Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 60: Talking with Tatsuki

Chapter 60: Talking with Tatsuki

*Author Note*

Sorry, there will be no chapter tomorrow.

*Author Note*

A groan escaped Tatsuki's mouth as she slowly opened her eyes. Although her body felt sluggish, she was rather comfortable right now as her head rested on something warm while something was occasionally combing through her hair, making her even more comfortable.

However, after she had fully opened her eyes and noticed a pair of clear blue eyes looking at her with warmth, she realized that her head was currently resting on Naruto's lap while he combed his hand through her hair, immediately causing her face to flush crimson.

"Yo, how are you feeling, Tatsuki?"

"N-N-Naruto! W-What are you doing!?"

As soon as she realized the position she was in, she tried to get up, but Naruto softly held her in place by resting his hand on her forehead, making her even more flustered.

"Geez, calm down, Tatsuki. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax."

Initially, Tatsuki wanted to struggle harder, but after hearing Naruto's words, she decided to follow his advice.

'R-Right, what am I even getting so flustered for? We have already k-kissed, so why would I get flustered over resting my head on his lap?'

Despite those thoughts, Tatsuki couldn't help but squirm a little every time Naruto's hand passed through her hair, and only after around a minute did she manage to calm down a little and just enjoy the sensation.

Although her cheeks were still colored a little pink, she still managed to calm down a lot and reopened her eyes.

"Where are we? I fell asleep while you were carrying me.'

"Mhh? Oh, we are at my house. I thought you would rather not have your parents see me carrying you home, so I went here instead."

"Eh? Y-Your home? S-Since Yuna and Hinata aren't here, d-doesn't that mean it's just us two in here?"

"Mhh? Yeah, we are currently the only people in this house."

As soon as those words left Naruto's mouth, Tatsuki's crimson blush returned as all kinds of thoughts entered her mind.

'N-No way! It's just us two in here. Isn't this bad!? D-Does Naruto want to do it!? No way, I-I'm not ready yet... Well, I kind of feel that I'll never truly be ready and that Naruto with take the initiative, so~... NO! What are you thinking about, Tatsuki!?'

Seeing Tatsuki's facial color change as it became redder and redder, Naruto had to suppress a chuckle as he leaned down with a concerned expression on her face, bringing his face significantly closer to Tatsuki.

"What's wrong, Tatsuki? Do you have a fever due to exhausting yourself too much?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand landed on Tatsuki's forehead to see whether it was hot or not. Frankly, Naruto wanted to put his forehead on hers to make her even more flustered, but considering that she was currently resting her head on his lap, that was rather impossible.

"N-No, I'm fine, Naruto."

"Hee~ Is that so~"

Hearing the teasing undertone in Naruto's voice, Tatsuki immediately threw a vicious glare at him as her cheeks remained crimson.

"Seems like you want to say something else, Naruto."

Feeling Tatsuki's vicious glare on him, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he held eye contact with her.

"Hehe, nothing much. It's just a little surprising how my cute little Tatsuki has perverted thoughts like that~"

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, Tatsuki somehow managed to blush even harder as she threw a vicious glare at Naruto while simultaneously trying her hardest to prevent steam from coming out of her ears.

"W-who are you calling a pervert! I-I'm not a pervert. You are the pervert!"

Seeing Tatsuki getting more and more flustered, Naruto couldn't help himself but chuckle in amusement as he lightly grabbed Tatsuki's chin, forcing her to look at his face, resulting in her seeing Naruto's predatory smile.

"That's right. I'm definitely a pervert, and frankly, I'm rather close to pouncing on you~"

Seeing Naruto's expression and hearing his words, Tatsuki couldn't help but freeze up as she had no idea how to react to what Naruto had just said.

On the one hand, she was undoubtedly happy that Naruto was attracted to her, but on the other hand, she felt like things were moving too quickly.

As Tatsuki was totally frozen due to Naruto's words, she noticed one of Naruto's hands approaching one of her more intimate places, resulting in her closing her eyes with a mix of anticipation and fear.

However, instead of Naruto gently touching her, she felt him flicking her forehead, resulting in Tatsuki exclaiming in surprise.

"H-Huh? Wha..."

Naruto almost laughed out loud as he savored the look of utter bewilderment on Tatsuki's face.

"Hehe, I wonder what you expected me to do. Or rather, I wonder what you wanted me to do~"

Hearing Naruto's words, Tatsuki threw him a vicious glare before she resumed talking with a pout on her face.

"Stop bullying me."

"I don't think I will~"

As Tatsuki continued glaring at him, a serious expression appeared on Naruto's face as he helped Tatsuki get up from his lap, surprising her greatly. As far as she knew, Naruto was pretty much never serious and was always messing around, so she became serious as well.

