Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 163 The Ignition

"As far as I know, this country lacks the necessary development to facilitate the construction of a nuclear reactor within such a short timeframe. Did you actually begin this project a year ago? And how were you able to maintain its secrecy all this time, to the extent that even the American government remains unaware of its existence?" Rina inquired while they were driving in the car that was transporting the package. 

Close behind them, two cars trailed closely—one carrying Alex and Chloe, and the other transporting a few members of ARES—while the remaining members stayed at the airport to maintain a security perimeter until her return.

Instead of addressing the question, Aron posed a reminder. "Do you recall the call I made to you, seeking your assistance in finding tritium?" he asked Rina.

"Yes," she responded. 

"That was the day when I initiated the construction, and we only completed it a week ago," he explained upon hearing her answer.

"Are you suggesting that you managed to construct an entire reactor within a span of three weeks?" she asked, gazing at Aron's face in search of any signs of jest, but she was taken aback to see his expression completely serious, devoid of any indication that he was joking.

"Allow me to ask you something," Aron said, turning towards her. "Do you recall the significant event that took place in Eden, which garnered global attention following our conversation?"

"I do remember hearing about a massive cloud that appeared on the island your company intended to purchase, and it seems to have persisted over the past month..." she paused abruptly, realizing the implications. She then asked with a mix of shock and curiosity, "Was that your doing?"

Aron chose not to respond verbally, but a smile on his face and his focused gaze on the road confirmed Rina's suspicion. It became clear to her that he was indeed responsible for the commotion surrounding the appearance of the cloud.

"What method or material were you employing during the construction that resulted in the continuous appearance of clouds for over a month?" she asked, her confusion lingering as she struggled to grasp the connection between construction and the cloud phenomenon.

"To put it briefly, I had already manufactured all the necessary components beforehand, and they were then transported to the island for assembly, which accounts for the three-week construction timeline I mentioned," he explained briefly.

"Oooh6 but aren't buildings of that nature subject to specific safety standards and often require substantial concrete shielding to protect against radiation and other hazards," she asked, genuinely intrigued. "Did you also construct the necessary shielding beforehand, just like the other parts?" Rina inquired, eager to understand the details of Aron's unconventional approach

"No, the construction I'm working on is not a conventional fission reactor; it's actually a fusion reactor, which involves a different process altogether," Aron clarified. "And when it comes to blocking radiation and other hazardous particles, I've developed a new technology that eliminates the need for concrete shielding," he explained.

"Fusion reactor?" Rina exclaimed, clearly taken aback by Aron's assertion of having constructed such an advanced technology. "But how can you be certain that it will work? Numerous countries are collaborating in extensive research within the field, and they haven't yet achieved a stage where they can sustain ignition for more than a few seconds," she explained, her voice reflecting a mix of surprise and skepticism, once she regained her composure.

"For them, it may indeed be ongoing research with the hope of a breakthrough. However, in my case, the technology has already reached a level of maturity that allows me to consider it ready for the commercialization stage," Aron clarified, expressing his confidence in the advancement and readiness of his fusion reactor technology.

Rina's barrage of questions continued as she probed deeper into the feasibility of Aron's accomplishments. "How did you manage to achieve all of that? As far as I know, assuming it's true, you only became wealthy a little over a year ago, which doesn't seem like enough time to secretly fund extensive research and assemble a team of experts without drawing attention. Additionally, the research phase alone usually takes a significant amount of time before yielding results that can be deemed ready for commercialization," she inquired, her curiosity driving her to seek further clarification.

"I possess a solution that bypasses all of those challenges," Aron replied, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. As the car gradually decelerated, he skillfully parked it in a designated spot near a port, where a waiting boat could be seen.

"Let's go," Aron stated, casting a glance at Rina before stepping out of the car, signaling for her to follow suit.

"But they will need to stay here," Aron directed, pointing towards Alex and Chloe, who had also parked their car and exited it.

"Of course," Rina responded, comprehending the significance of Aron's forthcoming revelation. It was evident that whatever he was about to reveal was of the utmost confidentiality, requiring a minimal number of individuals to be privy to it.

