God of Internet

Chapter 69: Dealing with the problem

Hovering above a tree-covered mountain range in a remote part of Aetheris, I looked at Innovashine in horror.

When Innovashine snapped his finger, just like last time, I felt a trace of Rank 9 Embryonic Divinity, followed by a great Rank 7 power, but this time the feeling was much more frightening.

I felt a great Rank 9 power, but the most terrifying thing was the trace of an Elemental God at the bottom of it all.

Seeing how the two of them were together and how Lucy was Rank 9, I think I could understand that Adrian was somehow using her divinity, maybe even sharing her divinity, and that the Rank 1 Elemental God I felt was his true power level!

Fuck, that bastard became a Rank 1 Elemental God in only 37 days of testing?!

What rank does he want to finish the test at? Rank 3?!

Think about it later, Zack! I forced my mind to focus on the situation in front of me right now.

What I needed to do now was to ignore these two lunatics and get out of here as soon as possible.

With the level of power they were displaying, especially since I had to deal with two gods at the same time, I knew that I wouldn't be able to deal with them, so I'd better just run away and use my 2 million Divine Power Points to invade some other realm somewhere else and take the believers of that realm for myself.

And that's exactly what I did.

I turned my back on them, in the strange silence that it caused even in the thousands of trees below us, and began to use my Divine Power to create weak lightning and powerful thunder to propel me forward and get me as far away from them as possible.

But as soon as I tried to force my Divine Power to create thunder to propel me forward, the silence around us was much stronger than the last time!

Even though I had used 150,000 Divine Power points to break the silence, I didn't feel the slightest change in the silence!

But I didn't worry about it, and I began to use my Divine Power to fly away, forcing more and more Divine Power points to break that silence, but it just seemed like a black hole, where no matter how much Divine Power I used, nothing even showed any results.

Suddenly, I heard an electric noise coming from behind me, which made me even more excited, knowing that I might succeed!

The noise got louder and louder, but strangely, even though the electrical noise was getting louder, I wasn't being propelled forward at all!

Confused, I looked back and saw that the lightning was coming from Innovashine's hand!

For some reason, he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at his own palm, which was somehow producing lightning!

I knew he had the potential to do whatever he wanted with his divinity, but why were his damn beams getting so strong?!

Fortunately, he stopped playing with the rays after a while.

But after that, he looked at me again and made me freeze.

My flying speed was now completely ridiculous, as he simply leaned forward and used a bit of Divine Power to propel himself forward at a speed as fast as my thunder would normally move me!

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Looking at me closely, the son of a bitch reached out again and snapped his finger again, smiling.

His finger snap this time meant that the lightning I was trying to produce no longer appeared!

Not only did he somehow stop the sound of my thunder, but after playing with the lightning in his hand, he was now able to stop my lightning as well!

Fuck, how am I supposed to deal with someone like that?

Not knowing what to do, I began to regret it.

I regretted listening to my uncle's advice to go out and attack those monsters!

If I'd just stayed in Aetheris, invaded other neighboring kingdoms, and quietly developed my power, I'd be rank 9 with millions of Divine Power Points, just like Lucy!

With my talent, it's even possible that I could have become a Rank 1 Elemental God like Innovashine!

Seeing the smile on his face and his hand still outstretched, I realized that he wanted to do something with me.

Since I knew I couldn't use brute force against him, maybe I could ask for his forgiveness!

If I offered him my uncle's help, he might let me go, right? After all, my uncle is a high-ranking Unique God!

When I opened my mouth to make the offer, I was surprised to see the rays around Innovashine appear again, but those rays only stayed around him for a few seconds before flying toward me and causing a nagging pain in my head!

Damn it, I tried to open my mouth to scream, but no sound came out!

Even though I could feel all my strength being drained by this pain, it was even more terrifying not to be able to hear my own voice when I screamed because of this pain!

Damn it, what have I done?!

=== Lucy POV ===

Seeing Zack flying towards us with an arrogant expression on his face made me sigh.

Our teachers had warned us not to let the divine power go to our heads.

Even if we were gods and the lives of mortals were like the lives of ants to us, it could be disastrous if we let it go to our heads and change our thought process to something like we were the chosen ones of the world and the center of the universe.

Even more so when we went on army missions and had to deal with other gods who weren't part of our world, having the mentality that we were superior to them was something that could be our downfall, and that was exactly what I saw in Zack now...

He had allowed the sense of power, the difference in strength between us and mortals, to inflate his ego.

Even though he was proud at school, he wasn't that arrogant, and that made me sigh in disappointment.

As soon as Zack got close, Adrian didn't even give Zack time to prepare any kind of attack and quickly used my divinity to control the sound waves around us and completely cancel out the sound.

As Adrian did this, Zack froze and quickly started to look around, clearly looking for an escape route.

In a split second, he turned around and started using Divine Power to try to escape, causing lightning to appear from his hands and trying to create thunderous sounds from them.

Unfortunately for him, Adrian seemed to have used at least 3 million Divine Power points just for that sound barrier, just to make sure that Zack couldn't use his Divine Power to attack or escape.

But what surprised me was that instead of attacking Zack immediately, Adrian froze when he reached out his hand, and I could feel him trying to use my divinity for something.

Within seconds, lightning began to appear in his hand, much like the lightning Zack had controlled!

It made me wonder how useful his divinity was, but something was wrong.

Even though these rays clearly had nothing to do with me, I felt a familiarity with them, just as I had felt a familiarity with sound after Adrian had shown me that my deity controlled sound waves.

With so much familiarity with what had happened in the past, I'd have to be an idiot not to realize what was going on.

Adrian had somehow discovered another type of wave that could control lightning!

After controlling it for a few seconds, Adrian stopped creating beams and flew towards Zack at the speed of sound.

When he reached Zack's side, Adrian snapped his fingers and used my divinity again.

This time, his snap made the lightning Zack had been producing disappear as well!

This left Zack totally vulnerable.

But Adrian didn't stop there, without waiting for Zack, Adrian snapped his fingers for the third time in this battle, causing the lightning to appear again, this time swirling around Adrian before flying up to Zack's head!

Seeing Zack try to scream, but no sound coming out of his mouth, I had to swallow dry in surprise.

I'd seen bloody scenes among mortals before, but the sight of blood coming out of the seven orifices of Zack's head, the first God I'd ever seen bleed in person, shocked me even more, and I had to look away for a few seconds to calm myself.

I didn't condemn Adrian's attitude, especially knowing what he had suffered at Zack's hands at school, but I was curious as to how Adrian was using Zack's divinity to attack him, and worse, using my divinity as a means to do so!

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