Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 154 A Talk With Alexander. (2)

[Since my computer still fails to open the ink stone website, I was forced to upload it using phone so there mistakes that I'm still trying to remove.  Sorry for the inconvenience]

Alexander carefully reached for the folder that Aron slid towards him, taking his time. He then proceeded to open it and began reading through its contents.

Alexander's expression faltered before he could even finish reading the contents of the first page in the folder.

"Wait, you want to buy the Mystic Isle island?" Alexander asked, his surprise evident as he absorbed the grandiosity of the first thing written in the folder.

Among the myriad islands in the country, this particular one stood out as the largest non inhabited island. Its size alone surpassed that of a few small countries, making Aron's intent truly remarkable.

"Yes, nobody inhabits it anyway," Aron casually responded, as if it was no big deal.

"You're absolutely right," Alexander couldn't help but agree with Aron's statement. 

Despite its vast size, the island posed significant challenges for habitation. Its lack of surface water meant that residents would have to rely on expensive groundwater extraction, a burden that the impoverished citizens of the country could ill afford. 

Additionally, the absence of any infrastructure further discouraged settlement, rendering it an overlooked and unsuitable place for people to live.

With his question answered, Alexander continued reading the remaining information, and among the details, the most significant reason stated in the document was Aron's intention to transform the island into his primary production hub. It would serve as the central location responsible for manufacturing all the products envisioned by Aron's future companies.

This revelation brought a smile to Alexander's face, as he was certain that with this plan, Aron would be able to employ over a hundred thousand individuals. 

Knowing Aron's behavior, Alexander was confident that the employees would be well-compensated, potentially lifting more than a million people out of poverty through the job opportunities created on these islands.

With a contented smile, Alexander proceeded to the next topic on the page. The second page outlined the plans for entering the power generation industry, a sector that had traditionally been under the exclusive control of the government.

"We can change the regulations and make this happen," he said as he delved further into the details regarding the power generation industry.

He then continued reading the folder, completely engrossed in its contents. Throughout the process, Aron remained silent, observing Alexander as he conversed with himself and occasionally burst into laughter while absorbing the information. 

The rest of the folder encompassed the rest of Aron's ambitious plans, including the construction of the world's largest airport, the establishment of three world-class ports, the development of an extensive railway network spanning the entire country, the creation of the largest recycling facility globally, and much more. With each passing page, Alexander's smile grew wider, as he became increasingly confident that these plans would provide employment opportunities for well over a million individuals.

"Wow, while I anticipated that you would devise a solution to boost the economy, I never expected it to be this comprehensive," Alexander couldn't help but express his astonishment once he finished reviewing the folder's contents. He made a mental note to delve into it in greater detail later in the day, after he had completed his schedule. 

"I always strive to fulfill my promises," Aron replied, wearing a smile on his face.

"But most individuals would have simply spent a billion or two and considered that as fulfilling their promises," Alexander remarked upon hearing Aron's response. "However, just by glancing through these documents, I expect that it will cost you no less than a hundred billion dollars, if not more," he said.

"You're not far off from the estimated cost. It should be around a hundred and seventy-eight billion dollars, give or take," Aron replied.

"However, there are a few aspects of the plan that I'm unclear about. Would you mind providing me with additional details?" Alexander inquired, his surprise at the significantly higher cost than what he had expected evident, though he tried to conceal it.

"Sure, go ahead," Aron replied, opening the floor for questions.

"Why did you allocate such a significant budget for the construction of the airport and ports? While I, as the president of the country, would be delighted to see them built, I fail to see how you would profit from it," Alexander inquired, recalling that the budget for the airport and ports amounted to approximately 25 billion dollars.

"Although they may initially incur losses for me, the airport and ports will play a crucial role in facilitating the transportation of materials for my companies in the future," Aron explained. 

"By constructing them on a large scale right from the beginning, I can ensure that they will have sufficient capacity to accommodate our future needs. This approach saves me from the constant need to expand them whenever they reach their capacity. Considering my ambitious development plans once things settle down, it was a strategic decision to build them as the largest they will ever need to be."I think you should take a look at

"Is the same rationale applied to the railway network as well?" Alexander asked, seeking clarification. "I fail to understand the reason behind making it extensive enough to cover the entire country. Typically, for material transfer or transportation of finished products, most individuals would opt for a railway connecting the port to their industrial complex alone. Could you shed some light on this decision?" he inquired, raising another question shortly after receiving Aron's previous explanation.

"Aren't you supposed to be pleased that your citizens will also benefit from it?" Aron jokingly asked, evoking a playful response from Alexander. "While I am indeed happy about it, you could say it's just my curiosity driving these questions," Alexander replied with a smile on his face.