"Anyway, jokes aside, there is actually something really important I need to talk about with you. Frankly, before I talked to you about this, I was not willing to advance our relationship any further, and after I told you, you might actually want to break up with me."

As soon as Naruto stopped talking and Tatsuki had fully digested his words, she couldn't help but look at him in astonishment: initially, Tatsukkii couldn't care less about dating someone, but after getting closer to Naruto, she realized just how much she enjoyed spending time with him, so she doubted she would straight up break up with him.

"Well, you have undoubtedly noticed a certain strangeness in nee-san, Hinata, and me, right?"

Tatsuki simply nodded her head and motioned Naruto to continue. Although she knew that there was something weird about the trio while being certain that Naruto would tell her about it if she asked, she didn't do so yet, because she was afraid of what Naruto might tell her. Although that was still the case, since Naruto decided to take the initiative, she chose to listen.

"Well, might as well start where everything began: So, a little girl was born in an unassuming city and lived in the slums as an orphan. Then... young master... killed him... father came for revenge... killed him... grandfather came for revenge... killed him... great grandfather came for revenge... killed him... bought a slave... betrayal... genocide of a clan... genocide of a city... genocide of a country... genocide of a continent... genocide..."

As Naruto continued narrating a story that seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with him that seemed to get more and more outrageous, Tatsuki's eyebrows started twitching in irritation as she wondered where Naruto was going with this.

"Bought two slaves... slept with them... decided to make a harem... added another woman... added another two women... added another woman... added another three women... added another woman... added anoth..."

"Okayokay, can you leave out the parts where she adds more women to her harem?"

"What!? That's more than half of the story! Oh, well, guess it doesn't matter much."

Seeing Tatsuki's eyebrows twitching harder and harder, he decided to comply with her demands and cut a few parts out of the story, and continued narrating.

"Anyway, then, after becoming the strongest being, she founded an invincible sect and ruled the realm for a very long time as she continued getting stronger. Finally, her life ran out, and she used her most powerful move to annihilate another opponent while burning her life in the process."


"Well, you asked me to cut off the parts that involve her harem."

Tatsuki could only sigh, again and again, not really understanding why Naruto told her such an absurd story. Obviously, she realized that the main character of that story was probably Yuna, but she couldn't really see how any of that was relevant yet.

"Fine, I'll leave the abrupt ending and all the other absurdities aside, so can you tell me why you told me that story?"

"Whoa there, that was only the first part. Now that you understand the background, it's time for the main story. However, before that, what do you think about the things I have just told you?"

"The story was utterly ridiculous, and if it were to be turned into a movie, the film would end up categorized as pornography."

Hearing Tatsuki's words, Naruto nodded in approval before opening his mouth to continue speaking.

"So, turns out the woman didn't actually die and was reincarnated into another world, where... reborn as a twin... masked man... giant fox... hidden plots... cake... cake... cake... cake... cake... ca..."

"Please leave out the parts involving cake as well!"

Hearing Tatsuki's words, Naruto looked at her like she was an alien before shrugging his shoulders and continuing his narration.

'Well, since she only wants around half the story, I might as well deliver.

"Anyway, emo boy seeks revenge... gets beaten up... emo boy seeks revenge... gets beaten up...emo boy seeks revenge... gets beaten up... pie... pie... pie... p..."


Naruto briefly looked at Tatsuki like she had just betrayed him before sadly nodding his head and continuing the story.

"Fine... dude with god complex appears... he gets beaten... dude with god complex appears... he gets beaten... dude with god complex appears... he gets beaten... a woman with god complex appears... she joins the harem. Oops, I was supposed to leave out those details; sorry about that."

As Naruto continued narrating, Tatsuki grew more and more bewildered as everything became more and more ridiculous.

Obviously, she had realized that Yuna's twin in her second life was Naruto, but she had no idea how she was supposed to handle that information.

A few minutes later, Naruto finally ended his story with how he and the rest of his little group got here, resulting in an awkward silence between Naruto and Tatsuki.

Only after digesting everything she had just heard for another ten minutes did Tatsuki finally open her mouth and continue speaking.

"So, what you are telling me is that you are some kind of immortal shinobi god that got trained by his older sister, who is some kind of cultivation shinobi god thing. Additionally, you and your sister possess an extensive harem of a frankly ridiculous size somewhere in another world."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it. So, do you believe the story I have just told you?"

Tatsuki couldn't help but smile wryly when Naruto asked whether she believed his story to be true or not. After all, everything she had just heard was beyond ridiculous, with one abnormal plot twist and incident after another.

However, despite all of her doubts, she could feel like she should believe what Naruto had just told her. No matter how she looked at it, she didn't think there was any advantage for Naruto to tell her such an elaborate lie.

