Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 34 The File

This is what the folder contained.

CONFIDENTIAL BRIEFING Subject: Compelling GAIA Technology to Release its Proprietary Technology BugZapper

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ How to force GAIA TECHNOLOGY to release its proprietary technology, below are several options that the government can use to compel them to release its proprietary technology, BugZapper.

National Security Letters (NSLs): This option allows the FBI to issue a letter to the company to provide information like BugZapper for national security purposes.

-Subpoenas: These legal orders are issued by a court requiring a company to provide certain information, including proprietary technology.

-Search warrants: It will allow law enforcement to search a specific location, like the company's premises, and seize any relevant items deemed necessary for an investigation, including proprietary technology like BugZapper.

-Court orders under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA): This option compels a company to provide access to its technology, including BugZapper, for foreign intelligence gathering purposes.

-Compulsory licenses: This option authorizes a third party to use a patented invention or proprietary technology without the consent of the patent owner or technology provider. After we make them patent the technology.

-Regulatory enforcement actions: Regulatory agencies like the FTC or the SEC can launch investigations and bring enforcement actions against a company if it's suspected of engaging in anticompetitive practices or violating securities laws. As part of these investigations, the government may seek access to proprietary technology like BugZapper.

-Trade secret litigation: This option involves initiating trade secret litigation to compel the company to release the technology. This typically involves a court issuing a judgment that the technology is a trade secret and must be released to the government.

-Cybersecurity breaches: In some cases, the government may attempt to obtain BugZapper or other proprietary technology by hacking into the company's computer systems or using other cybersecurity measures. This is generally considered to be illegal and unethical, and could lead to legal repercussions for both the government and the company.

-Public pressure: This option involves using public statements by government officials, media coverage, and advocacy by interest groups to pressure the company to release its proprietary technology.

-Trade agreements: This option involves using provisions in trade agreements to compel foreign companies to disclose the source code for their software products.

-Acquisition or nationalization: This last resort option involves using the government's power to acquire or nationalize a company to gain access to its proprietary technology.

It's important to note that some of these options may be controversial or have potential negative consequences. The use of public pressure or trade agreements to force a company to release its proprietary technology could damage the company's reputation or harm trade relations between countries. The use of acquisition or nationalization can also have significant economic and political ramifications. As such, we must carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of each option before taking action.

In this case, we recommend pursuing options 1-6, which involve legal and regulatory actions that have a precedent of use in similar situations. Specifically, we recommend that the government issue National Security Letters and Subpoenas to GAIA Technology, and seek court orders and regulatory enforcement actions, including trade secret litigation, to compel the company to release BugZapper. We believe that these options are most likely to achieve our objectives while minimizing the risks and negative consequences associated with more aggressive measures.


After giving the secretary of defense the side look, Obama continued reading the document in order to finish it without raising his head.

After he finished reading he asked, "shouldn't we talk about buying it from them first?"

"This was discussed during the NATO negotiations, and they denied citing that it was their only existing product, so releasing it will make their company unprofitable." Answered the secretary of states as he had read the transcripts of the negotiations.

"But wouldn't doing this make them not want to work with us anymore, as you know they informed us first about the program before they made it public, to avoid mass infrastructure damage when they released it?" Added the secretary of states.

"It's a matter of National security, it doesn't matter what they did for us, they informed us because it will benefit them and will also make them be in our good books." Interjected the secretary of defense.

"But this might cause other large businesses to be wary of us," said Obama.

"If we use public opinion we could make them hand it over without having to worry about spreading fear to businesses" Answered defense of secretary.

"Create a team that will come up with plans on how we can do it, also have them assess the impact of implementing each of them, I will decide based on the report" Said the president while looking at the secretary of defense.

"Yes Sir, I will provide the final report in a month's time" He replied feeling happy that the president agreed with his plan.

With that the meeting ended and they stood to leave the room to the president for him to continue with his work.


In a motorcade heading back to pentagon, Chuck Hagel the Secretary of Defense took out his private burner phone and pressed in a number then pressed the call icon.

The call was answered after about eight rings.

"I remember saying to not call me through this number anymore" Said the voice on the other side.

"Don't worry I'm the secretary of defense I have the us army under me, do you think i can't access a secure phone" He asked in return.

"Anyway, why did you call me?" said the voice not wanting to continue with the topic.

"Rejoice, the president has agreed with my recommendation and gave me a month to give him options he can take to move forward with it" Said Hagel.

"That was way too easy than I expected, what caused that?" asked the voice in surprise.

"Well god seemed to be on our side, because while I was with Obama news came that Russia seemed to have stolen the program and shot the creator. This opened a window for me to point the president to the direction we wanted"

"So when are you reporting it to him?"

"I told him within a month, so have your team come up with the plans and I will present them to the president" Said Hagel.

"Well that is enough time for our think tanks come up with a plan that will damage the company"

"But why are you going this far? can't you just buy it? your family is powerful enough to do that after all" asked Hagel.

"Well we tried buying it, they denied us, so we need to destroy their product and put them in their place. After that they will have no choice but sell it to us cheaply" Answered the voice.

"But if you destroy their product, how will you use it?"

"Focus on your job and I will focus on mine okay!" The voice said and hung up on him.

"FUUUUCK" He shouted while throwing the phone to the window, hitting it and startling his driver and security team.

Although he was angry, he didn't continue showing his anger. He knew the man was a member of a very powerful family that lobbied for his position and they could remove him the moment he annoyed them.

He also suspected that there was their spy among his security team and if he shows that he was annoyed by them, it will be reported to them and he will have to pay for it.


"Mom, when is brother going to wake up?" Asked Henry, looking at Aron sleeping with oxygen mask on his face and machines surrounding him in the VIP room.

"The doctor said he will wake up soon." Answered his mother with dark circle in her eyes as she couldn't sleep peacefully from worrying that something might happened when she is asleep.

she only managed to sleep a little after her husband promised her he will wake her up if something happened.

"But why was a some of his blood on the floor golden?" Asked Henry curiously.

"What do you mean golden? I only saw red even after returning with police" She answered his question without thinking, realizing what she was talking with her young son she changed the topic.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked him, to distract him from remembering the bloody scene and prevent it from becoming a trauma.

"Chicken" henry replied happily, forgetting whatever he asked before.

"Let's go and buy it then" Interjected his father to allow his wife to rest a little more.

"YES" replied Henry while jumping from anticipation.

"You rest a little more we need to be in our best shape to look after him, if he wakes up and see you like that he will blame himself more." Said Michael while stroking his wife's back and making her sit down on the sofa in the VIP room.

After making sure she closed her eyes and started sleeping, he left the room holding Henry's hand who was jumping up and down from excitement of eating his favorite food


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