"Since I am already constructing a railway system, I made the decision for it to span across the entire country, facilitating the movement of logistics and people, potentially generating profits to offset the costs in the long run," Aron explained, emphasizing the economic aspect. He paused briefly before revealing the second reason behind the extensive railway network. "Additionally, it will provide ARES with access to every part of the country, easing the logistics of deploying our forces whenever they are needed internally," he added, highlighting the strategic advantage it would bring.

"Mhmm," Alexander murmured, nodding his head to indicate his understanding of Aron's reasoning.

"But why do you want me to visit these countries and negotiate agreements for them to send their waste to us, with the condition that they cover the transportation costs?" Alexander questioned, expressing his confusion. Among the various topics in the folder, this was one aspect that made no sense to him at all.

"I intend to recycle the waste and utilize it as raw material for the industrial complex, thereby enabling me to produce goods at a lower cost compared to my competitors in the same industry," Aron replied, concealing the fact that he possessed the capability to transform the trash into usable materials. 

He was determined to keep his achievement a secret from the world – the fulfillment of an age-old dream of alchemists, the ability to turn waste into valuable material, a modern-day equivalent of turning base elements into gold, albeit in a slightly different manner.

"From the perspective of those countries, it will appear that you are attempting to win their favor by addressing one of their most pressing issues – the issue of overflowing landfills," Aron added, making Alexander recognize the potential diplomatic benefit behind his plan.

"That's true," Alexander acknowledged, rubbing his temples at the thought of having to visit those countries and negotiate such agreements. He realized that they might secretly laugh at him and mock the seemingly unconventional deal, viewing it as an attempt to win their favor through what might appear as a less than ideal arrangement.

He continued to inquire about the plans outlined in the folder, seeking to grasp the underlying rationale behind Aron's chosen investment areas. He was trying to uncover any insights or perspectives that Aron had identified within those specific fields, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of his strategic vision.

"Now, let's shift our focus to ARES," Alexander said, feeling content with the explanations he had received from Aron thus far. He transitioned to the next topic that required a thorough discussion between them.

"What specific details would you like to discuss about ARES?" Aron asked.

"According to the report I received from the Minister of Defense, John, last month, it mentioned that ARES has already assimilated the military forces and is now planning to expand its membership to form a two hundred thousand-strong army. Do you think such an expansion is necessary or perhaps excessive?" Alexander inquired, seeking clarification on the scale of ARES' planned growth.

"No, it is not excessive. In fact, one could argue that it is rather modest," Aron responded calmly. "The target of forming a two hundred thousand soldier-strong army by the end of this year is just the beginning. We have plans to gradually increase their numbers until we reach half a million within a five-year period. Afterward, we will focus on stabilization," he explained, outlining the progressive growth strategy for ARES.

"Why do you intend to expand ARES to such a significant size? After all, we are not currently engaged in any conflicts or at war with any other nation," Alexander inquired, expressing his difficulty in comprehending the rationale behind the extensive expansion plans.

"While it may not be a full-blown military conflict, we are technically in conflict with Esparia, particularly in the economic sphere. Don't you think that with billions of dollars that will soon be injected into the economy could potentially escalate the situation, leading them to take more aggressive measures?" Aron posed the question.

"I understand the concern about appearing weak, but why do we need to expand ARES to such an excessive number of soldiers?" Alexander questioned after answering Aron's question.

"You remember the device I had you wear, don't you?" Aron asked calmly.

"Yes, it's hard to forget something that feels like it belongs only in movies," Alexander replied, his expression revealing his fascination with the device and a hint of addiction to its capabilities despite having used it only once.

"Do you believe the world will simply leave me alone when I release such a groundbreaking product, along with numerous other advanced technologies?" Aron posed the question rhetorically.

"SHIT," Alexander exclaimed, his realization sinking in. He began to understand the potential consequences of Aron possessing even more advanced technology. It dawned on him that there might be increased pressure from the rest of the world to make their products public, lest they face alienation or sanctions under various pretexts until they shared the technology with the international community.

"Now you see the reason, don't you?" Aron stated, observing Alexander's reaction to his earlier question. A shiver ran down Alexander's spine as he realized the seriousness behind Aron's words. "It has happened to me before. And that's when I came to the realization that, If you lack the power to protect what rightfully belongs to you, then you don't deserve to possess it. 

That's why I plan to establish the world's strongest military—to safeguard what is rightfully mine," Aron emphasized, leaving no doubt about his determination and commitment.

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