"Let's pretend like I believe everything you just told me: Why why would you even tell me about it?"

"Because there is a very high chance I'll reconnect to my already existing harem at some point in time, and I don't want you to have any regrets about dating me. I want you to know that if you choose to stay with me, the chance of other women becoming part of my life is pretty much 100%."

Tatsuki kept quiet after Naruto finished speaking. There was a lot to digest, and she honestly wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to handle the current situation.

Obviously, she liked Naruto and had a lot of fun hanging out with him, but this was something she had no clue how to handle.

However, as she pondered her reaction for a while, she remembered Rangiku's words, which basically painted a picture of an enjoyable life with multiple partners.

Obviously, Tatsuki wouldn't accept everything so easily, especially since Rangiku's situation was pretty different from her own, but remembering the conversation with her, at least broke a few barriers Tatsuki had about this whole situation.

So, after around ten minutes of utter silence in which Naruto patiently waited for Tatsuki to sort out her thoughts, she finally resumed speaking.

"I assume you aren't willing to let go of all those women and stay with me alone?"

Naruto only briefly shook his head before he answered Tatsuki's question.

"I'm sorry, but that won't happen. I love all of them and even have children and grandchildren with quite a few of them. No matter what, I won't abandon them."

"Can you really love that many women, Naruto?"

"I don't know about others, but I can. I'm stubborn, Tatsuki. Very stubborn. I'm probably one of the most stubborn people in the world. If I fall in love with someone, I'll never let go."

Feeling Naruto's blue eyes shining with determination while seemingly piercing through her very existence, Tatsuki couldn't help but shiver as she continued asking questions.

"What if I reject you because of your past? What will you do?"

"Hmm? Isn't that obvious? I'll continue pursuing you, no matter the circumstances."

Yet again, Tatsuki couldn't help but shiver due to Naruto's intense gaze as she continued evaluating what she had just heard.

'Obviously, I don't want to share my man...'

Internally calling Naruto "her man" already caused her to blush, but she continued thinking nonetheless.

'... However, things are a little different. I can not help but believe Naruto's story about his past life simply to how much it would explain and the ridiculousness of it all. In that case, if everything he said was true, it's not a case of me dating him and allowing him to make a harem; It's me joining an already existing harem.

This decision might be easier to make if I knew any people Naruto is acquainted with, but I do know not a single person.

Shit why am I even thinking about this? My boyfriend has a harem, and even if it is in another world, shouldn't I immediately dumb him!?

... I don't want to... No matter how I look at it, I have a lot of fun spending time with Naruto, so I don't want to lose him. But that harem situation... I really d...'

As Tatsuki was sinking deeper and deeper into her own thoughts, a hand suddenly landed on her shoulder, startling her and pulling her out of her thoughts.

She looked around in confusion, and moments later, she noticed Naruto looking at her with a gentle gaze, causing her heartbeat to speed up.

"Calm down, Tatsuki. I'm not asking you to make a decision right now. Take your time. Think about the whole situation and calmly make your decision. There is no time limit. Think about what you want, your desires, and your goals for the future.

I'll wait for your answer, and if you have any more questions, then ask them, and I'll answer them as truthfully as possible. Although there are some things that I can't tell you for your own safety, as long as it's about our relationship, I should be able to answer you 100 percent truthfully."

Although Tatsuki wasn't happy that Naruto was still withholding some information from her, considering the last part of his little speech, she couldn't help but be satisfied. Frankly, she was happy that Naruto wasn't pushing this matter because if he did, there was a high chance that she would simply accept due to not wanting to lose Naruto.

Like this, she had plenty of time to think about everything she had just heard and experienced and could come to a proper conclusion about how her relationship with Naruto would or wouldn't continue.

"Thank you, Naruto, for telling me all of that. I don't know how to handle what I have heard just now yet, but I'm still happy you told me about it instead of tossing me in the cold water.

Sorry, I'll be going home for now. I have a lot of stuff to think about."

Naruto simply nodded his head due to having already predicted that kind of reaction. Obviously, a woman from a modern era wouldn't just shrug her shoulders and accept being part of a harem, so Tatsuki's reaction was pretty much how he expected it to be.

"That's fine, Tatsuki. Take your time and think about everything you have just heard. Additionally, never forget that I love you~"

Yet again, Tatsuki's face flushed crimson as she heard Naruto proclaiming his love for her with a cheeky grin, seriously igniting the desire to punch him in the face while desiring to copy what Naruto had just done as well.

"Hmph, idiot."

Hearing Tatsuki's tsundere remark, Naruto laughed out loud as she answered her.

"Hahaha, your idiot and I still love you~"

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