Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 83 The Purge.

As Aron was en route to the esteemed Oxford University, his mobile device rang, and he answered it promptly.

"Hello Felix," Aron greeted as he picked up the call.

"Hello Aron, how are you doing?" Felix reciprocated.

"How is Eden?" Aron inquired.

"The atmosphere here in Eden varies greatly depending on one's location. For those of us staying in a high-end hotel, the atmosphere is rather pleasant. However, during our commute from the airport to the hotel, we couldn't help but notice that the atmosphere for others seemed quite bleak," Felix conveyed his honest impressions of Eden without sugarcoating anything

Upon hearing Felix's perception of Eden, Aron thought to himself, "Not for long...not for long," before resuming his conversation with Felix.

"Okay, could you give me a summary of what's been decided so far regarding the plan?" Aron inquired, eager to hear about the progress made since Nova mentioned that they were discussing it a few hours earlier.

"That's precisely why I called you. We've arranged a meeting for next week, and we've also devised an approach to broach the topic with the dictator, with the hope that he might even assist us in our takeover," Felix updated Aron on the latest development regarding the plan.

"Congratulations on accomplishing the first step of phase one of the plan. Can you provide me with more details about the strategy for approaching the dictator during the meeting?" Aron inquired, wanting to know more information as Nova hasn't updated him about it yet.

"Alright, so this is what we've devised," Felix began updating Aron on the plan, delving into more details whenever Aron requested clarification or expressed a desire for further information.

Meanwhile, the driver quietly navigated the vehicle towards their destination, feeling nothing but contentment. He knew that the man he was driving was a generous tipper, and he would also receive payment from the hotel for the transportation service, which would be included in the guest's checkout expenses. Since the guest was still checked in and availing himself of the hotel's services, such as the car he was currently riding in, the driver's earnings continued to accumulate.

An hour and a half later, Aron finally arrived at one of the many accommodation communities of Oxford University.

Upon arrival, he bid farewell to his driver and proceeded to walk into the community. After finding a secluded area, he cast a concealment rune on himself.

On that day, many professors missed their classes in various campuses of the university because they were found asleep in their offices. This peculiar event would later be referred to as "The Great Sleep."


The next day.

Rina had finally managed to recollect herself and partially heal from her trauma so she decided to immediately continue her plan of cleaning the people near her.

She walked into her office, gesturing for Chloe to follow her.

Chloe said nothing and followed behind her into the office.

"Where is Alex?" Rina asked, not having seen him on her way to her office.

"In his new office, Miss," Chloe answered.

"Okay," Rina replied after hearing Chloe's response. She then walked to her chair and began tapping on her computer. She printed out a piece of paper with names on it.

"Replace all of these people from this list with these," Rina said as she handed Chloe two pieces of paper - one with names of people to be removed and the other with names of people who would replace them.

Upon observing the sheer quantity of individuals who were set to be eliminated from her team, Chloe inquired incredulously, "All of these?" The number was so substantial that it could not be classified as a typical downsizing. It appeared to be more akin to an act of genocide.

The cuts were far-reaching, encompassing a broad range of personnel from the chefs, cleaners, and repairmen to even the security team. Virtually every category of worker employed in the household was affected.

Without hesitation in her voice, Rina replied, "Yes, all of them."

Rina instructed, "If anyone asks, simply state that I'm still seething with anger over the incident and needed an outlet to vent my frustration." She used the excuse of being choked during the cleaning process as a cover for the elimination of spies who had been reporting to various members of the household.

Rina was not concerned about anyone connecting the dots, as she had studied the data provided by Ava. She knew that each spy reported to a different family member, and most of them were unaware of the other spies' existence. 

Therefore, if anyone questioned the sudden disappearance of a spy, they would assume that their own spy had simply been caught in the crossfire of Rina's outburst and nothing more.

"Also tell Alex to always be within the vicinity of the office whenever I'm working" She instructed Chloe, who was on her way outside to accomplish the task she had given her.

"Understood, Miss," Chloe acknowledged the order before opening the door and making her way to Alex's office to relay the new instructions. She would follow this up by terminating some employees, just a routine Tuesday for her.

After seeing that Chloe had left and she was left Alone in the office Ava greeted her [Welcome back, Rina.]

"Thank you, Ava" Rina thanked Ava's welcome.

[How are you feeling?] She asked wanting to know where her mind is in the healing steps.

"Although I'm not fully over it I'm fine enough that I expect it to pass by the end of the month" Rina answered to her truthfully saying everything that she felt, without trying to sugarcoat anything as she fully trusted her.

[If that's what you are feeling then you can continue without any problem] Ava said, making her release a sigh of relief as her reply had reassured her that she was really healing and not just lying to herself.

"Yeah I know, I have already sent Chloe to solve the issue of purging the spies, All we have to do is wait until next week where every spy would be replaced and we can officially say that the purge has been completed wich we can then follow by starting to use our leverage to return to our position and maybe go even higher"

[Congrat] Ava exclaimed, acknowledging that Rina had finally taken a significant step forward in her plan, despite facing setbacks right from the start.


"By the way, did your mother send you the Morgan's plans ?" Rina asked, grateful for Ava's congratulations. 

She was curious to know if they had received the plans and if so, she wanted to take a look at them.

"No, she hasn't sent them yet," Ava replied, delivering the disappointing news. "The last time I inquired about it, she mentioned that the plans were at 95% completion and would take another month to finalize as the Morgans were still fine-tuning them."

"Don't worry about it, Ava. We still haven't even finished the second part of our plan," Rina reassured her, sensing the disappointment in Ava's voice.

Afterward, they engaged in casual conversation about their plans and discussed their next steps, as Rina found herself with nothing to do at the moment.


Aron, who had completed extracting brain data from the professors at Oxford University, was en route to Imperial College London to repeat the same process of downloading brain data.

In the following two weeks, Aron had plans to visit several locations to complete his collection of brain data from the United Kingdom. 

His itinerary included Rolls Royce facility in Derby, University College London (UCL), the University of Edinburgh, several Aerospace and Aviation facilities, Biotechnology and Life Sciences institutions, and Space and Satellite Technology centers, among many others.

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