Rina swiftly instructed Alex and Chloe to remain where they were and await her return.

Complying with the order, they stayed behind, observing as Aron hoisted the weighty box and accompanied Rina towards the boat stationed at the port. 

Within a short span, the boat set off from the port, departing from their view.

...….I think you should take a look at

"Oh my god!!" Rina couldn't contain her astonishment when she laid eyes upon the machine that stood at the center of the chamber. Its imposing presence, combined with its captivating design, left her in awe. 

She found it difficult to fathom that such a massive and intricate machine had been constructed within a mere three-week timeframe.

The sight before her was simultaneously intimidating and strikingly beautiful, evoking a mixture of admiration and disbelief.

"I will go ahead and place it where it is needed and return as quickly as I can," Aron declared, even though Rina hadn't yet managed to gather her thoughts and respond to him. 

Holding the box firmly in his grasp, he descended the stairs that led down into the hole, disappearing from sight.

Upon reaching the lower area, Aron carefully placed the box inside a sizable opening that already contained ten 50-liter water bottles. After securely positioning the box, he closed the door, ensuring it was tightly sealed.

After closing the door, Aron promptly made his way back to where Rina stood. He retrieved a glass box and handed it to her, instructing, "Put these on before we begin the process of initiating the reactor's ignition."

As Rina opened the box and discovered a pair of clear glasses inside, she couldn't help but express her confusion. "While these glasses are certainly beautiful and align with my taste, I'm curious as to their purpose. You're aware that I have clear vision, right?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"I understand your confusion, but trust me and put them on for now," Aron insisted, sensing that explaining their purpose would be time-consuming. 

Rina, realizing that Aron was not intending to provide an immediate explanation, chose to comply and put the glasses on. She trusted that the reason for wearing them would become evident as events unfolded, and she was curious to uncover the purpose on her own.

"Good. Nova, start the process." Aron said as he proceeded to put on his own glasses, fixing his gaze upon the hole. Prompted by his actions, Rina followed suit, her curiosity piqued as she observed the scene, eager to witness what would unfold before them.


As soon as Aron gave the command, Nova swiftly assumed control of the reactor. She tapped into the mana stored within the black box, which was promptly converted to usable electricity through a combination of mana and advanced technological innovations housed within the box.

As the temporary electrical supply from the black box began powering the reactor, Nova swiftly accessed the control parameters of the small opening containing the water bottles and the box Aron had placed inside. With precision, she activated the disintegration rune within, causing the water bottles, their contents, and the box containing the tritium to disintegrate completely. 

The liberated tritium from the box and deuterium atoms from the water that was in the bottle were promptly collected and swiftly transported to the ignition chamber for the next phase of the process.

Once the ignition fuel was carefully positioned within the ignition chamber, Niva swiftly activated the shield rune, which materialized and enveloped the inner wall of the donut-shaped chamber, forming a protective barrier. Without hesitation, she then initiated the magnetic coils, generating powerful magnetic fields within the chamber. 

Next, she activated the radiofrequency heating, neutral beam injection, and electron cyclotron resonance heating, gradually increasing the temperature of the fuel to the necessary threshold for initiating the fusion reaction.

"FWOOOOM," the reactor emitted a deep growl as the fusion process intensified. Within the reactor, the shield momentarily quivered in response to the high-energy beams that resulted from the fusion reaction. 

Meanwhile, the magnetic fields successfully contained the plasma, enabling the magnetohydrodynamic generator to begin converting the fusion energy into usable electricity. 

The reactor resonated with power and potential as the intricate interplay of forces and processes harmonized within its core. 

The electricity generated by the magnetohydrodynamic generator was transferred to a transformer, initiating the conversion of electricity into liquid mana. Subsequently, the liquid mana was directed through a series of pipelines that led outside the reactor, where it was poured into openings on the surface. 

Once released, the previously contained mana evaporated and merged with the surrounding atmosphere, joining its fellow particles.

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