Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 86 Raising From The Ashes Pt. 02

"A bird who lost her wings?" Rina repeated Hebel's statement in a questioning tone, as if she wasn't quite sure what Hebel meant despite knowing what he meant.

"What else should I call you?" he jeered, "A jobless bum? A has-been? A washed-up failure?" Hebel continued to list off insults to berate Rina, relishing the opportunity to finally express his true feelings towards her and taking pleasure in doing it. 

Despite Hebel's continued verbal assault, Rina simply picked up the tablet she had brought and opened it, paying no heed to his insults.

Afterward, she opened a picture on the tablet and slid it towards Hebel, who was still in the midst of his verbal onslaught. The sudden movement caught his attention, causing him to pause and take a look at what was on the screen.

As Hebel picked up the tablet, his eyes widened in shock as he saw the image displayed on the screen. In an instant, all the pleasure and satisfaction he had been feeling just moments before vanished, replaced by a sudden sense of fear and unease.

As Hebel progressed through the pictures, his apprehension grew with each passing moment. Each subsequent image revealed something that he knew to be true, something that he had kept hidden and did not want anyone else to know about.

With each slide, Hebel's fear and anxiety deepened, reaching a point where he could no longer handle it. He removed his leg from on top of the other, an indication of his discomfort and distress.


Hebel POV

"I have been doing exceptionally well for a while now, but this particular moment surpasses all of my previous successes combined." Thought Hebel as he continued to verbally berate Rina

"Look at this bitch's desperateness. I'm berating her and she just takes it like a beaten dog with its tail between its legs. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell her I won't be helping her after all her desperate pleading. It's really satisfying to watch her suffer like this"

Hebel's mind was consumed with a feeling of superiority as he observed Rina's apparent desperation and her lack of response to his insults.

But based on what I know about her, she's not the kind of person who would take my insults quietly. It's clear that she's that desperate.

"Wait, why is she picking up her tablet?"

Hebel's thoughts immediately turned to Rina's actions as she picked up the tablet she had brought with her into his office.

Anyway It's not important enough to make me stop berating her, As I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

Hebel couldn't help but wonder, "Why is she sliding the tablet to me? Is there something she wants me to see?" His curiosity got the best of him, causing him to momentarily pause his verbal assault and reach for the tablet to see what Rina had in store for him.

"FUCK" Hebel cursed inwardly as soon as he saw the first picture on the tablet.

"I'm fucked" Hebel thought to himself as he glanced at the second picture.

"We are fucked" Hebel thought to himself as he laid his eyes on the third picture.

"Everyone is fucked" thought Hebel as he saw the fourth picture on the tablet.


"Who would have thought that Hebel and a few Rothschilds are cucks?" Rina said in an amused tone, completely different from the desperate tone she had on the phone earlier.

"Where did you get them?" Hebel asked, his hands were trembling with fear.

"You don't have to worry about that. Let's hear you mock me a little more," Rina said mockingly to Hebel, who had just been mocking her a few seconds earlier.

"This is FAKE. This can't be real. You must have fabricated this to trick me, didn't you?" Hebel shouted and asked in denial, desperately searching for any reasonable explanation to the images he saw on the tablet.

Upon hearing Hebel's weak attempt to deny the truth, Rina simply replied, "Keep swiping on the tablet, and you'll see for yourself whether it's real or not."

Upon hearing Rina's confident words, Hebel's fear intensified, but he reluctantly followed her instructions and continued swiping through the pictures on the tablet.

As he continued swiping through the tablet, Hebel's fear grew with each passing image until he came across a video that he remembered recording.

"You like that big dick, huh?" asked the man in the video, while he was fucking Hebel's wife.

"Yes, I like it," said Hebel's wife in a voice filled with ecstasy and orgasmic afterglow.

"Tell it to your husband," said the man in the video, while grabbing Hebel's wife by the throat from the front like a hook and pulling it up, causing her to arch her back and look at the camera or specifically the man behind it. 

Then, she said, "I like his big d**k," While maintaining eye contact throughout the moment, following which Hebel's wife fell back down and began shaking from having another orgasm.

Hebel, who was watching the video, couldn't handle it anymore and quickly swiped to the next one on the tablet.

Hebel quickly slid past several more videos of his wife with other men, not wanting to dwell on the videos. 

He continued to do so until he came across one that made his heart sink - it was a cuckold orgy involving few members of the Rothschild family and their partners, including their bulls.

Their wives were being lifted and f**ked by other men, while they, the husbands were sitting on chairs across the room, recording and stroking themselves as they seemed to be quite aroused by the scene unfolding in front of them.

There were no more videos on the tablet, but Rina had additional ones that she chose not to reveal.

"What do you want?" Hebel asked, realizing that he couldn't use his excuse of it being fabricated anymore in front of such irrefutable evidence.

"I already told you what I want when you first asked, so I won't repeat it again," Rina said, looking at Hebel with a smile on her face.

"Okay, you have my allegiance. Is that the end?" Hebel said with a tone of reluctance and unwillingness to comply.

"Not like that. Say it with sincerity in your voice, as if you are begging me for it. And do it while you're on your knees," Rina instructed, shifting her sitting position to a more relaxed one and crossing one leg over the other to assert her dominance.

When Hebel heard the words, he almost chose the option to commit suicide rather than obeying Rina's command. However, Rina added to her statement shortly after, seeing his expression.

"When the family head finds out that you're risking tarnishing the Rothschild gene by having your wives fucked by men who are not approved by the family, what do you think he'll do? Personally I don't care about what you do behind closed doors, but I believe the family head will kill your wives and make an example out of you all," Rina threatened in a stern tone.

When Hebel heard this, he finally broke down and went down on his knees, crawling towards Rina. 

He loved his wife deeply and knew that the family head, despite being inactive for a few years, would return and take drastic measures to punish him, his wife and the others. 

The thought of his wife being brutally killed in front of him to set an example for their actions terrified him.

"I swear on my wife's life that I will give my allegiance to you and never betray you for as long as you keep my secret," Hebel said, putting his head on the floor and speaking in a groveling voice that showed complete submissiveness. He had accepted his defeat and knew that there was no way out of the situation

"Now, that is how you swear your allegiance," Rina said as she placed her foot on Hebel's head while he remained bowed, awaiting her command to lift his head.

"When is the next board meeting?" Rina asked, despite already knowing the answer as Ava had informed her about it after intercepting the news from the private network. She continued to move her leg, squishing Hebel's head beneath her foot.

"There will be a board meeting next month to approve one of your brother's proposals," Hebel said, his head remaining on the ground while being stepped on by Rina.

"Good. Who else was involved in the cuckold orgy and other similar activities?" Rina asked, testing Hebel's loyalty and submissiveness to her.

"It was Yoel, Yoram, Uria,....." Hebel started listing the names of people in the last video he watched. He knew that Rina already knew who they were from just the video footage. 

After he mentioned them, he started listing other names of people who had attended other orgies that they had arranged. He didn't want to be the only one who was being threatened.

"Looks like you have really accepted your fate," Rina said, realizing that he had mentioned all the people she knew about and had evidence that they were involved in the orgies. While she knew all of them, she had only shown Hebel one video to test his submissiveness in this specific moment.

When Hebel heard her say that, he let out a sigh of relief for having mentioned all of them. Otherwise, he would have been in trouble for not mentioning them.

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