the disintegration process advanced, until, by the tenth minute, not a visible trace remained of the aluminum block that once occupied the space.

As the disintegration of the aluminum block concluded, the white disintegration rune dimmed, and in its place, the white collection rune activated. This new rune swiftly began gathering the aluminum atoms inside the shield, carefully storing them on one side. Subsequently, it encapsulated the amassed atoms with an additional small shield, effectively containing them and preventing any escape. The shield was specifically designed to confine the atoms, ensuring they remained securely within its bounds.

Once the collection of the aluminum atoms was complete, a series of runes began activating one after another. Each rune played its designated role in a synchronized manner. Gradually and with meticulous control, the atoms were released from the small shield in which they were initially confined. Intercepting their path, another rune guided the atoms towards a specific location. Upon arrival, they were promptly handed over to yet another rune, which forcefully reconnected the atoms together, reversing the process performed by the disintegration rune. 

Atom by atom, they were meticulously rejoined as the intricate design took shape, as each atom found its precise place in the construction.

While the intricate atomic printing process unfolded inside the printer, Aron settled into a seat nearby. Deciding to accept the system's reward, he confidently pressed [yes] on the prompt, which resulted in a surge of knowledge beginning to be assimilated into his brain.

After an hour had elapsed, Nova spoke up, addressing Aron, "Sir, the printing process has been completed."

"Let's take a look at the finished product," Aron said, a smile lingering on his face as he thought of the reward he had received from the system. 

With the smile still on his face, he walked over to the machine, opened it carefully, and retrieved the completed product.

"It's beautiful," Aron couldn't help but express his admiration as he inspected the completed product.

Not a single imperfection marred its surface, giving no indication that it had undergone any machining process. 

Every component was precisely manufactured to its required dimensions, with deviations only on the atomic scale. This level of precision surpassed any printer or production machine currently in existence(earth) by several million generations. 

Moreover, it consistently maintained this remarkable accuracy, eliminating concerns about errors. In the rare event of a mistake, the completed product could simply be disintegrated and remade without generating any waste, except for the electricity consumed during the process.

"Give me the report," Aron said, he sought to review the detailed report outlining the outcomes and observations now that the test has been completed.

[The atomic printer has met our expectations,] Nova reported, conveying the results to Aron. [It is capable of assembling approximately 30,120,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms per hour. Which is equivalent to printing a five-cubic-meter block of aluminum within the same timeframe.]

"What is the limiting factor preventing it from achieving even higher speeds?" Aron inquired, aware of the printer's potential to surpass the current results.

[The limiting factor that prevents the printer from achieving higher speeds is the quantum computing chip inside it,] Nova explained the reason. [Its computational capabilities are currently at their maximum, as it needs to calculate the precise positioning of each atom and control the runes involved in the printing process. Presently, the quantum chip can print a maximum of 8,366,666,666,666,666,666,666,666.67 atoms per second. 

However, the speed decreases when different types of atoms are required, as each type necessitates specific instructions for printing.]

"Well, with this printer, there's nothing that can't be achieved as long as we have the necessary materials," Aron said confidently. 

"All we need to do is print new and larger quantum chips and upgrade your quantum computer into a quantum server, entrusting you with full control," he added.

[YAY!"]Nova exclaimed, celebrating the nearing of her upgrade. However, she couldn't contain her curiosity and paused to ask Aron, [So, what reward did the system reward you?] Her excitement was palpable as she eagerly awaited Aron's response.

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